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Heroic-Games-Launcher logoHeroicGamesLauncher

A games launcher for GOG, Amazon and Epic Games for Linux, Windows and macOS.


Top Related Projects

Legendary - A free and open-source replacement for the Epic Games Launcher

A list of GOG Galaxy 2.0 integrations and upcoming features

Quick Overview

Heroic Games Launcher is an open-source game launcher for Linux, Windows, and macOS. It serves as an alternative to the Epic Games Launcher, allowing users to download, install, and play games from the Epic Games Store and on their preferred operating system.


  • Cross-platform compatibility (Linux, Windows, macOS)
  • User-friendly interface with customization options
  • Supports both Epic Games Store and
  • Regular updates and active community support


  • May have occasional compatibility issues with certain games
  • Limited features compared to official launchers
  • Dependent on third-party services, which may affect functionality
  • Potential for slower update rollout compared to official launchers

Getting Started

To get started with Heroic Games Launcher:

  1. Visit the Releases page on GitHub.
  2. Download the appropriate installer for your operating system.
  3. Install the launcher following the on-screen instructions.
  4. Launch the application and log in to your Epic Games and/or account.
  5. Browse your library, install games, and start playing!

For more detailed instructions and troubleshooting, refer to the official documentation.

Competitor Comparisons

Legendary - A free and open-source replacement for the Epic Games Launcher

Pros of Legendary

  • Command-line interface offers more flexibility and automation options
  • Lighter resource usage due to lack of GUI
  • Supports a wider range of platforms, including servers and headless systems

Cons of Legendary

  • Less user-friendly for those uncomfortable with command-line tools
  • Lacks visual game management and organization features
  • Requires more technical knowledge to set up and use effectively

Code Comparison

HeroicGamesLauncher (TypeScript):

async installGame(gameInfo: GameInfo): Promise<void> {
  const { appName, title } = gameInfo
  this.currentInstall = { appName, title }
  await this.legendary.install(appName)

Legendary (Python):

def install_game(args):
    game = args.app_name
    if not args.no_install:
        lgd.install_game(game, base_path=args.base_path, install_tag=args.install_tag,
                         repair=args.repair_mode, repair_and_update=args.repair_and_update,

Both repositories aim to provide alternative launchers for Epic Games Store content. HeroicGamesLauncher offers a graphical user interface and focuses on ease of use, while Legendary provides a command-line interface with more advanced features and flexibility. The code comparison shows the different approaches to game installation, with HeroicGamesLauncher using TypeScript and a more abstracted method, while Legendary uses Python and provides more direct control over installation parameters.

A list of GOG Galaxy 2.0 integrations and upcoming features

Pros of awesome-gog-galaxy

  • Comprehensive list of GOG Galaxy integrations and resources
  • Regularly updated with community contributions
  • Provides links to various tools and plugins for enhancing GOG Galaxy

Cons of awesome-gog-galaxy

  • Not an actual launcher, just a curated list of resources
  • Requires users to manually set up integrations and tools
  • Limited to GOG Galaxy ecosystem, not as versatile as HeroicGamesLauncher

Code comparison

As awesome-gog-galaxy is primarily a markdown file with a list of resources, there isn't a direct code comparison to be made with HeroicGamesLauncher. However, here's a snippet from the awesome-gog-galaxy README:

## Integrations

### Official

* [Epic Games]( - Official Epic Games integration
* [PlayStation Network]( - Official PlayStation Network integration

HeroicGamesLauncher, being an actual application, has more complex code. Here's a small example from its codebase:

export async function getGameInfo(appName: string): Promise<GameInfo> {
  const { library } = store.getState().library
  return library.find((game) => game.app_name === appName)

This comparison highlights the different nature of these projects: awesome-gog-galaxy as a curated list and HeroicGamesLauncher as a functional application.

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Heroic Games Launcher

GitHub release GitHub all releases Flathub GPLv3 license
Discord Patreon PayPal kofi

Heroic is an Open Source Game Launcher for Linux, Windows and macOS.
Right now it supports launching games from the Epic Games Store using Legendary, GOG Games using our custom implementation with gogdl and Amazon Games using Nile.

Heroic is built with Web Technologies:
Typescript React MUI NodeJS Electron electron-builder Jest Vite


Features available right now

  • Login with an existing Epic Games, GOG or Amazon account
  • Install, uninstall, update, repair and move Games
  • Import an already installed game
  • Play Epic games online [AntiCheat on macOS and on Linux depends on the game]
  • Play games using Wine or Proton [Linux]
  • Play games using Crossover [macOS]
  • Download custom Wine and Proton versions [Linux]
  • Access to Epic, GOG and Amazon Games stores directly from Heroic
  • Search for the game on ProtonDB for compatibility information [Linux]
  • Show ProtonDB and Steam Deck compatibility information [Linux]
  • Sync installed games with an existing Epic Games Store installation
  • Sync saves with the cloud
  • Custom Theming Support
  • Download queue
  • Add Games and Applications outside GOG, Epic Games and Amazon Games
  • Define your categories to organize your collection

Planned features

  • Support Other Store (IndieGala, etc)

Supported Operating Systems

  • Linux:
    • Ubuntu 20.04LTS or newer
    • Fedora 33 or newer
    • Arch Linux & derivatives (Manjaro, Garuda, EndeavourOS)
    • Heroic will still work on most distros, but it is up to you to get it to work Chances are though that someone on our Discord can help you
  • SteamOS (downloading using Discover only)
  • Windows 10 & 11
  • macOS 12 or newer

Language Support


Thanks to the community, Heroic was translated to almost 40 different languages so far:

  • English
  • Azerbaijani
  • Basque
  • Belarussian
  • Bosnian
  • Bulgarian
  • Catalan
  • Czech
  • Croatian
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Dutch
  • Estonian
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hebraic
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Indonesian
  • Malayalam
  • Norwegian BokmÃ¥l
  • Persian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Serbian
  • Spanish
  • Slovak
  • Swedish
  • Tamil
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian
  • Vietnamese

Help with Translations Here




Flathub Badge

Heroic is available on Flathub, so you should be able to easily install it on most distros with Software Centers (Pop!_Shop, Discover, etc.)

Distribution-specific instructions

If you're not using the Flatpak version, make sure you have all Wine dependencies installed: Wine Dependencies.

Debian, Ubuntu and Derivatives

Download the file ending in .deb from the latest release.
Double-click it to open it up in your Software Manager, or run sudo dpkg -i heroic_*_amd64.deb to install it directly:

Arch (AUR)

We currently only support one AUR package: heroic-games-launcher-bin. Although you might find other packages there, do not ask support for them on this Github or on our Discord, ask their maintainers directly.

  • Stable version badge
    (stable release, recommended)

Please see the Arch Wiki on how to install them


COPR repo

Heroic for Fedora is available on this COPR repo.
Enable it with sudo dnf copr enable atim/heroic-games-launcher, then install Heroic with sudo dnf install heroic-games-launcher-bin

Binary package from the releases page

You can alternatively download the file ending in .rpm from the latest release and install it with sudo dnf install ./heroic-*.x86_64.rpm

Other Distributions (AppImage and TAR.XZ)

Since these two distribution formats don't have a form of dependency management, make sure the curl command is available. You might run into weird issues if it's not.

  • Download the file ending in .AppImage from the latest release
  • Make it executable (chmod +x Heroic*.AppImage)
  • Run it (double-click in most file managers, or run ./Heroic*.AppImage)
  • Download the file ending in .tar.xz from the latest release
  • Extract it anywhere
  • Run the heroic file in the folder you extracted it to (double-click in most file managers, or run ./heroic)



If you use WinGet (installed by default on Windows 11 and modern versions of 10), you can run winget install Heroic in a terminal to install Heroic.

Manual installl

Download the Heroic Installer (Heroic-x.x.x-Setup.exe) or the portable version (Heroic-x.x.x-Portable.exe) from the latest release. Run the executable you downloaded to install/run Heroic.
The Setup will create shortcuts to Heroic on your Desktop and in your Start Menu.


If you use Homebrew, you can run brew install --cask --no-quarantine heroic to install Heroic.
Otherwise, download the file ending in .dmg from the latest release, double-click it to mount it, and drag the "Heroic" application into the "Applications" folder.

Development environment

This part will walk you through setting up a development environment so you can build Heroic binaries yourself or make changes to the code.

  1. Make sure Git, NodeJS, and pnpm 9 are installed
    NOTE: On Windows, due to an issue with electron-builder, you'll need the standalone version of pnpm (@pnpm/exe) to build packages

  2. Clone the repo and enter the cloned folder, for example with these commands:

    git clone --recurse-submodules
    cd HeroicGamesLauncher
  3. Make sure all dependencies are installed by running pnpm install

Building Heroic Binaries

Run the appropriate command for your OS:

  • Build for Linux:

    pnpm dist:linux # Optionally specify a package to create (eg: deb, pacman, tar.xz, rpm, AppImage); default: AppImage
  • Build for Windows:

    pnpm dist:win
  • Build for Mac:

    pnpm dist:mac

Building with VS Code

Instead of using the above commands to build Heroic, you can also use the Tasks in VSCode to build. To do that, open up the command palette (Ctrl + P), type in "task" and press Space. You will then see 3 build tasks, "Build for Linux", "Build for Windows", and "Build for MacOS". Click the one you want to run.

Quickly testing/debugging Heroic on your own system

If you want to quickly test a change, or you're implementing features that require a lot of restarts, you can use Vite's development server to speed up the process:
Go to the "Run and Debug" tab of VSCode and start the "Launch Heroic (HMR & HR)" task (alternatively, if you're not using VSCode or just prefer the terminal, run pnpm start). Heroic will start up after a short while, and once you make any change to the code, it'll reload/restart.


Thanks Weblate for hosting our translations


Thanks Signpath for providing free signing of Windows binaries




image image image image image image image


Weblate: Localization platform

Those Awesome Guys: Gamepad prompts images
