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DiUS logojava-faker

Brings the popular ruby faker gem to Java


Top Related Projects

Generating fake data for the JVM (Java, Kotlin, Groovy) has never been easier!

Quick Overview

DiUS/java-faker is a Java library that generates fake data for various purposes such as testing, development, and data population. It provides a wide range of data types including names, addresses, phone numbers, and more, making it useful for creating realistic mock data.


  • Extensive variety of fake data generators
  • Easy to use and integrate into Java projects
  • Supports localization for multiple languages and regions
  • Actively maintained with regular updates


  • Limited customization options for some data types
  • May produce repetitive data in large datasets
  • Occasional inconsistencies in generated data across different versions
  • Performance can be slow for generating very large amounts of data

Code Examples

  1. Generating basic personal information:
Faker faker = new Faker();
String name =;
String email = faker.internet().emailAddress();
String phone = faker.phoneNumber().cellPhone();

System.out.println("Name: " + name);
System.out.println("Email: " + email);
System.out.println("Phone: " + phone);
  1. Creating a fake address:
Faker faker = new Faker();
String streetAddress = faker.address().streetAddress();
String city = faker.address().city();
String state = faker.address().state();
String zipCode = faker.address().zipCode();

System.out.println(city + ", " + state + " " + zipCode);
  1. Generating fake company information:
Faker faker = new Faker();
String companyName =;
String industry =;
String catchPhrase =;

System.out.println("Company: " + companyName);
System.out.println("Industry: " + industry);
System.out.println("Catchphrase: " + catchPhrase);

Getting Started

To use DiUS/java-faker in your Java project, follow these steps:

  1. Add the dependency to your project's pom.xml file (if using Maven):
  1. Import the necessary classes in your Java file:
import com.github.javafaker.Faker;
  1. Create a Faker instance and start generating fake data:
Faker faker = new Faker();
String name =;
System.out.println("Generated name: " + name);

Competitor Comparisons

Generating fake data for the JVM (Java, Kotlin, Groovy) has never been easier!

Pros of datafaker

  • Actively maintained with more frequent updates and bug fixes
  • Supports a wider range of Java versions (8 to 17)
  • Includes additional locales and faker providers

Cons of datafaker

  • Potential compatibility issues when migrating from java-faker
  • Slightly larger library size due to additional features

Code Comparison


Faker faker = new Faker();
String name =;
String streetAddress = faker.address().streetAddress();


Faker faker = new Faker();
String name =;
String streetAddress = faker.address().streetAddress();

The basic usage remains similar between the two libraries, making it easier for developers to switch between them. However, datafaker offers additional methods and providers that may not be available in java-faker.

Both libraries serve the purpose of generating fake data for testing and development purposes. While java-faker has been a popular choice for many years, datafaker aims to provide an actively maintained alternative with expanded functionality and broader Java version support. Developers should consider their specific requirements and the potential benefits of each library when choosing between them.

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Java Faker

Maven Status Build Status Coverage Status License

This library is a port of Ruby's faker gem (as well as Perl's Data::Faker library) that generates fake data. It's useful when you're developing a new project and need some pretty data for showcase.


In pom.xml, add the following xml stanza between <dependencies> ... </dependencies>


For gradle users, add the following to your build.gradle file.

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.javafaker:javafaker:1.0.2'

In your Java code

Faker faker = new Faker();

String name =; // Miss Samanta Schmidt
String firstName =; // Emory
String lastName =; // Barton

String streetAddress = faker.address().streetAddress(); // 60018 Sawayn Brooks Suite 449

This is a demo web application that uses the library.





  • Address
  • Ancient
  • Animal
  • App
  • Aqua Teen Hunger Force
  • Artist
  • Avatar
  • Back To The Future
  • Aviation
  • Basketball
  • Beer
  • Bojack Horseman
  • Book
  • Bool
  • Business
  • ChuckNorris
  • Cat
  • Code
  • Coin
  • Color
  • Commerce
  • Company
  • Crypto
  • DateAndTime
  • Demographic
  • Disease
  • Dog
  • DragonBall
  • Dune
  • Educator
  • Esports
  • EnglandFootBall
  • File
  • Finance
  • Food
  • Friends
  • FunnyName
  • GameOfThrones
  • Gender
  • Hacker
  • HarryPotter
  • Hipster
  • HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy
  • Hobbit
  • HowIMetYourMother
  • IdNumber
  • Internet
  • Job
  • Kaamelott
  • LeagueOfLegends
  • Lebowski
  • LordOfTheRings
  • Lorem
  • Matz
  • Music
  • Name
  • Nation
  • Number
  • Options
  • Overwatch
  • PhoneNumber
  • Photography
  • Pokemon
  • Princess Bride
  • Relationship Terms
  • RickAndMorty
  • Robin
  • RockBand
  • Shakespeare
  • Sip
  • SlackEmoji
  • Space
  • StarCraft
  • StarTrek
  • Stock
  • Superhero
  • Team
  • TwinPeaks
  • University
  • Weather
  • Witcher
  • Yoda
  • Zelda

Usage with Locales

Faker faker = new Faker(new Locale("YOUR_LOCALE"));

Supported Locales

  • bg
  • ca
  • ca-CAT
  • da-DK
  • de
  • de-AT
  • de-CH
  • en
  • en-AU
  • en-au-ocker
  • en-BORK
  • en-CA
  • en-GB
  • en-IND
  • en-MS
  • en-NEP
  • en-NG
  • en-NZ
  • en-PAK
  • en-SG
  • en-UG
  • en-US
  • en-ZA
  • es
  • es-MX
  • fa
  • fi-FI
  • fr
  • he
  • hu
  • in-ID
  • it
  • ja
  • ko
  • nb-NO
  • nl
  • pl
  • pt
  • pt-BR
  • ru
  • sk
  • sv
  • sv-SE
  • tr
  • uk
  • vi
  • zh-CN
  • zh-TW


  • Port more classes over as there are more entries in the yml file that we don't have classes for


Copyright (c) 2019 DiUS Computing Pty Ltd. See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations.

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