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.NET LINQ capabilities in Go


Top Related Projects


💥 A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...)


A modern Go utility library which provides helpers (map, find, contains, filter, ...)


🍕 Enjoy a slice! A utility library for dealing with slices and maps that focuses on type safety and performance.

Helpfully Functional Go - A useful collection of Go utilities. Designed for programmer happiness.

Quick Overview

go-linq is a powerful Go library that brings LINQ-like operations to Go slices and collections. It provides a fluent API for querying and manipulating data, allowing developers to write expressive and concise code for data processing tasks.


  • Enhances Go's standard library with a rich set of data manipulation functions
  • Supports method chaining for improved readability and expressiveness
  • Provides type-safe operations with generics support
  • Offers lazy evaluation for improved performance on large datasets


  • May introduce a learning curve for developers unfamiliar with LINQ concepts
  • Could potentially impact performance for small datasets compared to native Go operations
  • Adds an external dependency to projects
  • Some operations may be less intuitive compared to native Go slice operations

Code Examples

  1. Filtering and mapping a slice of integers:
import . ""

numbers := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
result := From(numbers).
    Where(func(i interface{}) bool { return i.(int) % 2 == 0 }).
    Select(func(i interface{}) interface{} { return i.(int) * 2 }).
// result: [4, 8, 12, 16, 20]
  1. Grouping and aggregating data:
import . ""

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

people := []Person{
    {"Alice", 25}, {"Bob", 30}, {"Charlie", 25}, {"David", 30},

result := From(people).
        func(p interface{}) interface{} { return p.(Person).Age },
        func(p interface{}) interface{} { return p.(Person) },
    Select(func(g interface{}) interface{} {
        return KeyValue{
            Key:   g.(Group).Key,
            Value: g.(Group).Group.Count(),
    OrderByDescending(func(kv interface{}) interface{} {
        return kv.(KeyValue).Value
// result: [{30 2} {25 2}]
  1. Using generics for type-safe operations:
import ""

numbers := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
sum := linq.From(numbers).
    WhereT(func(n int) bool { return n%2 == 0 }).
// sum: 6

Getting Started

To use go-linq in your Go project, follow these steps:

  1. Install the library:

    go get
  2. Import the library in your Go file:

    import . ""
  3. Start using LINQ operations on your slices or collections:

    numbers := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
    evenSquares := From(numbers).
        Where(func(n interface{}) bool { return n.(int)%2 == 0 }).
        Select(func(n interface{}) interface{} { return n.(int) * n.(int) }).

Competitor Comparisons


💥 A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...)

Pros of lo

  • More comprehensive set of utility functions, including error handling and concurrency helpers
  • Better performance in many operations due to optimized implementations
  • Active development with frequent updates and new features

Cons of lo

  • Larger API surface to learn compared to go-linq's focused LINQ-style approach
  • May introduce dependencies that some projects want to avoid
  • Less idiomatic Go in some cases, favoring functional programming paradigms

Code Comparison


result := From(users).
    Where(func(u interface{}) bool {
        return u.(User).Age > 18
    Select(func(u interface{}) interface{} {
        return u.(User).Name


result := lo.Filter(users, func(u User, _ int) bool {
    return u.Age > 18
names := lo.Map(result, func(u User, _ int) string {
    return u.Name

Both libraries provide similar functionality for filtering and mapping collections, but lo offers a more concise syntax and type-safe operations. go-linq follows a more fluent interface style, while lo uses separate function calls for each operation. The choice between them often depends on personal preference and specific project requirements.


A modern Go utility library which provides helpers (map, find, contains, filter, ...)

Pros of go-funk

  • More comprehensive set of utility functions, covering a wider range of operations
  • Supports both generic and non-generic implementations, offering flexibility
  • Actively maintained with regular updates and improvements

Cons of go-funk

  • May have slightly higher performance overhead due to reflection-based implementation
  • Less focused on LINQ-style operations compared to go-linq
  • Steeper learning curve due to the larger API surface

Code Comparison


result := funk.Filter([]int{1, 2, 3, 4}, func(x int) bool {
    return x%2 == 0


result := From([]int{1, 2, 3, 4}).Where(func(i interface{}) bool {
    return i.(int)%2 == 0

go-funk offers a more straightforward API for common operations, while go-linq provides a more LINQ-like syntax with method chaining. go-funk's implementation is more flexible but may have slightly lower performance due to reflection. go-linq focuses on LINQ-style querying and may be more familiar to developers coming from C# or other languages with LINQ support.

Both libraries have their strengths, and the choice between them depends on specific project requirements, performance needs, and developer preferences. go-funk is better suited for general-purpose utility functions, while go-linq excels in data querying and manipulation scenarios.


🍕 Enjoy a slice! A utility library for dealing with slices and maps that focuses on type safety and performance.

Pros of pie

  • Type-safe: Uses code generation to create type-specific functions
  • Better performance: Avoids reflection, leading to faster execution
  • Supports custom types: Can work with user-defined structs and types

Cons of pie

  • Requires code generation: Extra step in the development process
  • Limited functionality: Fewer operations compared to go-linq
  • Less flexible: Type-specific functions may lead to code duplication

Code Comparison


result := From(users).Where(func(u interface{}) bool {
    return u.(User).Age > 30
}).Select(func(u interface{}) interface{} {
    return u.(User).Name


names := pie.Of(users).
    Filter(func(u User) bool { return u.Age > 30 }).
    Map(func(u User) string { return u.Name }).

Both libraries provide similar functionality for filtering and mapping data, but pie offers type-safe operations without type assertions. go-linq uses a more generic approach with interface{}, while pie generates type-specific functions. The pie example is more concise and readable, but requires code generation for each type used.

Helpfully Functional Go - A useful collection of Go utilities. Designed for programmer happiness.

Pros of go-underscore

  • Inspired by Underscore.js, providing familiar functionality for JavaScript developers
  • Includes a broader range of utility functions beyond collection manipulation
  • Simpler API with less focus on method chaining

Cons of go-underscore

  • Less actively maintained (last commit in 2014)
  • Fewer collection manipulation functions compared to go-linq
  • No support for parallel processing or lazy evaluation

Code Comparison


result := underscore.Map([]int{1, 2, 3}, func(n, _ int) int {
    return n * 2


result := From([]int{1, 2, 3}).
    Select(func(n interface{}) interface{} {
        return n.(int) * 2

Key Differences

  • go-linq focuses on LINQ-like operations and method chaining
  • go-underscore provides a broader set of utility functions
  • go-linq has better type safety and performance optimizations
  • go-underscore has a simpler API but less flexibility


go-linq is more suitable for complex data manipulation tasks and offers better performance, while go-underscore provides a familiar API for developers coming from JavaScript backgrounds. Consider your specific use case and team preferences when choosing between the two libraries.

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A powerful language integrated query (LINQ) library for Go.

  • Written in vanilla Go, no dependencies!
  • Complete lazy evaluation with iterator pattern
  • Safe for concurrent use
  • Supports generic functions to make your code cleaner and free of type assertions
  • Supports arrays, slices, maps, strings, channels and custom collections


When used with Go modules, use the following import path:

go get

Older versions of Go using different dependency management tools can use the following import path to prevent breaking API changes:

go get


Usage is as easy as chaining methods like:

From(slice) .Where(predicate) .Select(selector) .Union(data)

Example 1: Find all owners of cars manufactured after 2015

import . ""

type Car struct {
    year int
    owner, model string


var owners []string

From(cars).Where(func(c interface{}) bool {
	return c.(Car).year >= 2015
}).Select(func(c interface{}) interface{} {
	return c.(Car).owner

Or, you can use generic functions, like WhereT and SelectT to simplify your code (at a performance penalty):

var owners []string

From(cars).WhereT(func(c Car) bool {
	return c.year >= 2015
}).SelectT(func(c Car) string {
	return c.owner

Example 2: Find the author who has written the most books

import . ""

type Book struct {
	id      int
	title   string
	authors []string

author := From(books).SelectMany( // make a flat array of authors
	func(book interface{}) Query {
		return From(book.(Book).authors)
	}).GroupBy( // group by author
	func(author interface{}) interface{} {
		return author // author as key
	}, func(author interface{}) interface{} {
		return author // author as value
	}).OrderByDescending( // sort groups by its length
	func(group interface{}) interface{} {
		return len(group.(Group).Group)
	}).Select( // get authors out of groups
	func(group interface{}) interface{} {
		return group.(Group).Key
	}).First() // take the first author

Example 3: Implement a custom method that leaves only values greater than the specified threshold

type MyQuery Query

func (q MyQuery) GreaterThan(threshold int) Query {
	return Query{
		Iterate: func() Iterator {
			next := q.Iterate()

			return func() (item interface{}, ok bool) {
				for item, ok = next(); ok; item, ok = next() {
					if item.(int) > threshold {


result := MyQuery(Range(1,10)).GreaterThan(5).Results()

Generic Functions

Although Go doesn't implement generics, with some reflection tricks, you can use go-linq without typing interface{}s and type assertions. This will introduce a performance penalty (5x-10x slower) but will yield in a cleaner and more readable code.

Methods with T suffix (such as WhereT) accept functions with generic types. So instead of

.Select(func(v interface{}) interface{} {...})

you can type:

.SelectT(func(v YourType) YourOtherType {...})

This will make your code free of interface{} and type assertions.

Example 4: "MapReduce" in a slice of string sentences to list the top 5 most used words using generic functions

var results []string

	// split sentences to words
	SelectManyT(func(sentence string) Query {
		return From(strings.Split(sentence, " "))
	// group the words
		func(word string) string { return word },
		func(word string) string { return word },
	// order by count
	OrderByDescendingT(func(wordGroup Group) int {
		return len(wordGroup.Group)
	// order by the word
	ThenByT(func(wordGroup Group) string {
		return wordGroup.Key.(string)
	Take(5).  // take the top 5
	// project the words using the index as rank
	SelectIndexedT(func(index int, wordGroup Group) string {
		return fmt.Sprintf("Rank: #%d, Word: %s, Counts: %d", index+1, wordGroup.Key, len(wordGroup.Group))

More examples can be found in the documentation.

Release Notes

v3.2.0 (2020-12-29)
* Added FromChannelT().
* Added DefaultIfEmpty().

v3.1.0 (2019-07-09)
* Support for Go modules
* Added IndexOf()/IndexOfT().

v3.0.0 (2017-01-10)
* Breaking change: ToSlice() now overwrites existing slice starting
  from index 0 and grows/reslices it as needed.
* Generic methods support (thanks @cleitonmarx!)
  - Accepting parametrized functions was originally proposed in #26
  - You can now avoid type assertions and interface{}s
  - Functions with generic methods are named as "MethodNameT" and
    signature for the existing LINQ methods are unchanged.
* Added ForEach(), ForEachIndexed() and AggregateWithSeedBy().

v2.0.0 (2016-09-02)
* IMPORTANT: This release is a BREAKING CHANGE. The old version
  is archived at the 'archive/0.9' branch or the 0.9 tags.
* A COMPLETE REWRITE of go-linq with better performance and memory
  efficiency. (thanks @kalaninja!)
* API has significantly changed. Most notably:
  - linq.T removed in favor of interface{}
  - library methods no longer return errors
  - PLINQ removed for now (see channels support)
  - support for channels, custom collections and comparables

* GroupBy()

* bugfix: All() iterating over values instead of indices

* bugfix: modifying result slice affects subsequent query methods

* removed FirstOrNil, LastOrNil, ElementAtOrNil methods

* slice-accepting methods accept slices of any type with reflections

* parallel linq (plinq) implemented
* Queryable separated into Query & ParallelQuery
* fixed early termination for All

* many linq methods are implemented
* methods have error handling support
* type assertion limitations are unresolved
* build integrated
* open sourced on github, master & dev branches