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Marak logocolors.js

get colors in your node.js console


Top Related Projects


🖍 Terminal string styling done right


The fastest Node.js library for formatting terminal text with ANSI colors~!

🌈Easily set your terminal text color & styles


:rainbow: Javascript color conversion and manipulation library


:black_heart: Create and share beautiful images of your source code

:clapper: Colorful animations in terminal output

Quick Overview

Colors.js is a popular Node.js library for adding colors and styles to console output. It provides an easy-to-use API for applying various colors, background colors, and text styles to strings, making command-line interfaces more visually appealing and easier to read.


  • Simple and intuitive API
  • Supports a wide range of colors and styles
  • No dependencies, lightweight
  • Works in both Node.js and browsers


  • Limited advanced formatting options
  • May not work consistently across all terminal emulators
  • Potential performance impact when used extensively
  • Some concerns about project maintenance and stability

Code Examples

Basic color usage:

const colors = require('colors');

console.log('Hello'.green); // outputs "Hello" in green
console.log('World'.red); // outputs "World" in red

Chaining styles:

const colors = require('colors');

console.log('Rainbow'.rainbow.underline); // outputs "Rainbow" with rainbow colors and underline

Custom themes:

const colors = require('colors');

  silly: 'rainbow',
  input: 'grey',
  verbose: 'cyan',
  prompt: 'grey',
  info: 'green',
  data: 'grey',
  help: 'cyan',
  warn: 'yellow',
  debug: 'blue',
  error: 'red'

console.log('This is an error'.error); // outputs "This is an error" in red
console.log('This is a warning'.warn); // outputs "This is a warning" in yellow

Getting Started

To use Colors.js in your Node.js project, follow these steps:

  1. Install the package:

    npm install colors
  2. Require the package in your JavaScript file:

    const colors = require('colors');
  3. Start using colors in your console output:

    console.log('Hello'.green); // Green text
    console.log('World'.blue); // Blue text
    console.log('Error'.red.underline); // Red underlined text

Competitor Comparisons


🖍 Terminal string styling done right

Pros of chalk

  • More actively maintained with regular updates and bug fixes
  • Supports nested and composable styles for more complex formatting
  • Offers better performance, especially for large-scale applications

Cons of chalk

  • Slightly more complex API, which may have a steeper learning curve
  • Does not support 256/Truecolor in some older Node.js versions without configuration

Code Comparison


const colors = require('colors');


const chalk = require('chalk');

Both libraries provide similar functionality for adding color and style to console output. However, chalk offers a more chainable and composable API, which can be beneficial for complex styling scenarios.

colors.js extends the String prototype, which some developers consider a bad practice as it can lead to conflicts with other libraries or unexpected behavior. Chalk, on the other hand, uses a more modular approach that doesn't modify built-in objects.

While colors.js has been a popular choice for many years, chalk has gained significant traction due to its active maintenance, performance improvements, and cleaner API design. The choice between the two often comes down to personal preference and specific project requirements.


The fastest Node.js library for formatting terminal text with ANSI colors~!

Pros of kleur

  • Significantly smaller bundle size (1.5kB vs 20kB for colors.js)
  • Faster performance due to simpler implementation
  • No prototype pollution, making it safer for production use

Cons of kleur

  • Fewer color options and styles compared to colors.js
  • Less extensive documentation and examples
  • No support for custom color definitions

Code Comparison


const colors = require('colors');
console.log('Hello'.green); // outputs green text
console.log('i like cake and pies' // red underlined text
console.log('inverse the color'.inverse); // inverses the color
console.log('OMG Rainbows!'.rainbow); // rainbow


const { red, green, bold } = require('kleur');
console.log(red().underline('i like cake and pies'));
console.log(bold('This is bold'));
// Note: kleur doesn't support rainbow or inverse out of the box

Both libraries aim to provide color and style options for console output, but they differ in their approach and feature set. colors.js offers a wider range of colors and styles, including more complex options like rainbow text. It also allows chaining of multiple styles. kleur, on the other hand, focuses on performance and a smaller footprint, making it a good choice for projects where size and speed are critical. The trade-off is a more limited set of color and style options.

🌈Easily set your terminal text color & styles

Pros of colorette

  • Lightweight and minimalistic, with a smaller bundle size
  • Faster performance due to simpler implementation
  • No dependencies, reducing potential security risks

Cons of colorette

  • Fewer color options and styling features compared to colors.js
  • Less extensive documentation and community support
  • No automatic color detection for terminals without color support

Code Comparison


const colors = require('colors');
console.log('Hello'.green); // outputs green text
console.log('i like cake and pies' // red underlined text
console.log('inverse the color'.inverse); // inverses the color
console.log('OMG Rainbows!'.rainbow); // rainbow


const { green, red, underline, inverse } = require('colorette');
console.log(green('Hello')); // outputs green text
console.log(red(underline('i like cake and pies'))); // red underlined text
console.log(inverse('inverse the color')); // inverses the color
// No built-in rainbow function

Both libraries provide similar basic functionality for adding color to console output. colors.js offers more advanced features like gradients and custom themes, while colorette focuses on simplicity and performance. The choice between them depends on the specific needs of your project, balancing feature richness with lightweight implementation.


:rainbow: Javascript color conversion and manipulation library

Pros of color

  • More comprehensive color manipulation features, including color space conversions
  • Supports a wider range of color formats and models
  • Actively maintained with regular updates and improvements

Cons of color

  • Slightly larger package size due to additional features
  • May have a steeper learning curve for basic color operations
  • Less focus on terminal-specific color formatting

Code Comparison


const colors = require('colors');


const Color = require('color');
const green = Color('green');
const red = Color('red');

Key Differences

  • colors.js is primarily designed for terminal output styling, while color offers more general-purpose color manipulation
  • color provides methods for color space conversions, blending, and advanced operations
  • colors.js extends the String prototype, whereas color uses a more object-oriented approach
  • color supports a wider range of color models (RGB, HSL, HSV, CMYK, etc.)
  • colors.js has simpler syntax for basic terminal coloring tasks

Use Cases

  • Choose colors.js for quick and easy terminal output styling
  • Opt for color when working on projects requiring advanced color manipulation, conversion, or analysis

:black_heart: Create and share beautiful images of your source code

Pros of Carbon

  • Provides a visual tool for creating and sharing beautiful code snippets
  • Supports multiple themes and customization options
  • Offers easy integration with social media platforms

Cons of Carbon

  • Larger project scope and complexity
  • Requires a web interface to use, not a standalone library
  • May have a steeper learning curve for basic usage

Code Comparison


const colors = require('colors');

Carbon doesn't have a direct code comparison, as it's a web-based tool for creating code snippets rather than a library for adding colors to console output.

Key Differences

  • Purpose: colors.js is a Node.js library for adding colors to console output, while Carbon is a web application for creating visually appealing code snippets
  • Usage: colors.js is used programmatically in Node.js applications, whereas Carbon is used through a web interface
  • Functionality: colors.js focuses solely on console output styling, while Carbon offers a wide range of customization options for code presentation
  • Platform: colors.js is specific to Node.js, while Carbon is platform-agnostic and can be used to create snippets for any programming language


While both projects involve code and styling, they serve different purposes and target different use cases. colors.js is more suitable for developers working on command-line applications, while Carbon is ideal for those who want to create visually appealing code snippets for sharing or presentation purposes.

:clapper: Colorful animations in terminal output

Pros of chalk-animation

  • Offers animated text effects in the terminal
  • Provides a simpler API for creating dynamic console output
  • Includes a variety of animation styles (e.g., rainbow, pulse, glitch)

Cons of chalk-animation

  • More focused on animations, less versatile for static color styling
  • Smaller community and fewer contributors compared to colors.js
  • May have higher performance overhead due to animation rendering

Code Comparison


const colors = require('colors');


const chalkAnimation = require('chalk-animation');
chalkAnimation.rainbow('Hello World').start();

Key Differences

  • colors.js focuses on static color and style application
  • chalk-animation specializes in animated text effects
  • colors.js has a larger ecosystem and more extensive color options
  • chalk-animation offers a more modern and visually appealing output

Use Cases

colors.js is better suited for:

  • Simple color formatting in console output
  • Projects requiring broad color support and customization

chalk-animation is ideal for:

  • Creating eye-catching CLI interfaces
  • Adding visual flair to terminal-based applications
  • Displaying loading or progress indicators with animation

Both libraries serve different purposes, with colors.js being more general-purpose and chalk-animation focusing on dynamic, animated text effects in the terminal.

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Please check out the roadmap for upcoming features and releases. Please open Issues to provide feedback, and check the develop branch for the latest bleeding-edge updates.

get color and style in your node.js console



npm install colors

colors and styles!

text colors

  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white
  • gray
  • grey

bright text colors

  • brightRed
  • brightGreen
  • brightYellow
  • brightBlue
  • brightMagenta
  • brightCyan
  • brightWhite

background colors

  • bgBlack
  • bgRed
  • bgGreen
  • bgYellow
  • bgBlue
  • bgMagenta
  • bgCyan
  • bgWhite
  • bgGray
  • bgGrey

bright background colors

  • bgBrightRed
  • bgBrightGreen
  • bgBrightYellow
  • bgBrightBlue
  • bgBrightMagenta
  • bgBrightCyan
  • bgBrightWhite


  • reset
  • bold
  • dim
  • italic
  • underline
  • inverse
  • hidden
  • strikethrough


  • rainbow
  • zebra
  • america
  • trap
  • random


By popular demand, colors now ships with two types of usages!

The super nifty way

var colors = require('colors');

console.log('hello'.green); // outputs green text
console.log('i like cake and pies'; // outputs red underlined text
console.log('inverse the color'.inverse); // inverses the color
console.log('OMG Rainbows!'.rainbow); // rainbow
console.log('Run the trap'.trap); // Drops the bass

or a slightly less nifty way which doesn't extend String.prototype

var colors = require('colors/safe');

console.log('hello')); // outputs green text
console.log('i like cake and pies')); // outputs red underlined text
console.log(colors.inverse('inverse the color')); // inverses the color
console.log(colors.rainbow('OMG Rainbows!')); // rainbow
console.log(colors.trap('Run the trap')); // Drops the bass

I prefer the first way. Some people seem to be afraid of extending String.prototype and prefer the second way.

If you are writing good code you will never have an issue with the first approach. If you really don't want to touch String.prototype, the second usage will not touch String native object.

Enabling/Disabling Colors

The package will auto-detect whether your terminal can use colors and enable/disable accordingly. When colors are disabled, the color functions do nothing. You can override this with a command-line flag:

node myapp.js --no-color
node myapp.js --color=false

node myapp.js --color
node myapp.js --color=true
node myapp.js --color=always

FORCE_COLOR=1 node myapp.js

Or in code:

var colors = require('colors');

Console.log string substitution

var name = 'Marak';
console.log('Hello %s'), name);
// outputs -> 'Hello Marak'

Custom themes

Using standard API

var colors = require('colors');

  silly: 'rainbow',
  input: 'grey',
  verbose: 'cyan',
  prompt: 'grey',
  info: 'green',
  data: 'grey',
  help: 'cyan',
  warn: 'yellow',
  debug: 'blue',
  error: 'red'

// outputs red text
console.log("this is an error".error);

// outputs yellow text
console.log("this is a warning".warn);

Using string safe API

var colors = require('colors/safe');

// set single property
var error =;
error('this is red');

// set theme
  silly: 'rainbow',
  input: 'grey',
  verbose: 'cyan',
  prompt: 'grey',
  info: 'green',
  data: 'grey',
  help: 'cyan',
  warn: 'yellow',
  debug: 'blue',
  error: 'red'

// outputs red text
console.log(colors.error("this is an error"));

// outputs yellow text
console.log(colors.warn("this is a warning"));

Combining Colors

var colors = require('colors');

  custom: ['red', 'underline']


Protip: There is a secret undocumented style in colors. If you find the style you can summon him.

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