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Simple & lightweight (<4kb gzipped) vanilla JavaScript library to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scroll.


Top Related Projects


Animate on scroll library


Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page

Animate elements as they scroll into view.

The javascript library for magical scroll interactions.


JavaScript animation engine

Quick Overview

Lax.js is a lightweight vanilla JavaScript library for creating smooth and beautiful animations when scrolling. It allows developers to easily add parallax effects and other scroll-based animations to web pages without the need for complex JavaScript or jQuery plugins.


  • Lightweight and fast, with no dependencies
  • Easy to implement and customize
  • Supports various animation types and easing functions
  • Works well on both desktop and mobile devices


  • Limited documentation and examples
  • May require additional CSS knowledge for complex animations
  • Performance can be affected if too many elements are animated simultaneously
  • Lacks advanced features found in some larger animation libraries

Code Examples

  1. Basic parallax effect:
<div class="lax" data-lax-translate-y="0 0, 400 -200">
  Parallax Element

This code creates a simple parallax effect where the element moves up by 200 pixels as the user scrolls down 400 pixels.

  1. Opacity change on scroll:
<div class="lax" data-lax-opacity="0 1, 400 0">
  Fade Out Element

This example makes an element fade out as the user scrolls down 400 pixels.

  1. Multiple animations combined:
<div class="lax" 
     data-lax-scale="0 1, 400 0.5" 
     data-lax-rotate="0 0, 400 360">
  Scaling and Rotating Element

This code applies both scaling and rotation effects to an element as the user scrolls.

Getting Started

  1. Include the Lax.js library in your HTML file:
<script src=""></script>
  1. Initialize Lax in your JavaScript:
window.onload = function() {

  // Add a driver that we use to control our animations
  lax.addDriver('scrollY', function() {
    return window.scrollY
  1. Add the lax class and data attributes to elements you want to animate:
<div class="lax" data-lax-translate-y="0 0, 400 -200">
  Animated Element
  1. Customize animations using data attributes and adjust as needed.

Competitor Comparisons


Animate on scroll library

Pros of AOS

  • Simpler setup and usage, with predefined animations
  • Better browser compatibility, including older versions
  • Extensive documentation and examples

Cons of AOS

  • Less flexibility for custom animations
  • Limited to scroll-based animations
  • Larger file size compared to Lax.js

Code Comparison

AOS initialization:

  duration: 1000,
  easing: 'ease-in-out',
  once: true

Lax.js setup:

lax.addDriver('scrollY', function () {
  return window.scrollY;

Key Differences

  • AOS focuses on scroll-based animations with predefined effects
  • Lax.js offers more customization and supports various animation triggers
  • AOS has a larger community and more frequent updates
  • Lax.js provides a smaller file size and potentially better performance

Use Cases

  • Choose AOS for quick implementation of common scroll animations
  • Opt for Lax.js when requiring complex, custom animations or performance optimization


Both libraries have their strengths. AOS is ideal for simple, scroll-based animations with broad browser support, while Lax.js excels in creating highly customized, performance-oriented animations. Consider your project requirements and target audience when selecting between the two.


Reveal CSS animation as you scroll down a page

Pros of WOW

  • Simpler setup and usage, ideal for basic scroll animations
  • Lightweight with no dependencies
  • Better browser compatibility, including older versions

Cons of WOW

  • Limited animation options compared to Lax.js
  • Less flexibility for complex, custom animations
  • No built-in parallax effects or advanced scrolling features

Code Comparison


new WOW().init();

<div class="wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1s" data-wow-delay="0.5s">
  Animated content



lax.addElement('.selector', {
  scrollY: {
    translateY: [
      ["elInY", "elCenterY", "elOutY"],
      [0, 'screenHeight/2', 'screenHeight'],

WOW focuses on simple class-based animations triggered by scrolling, while Lax.js offers more granular control over element properties and complex scroll-based animations. WOW is easier to implement for basic needs, but Lax.js provides greater flexibility for advanced animations and parallax effects. The code examples demonstrate the simplicity of WOW's setup compared to the more detailed configuration required for Lax.js.

Animate elements as they scroll into view.

Pros of ScrollReveal

  • More mature and established project with a larger user base
  • Extensive documentation and examples available
  • Focuses specifically on scroll-based animations, making it easier to use for this purpose

Cons of ScrollReveal

  • Limited to scroll-based animations, less versatile than Lax.js
  • Larger file size compared to Lax.js
  • Less customization options for complex animations

Code Comparison


ScrollReveal().reveal('.headline', {
    delay: 500,
    distance: '50px',
    origin: 'bottom',
    duration: 1000


lax.addElements('.headline', {
    scrollY: {
        translateY: [
            ["elInY", "elCenterY", "elOutY"],
            [0, '-200', 0],

Both libraries offer simple ways to create scroll-based animations, but Lax.js provides more flexibility in defining custom animation behaviors. ScrollReveal's API is more focused on revealing elements with pre-defined animation options, while Lax.js allows for more complex, customizable animations based on scroll position and other parameters.

The javascript library for magical scroll interactions.

Pros of ScrollMagic

  • More mature and feature-rich library with extensive documentation
  • Supports complex animations and scene-based scrolling effects
  • Integrates well with popular animation libraries like GSAP

Cons of ScrollMagic

  • Steeper learning curve due to its comprehensive feature set
  • Larger file size, which may impact page load times
  • Less suitable for simple parallax effects or lightweight projects

Code Comparison


var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
    triggerElement: "#trigger",
    duration: 300
.setTween("#animate", {scale: 2})


lax.addDriver("scrollY", function() {
  return window.scrollY;
lax.addElements("#animate", {
  scrollY: { scale: [1, 2] }

ScrollMagic offers more control over scene-based animations, while lax.js provides a simpler API for basic scroll-driven effects. ScrollMagic's approach is more verbose but allows for complex animations, whereas lax.js focuses on ease of use for common scroll interactions. The choice between the two depends on the project's complexity and specific animation requirements.


JavaScript animation engine

Pros of anime

  • More comprehensive animation capabilities, including SVG and object property animations
  • Larger community and ecosystem, with more resources and third-party plugins
  • Better performance for complex animations due to its optimized engine

Cons of anime

  • Steeper learning curve for beginners compared to lax.js
  • Larger file size, which may impact load times for smaller projects
  • Less focused on scroll-based animations, which is lax.js's specialty

Code Comparison


lax.addDriver('scrollY', function () {
  return window.scrollY

lax.addElements('.selector', {
  scrollY: {
    translateY: [
      ["elInY", "elOutY"],
      [0, 100],


  targets: '.selector',
  translateY: [0, 100],
  easing: 'easeInOutQuad',
  scrollTop: [0, 500],
  duration: 1000

Both libraries offer ways to create scroll-based animations, but lax.js provides a more straightforward approach for this specific use case. anime offers more flexibility for general animations but requires more setup for scroll-based effects.

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Simple & lightweight (<4kb gzipped) vanilla JavaScript library to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scroll.

Lax 2.0 Gif

>> DEMO <<

What's new with Lax.js 2.0

Lax.js 2.0 has been completely re-written with a focus on modularity and flexibility giving you more tools to create awesome animations.

  • New javascript animation syntax, allowing for more advanced effect combos
  • Use any value to drive animations, for example mouse position, time of day .. and of course scroll!
  • Animations can be given inertia when scrolling
  • Create custom CSS bindings
  • Animation easings
  • And much more..



1. Getting started

2. Going deeper

3. Glossary

Getting started

NPM Setup


npm install lax.js
yarn add lax.js
import lax from 'lax.js'

HTML setup

<script src="path-to-lax.min.js"></script>
<!-- or via CDN -->
<script src="" ></script>


To implement lax you need to create at least one driver, to provide values for animations, as well as the element animation bindings. Below is a simple example:

<!-- JS -->
  window.onload = function () {

    // Add a driver that we use to control our animations
    lax.addDriver('scrollY', function () {
      return window.scrollY

    // Add animation bindings to elements
    lax.addElements('.selector', {
      scrollY: {
        translateX: [
          ["elInY", "elCenterY", "elOutY"],
          [0, 'screenWidth/2', 'screenWidth'],

<!-- HTML -->
<div class="selector">Hello</div>

Using presets

The easiest way to get started is to use presets via html classes. For example:

<div class="lax lax_preset_fadeIn:50:100 lax_preset_spin"></div>

Multiple presets can be chained together and they can be customised to suit your needs. Use the preset explorer to explore effects and see a simple example here.

DOM behavior and usage with Frameworks

To increase performance, lax.js indexes the list of elements to animate when the page loads. If you're using a library like React, Vue or EmberJS, it is likely that you are adding elements after the initial window.onload. Because of this you will need to call lax.addElements when you add components to the DOM that you want to animate, and lax.removeElements when the component unmounts.

Please find a React example here. Other examples will be available soon for Vue.js and Angular.

Adding drivers

Drivers provide the values that drive your animations. To set up a driver just call lax.addDriver with a name and a function which returns a number. This method is called every frame to calculate the animations so keep the method as computationally light as possible. The example below will be the most common use case for lax which returns the scrollY position of the window.

  'scrollY',                          // Driver name
  function(laxFrame) {                     
    return window.scrollY    // Value method
  { }                                 // Options

Driver options

inertiaEnabled: boolean = false

If enabled, the driver will calculate the speed at which its value is changing. Used to add inertia to elements using the inertia element option.

See this in action in the here.

frameStep: number = 1

By default each driver updates its value every animation frame, around ~60 times per second. You can use the frameStep to reduce frequency of the driver value updating. For example a value of 2 would only update ~30 times per second and a value of 60 would only update about once per second.

Adding elements

You can add lax animations to an element using the addElements method:

  '.selector',  // Element selector rule
  {             // Animation data
    scrollY: {  
      opacity: [
        [0, 100],
        [1, 0]
    style: {}   // Element options

Element options

style: StyleObject

Add static CSS to each element, for example:

  transform: '200ms scale ease-in-out';

elements: Array<DOM nodes>

Pass references to raw DOM elements to allow for more flexible selection patterns. In this case, a unique selector must still be passed as the first argument, however it does not need to be a valid DOM selector.

This allows the library to tag the elements for removal later. Example:

const myDomElements = $('.selector')

  elements: myDomElements

onUpdate: (driverValues: Object, domElement: DomElement) => void

A method called every frame with the current driverValues and domElement. This could be used to toggle classes on an element or set innerHTML. See it in action here.

The driver values are formatted as follows:

  scrollY: [  // Driver name
    100,      // Driver value
    0         // Driver inertia

Going deeper

Custom animations

Custom animations are defined using an object.

// Animation data
  scrollY: {                // Driver name
    translateX: [           // CSS property
      ['elInY', 'elOutY'],  // Driver value map
      [0, 'screenWidth'],   // Animation value map
        inertia: 10        // Options
    opacity: [
      // etc

Driver name

The name of the driver you want to use as a source of values to map to your animation, for example, the document's scrollY position. Read about adding drivers here.

CSS property

The name of the CSS property you want to animate, for example opacity or rotate. See a list of supported properties here.

Some CSS properties, for example box-shadow, require a custom function to build the style string. To do this use the cssFn element option.

Value maps

The value maps are used to interpolate the driver value and output a value for your CSS property. For example:

[0, 200, 800]  // Driver value map
[0, 10,  20]   // Animation value map

// Result

| In  | Out |
| --- | --- |
| 0   | 0   |
| 100 | 5   |
| 200 | 10  |
| 500 | 15  |
| 800 | 20  |

Within the maps you can use strings for simple formulas as well as use special values. e.g:

['elInY', 'elCenterY-200', 'elCenterY',

See a list of available values here.

You can also use mobile breakpoints within driver value maps and animation maps for more flexibility.

scrollY: {
  translateX: [
    ['elInY', 'elCenterY', 'elOutY'],
      500: [10, 20, 50], // Screen width < 500
      900: [30, 40, 60], // Screen width > 500 and < 900
      1400: [30, 40, 60], // Screen width > 900


modValue: number | undefined

Set this option to modulus the value from the driver, for example if you want to loop the animation value as the driver value continues to increase.

frameStep: number = 1

By default each animation updates its value every animation frame, around ~60 times per second. You can use the frameStep to reduce frequency of the animation updating. For example a value of 2 would only update ~30 times per second and a value of 60 would only update about once per second.

inertia: number

Use to add inertia to your animations. Use in combination with the inertiaEnabled driver option.

See inertia in action here.

inertiaMode: "normal" | "absolute"

Use in combination with inertia. If set to absolute the inertia value will always be a positive number via the Math.abs operator.

cssUnit: string = ""

Define the unit to be appended to the end of the value, for example For example px deg

cssFn: (value: number, domElement: DomElement) => number | string

Some CSS properties require more complex strings as values. For example, box-shadow has multiple values that could be modified by a lax animation.

// Box-shadow example
(val) => {
  return `${val}px ${val}px ${val}px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)`;

easing: string

See a list of available values here.

Optimising performance

Lax.js has been designed to be performant but there are a few things to bare in mind when creating your websites.

  • Smaller elements perform better.
  • Postion fixed and absolute elements perform best as they do not trigger a layout change when updated.
  • Off-screen elements do not need to be updated so consider that when creating your animation value maps.
  • The css properties blur, hue-rotate and brightness are graphically intensive and do not run as smoothly as the other available properties.


CSS properties


Special values

screenWidthcurrent width of the screen
screenHeightcurrent height of the screen
pageWidthwidth of the document
pageHeightheight of the document
elWidthwidth of the element
elHeightheight of the element
elInYwindow scrollY position when element will appear at the bottom of the screen
elOutYwindow scrollY position when element will disappear at the top of the screen
elCenterYwindow scrollY position when element will be centered vertically on the screen
elInXwindow scrollX position when element will appear at the right of the screen
elOutXwindow scrollX position when element will disappear at the left of the screen
elCenterXwindow scrollX position when element will be centered horizontally on the screen
indexindex of the element when added using lax.addElements

Supported easings


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