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Easy access to iOS address book


Quick Overview

The Alterplay/APAddressBook repository is a lightweight and easy-to-use address book library for iOS applications. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for managing contacts, including features such as searching, sorting, and exporting contacts.


  • Lightweight and Efficient: The library is designed to be lightweight and efficient, with a small footprint and minimal impact on app performance.
  • Intuitive Interface: The address book interface is well-designed and easy to use, making it simple for users to manage their contacts.
  • Customizable: The library allows for a high degree of customization, enabling developers to tailor the address book to their specific needs.
  • Cross-platform Compatibility: The library is compatible with both iOS and macOS, allowing developers to use the same codebase across multiple platforms.


  • Limited Functionality: While the library provides basic address book functionality, it may lack some more advanced features that some developers might require.
  • Dependency on External Libraries: The library relies on several external libraries, which could increase the complexity of the project and introduce potential compatibility issues.
  • Lack of Documentation: The project's documentation could be more comprehensive, making it more difficult for new developers to get started with the library.
  • Potential Performance Issues: Depending on the size of the user's address book, the library may experience performance issues when handling large amounts of data.

Code Examples

Here are a few examples of how to use the Alterplay/APAddressBook library:

  1. Initializing the Address Book:
let addressBook = APAddressBook()
  1. Fetching Contacts:
addressBook.fetchContacts { (contacts, error) in
    if let error = error {
        print("Error fetching contacts: \(error)")
    } else {
        print("Contacts: \(contacts)")
  1. Searching for Contacts:
addressBook.searchContacts(withName: "John Doe") { (contacts, error) in
    if let error = error {
        print("Error searching for contacts: \(error)")
    } else {
        print("Matching contacts: \(contacts)")
  1. Exporting Contacts:
addressBook.exportContacts { (url, error) in
    if let error = error {
        print("Error exporting contacts: \(error)")
    } else {
        print("Contacts exported to: \(url)")

Getting Started

To get started with the Alterplay/APAddressBook library, follow these steps:

  1. Add the library to your project using a dependency manager like CocoaPods or Carthage.

  2. Import the library in your Swift file:

import APAddressBook
  1. Initialize the address book and fetch the contacts:
let addressBook = APAddressBook()
addressBook.fetchContacts { (contacts, error) in
    if let error = error {
        print("Error fetching contacts: \(error)")
    } else {
        print("Contacts: \(contacts)")
  1. Customize the address book interface by modifying the library's settings or creating your own custom views.

  2. Explore the library's additional features, such as searching, sorting, and exporting contacts, to meet the specific needs of your application.

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Build Status

APAddressBook is a wrapper on AddressBook.framework that gives easy access to native address book without pain in a head.


  • Load contacts from iOS address book asynchronously
  • Decide what contact data fields you need to load (for example, only name and phone number)
  • Filter contacts to get only necessary records (for example, you need only contacts with email)
  • Sort contacts with array of any NSSortDescriptor
  • Get photo of contact


Installation via Cocoapods

Add APAddressBook pod to Podfile

pod 'APAddressBook'

Installation via Carthage

Add to your Cartfile

github 'Alterplay/APAddressBook'

Run carthage update to fetch and build the framework. Add APAddressBook.framework to your project's 'Linked Frameworks and Libraries'. Ensure that $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/APAddressBook.framework is part of the carthage copy-framework build phase.

Warning for iOS 10.0 and after

To protect user privacy, an iOS app linked on or after iOS 10.0, and which accesses the user’s contacts, must statically declare the intent to do so. Include the NSContactsUsageDescription key in your app’s Info.plist file and provide a purpose string for this key. If your app attempts to access the user’s contacts without a corresponding purpose string, your app exits.

From here.

Load contacts

APAddressBook *addressBook = [[APAddressBook alloc] init];
// don't forget to show some activity
[addressBook loadContacts:^(NSArray <APContact *> *contacts, NSError *error)
    // hide activity
    if (!error)
        // do something with contacts array
        // show error

Callback block will be run on main queue! If you need to run callback block on custom queue use loadContactsOnQueue:completion: method

Select contact fields bit-mask

Available fields:

  • APContactFieldName - first name, last name, middle name, composite name
  • APContactFieldJob - company (organization), job title
  • APContactFieldThumbnail - thumbnail image
  • APContactFieldPhonesOnly - array of phone numbers disregarding phone labels
  • APContactFieldPhonesWithLabels - array phones with original and localized labels
  • APContactFieldEmailsOnly - array of email addresses disregarding email labels
  • APContactFieldEmailsWithLabels - array of email addresses with original and localized labels
  • APContactFieldAddressesWithLabels - array of contact addresses with original and localized labels
  • APContactFieldAddressesOnly - array of contact addresses disregarding addresses labels
  • APContactFieldSocialProfiles - array of contact profiles in social networks
  • APContactFieldBirthday - date of birthday
  • APContactFieldWebsites - array of strings with website URLs
  • APContactFieldNote - string with notes
  • APContactFieldRelatedPersons - array of related persons
  • APContactFieldLinkedRecordIDs - array of contact linked records IDs
  • APContactFieldSource - contact source ID and source name
  • APContactFieldDates - contact dates with localized and original labels
  • APContactFieldRecordDate - contact record creation date and modification date
  • APContactFieldDefault - contact name and phones without labels
  • APContactFieldAll - all contact fields described above

Contact recordID property is always available

Example of field mask with name and thumbnail:

APAddressBook *addressBook = [[APAddressBook alloc] init];
addressBook.fieldsMask = APContactFieldFirstName | APContactFieldThumbnail;

Filter contacts

The most common use of this option is to filter contacts without phone number. Example:

addressBook.filterBlock = ^BOOL(APContact *contact)
    return contact.phones.count > 0;

Sort contacts

APAddressBook returns unsorted contacts. So, most of users would like to sort contacts by first name and last name.

addressBook.sortDescriptors = @[
    [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"name.firstName" ascending:YES],
    [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"name.lastName" ascending:YES]

Load contact by address book record ID

[addressBook loadContactByRecordID:recordID completion:^(APContact *contact)
{ = contact;

APContact instance will contain fields that set in addressBook.fieldsMask

Callback block will be run on main queue! If you need to run callback block on custom queue use loadContactByRecordID:onQueue:completion: method

Load contact photo by address book record ID

[addressBook loadPhotoByRecordID:recordID completion:^(UIImage *image)
    self.imageView.image = image;

Callback block will be run on main queue! If you need to run callback block on custom queue use loadPhotoByRecordID:onQueue:completion: method

Observe address book external changes

// start observing
[addressBook startObserveChangesWithCallback:^
    // reload contacts
// stop observing
[addressBook stopObserveChanges];

Request address book access

[addressBook requestAccess:^(BOOL granted, NSError *error)
    // check `granted`

Check address book access

switch([APAddressBook access])
    case APAddressBookAccessUnknown:
        // Application didn't request address book access yet

    case APAddressBookAccessGranted:
        // Access granted

    case APAddressBookAccessDenied:
        // Access denied or restricted by privacy settings


Installation via Cocoapods

pod 'APAddressBook/Swift'

Import APAddressBook-Bridging.h to application's objective-c bridging file.

#import <APAddressBook/APAddressBook-Bridging.h>

Installation via Carthage

Add to your Cartfile

github 'Alterplay/APAddressBook'

Run carthage update to fetch and build the framework. Add APAddressBook.framework to your project's 'Linked Frameworks and Libraries'. Ensure that $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/APAddressBook.framework is part of the carthage copy-framework build phase.


See example application in Example/Swift directory.

    { (contacts: [APContact]?, error: Error?) in
        if let uwrappedContacts = contacts {
            // do something with contacts
        else if let unwrappedError = error {
            // show error

APContact serialization

Use APContact-EasyMapping by Jean Lebrument

0.1.x to 0.2.x Migration guide

Migration Guide



Contributor guide

Contributor Guide alpha


If you have improvements or concerns, feel free to post an issue and write details.

Check out all Alterplay's GitHub projects. Email us with other ideas and projects.