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Qihoo360 logoDroidPlugin

A plugin framework on android,Run any third-party apk without installation, modification or repackage


Top Related Projects


A powerful Android Dynamic Component Framework.

Quick Overview

DroidPlugin is a plugin-based Android application framework that allows you to run any Android application as a plugin without modifying its code. This enables the development of modular and extensible Android applications.


  • Modularity: DroidPlugin allows you to develop and deploy Android applications as plugins, enabling a modular and extensible architecture.
  • No Code Modification: Plugins can be run without modifying their original code, making it easier to integrate third-party applications.
  • Dynamic Loading: Plugins can be dynamically loaded and unloaded at runtime, providing flexibility in application management.
  • Compatibility: DroidPlugin aims to provide a high level of compatibility with the Android platform, ensuring smooth integration with existing Android applications.


  • Complexity: Integrating DroidPlugin into an existing Android application may require significant effort and understanding of the framework.
  • Potential Performance Impact: The plugin-based architecture may introduce some performance overhead compared to a traditional Android application.
  • Dependency Management: Handling dependencies and conflicts between plugins can be a challenge, especially when dealing with complex application ecosystems.
  • Limited Documentation: The project's documentation, while available, may not be as comprehensive as some developers would prefer.

Code Examples

Not applicable, as DroidPlugin is a framework and not a code library.

Getting Started

To get started with DroidPlugin, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the DroidPlugin repository from GitHub:
git clone
  1. Import the DroidPlugin project into your Android Studio or IntelliJ IDEA workspace.

  2. In your host application, add the DroidPlugin library as a dependency:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.qihoo360.replugin:replugin-host-lib:2.3.4'
  1. Initialize the DroidPlugin framework in your host application's Application class:
public class MyApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
  1. Develop your plugin applications and package them as APK files.

  2. Load and manage your plugins using the DroidPlugin API, for example:

Intent intent = PluginManager.getInstance().startPluginActivity(this, "com.example.myplugin", "MainActivity");
  1. Refer to the DroidPlugin documentation for more advanced usage, such as plugin installation, uninstallation, and communication between the host and plugins.

Competitor Comparisons


A powerful Android Dynamic Component Framework.

Pros of Atlas

  • Atlas supports dynamic loading of Android applications, allowing for more flexible and modular app development.
  • Atlas provides a comprehensive plugin system, enabling developers to easily extend the functionality of their apps.
  • Atlas has a strong focus on performance, with features like on-demand loading and resource optimization.

Cons of Atlas

  • Atlas has a steeper learning curve compared to DroidPlugin, as it requires a deeper understanding of the Android plugin system.
  • Atlas may have a larger impact on the overall app size and complexity, as it introduces additional layers of abstraction.
  • Atlas has a smaller community and ecosystem compared to DroidPlugin, which may limit the availability of third-party plugins and resources.

Code Comparison


public class PluginManager {
    public static PluginManager getInstance() {
        if (sInstance == null) {
            synchronized (PluginManager.class) {
                if (sInstance == null) {
                    sInstance = new PluginManager();
        return sInstance;


public class AtlasPluginManager {
    private static AtlasPluginManager sInstance;

    public static AtlasPluginManager getInstance() {
        if (sInstance == null) {
            synchronized (AtlasPluginManager.class) {
                if (sInstance == null) {
                    sInstance = new AtlasPluginManager();
        return sInstance;

The code snippets above show the implementation of the singleton pattern in both DroidPlugin and Atlas, which is a common design pattern used to ensure that a class has only one instance and to provide a global point of access to it.

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360DroidPlugin 产品介绍



360DroidPlugin 是基于 360 核心安卓沙箱引擎技术,支持安卓应用程序在沙箱虚拟引擎内部运行的“轻量级安卓虚拟机”。对于引擎内部运行的应用,360DroidPlugin 有着极高的权限。所有应用的运行、安装、卸载、消息处理、文件存储等操作都可以通过 360DroidPlugin 统一管理。


  • 适配性好:适配市面主流厂商操作系统及安卓版本。
  • **功能强大**:便于企业利用此技术,对自身业务进行提效和创新。
  • 应用广泛:分身多开、游戏盒子、游戏手柄、隐私安全、政企安全、视频美颜等业务领域。
  • 优点显著:运行稳定、兼容性好、Hook 能力强、扩展功能丰富。


  1. 双开/多开需求

    • 支持在同一部手机上安装多个微信/QQ/WhatsApp/Facebook 等应用,实现一部手机,多个账号同时登录。
  2. 移动安全需求

    • 提供内部与外部的隔离机制,包括文件隔离、组件隔离、进程通讯隔离,实现工作事务与个人事务的安全隔离。


    • **应用行为审计**:实时监测用户使用行为,违规信息上传服务器,实现时间围栏、地理围栏、敏感关键字过滤拦截等功能。
    • 数据加密:对应用的全部数据/文件加密,保证数据/文件安全。
    • 数据采集:实现应用数据的实时无感上传需求,如聊天记录、转账记录等,防止事后删除无法追溯。
    • 数据防泄漏:实现应用防复制/粘贴、防截屏/录屏、防分享/转发、水印溯源等需求。
    • 防攻击泄密:控制 APP 获取短信/通讯录/通话记录/后台录音/后台拍照/浏览历史/位置信息等隐私行为,防止木马/恶意 APP 获取用户隐私数据。
  3. 免 ROOT HOOK 需求

    • 提供 Java 和 Native 的 Hook 能力,实现 APP 监控管理、移动安全等功能需求。
  4. APP 静默安装需求

    • 提供 APP 静默安装、静默升级、静默卸载能力,实现应用商店或游戏中心下载后立即安装,提升用户体验。
  5. APP 管控需求

    • 掌握 APP 访问系统 API、敏感数据、设备信息等情况(如APP是否访问了联系人,相册,通话记录,是否访问了用户的地理位置等信息),并控制或构造自定义信息。获取 APP 私有数据,如聊天数据库等,实现对 APP 行为的全面控制。
  6. 其他需求

    • 对于内部的 APP 具有完全的监管和控制能力,几乎能满足一切需求。


  • 适配安卓 14 高版本
  • 解决鸿蒙 4.0 版本微信适配问题
  • 解决部分应用检测运行环境问题
  • 支持抖音小程序
  • 解决 Unity 32 位游戏运行问题
  • 提升相册读取速度
  • 增加外部应用是否可见能力
  • 增加文件和包名分身相互覆盖安装能力
  • 增加传输扩展数据
  • 增加跨应用登录 API
  • 支持沙箱内应用安装第三方应用
  • 适配画中画功能
  • 支持多款加固方案


  • **统一登录/实名制**:平台一键授权游戏登录/实名信息。
  • 游戏变速:卡牌/回合制游戏加速,任务轻松高效完成。
  • 游戏双开:助力小号养成,多账号随时切换。
  • 悬浮窗:提供游戏变速、截屏录屏、游戏社区等内容。
  • **游戏时长统计**:提供用户专属数据,打造成就系统。
  • **游戏引擎升级**:支持谷歌、网易等游戏适配。
  • GMS:支持谷歌套件,实现登录支付等能力。
  • 广告 SDK:定制化广告 SDK 高效快速变现。
