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Bring Symfony's Var-Dump Server to Laravel


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Provides mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable


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Quick Overview

The Laravel Dump Server is a package for the Laravel framework that provides a more user-friendly and powerful alternative to the built-in dump() and dd() functions. It allows developers to view their application's debug output in a dedicated server, making it easier to manage and analyze.


  • Improved Debugging Experience: The Laravel Dump Server provides a dedicated server for viewing debug output, making it easier to manage and analyze compared to the traditional dump() and dd() functions.
  • Real-time Updates: The dump server updates in real-time, allowing developers to see changes to their application's state as they happen.
  • Customizable Output: The package offers various options for customizing the output, such as highlighting specific data types or adding additional context.
  • Integrates with Laravel: The Laravel Dump Server is designed to seamlessly integrate with the Laravel framework, making it easy to set up and use.


  • Requires Additional Setup: While the package is easy to set up, it does require an additional step in the development process, which may not be necessary for all projects.
  • Potential Performance Impact: Depending on the amount of debug output being generated, the dump server could potentially have a slight impact on the performance of the application.
  • Limited to Laravel: The Laravel Dump Server is specifically designed for the Laravel framework and may not be applicable to other PHP frameworks or projects.
  • Potential Security Concerns: If the dump server is not properly secured, it could potentially expose sensitive information about the application.

Getting Started

To get started with the Laravel Dump Server, follow these steps:

  1. Install the package using Composer:
composer require beyondcode/laravel-dump-server
  1. Register the service provider in your config/app.php file:
'providers' => [
    // ...
  1. Start the dump server by running the following command in your terminal:
php artisan dump-server
  1. Use the dump() or dd() functions in your application as you normally would, and the output will be displayed in the dump server.
// Example usage
$user = User::find(1);

The dump server will automatically update with the output from your dump() or dd() calls, making it easy to debug your application.

Competitor Comparisons

Provides mechanisms for walking through any arbitrary PHP variable

Pros of var-dumper

  • More comprehensive and feature-rich debugging tool
  • Supports multiple output formats (CLI, HTML, server)
  • Can be used in various PHP projects, not limited to Laravel

Cons of var-dumper

  • Requires more setup and configuration for optimal use
  • May have a steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Not specifically tailored for Laravel applications

Code Comparison




use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\VarDumper;


Key Differences

  1. Scope: laravel-dump-server is specifically designed for Laravel applications, while var-dumper is a more general-purpose debugging tool for PHP projects.

  2. Integration: laravel-dump-server integrates seamlessly with Laravel's ecosystem, whereas var-dumper requires additional setup for optimal use in Laravel.

  3. Features: var-dumper offers more advanced features and output options, but laravel-dump-server provides a simpler, more streamlined experience for Laravel developers.

  4. Community: laravel-dump-server has a smaller but more focused community, while var-dumper benefits from the larger Symfony ecosystem and broader PHP community support.

  5. Performance: laravel-dump-server may have a slight edge in performance within Laravel applications due to its specialized nature, but var-dumper is highly optimized for general PHP use.


PHP errors for cool kids

Pros of Whoops

  • More versatile, can be used in various PHP projects beyond Laravel
  • Provides a detailed, interactive error page with stack traces and code snippets
  • Highly customizable with handlers and editor configurations

Cons of Whoops

  • Requires more setup and configuration for optimal use
  • May expose sensitive information if not properly configured in production
  • Less integrated with Laravel's ecosystem compared to Laravel Dump Server

Code Comparison

Whoops setup:

$whoops = new \Whoops\Run;
$whoops->pushHandler(new \Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler);

Laravel Dump Server usage:

// Output is sent to the dump server

Key Differences

  • Laravel Dump Server focuses on dumping variables and debugging during development
  • Whoops provides a comprehensive error handling and display solution
  • Laravel Dump Server is more tightly integrated with Laravel, while Whoops is framework-agnostic
  • Whoops offers more advanced features for error handling and customization
  • Laravel Dump Server is easier to set up and use out of the box in a Laravel environment

Both tools serve different purposes in the development workflow. Laravel Dump Server is ideal for quick debugging and variable inspection in Laravel applications, while Whoops offers a more robust error handling solution for various PHP projects.

Debugbar for Laravel (Integrates PHP Debug Bar)

Pros of Laravel Debugbar

  • Provides a comprehensive debugging toolbar with various panels (queries, routes, views, etc.)
  • Offers real-time insights into application performance and execution
  • Integrates seamlessly with Laravel's built-in features and other packages

Cons of Laravel Debugbar

  • Can impact performance when enabled in production environments
  • May expose sensitive information if not properly configured
  • Requires manual setup and configuration for optimal use

Code Comparison

Laravel Debugbar:

use Barryvdh\Debugbar\Facade as Debugbar;

Debugbar::warning('Watch out…');
Debugbar::addMessage('Another message', 'mylabel');

Laravel Dump Server:


Laravel Dump Server focuses on enhancing Laravel's built-in dump() and dd() functions by providing a separate dump server. It's lightweight and doesn't require additional setup beyond installation. However, it lacks the extensive features and visual representation offered by Laravel Debugbar.

Laravel Debugbar offers a more comprehensive debugging experience with its various panels and real-time insights. It's particularly useful for analyzing queries, routes, and overall application performance. However, it may have a slightly higher learning curve and impact on performance compared to Laravel Dump Server.

Choose Laravel Dump Server for quick and simple debugging, or Laravel Debugbar for a more feature-rich debugging experience.

A beautiful error page for Laravel apps

Pros of Ignition

  • More comprehensive error handling and debugging features
  • Integrated with Laravel's error handling system
  • Provides a user-friendly interface for error reporting and analysis

Cons of Ignition

  • May have a steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Requires more setup and configuration compared to Laravel Dump Server

Code Comparison

Laravel Dump Server:



// or
throw new Exception('Custom error message');

Key Differences

  • Laravel Dump Server focuses primarily on variable dumping, while Ignition offers a more comprehensive error handling and debugging solution.
  • Ignition provides a web-based interface for error reporting, whereas Laravel Dump Server outputs to the console.
  • Ignition integrates more deeply with Laravel's error handling system, offering features like stack traces and solution suggestions.

Use Cases

  • Laravel Dump Server is ideal for quick debugging and variable inspection during development.
  • Ignition is better suited for more complex debugging scenarios and production error handling.

Community and Support

  • Ignition has more active development and a larger user base.
  • Laravel Dump Server is a simpler tool with fewer updates but still maintains compatibility with recent Laravel versions.

💥 Collision is a beautiful error reporting tool for command-line applications

Pros of Collision

  • More comprehensive error handling and reporting
  • Integrates with Laravel's error handling system
  • Provides a visually appealing and informative console output for exceptions

Cons of Collision

  • Focuses primarily on error handling, not debugging
  • May require more setup and configuration for advanced features
  • Could potentially impact performance in production environments if not properly configured

Code Comparison


use NunoMaduro\Collision\Provider;

$provider = new Provider();

Laravel Dump Server:

use BeyondCode\DumpServer\DumpServerServiceProvider;



Collision is a robust error handling and reporting tool for Laravel applications, offering enhanced exception visualization and integration with Laravel's error system. It excels in providing detailed, user-friendly error information for developers.

Laravel Dump Server, on the other hand, is more focused on debugging, allowing developers to dump variables and debug information to a separate server for inspection. This can be particularly useful for debugging API requests or background jobs.

While Collision provides a more comprehensive error handling solution, Laravel Dump Server offers a unique approach to debugging that can be valuable in specific scenarios. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of the project and the developer's preferences for error handling and debugging workflows.

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Laravel Dump Server

Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads

Bringing the Symfony Var-Dump Server to Laravel.

This package will give you a dump server, that collects all your dump call outputs, so that it does not interfere with HTTP / API responses.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require --dev beyondcode/laravel-dump-server


You can find the documentation on the Beyond Code website.

Looking for dump on steroids? Check out Laravel Herd!

Herd logo

Herd Pro gives you a powerful interface to help you watch and collect your debug information.

All of your application's dump() and dd() calls will be beautifully formatted and can be filtered from Herd's separate Dump window.

Just keep using dump() as usual – Herd will take care of the rest.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.