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Bitnami Helm Charts


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⚠️(OBSOLETE) Curated applications for Kubernetes

You know, for Kubernetes

Quick Overview

The Bitnami Charts repository is a collection of Helm charts for deploying various open-source software applications on Kubernetes. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that simplifies the deployment and management of applications on a Kubernetes cluster.


  • Extensive Collection: The repository contains a wide range of pre-configured Helm charts for popular open-source applications, making it easier to deploy and manage these applications on Kubernetes.
  • Maintained by Experts: The charts are maintained by the Bitnami team, who are experts in Kubernetes and the applications they package.
  • Customizable: The charts are designed to be highly customizable, allowing users to tailor the deployment to their specific needs.
  • Community Support: The Bitnami Charts repository has a large and active community, providing support and contributions to the project.


  • Dependency on Bitnami: The charts are primarily maintained by Bitnami, which means users may be dependent on Bitnami's continued support and development of the project.
  • Complexity: Deploying applications on Kubernetes can be complex, and the Bitnami Charts repository may not be suitable for users who are new to Kubernetes.
  • Potential Vendor Lock-in: By using the Bitnami Charts repository, users may become dependent on Bitnami's ecosystem and tools, which could lead to vendor lock-in.
  • Limited Customization: While the charts are customizable, the level of customization may be limited compared to manually configuring the application deployment.

Code Examples

N/A (This is not a code library)

Getting Started

N/A (This is not a code library)

Competitor Comparisons


⚠️(OBSOLETE) Curated applications for Kubernetes

Pros of charts

  • Official Helm repository, maintained by the Helm community
  • Wider range of charts covering various applications and services
  • Stricter review process and quality standards for chart submissions

Cons of charts

  • Less frequent updates compared to Bitnami's charts
  • Some charts may be deprecated or moved to other repositories
  • Potentially less consistency across charts due to multiple contributors

Code comparison


apiVersion: v2
name: example-chart
version: 1.0.0
description: An example Helm chart
type: application


apiVersion: v2
name: example-chart
version: 1.0.0
description: An example Bitnami Helm chart
type: application
kubeVersion: ">=1.16.0-0"

The code snippets show similar structure, with Bitnami's chart including an additional kubeVersion field specifying the minimum Kubernetes version required.

Both repositories offer a wide range of Helm charts for deploying applications on Kubernetes. Charts focuses on community-driven development and a broader selection, while bitnami/charts provides more frequent updates and consistent maintenance across their chart offerings. Users should consider their specific needs, such as update frequency, chart variety, and community support when choosing between the two repositories.

You know, for Kubernetes

Pros of helm-charts

  • Specialized for Elastic Stack components (Elasticsearch, Kibana, etc.)
  • Maintained directly by Elastic, ensuring up-to-date compatibility
  • Includes advanced features specific to Elastic products

Cons of helm-charts

  • Limited scope, focusing only on Elastic Stack
  • Less frequent updates compared to charts
  • Smaller community and fewer contributors

Code Comparison


  imageTag: "7.10.0"
  esJavaOpts: "-Xmx1g -Xms1g"
      cpu: "100m"
      memory: "2Gi"


    tag: "7.10.0-debian-10-r0"
  heapSize: "1024m"
      cpu: "300m"
      memory: "1Gi"

Key Differences

  • helm-charts uses imageTag while charts uses nested image.tag
  • Java options are set differently: esJavaOpts vs heapSize
  • Resource requests vary, with helm-charts allocating more memory by default

Use Cases

  • Choose helm-charts for dedicated Elastic Stack deployments
  • Opt for charts for a wider variety of applications and more frequent updates

Community and Support

  • charts has a larger community and more diverse contributions
  • helm-charts offers direct support from Elastic for their products

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helm install my-release oci://<chart>

Vulnerabilities scanner

Each Helm chart contains one or more containers. Those containers use images provided by Bitnami through its test & release pipeline and whose source code can be found at bitnami/containers.

As part of the container releases, the images are scanned for vulnerabilities, here you can find more info about this topic.

Since the container image is an immutable artifact that is already analyzed, as part of the Helm chart release process we are not looking for vulnerabilities in the containers but running different verifications to ensure the Helm charts work as expected, see the testing strategy defined at

Before you begin


  • Kubernetes 1.23+
  • Helm 3.8.0+

Setup a Kubernetes Cluster

The quickest way to set up a Kubernetes cluster to install Bitnami Charts is by following the "Bitnami Get Started" guides for the different services:

For setting up Kubernetes on other cloud platforms or bare-metal servers refer to the Kubernetes getting started guide.

Install Helm

Helm is a tool for managing Kubernetes charts. Charts are packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources.

To install Helm, refer to the Helm install guide and ensure that the helm binary is in the PATH of your shell.

Using Helm

Once you have installed the Helm client, you can deploy a Bitnami Helm Chart into a Kubernetes cluster.

Please refer to the Quick Start guide if you wish to get running in just a few commands, otherwise, the Using Helm Guide provides detailed instructions on how to use the Helm client to manage packages on your Kubernetes cluster.

Useful Helm Client Commands:

  • Install a chart: helm install my-release oci://<chart>
  • Upgrade your application: helm upgrade my-release oci://<chart>


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