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Podman Desktop - A graphical tool for developing on containers and Kubernetes


Top Related Projects


Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.

:warning: This repository is deprecated and will be archived (Docker CE itself is NOT deprecated) see the :warning:


Complete container management platform


Run Kubernetes locally

An open and reliable container runtime


The Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems

Quick Overview

Podman Desktop is an open-source graphical user interface for managing containers and Kubernetes clusters. It provides a user-friendly alternative to command-line interfaces, making container management more accessible to developers and system administrators.


  • Cross-platform support (Windows, macOS, and Linux)
  • Intuitive interface for managing containers, images, and volumes
  • Seamless integration with Kubernetes clusters
  • Built-in support for multiple container engines (Podman, Docker)


  • Relatively new project, still in active development
  • May lack some advanced features found in command-line tools
  • Limited customization options compared to CLI alternatives
  • Potential performance overhead compared to direct CLI usage

Getting Started

To get started with Podman Desktop:

  1. Visit the Podman Desktop releases page
  2. Download the appropriate installer for your operating system
  3. Install the application following the provided instructions
  4. Launch Podman Desktop
  5. Connect to your local Podman or Docker instance
  6. Start managing your containers, images, and volumes through the GUI

Note: Ensure you have Podman or Docker installed on your system before using Podman Desktop.

Competitor Comparisons


Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.

Pros of Podman

  • Command-line focused, offering more flexibility for advanced users
  • Lightweight and efficient, consuming fewer system resources
  • Better suited for server environments and automation scripts

Cons of Podman

  • Lacks a graphical user interface, which may be less intuitive for beginners
  • Requires more technical knowledge to operate effectively
  • Limited visual representation of container relationships and networks

Code Comparison

Podman CLI command:

podman run -it --name mycontainer ubuntu /bin/bash

Podman Desktop equivalent (conceptual, as it's GUI-based):

  name: mycontainer
  image: ubuntu
  command: /bin/bash
  interactive: true

Key Differences

  • Podman is a command-line tool, while Podman Desktop provides a graphical interface
  • Podman Desktop offers easier container management for desktop users
  • Podman is more suitable for server environments and advanced users
  • Podman Desktop includes additional features like extension support and integration with other tools

Use Cases

  • Podman: Server environments, CI/CD pipelines, advanced users comfortable with CLI
  • Podman Desktop: Desktop users, developers new to containers, those preferring visual management

Both projects aim to provide container management solutions, with Podman focusing on CLI efficiency and Podman Desktop prioritizing user-friendly graphical interfaces for desktop environments.

:warning: This repository is deprecated and will be archived (Docker CE itself is NOT deprecated) see the :warning:

Pros of Docker CE

  • Wider adoption and community support
  • More extensive ecosystem of tools and integrations
  • Better documentation and learning resources

Cons of Docker CE

  • Requires root privileges for many operations
  • Less focus on security features compared to Podman Desktop
  • Heavier resource usage due to the daemon architecture

Code Comparison

Docker CE:

FROM ubuntu:20.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y nginx
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

Podman Desktop:

RUN dnf -y install nginx
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

Both Docker CE and Podman Desktop use similar Dockerfile syntax, but Podman Desktop often uses different base images and package managers. Podman Desktop also supports rootless containers by default, which can enhance security.

Podman Desktop offers a more modern, security-focused approach to containerization, while Docker CE benefits from its widespread adoption and extensive ecosystem. The choice between the two depends on specific project requirements, security concerns, and personal preferences.


Complete container management platform

Pros of Rancher

  • More comprehensive Kubernetes management platform
  • Supports multi-cluster management and orchestration
  • Offers advanced features like user management and access control

Cons of Rancher

  • Steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Requires more resources to run compared to Podman Desktop
  • May be overkill for simple container management tasks

Code Comparison

Rancher (Helm installation):

helm repo add rancher-stable
helm install rancher rancher-stable/rancher \
  --namespace cattle-system \

Podman Desktop (installation via Homebrew):

brew install podman-desktop

Key Differences

  • Podman Desktop focuses on local container management, while Rancher is a full-fledged Kubernetes management platform
  • Rancher offers more advanced features for enterprise-level container orchestration
  • Podman Desktop has a simpler, more user-friendly interface for individual developers
  • Rancher is better suited for large-scale, production environments
  • Podman Desktop is ideal for local development and testing of containerized applications

Both tools serve different purposes in the container ecosystem, with Rancher being more suited for complex, multi-cluster environments and Podman Desktop offering a lightweight solution for local container management.


Run Kubernetes locally

Pros of Minikube

  • Provides a full Kubernetes cluster environment for local development and testing
  • Supports multiple hypervisors and container runtimes
  • Offers a wide range of Kubernetes versions and addons

Cons of Minikube

  • Requires more system resources compared to Podman Desktop
  • Can be more complex to set up and configure for beginners
  • Limited cross-platform compatibility (primarily focused on Linux and macOS)

Code Comparison


minikube start
kubectl create deployment hello-minikube
kubectl expose deployment hello-minikube --type=NodePort --port=8080
minikube service hello-minikube

Podman Desktop:

podman machine init
podman machine start
podman run -d --name nginx -p 8080:80 nginx
podman generate kube nginx > nginx-pod.yaml

Key Differences

  • Minikube focuses on providing a full Kubernetes environment, while Podman Desktop is primarily a container management tool with Kubernetes integration
  • Podman Desktop offers a graphical user interface, making it more user-friendly for beginners
  • Minikube provides more advanced Kubernetes features and configurations, suitable for complex development scenarios
  • Podman Desktop has better Windows support and is generally lighter on system resources

An open and reliable container runtime

Pros of containerd

  • More mature and widely adopted in production environments
  • Designed for low-level container runtime operations, offering better performance
  • Extensive integration with Kubernetes and other container orchestration platforms

Cons of containerd

  • Lacks a graphical user interface, making it less user-friendly for desktop users
  • Primarily focused on server-side container management, not desktop use cases
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners compared to Podman Desktop

Code Comparison


client, err := containerd.New("/run/containerd/containerd.sock")
container, err := client.NewContainer(ctx, "my-container", opts...)
task, err := container.NewTask(ctx, cio.NewCreator(cio.WithStdio))

Podman Desktop:

const { connect } = window.podmanDesktopApi;
const connection = await connect();
const container = await connection.createContainer({ Image: 'alpine' });


containerd is a robust, low-level container runtime focused on server-side operations and Kubernetes integration. Podman Desktop, on the other hand, provides a user-friendly GUI for managing containers on desktop environments. While containerd offers better performance and wider adoption in production, Podman Desktop is more accessible for individual users and developers working on their local machines.


The Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems

Pros of Moby

  • Larger community and ecosystem, with more extensive documentation and resources
  • Broader platform support, including Windows and macOS
  • More mature project with a longer history and established stability

Cons of Moby

  • More complex architecture, which can be harder to understand and modify
  • Requires root privileges by default, potentially raising security concerns
  • Larger resource footprint compared to Podman Desktop

Code Comparison

Moby (Docker) CLI:

docker run -d --name my-container nginx
docker exec my-container ls /
docker stop my-container

Podman Desktop CLI:

podman run -d --name my-container nginx
podman exec my-container ls /
podman stop my-container

The basic commands are very similar between the two projects, with the main difference being the use of docker vs podman as the command prefix. Podman Desktop aims to be compatible with Docker commands, making it easier for users to switch between the two systems.

Podman Desktop focuses on providing a graphical user interface for container management, while Moby (Docker) primarily offers a command-line interface. Podman Desktop also emphasizes rootless container operations, which can enhance security in certain scenarios.

Both projects serve similar purposes in container management, but they have different architectural approaches and target slightly different use cases.

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Podman Desktop - A graphical tool for developing on containers and Kubernetes

Podman Desktop



Podman Desktop is a graphical interface that enables application developers to seamlessly work with containers and Kubernetes.

Podman Desktop installs, configures, and keeps Podman up to date on your local environment. It provides a system tray, to check status and interact with your container engine without losing focus from other tasks. The desktop application provides a dashboard to interact with containers, images, pods, and volumes but also configures your environment with your OCI registries and network settings. Podman Desktop also provides capabilities to connect and deploy pods to Kubernetes environments.

Podman Desktop also supports multiple container engines, pick your favourite one and use the tool!


Check the downloads page on


Containers and pods dashboard

  • Build, run, manage, and debug both containers and pods
  • Run Pods on your container engine or with Kubernetes
  • Convert your Pods to be running on Kubernetes
  • Manage multiple container engines

Multiple container engine support

Podman engine update support

  • Keep podman up-to-date on your PC by having Podman Desktop automatically install the newest version

System tray support

  • Manage your Container engine
  • Define your Kubernetes context

Enterprise capabilities

  • Proxy Support
  • OCI Image registries management

Bridge between local and remote environments

  • Connect and deploy to both local or remote Kubernetes environments
  • Change your Kubernetes context and pick your deployment environment

Join our early adopter program! (optional)

We are seeking developers who are interested in improving Podman Desktop!

Register your interest to join our Early Adopter Program by filling this form.

This is totally optional and does not change any Podman Desktop features.


All upcoming features are tracked with GitHub milestones.

Check out all our future features!


Interested in fixing issues or contributing to Podman Desktop?


For all bug and feature requests please file a GitHub issue.

Discussions are done using GitHub Discussions.


General questions & development:

Note: All channels are bridged. Chat on either Discord, IRC, or Matrix, and your messages will appear on all three platforms!

Kubernetes questions & development:


Check out the list of companies already using Podman Desktop.

Code of Conduct

This project uses the Containers Community Code of Conduct.


Covered by Argos Visual Testing


Licensed under Apache 2.0.