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The basics of a swipeable card interface inspired by Tinder


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KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.

Swipe to "like" or "dislike" any view, just like Build a flashcard app, a photo viewer, and more, in minutes, not hours!


A simple, highly customisable, data-driven 3D carousel for iOS and Mac OS

Quick Overview

RKSwipeCards is an iOS library that provides a Tinder-like card interface for Swift applications. It allows developers to easily implement a swipeable card UI with customizable animations and gestures, similar to popular dating and social networking apps.


  • Easy to integrate and use in Swift projects
  • Highly customizable with options for card appearance and animations
  • Smooth and responsive swipe gestures
  • Includes features like undo and reload functionality


  • Limited documentation and examples
  • Not actively maintained (last update was several years ago)
  • May require additional work to integrate with modern Swift and iOS versions
  • Lacks some advanced features found in more recent alternatives

Code Examples

  1. Setting up the card view:
let cardView = RKSwipeCards()
cardView.delegate = self
cardView.dataSource = self
  1. Implementing the data source method:
func nextCardDetails() -> RKCard? {
    guard let card = cards.popLast() else { return nil }
    return RKCard(view: card)
  1. Handling swipe actions:
func didSwipeCard(_ card: RKCard, in direction: RKSwipeDirection) {
    switch direction {
    case .left:
        print("Card swiped left")
    case .right:
        print("Card swiped right")

Getting Started

  1. Add the RKSwipeCards folder to your Xcode project.
  2. Import the library in your Swift file:
import RKSwipeCards
  1. Create an instance of RKSwipeCards and add it to your view:
let cardView = RKSwipeCards()
cardView.delegate = self
cardView.dataSource = self
  1. Implement the required delegate and data source methods:
extension YourViewController: RKSwipeCardsDelegate, RKSwipeCardsDataSource {
    func nextCardDetails() -> RKCard? {
        // Return the next card to display
    func didSwipeCard(_ card: RKCard, in direction: RKSwipeDirection) {
        // Handle swipe actions
  1. Customize the appearance and behavior of the cards as needed using the available properties and methods.

Competitor Comparisons


KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.

Pros of Koloda

  • More actively maintained with recent updates
  • Offers more customization options and features
  • Better documentation and example project

Cons of Koloda

  • Slightly more complex implementation
  • Larger codebase, which may impact app size

Code Comparison


func createNewCard() -> UIView {
    let card = UIView(frame: CGRectMake((self.frame.size.width - kCardWidth)/2, (self.frame.size.height - kCardHeight)/2, kCardWidth, kCardHeight))
    return card


func koloda(_ koloda: KolodaView, viewForCardAt index: Int) -> UIView {
    let card = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: koloda.frame.size.width, height: koloda.frame.size.height))
    return card

Both libraries provide similar functionality for creating Tinder-like swipeable card interfaces in iOS applications. RKSwipeCards offers a simpler implementation with fewer features, making it easier to integrate for basic use cases. Koloda, on the other hand, provides more advanced features and customization options, but requires a bit more setup.

Koloda's active maintenance and comprehensive documentation make it a more robust choice for long-term projects. However, RKSwipeCards might be preferable for simpler applications or prototypes due to its lightweight nature and straightforward implementation.

Swipe to "like" or "dislike" any view, just like Build a flashcard app, a photo viewer, and more, in minutes, not hours!

Pros of MDCSwipeToChoose

  • More customizable appearance and behavior
  • Better documentation and example usage
  • Supports both UIView and UICollectionView implementations

Cons of MDCSwipeToChoose

  • Less active maintenance (last updated 5 years ago)
  • Fewer stars and forks on GitHub
  • May require more setup and configuration

Code Comparison


MDCSwipeToChooseView *swipeView = [[MDCSwipeToChooseView alloc] initWithFrame:frame
swipeView.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:swipeView];


RKSwipeCards *swipeCards = [[RKSwipeCards alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
swipeCards.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:swipeCards];

Both libraries offer similar basic functionality for creating Tinder-like swipeable card interfaces. MDCSwipeToChoose provides more customization options and detailed documentation, making it potentially easier to implement complex designs. However, RKSwipeCards has seen more recent updates and community engagement, which could indicate better long-term support and compatibility with newer iOS versions.

The code comparison shows that MDCSwipeToChoose requires more initial setup with options, while RKSwipeCards has a simpler initialization process. Developers should consider their specific project requirements, desired customization level, and the importance of recent updates when choosing between these libraries.


A simple, highly customisable, data-driven 3D carousel for iOS and Mac OS

Pros of iCarousel

  • More versatile, offering multiple carousel types (linear, circular, cylindrical, etc.)
  • Extensive customization options for appearance and behavior
  • Well-documented and actively maintained

Cons of iCarousel

  • Steeper learning curve due to more complex API
  • May be overkill for simple card swiping functionality
  • Larger codebase, potentially impacting app size

Code Comparison

iCarousel implementation:

iCarousel *carousel = [[iCarousel alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
carousel.type = iCarouselTypeLinear;
carousel.dataSource = self;
carousel.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:carousel];

RKSwipeCards implementation:

RKSwipeCards *swipeCards = [[RKSwipeCards alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
swipeCards.delegate = self;
swipeCards.dataSource = self;
[self.view addSubview:swipeCards];

iCarousel offers more flexibility and features, making it suitable for complex carousel implementations. RKSwipeCards is simpler and more focused on Tinder-like card swiping functionality. Choose iCarousel for versatile carousel needs and RKSwipeCards for straightforward card swiping interfaces.

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This is for maximum customizability and / or learning purposes, not a pod or drop-in solution

The basics of a swipeable card interface inspired by Tinder and influenced by

This is meant to be taken and built off of, not as a simple drag and drop solution. New developers are often forced to use dependencies they don't understand and can't customize. This is the opposite. I've fully explained exactly how this works in detailed comments so that you can take it apart and customize it at will. For a pod/drag and drop solution, see

Updates, Questions, and Requests

twitter <--- I am a very light twitterer, so I wont spam you

or Support

Relevant Article for deciding how to implement swipe cards into your app

On top of your current View Controllers

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  • Swipe cards left or right to call two separate actions
  • Have multiple cards on screen depending on the number of items in an array
  • Extremely simple, every component is explained
  • Very easily customizeable

Customizeability Examples:

action margin (the distance from the middle required for an action to take place)

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squeeze ratio (limit, strength)

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rotation (strength, limit, angle)

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+ More!

in DraggableView.h

  • ACTION_MARGIN: distance from center where the action applies. Higher = swipe further in order for the action to be called
  • SCALE_STRENGTH: how quickly the card shrinks. Higher = slower shrinking
  • SCALE_MAX: upper bar for how much the card shrinks. Higher = shrinks less
  • ROTATION_MAX: the maximum rotation allowed in radians. Higher = card can keep rotating longer
  • ROTATION_STRENGTH: strength of rotation. Higher = weaker rotation
  • ROTATION_ANGLE: Higher = stronger rotation angle

Each component is also explained thoroughly, so it is highly customizeable in many ways

How to use


  • ViewController.h/m: example view controller (not necessary)
  • DraggableViewBackground.h/m: UIView that holds the DraggableView. This can be put ontop of view controllers or you can set it as the main view of your view controller
  • DraggableView.h/m: UIView of the draggable cards
  • OverlayView.h/m: UIView of the X and √ images

Setup as View Controller (see ViewController.m)

DraggableViewBackground *draggableBackground = [[DraggableViewBackground alloc]initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
[self.view addSubview:draggableBackground];

Setup as UIView ontop of View Controller

CGRect frame = self.view.frame;
frame.origin.y = -self.view.frame.size.height; //optional: if you want the view to drop down
DraggableViewBackground *draggableBackground = [[DraggableViewBackground alloc]initWithFrame:frame];
draggableBackground.alpha = 0; //optional: if you want the view to fade in

[self.view addSubview:draggableBackground];

  //optional: animate down and in
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.5 animations:^{ =;
    draggableBackground.alpha = 1;

Presenting Your Data

Loading Data

  • edit -(void)loadCards in DraggableViewBackground.m to dictate what information is loaded and how

  • "allCards" holds all the cards you want to show, "loadedCards" only shows the first few so that it doesn't load everything at once.

  • if card data is loaded after initWithFrame, then make sure the data is included in your custom data array (currently "exampleCardLabels") at the index: yourIndex and then write the code:

    DraggableView* newCard = [self createDraggableViewWithDataAtIndex:yourIndex];
    [allCards addObject:newCard];

    whenever you need to.

  • I used exampleCardLabels as an example of how to load data, but feel free to change that

Presenting Data in View

  • Customize the presentation of your data in -(DraggableView *)createDraggableViewWithDataAtIndex:(NSInteger)index in DraggableViewBackground.m (eg: make certain data appear on labels or photos in custom UIImageViews)
  • to access any card directly, use [loadedCards objectAtIndex:yourIndex]; For example, the card that is currently visible is at [loadedCards firstObject];

Looking for certain features?

Areas for Future Improvement / Involvement

  • Too much happening in a view (DraggableViewBackground)
  • Improved naming (while maintaining legacy and / or easy directions for change)

Change Log

  • May 28, 2017 - Take down notice issued from Tinder, changed naming and various references