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brackets-cont logobrackets

An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.


Top Related Projects's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.


Visual Studio Code


:atom: The hackable text editor


An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

In-browser code editor (version 5, legacy)


The library for web and native user interfaces.

Quick Overview

Brackets is an open-source code editor primarily focused on web development. It offers a modern, lightweight interface with live preview capabilities and powerful features tailored for front-end developers. Brackets is designed to provide a seamless workflow for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript development.


  • Live Preview: Allows real-time visualization of changes in the browser
  • Extension ecosystem: Wide range of community-developed extensions available
  • Inline editing: Edit CSS and JavaScript directly within HTML files
  • Built-in preprocessor support: Integrated support for LESS and SCSS


  • Limited language support: Primarily focused on web technologies
  • Performance issues: Can be slow with large projects or files
  • Discontinued: Adobe ceased active development in 2021
  • Limited debugging capabilities compared to more robust IDEs

Code Examples

  1. Using Quick Edit for CSS:
<div class="example">
    <!-- Place cursor here and press Ctrl+E (Cmd+E on Mac) -->
    Hello, World!

This allows you to quickly edit the CSS for the selected element without leaving the HTML file.

  1. Live Preview JavaScript console:
console.log("This message will appear in the browser's console");
// Use Ctrl+Shift+C (Cmd+Shift+C on Mac) to open the Developer Tools
  1. Extension API usage:
define(function (require, exports, module) {
    var CommandManager = brackets.getModule("command/CommandManager");
    function handleHelloWorld() {
        console.log("Hello, World!");
    CommandManager.register("Say Hello", "extension.sayhello", handleHelloWorld);

This code demonstrates how to create a simple extension that adds a new command to Brackets.

Getting Started

  1. Download Brackets from the official website (
  2. Install and launch the application
  3. Open a project folder or create a new HTML file
  4. Enable Live Preview by clicking the lightning bolt icon in the top-right corner
  5. Start coding and see real-time updates in your browser

To install extensions:

  1. Go to File > Extension Manager
  2. Browse or search for desired extensions
  3. Click "Install" next to the extension name

Competitor Comparisons's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.

Pros of freeCodeCamp

  • Larger community and more contributors, leading to faster development and bug fixes
  • Broader scope, offering a comprehensive platform for learning various programming skills
  • More frequent updates and active maintenance

Cons of freeCodeCamp

  • Steeper learning curve for new contributors due to its larger codebase
  • May be overwhelming for users looking for a simple, focused code editor
  • Requires more system resources to run locally for development

Code Comparison


define(function (require, exports, module) {
    "use strict";
    var CommandManager = require("command/CommandManager");
    var Commands       = require("command/Commands");
    var Menus          = require("command/Menus");


import { SuperBlocks } from '../../../config/certification-settings';
import { createSuperBlockMap } from './create-superblock-map';

export function createSuperBlockStages(superBlocks) {
  const superBlockMap = createSuperBlockMap(superBlocks);

While both projects use JavaScript, freeCodeCamp employs more modern ES6+ syntax and import statements, whereas Brackets uses an older AMD-style module system. freeCodeCamp's code structure reflects its broader scope and more complex architecture compared to Brackets' focused approach on code editing functionality.


Visual Studio Code

Pros of VS Code

  • Extensive ecosystem with a vast array of extensions and plugins
  • Regular updates and active development from Microsoft
  • Integrated terminal and Git support

Cons of VS Code

  • Heavier resource usage, potentially slower on older machines
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners due to more features
  • Less focused on web development compared to Brackets

Code Comparison

VS Code (settings.json):

  "editor.fontSize": 14,
  "editor.wordWrap": "on",
  "files.autoSave": "afterDelay",
  "workbench.colorTheme": "Monokai"

Brackets (brackets.json):

  "fonts.fontSize": "14px",
  "wordWrap": true,
  "autoSave": true,
  "themes.theme": "dark"

Both editors allow customization through JSON configuration files, but VS Code offers more granular control over settings. Brackets focuses on simplicity, while VS Code provides more extensive options for power users.


:atom: The hackable text editor

Pros of Atom

  • More extensive plugin ecosystem with a larger community
  • Built-in package manager for easy extension installation
  • Better performance for larger projects and files

Cons of Atom

  • Heavier resource usage, especially on older hardware
  • Slower startup time compared to Brackets
  • Steeper learning curve for new users

Code Comparison

Atom (JavaScript):

atom.commands.add('atom-workspace', {
  'custom:command': () => {
    console.log('Custom command executed');

Brackets (JavaScript):

CommandManager.register("Custom Command", "custom.command", function() {
    console.log("Custom command executed");

Both editors use JavaScript for extensibility, but Atom's API is more modern and flexible. Atom's code is more concise and uses arrow functions, while Brackets uses a more traditional approach with function declarations.

Atom's extensive customization options and larger community make it a more powerful choice for developers who need a highly extensible editor. However, Brackets offers a lighter, more focused experience that may be preferable for web development-specific tasks and users with less powerful hardware.


An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

Pros of Brackets

  • Larger community and more active development
  • More extensive documentation and resources
  • Better integration with Adobe products

Cons of Brackets

  • Heavier resource usage
  • Slower performance on older hardware
  • Less frequent updates in recent years

Code Comparison


define(function (require, exports, module) {
    "use strict";
    var CommandManager = require("command/CommandManager"),
        Menus          = require("command/Menus"),
        KeyBindingManager = require("command/KeyBindingManager");


define((require, exports, module) => {
    "use strict";
    const CommandManager = require("command/CommandManager");
    const Menus = require("command/Menus");
    const KeyBindingManager = require("command/KeyBindingManager");

The code comparison shows that Brackets uses a more traditional JavaScript syntax, while brackets-cont adopts modern ES6 features like arrow functions and const declarations. This reflects the ongoing development and modernization efforts in the brackets-cont fork.

Both projects aim to provide a powerful, open-source code editor for web development, but Brackets benefits from its larger community and Adobe backing. On the other hand, brackets-cont offers a more lightweight alternative with potentially faster performance on older systems. The choice between the two depends on individual needs and preferences.

In-browser code editor (version 5, legacy)

Pros of CodeMirror 5

  • More extensive feature set and customization options
  • Larger community and ecosystem with numerous plugins
  • Better performance for handling large files

Cons of CodeMirror 5

  • Steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Less integrated development environment (IDE) features out-of-the-box
  • Requires more setup and configuration for advanced use cases

Code Comparison


define(function (require, exports, module) {
    "use strict";
    var EditorManager = require("editor/EditorManager");
    var Editor = require("editor/Editor").Editor;
    // ...

CodeMirror 5:

import CodeMirror from 'codemirror';
import 'codemirror/mode/javascript/javascript';

const editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById('editor'), {
  mode: 'javascript',
  lineNumbers: true

Both projects aim to provide code editing capabilities, but they have different focuses. Brackets is a full-fledged IDE with a built-in editor, while CodeMirror 5 is a versatile code editor component that can be integrated into various applications. CodeMirror offers more flexibility and customization options, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases. However, Brackets provides a more complete development environment out-of-the-box, which may be preferable for users looking for an all-in-one solution.


The library for web and native user interfaces.

Pros of React

  • Larger community and ecosystem, with more resources and third-party libraries
  • More versatile, can be used for web and mobile app development
  • Better performance for complex, dynamic user interfaces

Cons of React

  • Steeper learning curve, especially for developers new to JavaScript frameworks
  • Requires additional tools and libraries for a complete development environment
  • More frequent updates and potential breaking changes

Code Comparison


import React from 'react';

function App() {
  return <h1>Hello, World!</h1>;

export default App;


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Hello, World!</title>
    <h1>Hello, World!</h1>

React focuses on component-based development and uses JSX, while Brackets is primarily an HTML, CSS, and JavaScript editor that doesn't enforce a specific framework or structure. React is better suited for building complex, interactive web applications, while Brackets is more appropriate for simpler web development tasks and as a lightweight code editor.

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Welcome to Brackets! Build Status

Brackets is a modern open-source code editor for HTML, CSS and JavaScript that's built in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

This is a fork of a project previously maintained by Adobe. We might change names in the future.

A lot of work needs to be done to make this fork become independent. Feel free to open a PR! Want to help coordinating the project itself? Check the projects tab (here).

What makes Brackets different from other web code editors?

  • Tools shouldn't get in your way. Instead of cluttering up your coding environment with lots of panels and icons, the Quick Edit UI in Brackets puts context-specific code and tools inline.
  • Brackets is in sync with your browser. With Live Preview, Brackets works directly with your browser to push code edits instantly and jump back and forth between your real source code and the browser view.
  • Do it yourself. Because Brackets is open source, and built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, you can help build the best code editor for the web.

Brackets may have reached version 1, but we're not stopping there. We have many feature ideas on our trello board that we're anxious to add and other innovative web development workflows that we're planning to build into Brackets. So take Brackets out for a spin and let us know how we can make it your favorite editor.

You can see some screenshots of Brackets on the wiki, intro videos on YouTube, and news on the Brackets blog.

How to install and run Brackets


Installers for the latest stable build for Mac and Windows can be downloaded here.


By default, Brackets opens a folder containing some simple "Getting Started" content. You can choose a different folder to edit using File > Open Folder.

Most of Brackets should be pretty self-explanatory, but for information on how to use its unique features, like Quick Edit and Live Preview, please read How to Use Brackets. Also, see the release notes for a list of new features and known issues in each build.

In addition to the core features built into Brackets, there is a large and growing community of developers building extensions that add all sorts of useful functionality. See the Brackets Extension Registry for a list of available extensions. For installation instructions, see the extensions wiki page.

Need help?

Having problems starting Brackets the first time, or not sure how to use Brackets? Please review Troubleshooting, which helps you to fix common problems and find extra help if needed.

Helping Brackets

I found a bug!

If you found a repeatable bug, and troubleshooting tips didn't help, then be sure to search existing issues first. Include steps to consistently reproduce the problem, actual vs. expected results, screenshots, and your OS and Brackets version number. Disable all extensions to verify the issue is a core Brackets bug. Read more guidelines for filing good bugs.

I have a new suggestion, but don't know how to program!

For feature requests please first check our Trello board to see if it's already there; you can upvote it if so. If not, feel free to file it as an issue as above; we'll move it to the feature backlog for you.

I want to help with the code!

Awesome! There are lots of ways you can help. First read, then learn how to pull the repo and hack on Brackets.

The text editor inside Brackets is based on CodeMirror—thanks to Marijn for taking our pull requests, implementing feature requests and fixing bugs! See Notes on CodeMirror for info on how we're using CodeMirror.

Although Brackets is built in HTML/CSS/JS, it currently runs as a desktop application in a thin native shell, so that it can access your local files. (If you just try to open the index.html file in a browser, it won't work yet.) The native shell for Brackets lives in a separate repo, brackets-cont/brackets-shell.

I want to keep track of how Brackets is doing!

Not sure you needed the exclamation point there, but we like your enthusiasm.

What's Brackets working on next?

  • In our feature backlog, the columns to the right (starting from "Development") list the features that we're currently working on. "Ready" shows what we'll be working on next.
  • Watch our GitHub activity stream.
  • The entire development process is outlined in the Developer Guide.

Contact info

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

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