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andreafrancia logotrash-cli

Command line interface to the trashcan.


Top Related Projects

Move files and folders to the trash


Yet Another Dotfiles Manager

Quick Overview

trash-cli is a command-line interface for the trash can/recycle bin, implemented in Python. It provides a set of commands to move files and folders to the trash, list trashed items, restore them, and empty the trash, all from the terminal.


  • Safer alternative to the rm command, preventing accidental permanent deletions
  • Cross-platform compatibility (Linux, macOS, and Windows)
  • Follows the trash specification
  • Offers multiple commands for different trash-related operations


  • Requires installation and setup, unlike built-in commands
  • May have slower performance compared to native file deletion
  • Limited integration with system file managers
  • Potential for confusion with system-specific trash implementations

Code Examples

  1. Moving a file to trash:
from trashcli import trash
  1. Listing trashed items:
from trashcli import list_trash
  1. Restoring a file from trash:
from trashcli import restore
  1. Emptying the trash:
from trashcli import empty

Getting Started

To install trash-cli, use pip:

pip install trash-cli

After installation, you can use the following commands in your terminal:

  • trash-put: Move files and folders to the trash
  • trash-list: List trashed files
  • trash-restore: Restore a trashed file
  • trash-rm: Remove individual files from the trash
  • trash-empty: Empty the trash

Example usage:

trash-put file.txt

Competitor Comparisons

Move files and folders to the trash

Pros of trash-cli (sindresorhus)

  • Cross-platform support (macOS, Linux, Windows)
  • Simpler installation process using npm
  • More actively maintained with recent updates

Cons of trash-cli (sindresorhus)

  • Fewer command-line options and features
  • Less detailed documentation
  • No support for listing or restoring trashed items

Code comparison

trash-cli (sindresorhus):

import {trash} from 'trash';

await trash(['*.png', '!important.png']);

trash-cli (andreafrancia):

from trashcli import trash


Additional notes

trash-cli (andreafrancia) offers more comprehensive features, including listing and restoring trashed items, as well as emptying the trash. It also provides more detailed documentation and usage examples.

trash-cli (sindresorhus) focuses on simplicity and cross-platform compatibility, making it easier to integrate into Node.js projects. However, it lacks some of the advanced features found in the andreafrancia version.

Both projects aim to provide a command-line interface for moving files to the trash, but they cater to different use cases and preferences. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of the user, such as platform compatibility, feature set, and programming language preference.


Yet Another Dotfiles Manager

Pros of yadm

  • Manages dotfiles and configuration across multiple systems
  • Supports encryption for sensitive files
  • Offers a bootstrap feature for system setup

Cons of yadm

  • More complex setup and learning curve
  • Limited to managing dotfiles and configurations

Code comparison


yadm init
yadm add .vimrc
yadm commit -m "Add .vimrc"
yadm push


trash-put file.txt

Key differences

trash-cli is focused on providing a command-line interface for safely deleting files and managing the trash, while yadm is a dotfile management tool. They serve different purposes and are not direct competitors.

trash-cli offers a simple way to move files to the trash, list trashed items, and restore them. It's particularly useful for users who want a safer alternative to the rm command.

yadm, on the other hand, is designed to manage and synchronize configuration files across multiple systems. It uses Git for version control and offers features like file encryption and system bootstrapping.

While both tools can improve a user's command-line experience, they address different needs in system management and file handling.

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trash-cli - Command Line Interface to Trash.




trash-cli trashes files recording the original path, deletion date, and permissions. It uses the same trashcan used by KDE, GNOME, and XFCE, but you can invoke it from the command line (and scripts).

It provides these commands::

trash-put           trash files and directories. 
trash-empty         empty the trashcan(s).
trash-list          list trashed files.
trash-restore       restore a trashed file.
trash-rm            remove individual files from the trashcan.


Trash a file::

$ trash-put foo

List trashed files::

$ trash-list
2008-06-01 10:30:48 /home/andrea/bar
2008-06-02 21:50:41 /home/andrea/bar
2008-06-23 21:50:49 /home/andrea/foo

Search for a file in the trashcan::

$ trash-list | grep foo
2007-08-30 12:36:00 /home/andrea/foo
2007-08-30 12:39:41 /home/andrea/foo

Restore a trashed file::

$ trash-restore
0 2007-08-30 12:36:00 /home/andrea/foo
1 2007-08-30 12:39:41 /home/andrea/bar
2 2007-08-30 12:39:41 /home/andrea/bar2
3 2007-08-30 12:39:41 /home/andrea/foo2
4 2007-08-30 12:39:41 /home/andrea/foo
What file to restore [0..4]: 4
$ ls foo

Restore a trashed file while overwriting existing files::

$ echo "original">foo
$ ls
$ trash foo
$ echo "new">foo
$ trash-restore --overwrite
0 2022-11-01 22:15:00 /home/andrea/foo
What file to restore [0..0]: 0
$ cat foo

Restore multiple trashed files separated by ',', also support range::

$ trash-restore
0 2007-08-30 12:36:00 /home/andrea/foo
1 2007-08-30 12:39:41 /home/andrea/bar
2 2007-08-30 12:39:41 /home/andrea/bar2
3 2007-08-30 12:39:41 /home/andrea/foo2
What file to restore [0..3]: 0-2, 3
$ ls foo bar bar2 foo2
foo bar bar2 foo2

Remove all files from the trashcan::

$ trash-empty

Remove only the files that have been deleted more than ago::

$ trash-empty <days>


$ date
Tue Feb 19 20:26:52 CET 2008
$ trash-list
2008-02-19 20:11:34 /home/einar/today
2008-02-18 20:11:34 /home/einar/yesterday
2008-02-10 20:11:34 /home/einar/last_week
$ trash-empty 7
$ trash-list
2008-02-19 20:11:34 /home/einar/today
2008-02-18 20:11:34 /home/einar/yesterday
$ trash-empty 1
$ trash-list
2008-02-19 20:11:34 /home/einar/today

Remove only files matching a pattern::

$ trash-rm \*.o

Note: you need to use quotes in order to protect the pattern from shell expansion.


How to create a top level .Trash dir?

Steps ::

    sudo mkdir --parent /.Trash
    sudo chmod a+rw /.Trash
    sudo chmod +t /.Trash

Can I alias `rm` to `trash-put`?

You can but you shouldn't. In the early days I thought it was a good idea to do
that but now I changed my mind. 

Although the interface of `trash-put` seems to be compatible with `rm`, it has
different semantics which will cause you problems. For example, while `rm`
requires `-R` for deleting directories `trash-put` does not.

But sometimes I forget to use `trash-put`, really can't I?

You could alias rm to something that will remind you to not use it::

alias rm='echo "This is not the command you are looking for."; false'

Then, if you really want to use rm, simply prepend a backslash to bypass the alias::

\rm file-without-hope

Note that Bash aliases are used only in interactive shells, so using this alias should not interfere with scripts that expect to use rm.

Where the trashed files go?

File trashed from the home partition will be moved here::


How to auto delete files older that 30 days?

Run this::

(crontab -l ; echo "@daily $(which trash-empty) 30") | crontab -

This will update your crontab file with a trash-empty command that runs daily and removes files older than 30 days. To review your crontab use: crontab -l


The easy way

 * Python 3 (Python 2.7 also work)
 * pipx_ (optional, to install in a clean environment)

If pipx is available::

    pipx install trash-cli

Alternatively, install with vanilla pip::

    pip install trash-cli

Note: you may want add ~/.local/bin to the PATH::

    echo 'export PATH="$PATH":~/.local/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc # reload .bashrc

For uninstalling use::

    pipx uninstall trash-cli


    pip uninstall trash-cli

Bleeding Edge (from sources)

First of all you need to uninstall any previous version of trash-cli::

$ [sudo] pip uninstall trash-cli # remove the previous version (with pip)
$ [sudo] apt-get remove trash-cli # remove the previous version (with apt)
$ [sudo] yum uninstall trash-cli # remove the previous version (with yum)
$ ... # refer to the package manager of your distribution

Then install the latest version from git::

$ [sudo] pip install git+

After the user installation you may want add this line to your .bashrc/.zshrc::

export PATH=~/.local/bin:"$PATH"

From package manager

Debian/Ubuntu (apt)::

    sudo apt install trash-cli

Arch Linux (pacman)::

    sudo pacman -S trash-cli

Fedora (dnf)::

    sudo dnf install trash-cli

Install shell completions

You need install by::

pipx install 'trash-cli[completion]'


pip install 'trash-cli[completion]'


cmds=(trash-empty trash-list trash-restore trash-put trash)
for cmd in ${cmds[@]}; do
  $cmd --print-completion bash | sudo tee /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/$cmd
  $cmd --print-completion zsh | sudo tee /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_$cmd
  $cmd --print-completion tcsh | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/$cmd.completion.csh


If you discover a bug please report it here:


You can send me an email using


Environment setup::

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt -r requirements.txt

Running tests::

pytest -m 'not slow'        # run only fast tests
pytest -m 'slow'            # run slow tests
pytest                      # run all tests


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Thanks to JetBrains_ for their license for Open Source Development

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