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🔥 Fully-local simulator for Cloudflare Workers. For the latest version, see


Top Related Projects


A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.


Web framework built on Web Standards


The next-gen web framework.


The React Framework


Build Better Websites. Create modern, resilient user experiences with web fundamentals.

Quick Overview

Miniflare is a local development environment for Cloudflare Workers, designed to simulate the Cloudflare Workers runtime on your local machine. It allows developers to test and debug their Workers scripts without deploying to the Cloudflare network, providing a faster and more convenient development experience.


  • Fast and lightweight local development environment for Cloudflare Workers
  • Supports most Cloudflare Workers APIs and features
  • Provides hot reloading for quick iteration during development
  • Integrates well with existing development workflows and tools


  • May not perfectly replicate all aspects of the live Cloudflare Workers environment
  • Some advanced features or edge cases might not be fully supported
  • Requires separate deployment steps to push changes to production
  • Learning curve for developers new to Cloudflare Workers ecosystem

Code Examples

  1. Basic Worker script:
addEventListener('fetch', event => {

async function handleRequest(request) {
  return new Response('Hello World!')
  1. Using KV storage:
addEventListener('fetch', event => {

async function handleRequest(request) {
  const value = await MY_KV.get('key')
  return new Response(`Value: ${value}`)
  1. Handling different HTTP methods:
addEventListener('fetch', event => {

async function handleRequest(request) {
  switch (request.method) {
    case 'GET':
      return new Response('This is a GET request')
    case 'POST':
      return new Response('This is a POST request')
      return new Response('Method not allowed', { status: 405 })

Getting Started

  1. Install Miniflare:

    npm install -g miniflare
  2. Create a worker.js file with your Worker script.

  3. Run Miniflare:

    miniflare worker.js
  4. Access your Worker at http://localhost:8787.

  5. For more advanced configuration, create a wrangler.toml file:

    name = "my-worker"
    type = "javascript"
    account_id = "your-account-id"
    workers_dev = true
  6. Run Miniflare with the configuration:

    miniflare --wrangler-config wrangler.toml

Competitor Comparisons


A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.

Pros of Deno

  • Broader ecosystem support, including a wide range of standard libraries and third-party modules
  • Built-in TypeScript support without additional configuration
  • More comprehensive tooling, including a built-in test runner, formatter, and linter

Cons of Deno

  • Steeper learning curve for developers familiar with Node.js
  • Potentially slower execution compared to Miniflare for specific Cloudflare Workers use cases
  • Less focused on Cloudflare Workers-specific features and APIs

Code Comparison


import { serve } from "";

serve((req) => new Response("Hello World!"));


addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
  event.respondWith(new Response("Hello World!"));

The code comparison shows that Deno uses ES modules and imports from URLs, while Miniflare follows the Cloudflare Workers API more closely. Deno's approach is more general-purpose, while Miniflare is tailored specifically for Cloudflare Workers development.


Web framework built on Web Standards

Pros of Hono

  • Lightweight and fast web framework with minimal overhead
  • Supports TypeScript out of the box for better type safety
  • Versatile, can be used in various environments (Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, etc.)

Cons of Hono

  • Primarily focused on routing and middleware, less comprehensive than Miniflare
  • May require additional setup for full-featured development environments
  • Less integrated with Cloudflare Workers ecosystem compared to Miniflare

Code Comparison


import { Hono } from 'hono'

const app = new Hono()

app.get('/', (c) => c.text('Hello Hono!'))

export default app


addEventListener('fetch', event => {

async function handleRequest(request) {
  return new Response('Hello Miniflare!', { status: 200 })

Hono provides a more modern, expressive API for routing and handling requests, while Miniflare focuses on simulating the Cloudflare Workers environment for local development and testing. Hono is better suited for building web applications with clean, organized code, whereas Miniflare excels in creating a realistic development environment for Cloudflare Workers projects.


The next-gen web framework.

Pros of Fresh

  • Built specifically for Deno, offering seamless integration with Deno's ecosystem
  • Supports server-side rendering out of the box, enhancing SEO and initial page load performance
  • Provides a more comprehensive web framework with routing, templating, and state management

Cons of Fresh

  • Limited to Deno runtime, reducing flexibility compared to Miniflare's broader JavaScript support
  • Steeper learning curve for developers not familiar with Deno or its specific APIs
  • Less focus on simulating Cloudflare Workers environment, which Miniflare specializes in

Code Comparison

Fresh (server setup):

import { serve } from "";
import { createApp } from "";

const app = createApp();
await serve(app.fetch);

Miniflare (worker setup):

import { Miniflare } from "miniflare";

const mf = new Miniflare({
  scriptPath: "./worker.js",
  modules: true,

const response = await mf.dispatchFetch("http://localhost:8787/");

Fresh focuses on creating full-stack Deno applications, while Miniflare simulates the Cloudflare Workers environment for local development and testing. Fresh offers a more comprehensive framework for building web applications in Deno, whereas Miniflare provides a specialized tool for Cloudflare Workers development across different JavaScript runtimes.


The React Framework

Pros of Next.js

  • Full-featured React framework with built-in routing, server-side rendering, and static site generation
  • Large ecosystem and community support, with extensive documentation and third-party integrations
  • Optimized for performance with automatic code splitting and image optimization

Cons of Next.js

  • Steeper learning curve for developers new to React or server-side rendering concepts
  • More complex setup and configuration compared to simpler static site generators
  • Potentially higher resource usage due to server-side rendering capabilities

Code Comparison


// pages/index.js
export default function Home() {
  return <h1>Welcome to Next.js!</h1>


// index.js
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
  event.respondWith(new Response('Hello from Miniflare!'))

Key Differences

  • Next.js is a full-stack React framework, while Miniflare is a local development tool for Cloudflare Workers
  • Next.js focuses on server-side rendering and static site generation, whereas Miniflare simulates the Cloudflare Workers runtime
  • Next.js has a more opinionated structure and built-in features, while Miniflare provides a lightweight environment for testing and debugging Workers

Use Cases

  • Choose Next.js for building complex web applications with React, especially those requiring server-side rendering or static site generation
  • Use Miniflare for developing and testing Cloudflare Workers locally before deployment to the Cloudflare platform

Build Better Websites. Create modern, resilient user experiences with web fundamentals.

Pros of Remix

  • Full-stack web framework with server-side rendering and client-side hydration
  • Supports nested routing and data loading for improved performance
  • Integrates well with various backend services and databases

Cons of Remix

  • Steeper learning curve for developers new to full-stack frameworks
  • Requires more setup and configuration compared to simpler alternatives
  • May be overkill for small, static websites or simple applications

Code Comparison

Remix (server-side route):

export async function loader({ params }) {
  const user = await getUser(params.userId);
  return json({ user });

export default function UserProfile() {
  const { user } = useLoaderData();
  return <h1>{}'s Profile</h1>;

Miniflare (worker script):

addEventListener('fetch', event => {

async function handleRequest(request) {
  return new Response('Hello, Miniflare!');

Key Differences

  • Remix is a full-stack framework, while Miniflare is a local development tool for Cloudflare Workers
  • Remix focuses on server-side rendering and client-side hydration, whereas Miniflare simulates the Cloudflare Workers runtime
  • Remix provides a more comprehensive development ecosystem, while Miniflare is specifically tailored for Cloudflare Workers development

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This repository is for Miniflare 2, which is only receiving critical security updates. Miniflare 2 simulated the Workers runtime and the rest of the Cloudflare developer platform using Node.js. New versions of Miniflare can be found in the workers-sdk repository, and use the open-sourced Workers runtime workerd. This practically eliminates behaviour mismatches between development and production deployments. We recommend you migrate to Miniflare 3 now if you can. Whilst Miniflare 3 supports most of Miniflare 2's features, one key omission is the unit testing environment. We're actively working on adding support for this to Miniflare 3. Once this is supported, we're planning to deprecate Miniflare 2 and archive this repository.

🔥 Miniflare 2

Miniflare is a simulator for developing and testing Cloudflare Workers.

  • 🎉 Fun: develop workers easily with detailed logging, file watching and pretty error pages supporting source maps.
  • 🔋 Full-featured: supports most Workers features, including KV, Durable Objects, WebSockets, modules and more.
  • ⚡ Fully-local: test and develop Workers without an internet connection. Reload code on change quickly.

It's an alternative to wrangler dev, written in TypeScript, that runs your workers in a sandbox implementing Workers' runtime APIs.

See for more detailed documentation.


  • 📨 Fetch Events (with HTTP(S) server and manual dispatch)
  • ⏰ Scheduled Events (with cron triggering and manual dispatch)
  • 🔑 Variables and Secrets with .env Files
  • 📚 Modules Support
  • 📦 KV (with optional persistence)
  • 🪣 R2 (with optional persistence)
  • ✨ Cache (with optional persistence)
  • 📌 Durable Objects (with optional persistence)
  • 🌐 Workers Sites
  • ✉️ WebSockets
  • 🛠 Custom & Wrangler Builds Support
  • ⚙️ WebAssembly Support
  • 🗺 Source Map Support
  • 🕸 Web Standards: Base64, Timers, Fetch, Encoding, URL, Streams, Crypto
  • 📄 HTMLRewriter
  • ⚡️ Live Reload on File Changes
  • 📅 Compatibility Dates/Flags Support
  • 🔌 Multiple Workers Support
  • 🤹 Custom Jest Environment (with isolated per-test storage)
  • 💪 Written in TypeScript


Miniflare is installed using npm:

$ npm install -g miniflare@2 # either globally..
$ npm install -D miniflare@2 # ...or as a dev dependency

Using the CLI

$ miniflare worker.js --watch --debug
[mf:dbg] Options:
[mf:dbg] - Scripts: worker.js
[mf:dbg] Reloading worker.js...
[mf:inf] Worker reloaded! (97B)
[mf:dbg] Watching .env, package.json, worker.js, wrangler.toml...
[mf:inf] Listening on :8787
[mf:inf] -

Using the API

import { Miniflare } from "miniflare";

const mf = new Miniflare({
  script: `
  addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
    event.respondWith(new Response("Hello Miniflare!"));
const res = await mf.dispatchFetch("http://localhost:8787/");
console.log(await res.text()); // Hello Miniflare!

CLI Reference

Usage: miniflare [script] [options]

Core Options:
 -h, --help              Show help                                                   [boolean]
 -v, --version           Show version number                                         [boolean]
 -c, --wrangler-config   Path to wrangler.toml                                        [string]
     --wrangler-env      Environment in wrangler.toml to use                          [string]
     --package           Path to package.json                                         [string]
 -m, --modules           Enable modules                                              [boolean]
     --modules-rule      Modules import rule                                 [array:TYPE=GLOB]
     --compat-date       Opt into backwards-incompatible changes from                 [string]
     --compat-flag       Control specific backwards-incompatible changes               [array]
     --usage-model       Usage model (bundled by default)                             [string]
 -u, --upstream          URL of upstream origin                                       [string]
 -w, --watch             Watch files for changes                                     [boolean]
 -d, --debug             Enable debug logging                                        [boolean]
 -V, --verbose           Enable verbose logging                                      [boolean]
     --(no-)update-check Enable update checker (enabled by default)                  [boolean]
     --repl              Enable interactive REPL                                     [boolean]
     --root              Path to resolve files relative to                            [string]
     --mount             Mount additional named workers                [array:NAME=PATH[@ENV]]
     --name              Name of service                                              [string]
     --route             Route to respond with this worker on                          [array]
     --global-async-io   Allow async I/O outside handlers                            [boolean]
     --global-timers     Allow setting timers outside handlers                       [boolean]
     --global-random     Allow secure random generation outside handlers             [boolean]
     --actual-time       Always return correct time from Date methods                [boolean]
     --inaccurate-cpu    Log inaccurate CPU time measurements                        [boolean]

HTTP Options:
 -H, --host              Host for HTTP(S) server to listen on                         [string]
 -p, --port              Port for HTTP(S) server to listen on                         [number]
 -O, --open              Automatically open browser to URL                    [boolean/string]
     --https             Enable self-signed HTTPS (with optional cert path)   [boolean/string]
     --https-key         Path to PEM SSL key                                          [string]
     --https-cert        Path to PEM SSL cert chain                                   [string]
     --https-ca          Path to SSL trusted CA certs                                 [string]
     --https-pfx         Path to PFX/PKCS12 SSL key/cert chain                        [string]
     --https-passphrase  Passphrase to decrypt SSL files                              [string]
     --(no-)cf-fetch     Path for cached Request cf object from Cloudflare    [boolean/string]
     --live-reload       Reload HTML pages whenever worker is reloaded               [boolean]

Scheduler Options:
 -t, --cron              CRON expression for triggering scheduled events               [array]

Build Options:
 -B, --build-command     Command to build project                                     [string]
     --build-base-path   Working directory for build command                          [string]
     --build-watch-path  Directory to watch for rebuilding on changes                  [array]

KV Options:
 -k, --kv                KV namespace to bind                                          [array]
     --kv-persist        Persist KV data (to optional path)                   [boolean/string]

R2 Options:
 -r, --r2                R2 bucket to bind                                             [array]
     --r2-persist        Persist R2 data (to optional path)                   [boolean/string]

Durable Objects Options:
 -o, --do                Durable Object to bind                     [array:NAME=CLASS[@MOUNT]]
     --do-persist        Persist Durable Object data (to optional path)       [boolean/string]
     --(no-)do-alarms    Enable Durable Object alarms (enabled by default)           [boolean]

Cache Options:
     --(no-)cache        Enable default/named caches (enabled by default)            [boolean]
     --cache-persist     Persist cached data (to optional path)               [boolean/string]

Sites Options:
 -s, --site              Path to serve Workers Site files from                        [string]
     --site-include      Glob pattern of site files to serve                           [array]
     --site-exclude      Glob pattern of site files not to serve                       [array]

Bindings Options:
 -e, --env               Path to .env file                                            [string]
 -b, --binding           Binds variable/secret to environment                [array:KEY=VALUE]
     --global            Binds variable/secret to global scope               [array:KEY=VALUE]
     --wasm              WASM module to bind                                 [array:NAME=PATH]
     --text-blob         Text blob to bind                                   [array:NAME=PATH]
     --data-blob         Data blob to bind                                   [array:NAME=PATH]
 -S, --service           Mounted service to bind                      [array:NAME=MOUNT[@ENV]]


Miniflare was created by Brendan Coll.

Many thanks to dollarshaveclub/cloudworker and gja/cloudflare-worker-local for inspiration.

Durable Object's transactions are implemented using Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC) as described in "On optimistic methods for concurrency control." ACM Transactions on Database Systems. Thanks to Alistair O'Brien for helping the Miniflare creator understand this.

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