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ServiceStack logoServiceStack.Redis

.NET's leading C# Redis Client


Top Related Projects

General purpose redis client


Redis Python client

Quick Overview

ServiceStack.Redis is a high-performance, feature-rich C# Redis client library. It provides a comprehensive set of Redis operations, including support for Redis data structures, pub/sub messaging, and distributed caching. The library is designed to be fast, easy to use, and fully compatible with Redis commands.


  • High performance and efficient implementation
  • Comprehensive support for Redis features and data structures
  • Easy-to-use API with fluent interface
  • Supports both synchronous and asynchronous operations


  • Requires a commercial license for use in non-FOSS projects
  • Limited documentation compared to some other Redis clients
  • May have a steeper learning curve for beginners due to its extensive feature set

Code Examples

  1. Basic string operations:
using (var redis = new RedisClient())
    redis.Set("key", "value");
    var value = redis.Get<string>("key");
    Console.WriteLine(value); // Output: value
  1. Working with lists:
using (var redis = new RedisClient())
    redis.AddItemToList("mylist", "item1");
    redis.AddItemToList("mylist", "item2");
    var items = redis.GetAllItemsFromList("mylist");
    foreach (var item in items)
  1. Pub/Sub messaging:
using (var redisPublisher = new RedisClient())
using (var redisSubscriber = new RedisClient())
    redisSubscriber.SubscribeToChannels("channel1", msg =>
        Console.WriteLine($"Received: {msg.Message}");

    redisPublisher.PublishMessage("channel1", "Hello, Redis!");

Getting Started

  1. Install the NuGet package:

    Install-Package ServiceStack.Redis
  2. Add the following using statement to your C# file:

    using ServiceStack.Redis;
  3. Create a Redis client and start using it:

    using (var redis = new RedisClient("localhost"))
        redis.Set("mykey", "Hello, ServiceStack.Redis!");
        var value = redis.Get<string>("mykey");

Competitor Comparisons

General purpose redis client

Pros of StackExchange.Redis

  • Higher performance and lower memory usage
  • More comprehensive feature set, including support for Redis Cluster
  • Active development and frequent updates

Cons of StackExchange.Redis

  • Steeper learning curve due to its low-level nature
  • Less intuitive API compared to ServiceStack.Redis
  • Requires more boilerplate code for common operations

Code Comparison


ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");
IDatabase db = redis.GetDatabase();
db.StringSet("key", "value");
string value = db.StringGet("key");


using (var redisClient = new RedisClient("localhost"))
    redisClient.Set("key", "value");
    string value = redisClient.Get<string>("key");

StackExchange.Redis offers more granular control but requires more setup, while ServiceStack.Redis provides a simpler, more intuitive API for basic operations. StackExchange.Redis is generally preferred for high-performance scenarios and advanced Redis features, while ServiceStack.Redis may be more suitable for simpler use cases or when ease of use is a priority.


Redis Python client

Pros of redis-py

  • Written in Python, making it a natural choice for Python developers
  • Extensive feature support, including Redis Cluster and Sentinel
  • Active development with frequent updates and community contributions

Cons of redis-py

  • Limited to Python applications, unlike ServiceStack.Redis which supports .NET
  • May have slightly lower performance compared to ServiceStack.Redis in some scenarios
  • Lacks some of the high-level abstractions provided by ServiceStack.Redis

Code Comparison


import redis

r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
r.set('foo', 'bar')
value = r.get('foo')


using ServiceStack.Redis;

using (var redis = new RedisClient("localhost:6379"))
    redis.Set("foo", "bar");
    var value = redis.Get<string>("foo");

Both libraries provide similar basic functionality for interacting with Redis. The main differences lie in the language-specific syntax and features. redis-py uses a more Pythonic approach, while ServiceStack.Redis leverages C# language features and provides additional abstractions for .NET developers.

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