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A Toolbox for Adversarial Robustness Research


Top Related Projects

Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) - Python Library for Machine Learning Security - Evasion, Poisoning, Extraction, Inference - Red and Blue Teams


A Python toolbox to create adversarial examples that fool neural networks in PyTorch, TensorFlow, and JAX

PyTorch implementation of adversarial attacks [torchattacks]

Quick Overview

AdvertorchAI is an open-source Python library for adversarial machine learning research. It provides a collection of attack and defense algorithms, as well as utility functions for evaluating the robustness of machine learning models, particularly in the context of deep learning and computer vision.


  • Comprehensive collection of adversarial attack and defense algorithms
  • Easy integration with PyTorch models and datasets
  • Well-documented with examples and tutorials
  • Actively maintained and regularly updated


  • Primarily focused on computer vision tasks, limiting its applicability to other domains
  • Steeper learning curve for users not familiar with adversarial machine learning concepts
  • Some advanced features may require in-depth understanding of the underlying algorithms

Code Examples

  1. Generating an adversarial example using the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM):
import torch
from advertorch.attacks import GradientSignAttack
from advertorch.utils import NormalizeByChannelMeanStd

# Assume 'model' is a pre-trained PyTorch model
normalize = NormalizeByChannelMeanStd(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
model = torch.nn.Sequential(normalize, model)

attack = GradientSignAttack(model, loss_fn=torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), eps=0.3)
adv_image = attack.perturb(image, target)
  1. Implementing adversarial training:
from advertorch.attacks import PGDAttack
from advertorch.utils import Attack, CarliniWagnerLoss

def adv_train(model, x, y, optimizer):
    attack = PGDAttack(model, loss_fn=CarliniWagnerLoss(), eps=0.3, nb_iter=40)
    adv_x = attack.perturb(x, y)
    outputs = model(adv_x)
    loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()(outputs, y)
  1. Evaluating model robustness:
from advertorch.attacks import CarliniWagnerL2Attack
from advertorch.utils import evaluate_accuracy

def evaluate_robustness(model, test_loader, device):
    attack = CarliniWagnerL2Attack(model, num_classes=10, confidence=0, targeted=False)
    clean_acc = evaluate_accuracy(model, test_loader, device)
    adv_acc = evaluate_accuracy(model, test_loader, device, attack=attack)
    print(f"Clean accuracy: {clean_acc:.2f}%")
    print(f"Adversarial accuracy: {adv_acc:.2f}%")

Getting Started

To get started with AdvertorchAI, follow these steps:

  1. Install the library:
pip install advertorch
  1. Import the necessary modules:
import torch
from advertorch.attacks import PGDAttack
from advertorch.utils import NormalizeByChannelMeanStd
  1. Load your model and create an attack:
model = YourModel()
normalize = NormalizeByChannelMeanStd(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
model = torch.nn.Sequential(normalize, model)

attack = PGDAttack(model, loss_fn=torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), eps=0.3, nb_iter=40)
  1. Generate adversarial examples:
adv_images = attack.perturb(images, labels)

Competitor Comparisons

Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) - Python Library for Machine Learning Security - Evasion, Poisoning, Extraction, Inference - Red and Blue Teams

Pros of adversarial-robustness-toolbox

  • Broader scope, covering various ML frameworks (TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, MXNet, scikit-learn)
  • More comprehensive, including a wider range of attacks, defenses, and robustness metrics
  • Active development and maintenance with regular updates

Cons of adversarial-robustness-toolbox

  • Steeper learning curve due to its extensive features and APIs
  • Potentially slower execution for some operations compared to advertorch

Code Comparison


from advertorch.attacks import PGDAttack
adversary = PGDAttack(model, loss_fn=nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), eps=0.3, nb_iter=40)
adv_images = adversary.perturb(images, labels)


from art.attacks.evasion import ProjectedGradientDescent
pgd = ProjectedGradientDescent(classifier, eps=0.3, max_iter=40)
adv_images = pgd.generate(x=images)

Both toolboxes offer similar functionality for implementing adversarial attacks, but adversarial-robustness-toolbox provides a more extensive set of options and supports multiple frameworks. advertorch focuses primarily on PyTorch and offers a more streamlined API for certain tasks.


A Python toolbox to create adversarial examples that fool neural networks in PyTorch, TensorFlow, and JAX

Pros of Foolbox

  • More extensive collection of attacks and benchmarks
  • Better documentation and tutorials
  • Supports multiple deep learning frameworks (PyTorch, TensorFlow, JAX)

Cons of Foolbox

  • Slightly steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Less focus on adversarial training techniques

Code Comparison

Foolbox example:

import foolbox as fb
model = fb.PyTorchModel(net, bounds=(0, 1))
attack = fb.attacks.FGSM()
epsilons = [0.0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0]
_, advs, success = attack(model, images, labels, epsilons=epsilons)

Advertorch example:

from advertorch.attacks import GradientSignAttack
adversary = GradientSignAttack(model, loss_fn=nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), eps=0.3)
adv_untargeted = adversary.perturb(data, target)

Both libraries offer similar functionality for implementing adversarial attacks, but Foolbox provides a more flexible API with support for multiple epsilon values in a single call. Advertorch's API is more straightforward for beginners but may require additional code for more complex scenarios.

PyTorch implementation of adversarial attacks [torchattacks]

Pros of adversarial-attacks-pytorch

  • More user-friendly with simpler API and better documentation
  • Actively maintained with frequent updates and bug fixes
  • Supports a wider range of PyTorch versions

Cons of adversarial-attacks-pytorch

  • Fewer attack methods implemented compared to advertorch
  • Less focus on defensive techniques and robustness evaluation
  • Limited support for other deep learning frameworks

Code Comparison


from advertorch.attacks import PGDAttack
adversary = PGDAttack(model, loss_fn=nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), eps=0.3,
                      nb_iter=40, eps_iter=0.01, rand_init=True)
adv_examples = adversary.perturb(x, y)


from torchattacks import PGD
atk = PGD(model, eps=8/255, alpha=2/255, steps=4)
adv_images = atk(images, labels)

Both libraries offer similar functionality for implementing adversarial attacks, but adversarial-attacks-pytorch provides a more streamlined API. advertorch offers more advanced options and customization, while adversarial-attacks-pytorch focuses on simplicity and ease of use.

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Build Status

advertorch text is a Python toolbox for adversarial robustness research. The primary functionalities are implemented in PyTorch. Specifically, AdverTorch contains modules for generating adversarial perturbations and defending against adversarial examples, also scripts for adversarial training.

Latest version (v0.2)


Installing AdverTorch itself

We developed AdverTorch under Python 3.6 and PyTorch 1.0.0 & 0.4.1. To install AdverTorch, simply run

pip install advertorch

or clone the repo and run

python install

To install the package in "editable" mode:

pip install -e .

Setting up the testing environments

Some attacks are tested against implementations in Foolbox or CleverHans to ensure correctness. Currently, they are tested under the following versions of related libraries.

conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-gpu==1.11.0
pip install git+
pip install Keras==2.2.2
pip install foolbox==1.3.2


# prepare your pytorch model as "model"
# prepare a batch of data and label as "cln_data" and "true_label"
# ...

from advertorch.attacks import LinfPGDAttack

adversary = LinfPGDAttack(
    model, loss_fn=nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="sum"), eps=0.3,
    nb_iter=40, eps_iter=0.01, rand_init=True, clip_min=0.0, clip_max=1.0,

adv_untargeted = adversary.perturb(cln_data, true_label)

target = torch.ones_like(true_label) * 3
adversary.targeted = True
adv_targeted = adversary.perturb(cln_data, target)

For runnable examples see advertorch_examples/tutorial_attack_defense_bpda_mnist.ipynb for how to attack and defend; see advertorch_examples/ for how to adversarially train a robust model on MNIST.


The documentation webpage is on readthedocs

Coming Soon

AdverTorch is still under active development. We will add the following features/items down the road:

  • more examples
  • support for other machine learning frameworks, e.g. TensorFlow
  • more attacks, defenses and other related functionalities
  • support for other Python versions and future PyTorch versions
  • contributing guidelines
  • ...

Known issues

FastFeatureAttack and JacobianSaliencyMapAttack do not pass the tests against the version of CleverHans used. (They use to pass tests on a previous version of CleverHans.) This issue is being investigated. In the file, they are marked as "skipped" in pytest tests.


This project is licensed under the LGPL. The terms and conditions can be found in the LICENSE and LICENSE.GPL files.


If you use AdverTorch in your research, we kindly ask that you cite the following technical report:

  title={{AdverTorch} v0.1: An Adversarial Robustness Toolbox based on PyTorch},
  author={Ding, Gavin Weiguang and Wang, Luyu and Jin, Xiaomeng},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.07623},


  • Gavin Weiguang Ding
  • Luyu Wang
  • Xiaomeng Jin
  • Laurent Meunier
  • Alexandre Araujo
  • Jérôme Rony
  • Ben Feinstein
  • Francesco Croce
  • Taro Kiritani