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Phone number functionality for Laravel


Top Related Projects

PHP version of Google's phone number handling library

Quick Overview

Laravel-Phone is a package for Laravel that provides phone number validation, formatting, and storage functionality. It integrates with Laravel's validation system and offers support for international phone numbers using the libphonenumber library.


  • Seamless integration with Laravel's validation system
  • Support for international phone numbers
  • Flexible storage options (store as national or E164 format)
  • Automatic formatting of phone numbers for display


  • Requires additional setup for country detection
  • May add overhead for simple phone number use cases
  • Limited to Laravel framework
  • Depends on external library (libphonenumber)

Code Examples

Validating a phone number:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;

$validator = Validator::make(['phone' => '+1 (555) 123-4567'], [
    'phone' => 'phone:US,BE',

Formatting a phone number:

use Propaganistas\LaravelPhone\PhoneNumber;

$phone = new PhoneNumber('+14155552671');
echo $phone->formatNational(); // (415) 555-2671
echo $phone->formatE164(); // +14155552671

Storing a phone number:

use Propaganistas\LaravelPhone\PhoneNumber;

$model->phone = new PhoneNumber('+14155552671');

Getting Started

  1. Install the package via Composer:
composer require propaganistas/laravel-phone
  1. Add the service provider to your config/app.php file (Laravel 5.4 and below):
'providers' => [
  1. Use the phone validation rule in your Laravel validation:
    'phone' => 'required|phone:AUTO,US',
  1. Use the PhoneNumber class to work with phone numbers in your code:
use Propaganistas\LaravelPhone\PhoneNumber;

$phone = new PhoneNumber('+14155552671');

Competitor Comparisons

PHP version of Google's phone number handling library

Pros of libphonenumber-for-php

  • More comprehensive phone number handling capabilities
  • Direct port of Google's libphonenumber library, ensuring up-to-date and accurate data
  • Can be used independently of Laravel, offering greater flexibility

Cons of libphonenumber-for-php

  • Larger package size and potentially higher memory usage
  • May require more setup and configuration for Laravel integration
  • Less Laravel-specific features and optimizations

Code Comparison

Laravel-Phone validation:

'phone' => 'phone:AUTO,US'

libphonenumber-for-php usage:

use libphonenumber\PhoneNumberUtil;

$phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance();
$phoneNumber = $phoneUtil->parse($number, "US");
$isValid = $phoneUtil->isValidNumber($phoneNumber);

Laravel-Phone offers a more concise syntax for validation within Laravel applications, while libphonenumber-for-php provides more detailed control and functionality at the cost of verbosity.

Both libraries are actively maintained and offer robust phone number handling capabilities. Laravel-Phone is better suited for Laravel-specific projects with simpler phone number requirements, while libphonenumber-for-php is ideal for more complex phone number operations or projects not exclusively tied to Laravel.

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Laravel Phone

Tests Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

Adds phone number functionality to Laravel based on the PHP port of libphonenumber by Google.

Table of Contents


Check out the behavior of this package in the demo.


Run the following command to install the latest applicable version of the package:

composer require propaganistas/laravel-phone

The Service Provider gets discovered automatically by Laravel.

In your languages directory, add an extra translation in every validation.php language file:

'phone' => 'The :attribute field must be a valid number.',


Use the phone keyword in your validation rules array or use the Propaganistas\LaravelPhone\Rules\Phone rule class to define the rule in an expressive way.

To put constraints on the allowed originating countries, you can explicitly specify the allowed country codes.

'phonefield'       => 'phone:US,BE',
// 'phonefield'    => (new Phone)->country(['US', 'BE'])

Or to make things more dynamic, you can also match against another data field holding a country code. For example, to require a phone number to match the provided country of residence. Make sure the country field has the same name as the phone field but with _country appended for automatic discovery, or provide your custom country field name as a parameter to the validator:

'phonefield'            => 'phone',
// 'phonefield'         => (new Phone)
'phonefield_country'    => 'required_with:phonefield',
'phonefield'            => 'phone:custom_country_field',
// 'phonefield'         => (new Phone)->countryField('custom_country_field')
'custom_country_field'  => 'required_with:phonefield',

Note: country codes should be ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 compliant.

To support any valid internationally formatted phone number next to the whitelisted countries, use the INTERNATIONAL parameter. This can be useful when you're expecting locally formatted numbers from a specific country but also want to accept any other foreign number entered properly:

'phonefield'            => 'phone:INTERNATIONAL,BE',
// 'phonefield'         => (new Phone)->international()->country('BE')

To specify constraints on the number type, just append the allowed types to the end of the parameters, e.g.:

'phonefield'       => 'phone:mobile',
// 'phonefield'    => (new Phone)->type('mobile')

The most common types are mobile and fixed_line, but feel free to use any of the types defined here.

Prepend a type with an exclamation mark to blacklist it instead. Note that you can never use whitelisted and blacklisted types at the same time.

'phonefield'       => 'phone:!mobile',
// 'phonefield'    => (new Phone)->notType('mobile')

You can also enable lenient validation by using the LENIENT parameter. With leniency enabled, only the length of the number is checked instead of actual carrier patterns.

'phonefield'       => 'phone:LENIENT',
// 'phonefield'    => (new Phone)->lenient()

Attribute casting

Two cast classes are provided for automatic casting of Eloquent model attributes:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Propaganistas\LaravelPhone\Casts\RawPhoneNumberCast;
use Propaganistas\LaravelPhone\Casts\E164PhoneNumberCast;

class User extends Model
    public $casts = [
        'phone_1' => RawPhoneNumberCast::class.':BE',
        'phone_2' => E164PhoneNumberCast::class.':BE',

Both classes automatically cast the database value to a PhoneNumber object for further use in your application.

$user->phone // PhoneNumber object or null

When setting a value, they both accept a string value or a PhoneNumber object. The RawPhoneNumberCast mutates the database value to the raw input number, while the E164PhoneNumberCast writes a formatted E.164 phone number to the database.

In case of RawPhoneNumberCast, the cast needs to be hinted about the phone country in order to properly parse the raw number into a phone object. In case of E164PhoneNumberCast and the value to be set is not already in some international format, the cast needs to be hinted about the phone country in order to properly mutate the value.

Both classes accept cast parameters in the same way:

  1. When a similar named attribute exists, but suffixed with _country (e.g. phone_country), the cast will detect and use it automatically.
  2. Provide another attribute's name as a cast parameter
  3. Provide one or several country codes as cast parameters
public $casts = [
    'phone_1' => RawPhoneNumberCast::class.':country_field',
    'phone_2' => E164PhoneNumberCast::class.':BE',

Important note: Both casts expect valid phone numbers in order to smoothly convert from/to PhoneNumber objects. Please validate phone numbers before setting them on a model. Refer to the validation documentation to learn how to validate phone numbers.

⚠️ Attribute assignment and E164PhoneNumberCast

Due to the nature of E164PhoneNumberCast a valid country attribute is expected if the number is not passed in international format. Since casts are applied in the order of the given values, be sure to set the country attribute before setting the phone number attribute. Otherwise E164PhoneNumberCast will encounter an empty country value and throw an unexpected exception.

// Wrong
    'phone' => '012 34 56 78',
    'phone_country' => 'BE',

// Correct
    'phone_country' => 'BE',
    'phone' => '012 34 56 78',

// Wrong
$model->phone = '012 34 56 78';
$model->phone_country = 'BE';

// Correct
$model->phone_country = 'BE';
$model->phone = '012 34 56 78';

Utility PhoneNumber class

A phone number can be wrapped in the Propaganistas\LaravelPhone\PhoneNumber class to enhance it with useful utility methods. It's safe to directly reference these objects in views or when saving to the database as they will degrade gracefully to the E.164 format.

use Propaganistas\LaravelPhone\PhoneNumber;

(string) new PhoneNumber('+3212/34.56.78');                // +3212345678
(string) new PhoneNumber('012 34 56 78', 'BE');            // +3212345678

Alternatively you can use the phone() helper function. It returns a Propaganistas\LaravelPhone\PhoneNumber instance or the formatted string if $format was provided:

phone('+3212/34.56.78');                // PhoneNumber instance
phone('012 34 56 78', 'BE');            // PhoneNumber instance
phone('012 34 56 78', 'BE', $format);   // string


A PhoneNumber can be formatted in various ways:

$phone = new PhoneNumber('012/34.56.78', 'BE');

$phone->format($format);       // See libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat
$phone->formatE164();          // +3212345678
$phone->formatInternational(); // +32 12 34 56 78
$phone->formatRFC3966();       // tel:+32-12-34-56-78
$phone->formatNational();      // 012 34 56 78

// Formats so the number can be called straight from the provided country.
$phone->formatForCountry('BE'); // 012 34 56 78
$phone->formatForCountry('NL'); // 00 32 12 34 56 78
$phone->formatForCountry('US'); // 011 32 12 34 56 78

// Formats so the number can be clicked on and called straight from the provided country using a cellphone.
$phone->formatForMobileDialingInCountry('BE'); // 012345678
$phone->formatForMobileDialingInCountry('NL'); // +3212345678
$phone->formatForMobileDialingInCountry('US'); // +3212345678

Number information

Get some information about the phone number:

$phone = new PhoneNumber('012 34 56 78', 'BE');

$phone->getType();              // 'fixed_line'
$phone->isOfType('fixed_line'); // true
$phone->getCountry();           // 'BE'
$phone->isOfCountry('BE');      // true

Equality comparison

Check if a given phone number is (not) equal to another one:

$phone = new PhoneNumber('012 34 56 78', 'BE');

$phone->equals('012/34.56.76', 'BE')       // true
$phone->equals('+32 12 34 56 78')          // true
$phone->equals( $anotherPhoneObject )      // true/false

$phone->notEquals('045 67 89 10', 'BE')    // true
$phone->notEquals('+32 45 67 89 10')       // true
$phone->notEquals( $anotherPhoneObject )   // true/false

Database considerations

Disclaimer: Phone number handling is quite different in each application. The topics mentioned below are therefore meant as a set of thought starters; support will not be provided.

Storing phone numbers in a database has always been a speculative topic and there's simply no silver bullet. It all depends on your application's requirements. Here are some things to take into account, along with an implementation suggestion. Your ideal database setup will probably be a combination of some of the pointers detailed below.


The E.164 format globally and uniquely identifies a phone number across the world. It also inherently implies a specific country and can be supplied as-is to the phone() helper.

You'll need:

  • One column to store the phone number
  • To format the phone number to E.164 before persisting it


  • User input = 012/45.65.78
  • Database column
    • phone (varchar) = +3212456578

Presenting the phone number the way it was inputted

If you store formatted phone numbers the raw user input will unretrievably get lost. It may be beneficial to present your users with their very own inputted phone number, for example in terms of improved user experience.

You'll need:

  • Two columns to store the raw input and the correlated country


  • User input = 012/34.56.78
  • Database columns
    • phone (varchar) = 012/34.56.78
    • phone_country (varchar) = BE

Supporting searches

Searching through phone numbers can quickly become ridiculously complex and will always require deep understanding of the context and extent of your application. Here's a possible approach covering quite a lot of "natural" use cases.

You'll need:

  • Three additional columns to store searchable variants of the phone number:
    • Normalized input (raw input with all non-alpha characters stripped)
    • National formatted phone number (with all non-alpha characters stripped)
    • E.164 formatted phone number
  • Probably a saving() observer (or equivalent) to prefill the variants before persistence
  • An extensive search query utilizing the searchable variants


  • User input = 12/34.56.78
  • Observer method:
    public function saving(User $user)
        if ($user->isDirty('phone') && $user->phone) {
            $user->phone_normalized = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $user->phone);
            $user->phone_national = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', phone($user->phone, $user->phone_country)->formatNational());
            $user->phone_e164 = phone($user->phone, $user->phone_country)->formatE164();
  • Database columns
    • phone_normalized (varchar) = 12345678
    • phone_national (varchar) = 012345678
    • phone_e164 (varchar) = +3212345678
  • Search query:
    // $search holds the search term
    User::where(function($query) use ($search) {
      $query->where('phone_normalized', 'LIKE', preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $search) . '%')
            ->orWhere('phone_national', 'LIKE', preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $search) . '%')
            ->orWhere('phone_e164', 'LIKE', preg_replace('/[^+0-9]/', '', $search) . '%')