Convert Figma logo to code with AI

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The collection of pre-trained, state-of-the-art AI models for ailia SDK


Top Related Projects


Models and examples built with TensorFlow


Datasets, Transforms and Models specific to Computer Vision

🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.

ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator

Pre-trained Deep Learning models and demos (high quality and extremely fast)

Quick Overview

The ailia-models repository is a collection of pre-trained deep learning models optimized for the ailia SDK. It provides a wide range of AI models for various tasks such as image classification, object detection, pose estimation, and more. The repository serves as a resource for developers to easily integrate AI capabilities into their applications using the ailia SDK.


  • Extensive collection of pre-trained models for diverse AI tasks
  • Optimized for efficient inference using the ailia SDK
  • Well-documented with usage examples and model information
  • Regular updates and additions of new models


  • Requires the ailia SDK, which may have licensing restrictions
  • Limited to models compatible with the ailia framework
  • May require additional setup and dependencies for specific models
  • Some models may have varying levels of performance or accuracy

Code Examples

import ailia

# Load an image classification model
model = ailia.Net('resnet50.onnx', 'resnet50.prototxt')

# Perform inference on an image
input_image = ailia.imread('sample.jpg')
output = model.predict(input_image)
# Object detection using YOLOv3
detector = ailia.Detector('yolov3.onnx', 'yolov3.prototxt', 'coco.names')
img = ailia.imread('street.jpg')
boxes, scores, labels = detector.detect(img)
# Pose estimation using OpenPose
pose_estimator = ailia.PoseEstimator('openpose.onnx', 'openpose.prototxt')
img = ailia.imread('person.jpg')
poses = pose_estimator.estimate(img)

Getting Started

  1. Install the ailia SDK (follow instructions from the ailia website)
  2. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  3. Install required dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Choose a model and follow the specific usage instructions in its directory
  5. Run the sample script for the chosen model:
    python3 <model_name>

Competitor Comparisons


Models and examples built with TensorFlow

Pros of TensorFlow Models

  • Extensive collection of pre-trained models and implementations
  • Strong community support and regular updates
  • Comprehensive documentation and tutorials

Cons of TensorFlow Models

  • Large repository size, potentially overwhelming for beginners
  • Primarily focused on TensorFlow framework, limiting flexibility
  • Some models may require significant computational resources

Code Comparison

TensorFlow Models:

import tensorflow as tf
from official.nlp import bert
model = bert.BertModel(config=bert.BertConfig())


import ailia
model = ailia.Net("bert.onnx", "bert.prototxt")

Key Differences

  • TensorFlow Models offers a wider range of models and research implementations
  • ailia-models focuses on optimized inference for edge devices
  • TensorFlow Models requires TensorFlow framework, while ailia-models uses ONNX format
  • ailia-models provides a simpler API for model loading and inference
  • TensorFlow Models has more extensive documentation and examples

Use Cases

TensorFlow Models is ideal for:

  • Research and experimentation with state-of-the-art models
  • Large-scale machine learning projects
  • Integration with TensorFlow ecosystem

ailia-models is suitable for:

  • Edge device deployment
  • Quick prototyping with pre-optimized models
  • Cross-platform compatibility using ONNX

Datasets, Transforms and Models specific to Computer Vision

Pros of vision

  • Larger community and more active development
  • Broader range of pre-trained models and datasets
  • Tighter integration with PyTorch ecosystem

Cons of vision

  • Steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Potentially higher computational requirements
  • Less focus on edge/mobile deployment

Code Comparison


import torchvision.models as models
resnet18 = models.resnet18(pretrained=True)


import ailia
model = ailia.Net('resnet18.onnx', 'resnet18.prototxt')


vision offers a more comprehensive set of tools and models for computer vision tasks, benefiting from PyTorch's extensive ecosystem. It's ideal for research and large-scale applications. ailia-models, while less extensive, provides a simpler interface and focuses on edge deployment. The choice between them depends on the specific project requirements, available resources, and deployment targets.

🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.

Pros of transformers

  • Extensive library of pre-trained models for various NLP tasks
  • Active community and frequent updates
  • Comprehensive documentation and tutorials

Cons of transformers

  • Larger file size and memory footprint
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners
  • May require more computational resources

Code comparison


from transformers import pipeline

classifier = pipeline("sentiment-analysis")
result = classifier("I love this product!")[0]
print(f"Label: {result['label']}, Score: {result['score']:.4f}")


import ailia

model = ailia.Net("sentiment_analysis.onnx", "sentiment_analysis.prototxt")
input_data = ailia.make_input_blob("I love this product!")
output = model.predict(input_data)
print(f"Sentiment: {output[0]}")


transformers offers a wide range of pre-trained models and extensive community support, making it ideal for various NLP tasks. However, it may require more resources and have a steeper learning curve. ailia-models provides a lightweight alternative with a focus on edge devices and real-time processing, but may have a more limited selection of models and less community support. The choice between the two depends on the specific project requirements and deployment environment.

ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator

Pros of onnxruntime

  • Broader ecosystem support and integration with various ML frameworks
  • Extensive optimization capabilities for different hardware platforms
  • Active development and regular updates from Microsoft

Cons of onnxruntime

  • Steeper learning curve for beginners compared to ailia-models
  • May require more setup and configuration for specific use cases

Code Comparison


import onnxruntime as ort

session = ort.InferenceSession("model.onnx")
input_name = session.get_inputs()[0].name
output =, {input_name: input_data})


import ailia

model = ailia.Net("model.onnx", "model.prototxt", ailia.ENVIRONMENT_AUTO)
output = model.predict(input_data)

Both repositories provide tools for running ONNX models, but onnxruntime offers more flexibility and optimization options, while ailia-models focuses on simplicity and ease of use. onnxruntime is better suited for large-scale deployments and performance-critical applications, whereas ailia-models may be more appropriate for quick prototyping or simpler use cases.

Pre-trained Deep Learning models and demos (high quality and extremely fast)

Pros of open_model_zoo

  • Larger collection of pre-trained models across various domains
  • Extensive documentation and usage examples
  • Optimized for Intel hardware and OpenVINO toolkit

Cons of open_model_zoo

  • Primarily focused on Intel platforms, potentially limiting portability
  • May require more setup and configuration for non-Intel environments

Code comparison


from openvino.inference_engine import IECore

ie = IECore()
net = ie.read_network(model="model.xml", weights="model.bin")
exec_net = ie.load_network(network=net, device_name="CPU")


import ailia

net = ailia.Net("model.prototxt", "model.caffemodel")
input_data = np.random.random((1, 3, 224, 224))
output = net.predict(input_data)

Both repositories provide pre-trained models and inference examples, but they differ in their focus and implementation. open_model_zoo offers a wider range of models and is optimized for Intel hardware, while ailia-models provides a more straightforward API for quick integration across various platforms. The choice between them depends on the specific project requirements, target hardware, and desired level of optimization.

Convert Figma logo designs to code with AI

Visual Copilot

Introducing Visual Copilot: A new AI model to turn Figma designs to high quality code using your components.

Try Visual Copilot


The collection of pre-trained, state-of-the-art AI models.

About ailia SDK

ailia SDK is a self-contained, cross-platform, high-speed inference SDK for AI. The ailia SDK provides a consistent C++ API across Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Jetson, and Raspberry Pi platforms. It also supports Unity (C#), Python, Rust, Flutter(Dart) and JNI for efficient AI implementation. The ailia SDK makes extensive use of the GPU through Vulkan and Metal to enable accelerated computing.

How to use

Try now on Google Colaboratory

If you would like to try on your computer:

ailia MODELS tutorial

ailia MODELS tutorial 日本語版

Supported models

363 models as of December 17th, 2024

Latest update

  • 2024.12.17 Add yolov10, yolov11
  • 2024.11.26 Add fast_sam
  • 2024.11.19 Add qwen2_vl, live_portrait (ailia SDK 1.5)
  • 2024.10.09 Add whisper-v3-turbo
  • 2024.10.02 Add florence2
  • More information in our Wiki

Action recognition

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
marsMARS: Motion-Augmented RGB Stream for Action RecognitionPytorch1.2.4 and laterEN JP
st-gcnST-GCNPytorch1.2.5 and laterEN JP
ax_action_recognitionRealtime-Action-RecognitionPytorch1.2.7 and later
va-cnnView Adaptive Neural Networks (VA) for Skeleton-based Human Action RecognitionPytorch1.2.7 and later
driver-action-recognition-adasdriver-action-recognition-adas-0002OpenVINO1.2.5 and later
action_clipActionCLIPPytorch1.2.7 and later

Anomaly detection

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionDateBlog
mahalanobisadMahalanobisAD-pytorchPytorch1.2.9 and laterMay 2020
spade-pytorchSub-Image Anomaly Detection with Deep Pyramid CorrespondencesPytorch1.2.6 and laterMay 2020
padimPaDiM-Anomaly-Detection-Localization-masterPytorch1.2.6 and laterNov 2020EN JP
patchcorePatchCore_anomaly_detectionPytorch1.2.6 and laterJun 2021

Audio processing

Audio classification

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
crnn_audio_classificationcrnn-audio-classificationPytorch1.2.5 and laterEN JP
transformer-cnn-emotion-recognitionCombining Spatial and Temporal Feature Representions of Speech Emotion by Parallelizing CNNs and Transformer-EncodersPytorch1.2.5 and later
audioset_tagging_cnnPANNs: Large-Scale Pretrained Audio Neural Networks for Audio Pattern RecognitionPytorch1.2.9 and later
clapCLAPPytorch1.2.6 and later
microsoft clapCLAPPytorch1.2.11 and later

Music enhancement

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
hifiganHiFi-GANPytorch1.2.9 and later
deep music enhancerOn Filter Generalization for Music Bandwidth Extension Using Deep Neural NetworksPytorch1.2.6 and later

Music generation

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
pytorch_wavenetpytorch_wavenetPytorch1.2.14 and later

Noise reduction

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
unet_source_separationsource_separationPytorch1.2.6 and laterEN JP
voicefilterVoiceFilterPytorch1.2.7 and laterEN JP
rnnoisernnoiseKeras1.2.15 and later
dtlnDual-signal Transformation LSTM NetworkTensorflow1.3.0 and later

Phoneme alignment

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
narabasnarabas: Japanese phoneme forced alignment toolPytorch1.2.11 and later

Pitch detection

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
crepetorchcrepePytorch1.2.10 and laterJP

Speaker diarization

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
auto_speechAutoSpeech: Neural Architecture Search for Speaker RecognitionPytorch1.2.5 and laterEN JP
wespeakerWeSpeakerOnnxruntime1.2.9 and later
pyannote-audioPyannote-audioPytorch1.2.15 and laterJP

Speech to text

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionDateBlog
deepspeech2deepspeech.pytorchPytorch1.2.2 and laterOct 2017EN JP
whisperWhisperPytorch1.2.10 and laterDec 2022JP
reazon_speechReazonSpeechPytorch1.4.0 and laterJan 2023
distil-whisperHugging Face - Distil-WhisperPytorch1.2.16 and laterNov 2023
reazon_speech2ReazonSpeech2Pytorch1.4.0 and laterFeb 2024
kotoba-whisperkotoba-whisperPytorch1.2.16 and laterApr 2024

Text to speech

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionDateBlog
pytorch-dc-ttsEfficiently Trainable Text-to-Speech System Based on Deep Convolutional Networks with Guided AttentionPytorch1.2.6 and laterOct 2017EN JP
tacotron2Tacotron2Pytorch1.2.15 and laterFeb 2018JP
vall-e-xVALL-E-XPytorch1.2.15 and laterMar 2023JP
Bert-VITS2Bert-VITS2Pytorch1.2.16 and laterAug 2023
gpt-sovitsGPT-SoVITSPytorch1.4.0 and laterFeb 2024JP
gpt-sovits-v2GPT-SoVITSPytorch1.4.0 and laterAug 2024

Voice activity detection

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
silero-vadSilero VADPytorch1.2.15 and laterJP

Voice conversion

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
rvcRetrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUIPytorch1.2.12 and laterJP

Background removal

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
U-2-NetU^2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object DetectionPytorch1.2.2 and laterEN JP
u2net-portrait-mattingU^2-Net - Portrait mattingPytorch1.2.7 and later
u2net-human-segU^2-Net - human segmentationPytorch1.2.4 and later
deep-image-mattingDeep Image MattingKeras1.2.3 and laterEN JP
indexnetIndices Matter: Learning to Index for Deep Image MattingPytorch1.2.7 and later
modnetMODNet: Trimap-Free Portrait Matting in Real TimePytorch1.2.7 and later
background_matting_v2Real-Time High-Resolution Background MattingPytorch1.2.9 and later
cascade_pspCascadePSPPytorch1.2.9 and later
rembgRembgPytorch1.2.4 and later
dis_segHighly Accurate Dichotomous Image SegmentationPytorch1.2.10 and later
gfmBridging Composite and Real: Towards End-to-end Deep Image MattingPytorch1.2.10 and later

Crowd counting

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
crowdcount-cascaded-mtlCNN-based Cascaded Multi-task Learning of
High-level Prior and Density Estimation for Crowd Counting
(Single Image Crowd Counting)
Pytorch1.2.1 and laterEN JP
c-3-frameworkCrowd Counting Code Framework(C^3-Framework)Pytorch1.2.5 and later

Deep fashion

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
clothing-detectionClothing-DetectionPytorch1.2.1 and laterEN JP
mmfashionMMFashionPytorch1.2.5 and laterEN JP
mmfashion_tryonMMFashion virtual try-onPytorch1.2.8 and later
mmfashion_retrievalMMFashion In-Shop Clothes RetrievalPytorch1.2.5 and later
fashionai-key-points-detectionA Pytorch Implementation of Cascaded Pyramid Network for FashionAI Key Points DetectionPytorch1.2.5 and later
person-attributes-recognition-crossroadperson-attributes-recognition-crossroad-0230Pytorch1.2.10 and later

Depth estimation

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
monodepth2Monocular depth estimation from a single imagePytorch1.2.2 and later
midasTowards Robust Monocular Depth Estimation:
Mixing Datasets for Zero-shot Cross-dataset Transfer
Pytorch1.2.4 and laterEN JP
fcrn-depthpredictionDeeper Depth Prediction with Fully Convolutional Residual NetworksTensorFlow1.2.6 and later
fast-depthICRA 2019 "FastDepth: Fast Monocular Depth Estimation on Embedded Systems"Pytorch1.2.5 and later
lap-depthLapDepth-releasePytorch1.2.9 and later
hitnetONNX-HITNET-Stereo-Depth-estimationPytorch1.2.9 and later
crestereoONNX-CREStereo-Depth-EstimationPytorch1.2.13 and later
mobilestereonetMobileStereoNetPytorch1.2.13 and later
zoe_depthZoeDepthPytorch1.3.0 and later
DepthAnythingDepthAnythingPytorch1.2.9 and later


Text to image

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
latent-diffusion-txt2imgLatent Diffusion - txt2imgPytorch1.2.10 and later
stable-diffusion-txt2imgStable DiffusionPytorch1.2.14 and laterJP
control_netControlNetPytorch1.2.15 and later
sd-turboHugging Face - SD-TurboPytorch1.2.16 and later
sdxl-turboHugging Face - SDXL-TurboPytorch1.2.16 and later
latent-consistency-modelslatent-consistency-modelsPytorch1.2.16 and later

Text to audio

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
riffusionRiffusionPytorch1.2.16 and later


ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
latent-diffusion-inpaintingLatent Diffusion - inpaintingPytorch1.2.10 and later
latent-diffusion-superresolutionLatent Diffusion - Super-resolutionPytorch1.2.10 and later
DA-CLIPDA-CLIPPytorch1.2.16 and later
marigoldMarigold: Repurposing Diffusion-Based Image Generators for Monocular Depth EstimationPytorch1.2.16 and later

Face detection

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
yolov1-faceYOLO-Face-detectionDarknet1.1.0 and later
yolov3-faceFace detection using keras-yolov3Keras1.2.1 and later
blazefaceBlazeFace-PyTorchPytorch1.2.1 and laterEN JP
face-mask-detectionFace detection using keras-yolov3Keras1.2.1 and laterEN JP
dbfaceDBFace : real-time, single-stage detector for face detection,
with faster speed and higher accuracy
Pytorch1.2.2 and later
retinafaceRetinaFace: Single-stage Dense Face Localisation in the Wild.Pytorch1.2.5 and laterJP
anime-face-detectorAnime Face DetectorPytorch1.2.6 and later
face-detection-adasface-detection-adas-0001OpenVINO1.2.5 and later
mtcnnmtcnnKeras1.2.10 and later

Face identification

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
vggface2VGGFace2 Dataset for Face RecognitionCaffe1.1.0 and later
arcfacepytorch implement of arcfacePytorch1.2.1 and laterEN JP
insightfaceInsightFace: 2D and 3D Face Analysis ProjectPytorch1.2.5 and later
cosfacePytorch implementation of CosFacePytorch1.2.10 and later
facenet_pytorchFace Recognition Using PytorchPytorch1.2.6 and later

Face recognition

Age gender estimation

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
face_classificationReal-time face detection and emotion/gender classificationKeras1.1.0 and later
age-gender-recognition-retailage-gender-recognition-retail-0013OpenVINO1.2.5 and laterEN JP
mivoloMiVOLO: Multi-input Transformer for Age and Gender EstimationPytorch1.2.13 and later

Emotion recognition

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
ferplusFER+CNTK1.2.2 and later
hsemotionHSEmotion (High-Speed face Emotion recognition) libraryPytorch1.2.5 and later

Gaze estimation

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
gazemlA deep learning framework based on Tensorflow
for the training of high performance gaze estimation
TensorFlow1.2.0 and later
mediapipe_irisirislandmarks.pytorchPytorch1.2.2 and laterEN JP
ax_gaze_estimationax Gaze EstimationPytorch1.2.2 and laterEN JP

Head pose estimation

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
hopenetdeep-head-posePytorch1.2.2 and laterEN JP
6d_repnet6D Rotation Representation for Unconstrained Head Pose Estimation (Pytorch)Pytorch1.2.6 and later
L2CS_NetL2CS_NetPytorch1.2.9 and later

Keypoint detection

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
facial_featurekaggle-facial-keypointsPytorch1.2.0 and later
face_alignment2D and 3D Face alignment library build using pytorchPytorch1.2.1 and laterEN JP
prnetJoint 3D Face Reconstruction and Dense Alignment
with Position Map Regression Network
TensorFlow1.2.2 and later
facemeshfacemesh.pytorchPytorch1.2.2 and laterEN JP
facemesh_v2MediaPipe Face landmark detectionPytorch1.2.9 and laterJP
3ddfaTowards Fast, Accurate and Stable 3D Dense Face AlignmentPytorch1.2.10 and later


ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
ax_facial_featuresax Facial FeaturesPytorch1.2.5 and laterEN
face-anti-spoofingLightweight Face Anti SpoofingPytorch1.2.5 and laterEN JP

Face restoration

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
gfpganGFP-GAN: Towards Real-World Blind Face Restoration with Generative Facial PriorPytorch1.2.10 and laterJP
codeformerCodeFormer: Towards Robust Blind Face Restoration with Codebook Lookup TransformerPytorch1.2.9 and later

Face swapping

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
sber-swapSberSwapPytorch1.2.12 and laterJP
facefusionFaceFusionONNXRuntime1.2.10 and later

Frame Interpolation

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
flavrFLAVR: Flow-Agnostic Video Representations for Fast Frame InterpolationPytorch1.2.7 and laterEN JP
cainChannel Attention Is All You Need for Video Frame InterpolationPytorch1.2.5 and later
filmFILM: Frame Interpolation for Large MotionTensorflow1.2.10 and later
rifeReal-Time Intermediate Flow Estimation for Video Frame InterpolationPytorch1.2.13 and later

Generative adversarial networks

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
pytorch-ganCode repo for the Pytorch GAN Zoo project (used to train this model)Pytorch1.2.4 and later
council-ganCouncil-GANPytorch1.2.4 and later
restyle-encoderReStylePytorch1.2.9 and later
samAge Transformation Using a Style-Based Regression ModelPytorch1.2.9 and later
encoder4editingDesigning an Encoder for StyleGAN Image ManipulationPytorch1.2.10 and later
lipganLipGANKeras1.2.15 and laterJP
live_portraitLivePortraitPytorch1.5.0 and laterJP

Hand detection

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
yolov3-handHand detection branch of Face detection using keras-yolov3Keras1.2.1 and later
hand_detection_pytorchhand-detection.PyTorchPytorch1.2.2 and later
blazepalmMediaPipePyTorchPytorch1.2.5 and later

Hand recognition

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
blazehandMediaPipePyTorchPytorch1.2.5 and laterEN JP
hand3dColorHandPose3D networkTensorFlow1.2.5 and later
minimal-handMinimal HandTensorFlow1.2.8 and later
v2v-posenetV2V-PoseNetPytorch1.2.6 and later
hands_segmentation_pytorchhands-segmentation-pytorchPytorch1.2.10 and later

Image captioning

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
illustration2vecIllustration2VecCaffe1.2.2 and later
image_captioning_pytorchImage Captioning pytorchPytorch1.2.5 and laterEN JP
blip2Hugging Face - BLIP-2Pytorch1.2.16 and later

Image classification


ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
alexnetAlexNet PyTorchPytorch1.2.5 and later
vgg16Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image RecognitionKeras1.1.0 and later
googlenetGoing Deeper with ConvolutionsPytorch1.2.0 and later
resnet18ResNet18Pytorch1.2.8 and later
resnet50Deep Residual Learning for Image RecognitionChainer1.2.0 and later
wide_resnet50Wide ResnetPytorch1.2.5 and later
inceptionv3Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer VisionPytorch1.2.0 and laterJP
inceptionv4Keras Inception-V4Keras1.2.5 and later
mobilenetv2PyTorch Implemention of MobileNet V2Pytorch1.2.0 and later
mobilenetv3PyTorch Implemention of MobileNet V3Pytorch1.2.1 and later
efficientnetA PyTorch implementation of EfficientNetPytorch1.2.3 and later
efficientnetv2EfficientNetV2Pytorch1.2.4 and later
mlp_mixerMLP-MixerPytorch1.2.9 and later
convnextA PyTorch implementation of ConvNeXtPytorch1.2.5 and later
mobileoneA PyTorch implementation of MobileOnePytorch1.2.1 and later
imagenet21kImageNet21KPytorch1.2.11 and later
voloVOLO: Vision Outlooker for Visual RecognitionPytorch1.2.9 and later


ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
vitPytorch reimplementation of the Vision Transformer (An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale)Pytorch1.2.7 and laterEN JP
swin-transformerSwin TransformerPytorch1.2.6 and later
clipCLIPPytorch1.2.9 and laterEN JP
japanese-clipJapanese-CLIPPytorch1.2.15 and later
japanese-stable-clip-vit-l-16japanese-stable-clip-vit-l-16Pytorch1.2.11 and later

Specific task

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
partialconvPartial Convolution Layer for Padding and Image InpaintingPytorch1.2.0 and later
weather-prediction-from-imageWeather Prediction From Image - (Warmth Of Image)Keras1.2.5 and later

Image inpainting

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
inpainting-with-partial-convpytorch-inpainting-with-partial-convPyTorch1.2.6 and laterEN JP
inpainting_gmcnnImage Inpainting via Generative Multi-column Convolutional Neural NetworksTensorFlow1.2.6 and later
3d-photo-inpainting3D Photography using Context-aware Layered Depth InpaintingPytorch1.2.7 and later
deepfillv2Free-Form Image Inpainting with Gated ConvolutionPytorch1.2.9 and later

Image manipulation

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
noise2noiseLearning Image Restoration without Clean DataPytorch1.2.0 and later
dewarpnetDewarpNet: Single-Image Document Unwarping With Stacked 3D and 2D Regression NetworksPytorch1.2.1 and later
illnetDocument Rectification and Illumination Correction using a Patch-based CNNPytorch1.2.2 and later
colorizationColorful Image ColorizationPytorch1.2.2 and laterEN JP
u2net_portraitU^2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object DetectionPytorch1.2.2 and later
style2paintsStyle2PaintsTensorFlow1.2.6 and later
deep_white_balanceDeep White-Balance Editing, CVPR 2020 (Oral)PyTorch1.2.6 and later
deblur_ganDeblurGANPytorch1.2.6 and later
invertible_denoising_networkInvertible Image DenoisingPytorch1.2.8 and later
dfmDeep Feature MatchingPytorch1.2.6 and later
dfeDeep Fundamental Matrix EstimationPytorch1.2.6 and later
dehamerImage Dehazing Transformer with Transmission-Aware 3D Position EmbeddingPytorch1.2.13 and later
pytorch-superpointpytorch-superpoint : Self-Supervised Interest Point Detection and DescriptionPytorch1.2.6 and later
cnngeometric_pytorchCNNGeometric PyTorch implementationPytorch1.2.7 and later
lightglueLightGlue-ONNXPytorch1.2.15 and later
docshadowDocShadow-ONNX-TensorRTPytorch1.2.10 and later
fbcnnTowards Flexible Blind JPEG Artifacts RemovalPytorch1.2.9 and later

Image restoration

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
nafnetNAFNet: Nonlinear Activation Free Network for Image RestorationPytorch1.2.10 and later

Image segmentation

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
deeplabv3Xception65 for backbone network of DeepLab v3+Chainer1.2.0 and later
hrnet_segmentationHigh-resolution networks (HRNets) for Semantic SegmentationPytorch1.2.1 and later
hair_segmentationhair segmentation in mobile deviceKeras1.2.1 and later
pspnet-hair-segmentationpytorch-hair-segmentationPytorch1.2.2 and later
human_part_segmentationSelf Correction for Human ParsingPytorch1.2.4 and laterEN JP
semantic-segmentation-mobilenet-v3Semantic segmentation with MobileNetV3TensorFlow1.2.5 and later
pytorch-unetPytorch-UnetPytorch1.2.5 and later
pytorch-enetPyTorch-ENetPytorch1.2.8 and later
yet-another-anime-segmenterYet Another Anime SegmenterPytorch1.2.6 and later
swiftnetSwiftNetPytorch1.2.6 and later
dense_prediction_transformersVision Transformers for Dense PredictionPytorch1.2.7 and laterEN JP
paddlesegPaddleSegPytorch1.2.7 and laterEN JP
pp_litesegPP-LiteSegPytorch1.2.10 and later
suimSUIMKeras1.2.6 and later
group_vitGroupViTPytorch1.2.10 and later
anime-segmentationAnime SegmentationPytorch1.2.9 and later
segment-anythingSegment AnythingPytorch1.2.16 and later
tusimple-DUCTuSimple-DUCPytorch1.2.10 and later
pytorch-fcnpytorch-fcnPytorch1.3.0 and later
grounded_samGrounded-SAMPytorch1.2.16 and later
segment-anything-2Segment Anything 2Pytorch1.2.16 and later
fast_samFastSAMPytorch1.2.14 and later

Large Language Model

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
llavaLLaVAPytorch1.2.16 and later

Landmark classification

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
landmarks_classifier_asiaLandmarks classifier_asia_V1.1TensorFlow Hub1.2.4 and laterEN JP
places365Release of Places365-CNNsPytorch1.2.5 and later

Line segment detection

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
mlsdM-LSD: Towards Light-weight and Real-time Line Segment DetectionTensorFlow1.2.8 and laterEN JP
dexinedDexiNed: Dense Extreme Inception Network for Edge DetectionPytorch1.2.5 and later

Low Light Image Enhancement

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
agllnetAGLLNet: Attention Guided Low-light Image Enhancement (IJCV 2021)Pytorch1.2.9 and laterEN JP
drbn_skfDRBN SKFPytorch1.2.14 and later

Natural language processing


ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
bertpytorch-pretrained-bertPytorch1.2.2 and laterEN JP
bert_maskedlmhuggingface/transformersPytorch1.2.5 and later
bert_question_answeringhuggingface/transformersPytorch1.2.5 and later
bert_zero_shot_classificationhuggingface/transformersPytorch1.2.5 and later


ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
sentence_transformers_japanesesentence transformersPytorch1.2.7 and laterJP
multilingual-e5multilingual-e5-basePytorch1.2.15 and laterJP
glucoseGLuCoSE (General Luke-based Contrastive Sentence Embedding)-base-JapanesePytorch1.2.15 and later

Error corrector

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
bert_insert_punctuationbert-japanesePytorch1.2.15 and later
t5_whisper_medicalerror correction of medical terms using t5Pytorch1.2.13 and later
bertjscbertjscPytorch1.2.15 and later

Grapheme to phoneme

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
soundchoice-g2pHugging Face - speechbrain/soundchoice-g2pPytorch1.2.16 and later
g2p_eng2p_enPytorch1.2.14 and later

Named entity recognition

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
bert_nerhuggingface/transformersPytorch1.2.5 and later
t5_base_japanese_nert5-japanesePytorch1.2.13 and later
bert_ner_japanesejurabi/bert-ner-japanesePytorch1.2.10 and later


ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
cross_encoder_mmarcojeffwan/mmarco-mMiniLMv2-L12-H384-vPytorch1.2.10 and laterJP
japanese-reranker-cross-encoderhotchpotch/japanese-reranker-cross-encoder-large-v1Pytorch1.2.16 and later

Sentence generation

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
gpt2GPT-2Pytorch1.2.7 and later
rinna_gpt2japanese-pretrained-modelsPytorch1.2.7 and later

Sentiment analysis

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
bert_sentiment_analysishuggingface/transformersPytorch1.2.5 and later
bert_tweets_sentimenthuggingface/transformersPytorch1.2.5 and later


ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
bert_sum_extBERTSUMEXTPytorch1.2.7 and later
presummPreSummPytorch1.2.8 and later
t5_base_japanese_title_generationt5-japanesePytorch1.2.13 and laterJP
t5_base_summarizationt5-japanesePytorch1.2.13 and later


ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
fugumt-en-jaFugu-Machine TranslatorPytorch1.2.9 and laterJP
fugumt-ja-enFugu-Machine TranslatorPytorch1.2.10 abd later

Network intrusion detection

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
bert-network-packet-flow-header-payloadbert-network-packet-flow-header-payloadPytorch1.2.10 and later
falcon-adapter-network-packetfalcon-adapter-network-packetPytorch1.2.10 and later

Neural Rendering

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
nerfNeRF: Neural Radiance FieldsTensorflow1.2.10 and laterEN JP
TripoSRTripoSRPytorch1.2.6 and later

NSFW detector

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
clip-based-nsfw-detectorCLIP-based-NSFW-DetectorKeras1.2.10 and laterJP

Object detection


ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
yolov1-tinyYOLO: Real-Time Object DetectionDarknet1.1.0 and laterJP
yolov2YOLO: Real-Time Object DetectionPytorch1.2.0 and later
yolov2-tinyYOLO: Real-Time Object DetectionPytorch1.2.6 and later
yolov3YOLO: Real-Time Object DetectionONNX Runtime1.2.1 and laterEN JP
yolov3-tinyYOLO: Real-Time Object DetectionONNX Runtime1.2.1 and later
yolov4Pytorch-YOLOv4Pytorch1.2.4 and laterEN JP
yolov4-tinyPytorch-YOLOv4Pytorch1.2.5 and later
yolov5yolov5Pytorch1.2.5 and laterEN JP
yolov6YOLOV6Pytorch1.2.10 and later
yolov7YOLOv7Pytorch1.2.7 and later
yolov8YOLOv8Pytorch1.2.14.1 and later
yolov8-segYOLOv8Pytorch1.2.14.1 and later
yolov9YOLOv9Pytorch1.2.10 and later
yolov10YOLOv10Pytorch1.2.11 and later
yolov11YOLOv11Pytorch1.2.14 and later
yoloryolorPytorch1.2.5 and later
yoloxYOLOXPytorch1.2.6 and laterEN JP
yolox-ti-liteedgeai-yoloxPytorch1.2.9 and later
yolovYOLOVPytorch1.2.10 and later
mobilenet_ssdMobileNetV1, MobileNetV2, VGG based SSD/SSD-lite implementation in PytorchPytorch1.2.1 and laterEN JP
maskrcnnMask R-CNN: real-time neural network for object instance segmentationPytorch1.2.3 and later
m2detM2Det: A Single-Shot Object Detector based on Multi-Level Feature Pyramid NetworkPytorch1.2.3 and laterEN JP
centernetCenterNet : Objects as PointsPytorch1.2.1 and laterEN JP
pedestrian_detectionPedestrian-Detection-on-YOLOv3_Research-and-APPKeras1.2.1 and later
efficientdetEfficientDet: Scalable and Efficient Object Detection, in PyTorchPytorch1.2.6 and later
nanodetNanoDetPytorch1.2.6 and later
picodetPP-PicoDetPytorch1.2.10 and later
yolactYou Only Look At CoefficienTsPytorch1.2.6 and later
fastest-detFastestDetPytorch1.2.5 and later
poly_yoloPoly YOLOKeras1.2.6 and later
crowd_detDetection in Crowded ScenesPytorch1.2.13 and later
damo_yoloDAMO-YOLOPytorch1.2.9 and later


ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionDateBlog
glipGLIPPytorch1.2.13 and laterDec 2021
dab-detrDAB-DETRPytorch1.2.12 and laterJan 2022
deticDetecting Twenty-thousand Classes using Image-level SupervisionPytorch1.2.10 and laterJan 2022EN JP
groundingdinoGrounding DINOPytorch1.2.16 and laterMar 2023JP

Specific target

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
mobile_object_localizermobile_object_localizer_v1TensorFlow Hub1.2.6 and laterEN JP
sku110k-densedetSKU110K-DenseDetPytorch1.2.9 and laterEN JP
traffic-sign-detectionTraffic Sign DetectionTensorflow1.2.10 and laterEN JP
footandballFootAndBall: Integrated player and ball detectorPytorch1.2.0 and later
qrcode_wechatqrcodeqrcode_wechatqrcodeCaffe1.2.15 and later
layout_parsingunstructured-inferencePytorch1.2.9 and later

Object detection 3d

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
3d_bbox3D Bounding Box Estimation Using Deep Learning and GeometryPytorch1.2.6 and later
3d-object-detection.pytorch3d-object-detection.pytorchPytorch1.2.8 and laterEN JP
mediapipe_objectronMediaPipe ObjectronTensorFlow Lite1.2.5 and later
egonetEgoNetPytorch1.2.9 and later
d4lcnD4LCNPytorch1.2.9 and later
did_m3dDID M3DPytorch1.2.11 and later

Object tracking

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
deepsortDeep Sort with PyTorchPytorch1.2.3 and laterEN JP
person_reid_baseline_pytorchUTS-Person-reID-PracticalPytorch1.2.6 and later
abd_netAttentive but Diverse Person Re-IdentificationPytorch1.2.7 and later
siam-motSiamMOTPytorch1.2.9 and later
bytetrackByteTrackPytorch1.2.5 and laterEN JP 
qd-3dtMonocular Quasi-Dense 3D Object TrackingPytorch1.2.11 and later 
strong_sortStrongSORTPytorch1.2.15 and later 
centroids-reidOn the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Centroids in Image RetrievalPytorch1.2.9 and later 
deepsort_vehicleMulti-Camera Live Object TrackingPytorch1.2.9 and later

Optical Flow Estimation

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
raftRAFT: Recurrent All Pairs Field Transforms for Optical FlowPytorch1.2.6 and laterEN JP 

Point segmentation

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
pointnet_pytorchPointNet.pytorchPytorch1.2.6 and later

Pose estimation

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
openposeCode repo for realtime multi-person pose estimation in CVPR'17 (Oral)Caffe1.2.1 and later
lightweight-human-pose-estimationFast and accurate human pose estimation in PyTorch.
Contains implementation of
"Real-time 2D Multi-Person Pose Estimation on CPU: Lightweight OpenPose" paper.
Pytorch1.2.1 and laterEN JP
pose_resnetSimple Baselines for Human Pose Estimation and TrackingPytorch1.2.1 and laterEN JP
blazeposeMediaPipePyTorchPytorch1.2.5 and later
efficientposeCode repo for EfficientPoseTensorFlow1.2.6 and later
movenetCode repo for movenetTensorFlow1.2.8 and laterEN JP
animalposeMMPose - 2D animal pose estimationPytorch1.2.7 and laterEN JP
mediapipe_holisticMediaPipe HolisticTensorFlow1.2.9 and later
ap-10kAP-10KPytorch1.2.4 and later
posenetPoseNet PytorchPytorch1.2.10 and later
e2poseE2PoseTensorflow1.2.5 and later

Pose estimation 3d

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
lightweight-human-pose-estimation-3dReal-time 3D multi-person pose estimation demo in PyTorch.
OpenVINO backend can be used for fast inference on CPU.
Pytorch1.2.1 and later
3d-pose-baselineA simple baseline for 3d human pose estimation in tensorflow.
Presented at ICCV 17.
TensorFlow1.2.3 and later
pose-hg-3dTowards 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild: a Weakly-supervised ApproachPytorch1.2.6 and later
blazepose-fullbodyMediaPipeTensorFlow Lite1.2.5 and laterEN JP
3dmppe_posenetPoseNet of "Camera Distance-aware Top-down Approach for 3D Multi-person Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image"Pytorch1.2.6 and later
gastA Graph Attention Spatio-temporal Convolutional Networks for 3D Human Pose Estimation in Video (GAST-Net)Pytorch1.2.7 and laterEN JP
mediapipe_pose_world_landmarksMediaPipe Pose real-world 3D coordinatesTensorFlow Lite1.2.10 and later

Road detection

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
codes-for-lane-detectionCodes-for-Lane-DetectionPytorch1.2.6 and laterEN JP
roneldRONELD-Lane-DetectionPytorch1.2.6 and later
road-segmentation-adasroad-segmentation-adas-0001OpenVINO1.2.5 and later
cdnetCDNetPytorch1.2.5 and later
lstrLSTRPytorch1.2.8 and later
ultra-fast-lane-detectionUltra-Fast-Lane-DetectionPytorch1.2.6 and later
yolopYOLOPPytorch1.2.6 and later
hybridnetsHybridNetsPytorch1.2.6 and later
polylanenetPolyLaneNetPytorch1.2.9 and later

Rotation prediction

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
rotnetCNNs for predicting the rotation angle of an image to correct its orientationKeras1.2.1 and later

Style transfer

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
adainArbitrary Style Transfer in Real-time with Adaptive Instance NormalizationPytorch1.2.1 and laterEN JP
psganPSGAN: Pose and Expression Robust Spatial-Aware GAN for Customizable Makeup TransferPytorch1.2.7 and later
beauty_ganBeautyGANPytorch1.2.7 and later
animeganv2PyTorch Implementation of AnimeGANv2Pytorch1.2.5 and later
pix2pixHDpix2pixHD: High-Resolution Image Synthesis and Semantic Manipulation with Conditional GANsPytorch1.2.6 and later
EleGANtEleGANt: Exquisite and Locally Editable GAN for Makeup TransferPytorch1.2.15 and later

Super resolution

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
srresnetPhoto-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial NetworkPytorch1.2.0 and laterEN JP
edsrEnhanced Deep Residual Networks for Single Image Super-ResolutionPytorch1.2.6 and laterEN JP
hanSingle Image Super-Resolution via a Holistic Attention NetworkPytorch1.2.6 and later
real-esrganReal-ESRGANPytorch1.2.9 and later
rcan-itRevisiting RCAN: Improved Training for Image Super-ResolutionPytorch1.2.10 and later
swinirSwinIR: Image Restoration Using Swin TransformerPytorch1.2.12 and later
HatHatPytorch1.2.6 and later

Text detection

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
craft_pytorchCRAFT: Character-Region Awareness For Text detectionPytorch1.2.2 and later
pixel_linkPixel-LinkTensorFlow1.2.6 and later
eastEAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text DetectorTensorFlow1.2.6 and later

Text recognition

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
etlJapanese Character ClassificationKeras1.1.0 and laterJP
deep-text-recognition-benchmarkdeep-text-recognition-benchmarkPytorch1.2.6 and later
crnn.pytorchConvolutional Recurrent Neural NetworkPytorch1.2.6 and later
paddleocrPaddleOCR : Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddlePytorch1.2.6 and laterEN JP
easyocrReady-to-use OCR with 80+ supported languagesPytorch1.2.6 and later
ndlocr_text_recognitionNDL OCRPytorch1.2.5 and later

Time-Series Forecasting

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
informer2020Informer: Beyond Efficient Transformer for Long Sequence Time-Series Forecasting (AAAI'21 Best Paper)Pytorch1.2.10 and later

Vehicle recognition

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
vehicle-attributes-recognition-barriervehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0042OpenVINO1.2.5 and laterEN JP
vehicle-license-plate-detection-barriervehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106OpenVINO1.2.5 and later

Vision Language Model

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
florence2Hugging Face - microsoft/Florence-2-basePytorch1.2.16 and later
qwen2_vlQwen2-VLPytorch1.5.0 and later

Commercial model

ModelReferenceExported FromSupported Ailia VersionBlog
acculus-poseAcculus, Inc.Caffe1.2.3 and later

Other languages