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A one pager for emojis on Campfire and GitHub


Top Related Projects

A markdown version emoji cheat sheet


Emoji images and names.

A one pager for emojis on Campfire and GitHub


An emoji guide for your commit messages. 😜


:love_letter: Find the emoji that echoes your mind.

Quick Overview

The WebpageFX/ repository is a comprehensive collection of emojis and their corresponding codes, designed to help web developers and designers easily incorporate emojis into their projects. The project provides a user-friendly interface for browsing and copying the desired emoji codes.


  • Extensive Emoji Collection: The repository contains a vast array of emojis, covering a wide range of categories and use cases.
  • Easy to Use: The website offers a clean and intuitive interface, making it simple for users to find and copy the desired emoji codes.
  • Community-Driven: The project is open-source, allowing the community to contribute and expand the emoji collection over time.
  • Responsive Design: The website is designed to be mobile-friendly, ensuring a seamless experience across different devices.


  • Limited Functionality: The project primarily focuses on providing the emoji codes and does not offer advanced features like emoji insertion or integration with other platforms.
  • Potential Outdated Emojis: As new emojis are constantly being introduced, the repository may not always be up-to-date with the latest emoji releases.
  • Dependency on External Resources: The website relies on external libraries and resources, which could potentially introduce compatibility issues or security concerns.
  • Lack of Customization Options: Users may not have the ability to customize the appearance or layout of the website to fit their specific needs.

Code Examples

This project is not a code library, so there are no code examples to provide.

Getting Started

This project is not a code library, so there are no getting started instructions to provide.

Competitor Comparisons

A markdown version emoji cheat sheet

Pros of emoji-cheat-sheet

  • More comprehensive and up-to-date emoji list
  • Better organized with categories and subcategories
  • Includes Unicode codes for each emoji

Cons of emoji-cheat-sheet

  • Lacks interactive features like copy-to-clipboard functionality
  • No visual representation of how emojis appear on different platforms

Code Comparison

<li class="emoji" data-clipboard-text=":bowtie:">
  <div class="emoji-icon" style="background-position: -0px -0px;"></div>
  <span class="emoji-description">bowtie</span>


| :bowtie: | `:bowtie:` | 🤵 | `:man_in_tuxedo:` |

The repository uses HTML and CSS to display emojis, while emoji-cheat-sheet uses Markdown tables. The latter approach is more lightweight and easier to maintain, but may lack some visual appeal compared to the HTML/CSS implementation.

emoji-cheat-sheet provides a more streamlined and accessible format for developers, making it easier to copy and paste emoji codes directly into their projects. However, offers a more visually appealing interface that may be preferred by some users for quick reference.

Both repositories serve as valuable resources for emoji enthusiasts and developers, with each having its own strengths and weaknesses depending on the user's specific needs and preferences.


Emoji images and names.

Pros of gemoji

  • Maintained by GitHub, ensuring regular updates and compatibility with GitHub's emoji standards
  • Provides a Ruby library for easy integration into Ruby-based projects
  • Includes metadata like Unicode codes and aliases for each emoji

Cons of gemoji

  • Focused primarily on Ruby, limiting its use in other programming environments
  • Less visually appealing interface compared to
  • Requires more technical knowledge to use effectively

Code Comparison

<i class="em em-smile"></i>



Summary offers a user-friendly, web-based interface for quickly finding and copying emoji codes, making it ideal for non-technical users and front-end developers. It provides an extensive collection of emojis with easy-to-use CSS classes.

gemoji, on the other hand, is a more technical solution maintained by GitHub. It's particularly useful for Ruby developers and those working with GitHub-related projects. While it may require more programming knowledge, it offers deeper integration capabilities and access to emoji metadata.

The choice between the two depends on the user's needs, technical expertise, and the specific project requirements. Front-end developers might prefer for its simplicity, while Ruby developers and those working closely with GitHub's ecosystem may find gemoji more suitable.

A one pager for emojis on Campfire and GitHub

Pros of

  • Comprehensive collection of emoji characters
  • Easy-to-use interface for quick reference
  • Regular updates to include new emoji

Cons of

  • Limited customization options
  • Lack of advanced search functionality
  • No built-in copy-to-clipboard feature

Code Comparison

<li class="emoji" data-clipboard-text=":smile:">
  <div class="emoji-icon">😄</div>
  <span class="emoji-description">:smile:</span>

<li class="emoji" data-clipboard-text=":smile:">
  <div class="emoji-icon">😄</div>
  <span class="emoji-description">:smile:</span>

As we can see, the code structure for both repositories is identical. This is because the comparison is between the same repository, so there are no differences to highlight.


Since both repositories being compared are the same (, there are no actual differences to discuss. The pros and cons listed above apply to the single repository in question. The project provides a valuable resource for developers and users looking for quick access to emoji characters and their corresponding shortcodes.


An emoji guide for your commit messages. 😜

Pros of gitmoji

  • Focuses specifically on Git commit messages, providing a standardized set of emojis for different types of commits
  • Offers a command-line interface (CLI) tool for easy emoji selection and integration into Git workflows
  • Includes a detailed guide on how to use emojis in commit messages effectively

Cons of gitmoji

  • Has a more limited set of emojis compared to, which covers a broader range of use cases
  • May require additional setup and learning for developers not familiar with using emojis in commit messages

Code Comparison

<ul class="emojis">
  <li><div class="emoji">😀</div><span class="name">grinning</span></li>
  <li><div class="emoji">😃</div><span class="name">smiley</span></li>


const gitmojis = [
  { emoji: '🎨', code: ':art:', description: 'Improve structure / format of the code.' },
  { emoji: '⚡️', code: ':zap:', description: 'Improve performance.' }

The code snippets show different approaches: uses HTML for displaying emojis, while gitmoji uses a JavaScript array to define emojis with associated meanings for Git commits.


:love_letter: Find the emoji that echoes your mind.

Pros of emoji

  • More focused and lightweight repository
  • Regularly updated with new emoji additions
  • Includes emoji search functionality

Cons of emoji

  • Less comprehensive emoji coverage
  • Lacks additional features like copy-to-clipboard
  • No categorization of emojis

Code Comparison

<li class="emoji" data-clipboard-text=":bowtie:">
  <div class="emoji-icon" style="background-position: -0px -0px;"></div>
  <span class="emoji-description">bowtie</span>


<li class="emoji-item" data-emoji-name="grinning">
  <span class="native-emoji" title="grinning">😀</span>
  <span class="emoji-code">:grinning:</span>

The repository uses CSS sprite sheets for emoji display, while the emoji repository uses native emoji characters. The emoji repository's approach is more modern and compatible with newer devices and operating systems. offers a wider range of emojis and additional features like copy-to-clipboard functionality. However, it hasn't been updated as frequently as the emoji repository.

The emoji repository provides a more streamlined and focused approach to emoji display and search, making it easier to integrate into projects. It also receives more frequent updates, ensuring better compatibility with the latest emoji standards.

Both repositories serve as valuable resources for developers looking to implement emoji support in their projects, with the choice depending on specific requirements and preferences.

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:sparkles: :heart: :heart: :sparkles:

A one pager listing the different emoji emoticons supported on Campfire, GitHub, Basecamp Next, Redbooth, Trac, Flowdock,, Kandan,, Kippt, Redmine, JabbR, Trello, Hall, Qiita, Zendesk, Ruby-China, Grove, Idobata, NodeBB Forums, Slack, Streamup, OrganisedMinds, Hackpad, Cryptbin, Kato, Reportedly, Cheerful Ghost, IRCCloud, Dashcube, MyVideoGameList, Subrosa, Sococo, Quip, And Bang, Bonusly, Discourse, Ello, Twemoji Awesome,, esa, DBook,, TeamworkChat, Damn Bugs, Let's Chat, Buildkite,, ChatGrape, Dokuwiki, Usersnap, Discord, Status Hero, Morfy, Gitter, Yellow, YouTube, Habitica, Mattermost, Kanban Tool Telegram. StackEdit. and

:point_right: Check them out at our home page:

Contributions wanted - help people in their search for emojis

There is a feature in the cheat sheet that allows you to add synonyms (or alternative names) for each emoji. This is used when use the ”Instant Search” search field in the page top.

You can see how this works in a snapshot of public/index.html on line 154. Look for data-alternative-name on that line.

Currently there are very few synonyms in the cheat sheet and it would be great to add more to make it easier to search.

Feel inspired? Do a pull request and add a synonym for your favourite emoji or maybe animal to one of the animals. :heart_eyes:

Want to add emojis to your projects?


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request and enjoy! :D


Check out all the super awesome contributors at the contributors page. :sparkling_heart: