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Static code analysis for Kotlin


Top Related Projects

Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. By default it supports the Google Java Style Guide and Sun Code Conventions, but is highly configurable. It can be invoked with an ANT task and a command line program.

SpotBugs is FindBugs' successor. A tool for static analysis to look for bugs in Java code.


An extensible multilanguage static code analyzer.

Continuous Inspection


A static analyzer for Java, C, C++, and Objective-C

Catch common Java mistakes as compile-time errors

Quick Overview

Detekt is a static code analysis tool for Kotlin. It operates on the abstract syntax tree provided by the Kotlin compiler, allowing it to detect code smells, complexity issues, and potential bugs in Kotlin projects. Detekt is highly configurable and can be integrated into various build tools and CI pipelines.


  • Extensive rule set covering a wide range of code quality issues
  • Highly customizable with the ability to enable/disable rules and set thresholds
  • Integrates well with popular build tools like Gradle and Maven
  • Supports custom rule creation for project-specific requirements


  • Can produce false positives, requiring careful configuration
  • May slow down build times, especially on larger projects
  • Learning curve for configuring and customizing rules effectively
  • Some rules may be overly strict for certain coding styles or preferences

Code Examples

  1. Basic Gradle setup:
plugins {

detekt {
    buildUponDefaultConfig = true
    allRules = false
    config = files("$projectDir/config/detekt.yml")
  1. Custom rule implementation:
class CustomRule : Rule() {
    override val issue = Issue(
        "This is a custom rule",

    override fun visitNamedFunction(function: KtNamedFunction) {
        if ("test") == true) {
            report(CodeSmell(issue, Entity.from(function), "Function names should not start with 'test'"))
  1. Configuring rules in YAML:
    thresholdInFiles: 15
    thresholdInClasses: 15
    thresholdInInterfaces: 15
    thresholdInObjects: 15
    thresholdInEnums: 15
    functionThreshold: 6
    constructorThreshold: 7
    ignoreDefaultParameters: true

Getting Started

To get started with Detekt in a Gradle project:

  1. Add the Detekt plugin to your build.gradle.kts:
plugins {
  1. Configure Detekt in your build.gradle.kts:
detekt {
    buildUponDefaultConfig = true
    allRules = false
    config = files("$projectDir/config/detekt.yml")
    baseline = file("$projectDir/config/baseline.xml")
  1. Create a detekt.yml configuration file in the config directory to customize rules.

  2. Run Detekt with: ./gradlew detekt

Competitor Comparisons

Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. By default it supports the Google Java Style Guide and Sun Code Conventions, but is highly configurable. It can be invoked with an ANT task and a command line program.

Pros of Checkstyle

  • Mature and widely adopted tool with extensive documentation
  • Supports a broader range of programming languages beyond Java
  • Highly configurable with a large set of built-in checks

Cons of Checkstyle

  • Steeper learning curve due to XML-based configuration
  • Less focus on performance and code smell detection compared to Detekt
  • Limited support for modern Java features and idioms

Code Comparison

Checkstyle configuration (XML):

<module name="Checker">
  <module name="TreeWalker">
    <module name="MethodLength">
      <property name="max" value="50"/>

Detekt configuration (YAML):

    threshold: 50

Both tools aim to improve code quality, but they differ in their approach and target languages. Checkstyle is more established and versatile, while Detekt is tailored for Kotlin and offers a more modern, performance-oriented approach. Checkstyle's XML configuration can be more verbose, whereas Detekt's YAML configuration is generally more concise and easier to read. Detekt also provides better integration with Kotlin-specific features and static analysis capabilities.

SpotBugs is FindBugs' successor. A tool for static analysis to look for bugs in Java code.

Pros of SpotBugs

  • Supports multiple JVM languages (Java, Scala, Groovy)
  • Extensive bug pattern database with over 400 bug patterns
  • Integration with popular build tools and IDEs

Cons of SpotBugs

  • Slower analysis compared to Detekt
  • Less focus on code style and formatting issues
  • Steeper learning curve for customizing and extending

Code Comparison

SpotBugs (XML configuration):


Detekt (YAML configuration):

    thresholdInFiles: 11
    thresholdInClasses: 11
    thresholdInInterfaces: 11

Key Differences

  • SpotBugs is primarily focused on finding bugs and potential issues in Java bytecode, while Detekt is specifically designed for Kotlin static code analysis.
  • Detekt offers more extensive code style and formatting checks, making it better suited for maintaining consistent coding standards in Kotlin projects.
  • SpotBugs has a longer history and a larger community, resulting in a more comprehensive bug pattern database.
  • Detekt's configuration is more user-friendly and easier to customize, using YAML format instead of XML.

Both tools are valuable for improving code quality, with SpotBugs excelling in bug detection across JVM languages and Detekt providing specialized analysis for Kotlin projects.


An extensible multilanguage static code analyzer.

Pros of PMD

  • Supports multiple programming languages (Java, JavaScript, Apex, PL/SQL, etc.)
  • Extensive rule set covering a wide range of code quality issues
  • Highly customizable with XML-based rule configuration

Cons of PMD

  • Steeper learning curve due to its multi-language support and complex configuration
  • Can be slower for large codebases compared to language-specific tools
  • Less focused on Kotlin-specific issues and best practices

Code Comparison

PMD (Java):

<rule ref="category/java/bestpractices.xml/UnusedPrivateMethod"/>
<rule ref="category/java/codestyle.xml/UnnecessaryFullyQualifiedName"/>
<rule ref="category/java/errorprone.xml/EmptyCatchBlock"/>

Detekt (Kotlin):

    threshold: 60
    thresholdInFiles: 11
    ignoreNumbers: ['-1', '0', '1', '2']

Both tools allow for customizable rule configurations, but Detekt's YAML-based config is more concise and Kotlin-focused, while PMD's XML-based config offers broader language support.

Continuous Inspection

Pros of SonarQube

  • Multi-language support: Analyzes code in 27+ programming languages
  • Comprehensive analysis: Covers code quality, security vulnerabilities, and technical debt
  • Integration with CI/CD pipelines and popular development tools

Cons of SonarQube

  • Resource-intensive: Requires significant server resources for large projects
  • Steeper learning curve: More complex setup and configuration process
  • Commercial licensing for advanced features

Code Comparison

SonarQube (Java):

@Rule(key = "S1234")
public class MyCustomRule extends BaseTreeVisitor implements JavaFileScanner {
    private JavaFileScannerContext context;

    public void scanFile(JavaFileScannerContext context) {
        this.context = context;

Detekt (Kotlin):

class MyCustomRule : Rule() {
    override val issue = Issue(
        "Description of the issue",

    override fun visitNamedFunction(function: KtNamedFunction) {
        // Custom logic here

SonarQube offers a more comprehensive solution for multi-language projects with extensive integrations, while Detekt provides a lightweight, Kotlin-specific static code analysis tool with easier setup and configuration.


A static analyzer for Java, C, C++, and Objective-C

Pros of Infer

  • Supports multiple languages (C, C++, Objective-C, Java)
  • More advanced static analysis capabilities, including interprocedural analysis
  • Backed by Facebook, with extensive use in large-scale projects

Cons of Infer

  • Steeper learning curve and more complex setup
  • Slower analysis compared to Detekt
  • Less focused on Kotlin-specific issues and best practices

Code Comparison

Detekt configuration example:

detekt {
    config = files("path/to/config.yml")
    buildUponDefaultConfig = true
    allRules = false

Infer command-line usage:

infer run -- javac
infer run -- gradle build

Both tools aim to improve code quality through static analysis, but they differ in scope and focus. Detekt is tailored for Kotlin projects, offering quick and easy integration with a focus on Kotlin-specific issues. Infer, on the other hand, provides more advanced analysis across multiple languages, making it suitable for larger, multi-language projects at the cost of increased complexity and setup time.

Catch common Java mistakes as compile-time errors

Pros of Error-prone

  • Broader language support: Works with Java, Android, and J2ObjC
  • Integrated with Java compiler, catching issues at compile-time
  • Extensive set of built-in checks and customizable rules

Cons of Error-prone

  • Limited to Java ecosystem, while Detekt supports Kotlin
  • Steeper learning curve for configuration and custom rule creation
  • Less focus on code style and formatting compared to Detekt

Code Comparison

Error-prone example:

public String getName() {
  return null;

Detekt example:

fun getName(): String? {
    return null

Both tools would flag these functions for potentially returning null values, but Detekt's analysis is specific to Kotlin's null safety features.

Key Differences

  • Language focus: Error-prone targets Java, while Detekt is designed for Kotlin
  • Integration: Error-prone works at compile-time, Detekt can be used as a standalone tool
  • Customization: Both offer extensibility, but Error-prone has a more complex setup process
  • Community: Error-prone has Google's backing, while Detekt has strong community support

Use Cases

  • Choose Error-prone for Java projects, especially those using Google's Java style guide
  • Opt for Detekt in Kotlin projects, particularly those emphasizing code style and maintainability

Both tools are valuable for improving code quality and catching potential bugs early in the development process.

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Meet detekt, a static code analysis tool for the Kotlin programming language. Visit the project website for installation guides, rule descriptions, configuration options and more.

detekt in action


  • Code smell analysis for your Kotlin projects.
  • Highly configurable rule sets.
  • Generate baselines to suppress existing issues for legacy projects while making sure no new issues are introduced.
  • Suppress issues in source files using @Suppress annotations.
  • Support for different report formats: HTML, Markdown, SARIF, XML (Checkstyle) and custom reports.
  • Extend detekt with custom rule sets and reports.
  • Complexity reports based on lines of code, cyclomatic complexity and number of code smells.
  • First party integration with Gradle with our Gradle plugin.
  • A community of third party plugins that adds more rules and features to detekt.


Quick Start ...

with the command-line interface

curl -sSLO[version]/detekt-cli-[version]-all.jar
java -jar detekt-cli-[version]-all.jar --help

You can find other ways to install detekt here

with Gradle

plugins {
    id("io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt") version "[version]"

repositories {

detekt {
    buildUponDefaultConfig = true // preconfigure defaults
    allRules = false // activate all available (even unstable) rules.
    config.setFrom("$projectDir/config/detekt.yml") // point to your custom config defining rules to run, overwriting default behavior
    baseline = file("$projectDir/config/baseline.xml") // a way of suppressing issues before introducing detekt

tasks.withType<Detekt>().configureEach {
    reports {
        html.required.set(true) // observe findings in your browser with structure and code snippets
        xml.required.set(true) // checkstyle like format mainly for integrations like Jenkins
        sarif.required.set(true) // standardized SARIF format ( to support integrations with GitHub Code Scanning
        md.required.set(true) // simple Markdown format

// Groovy DSL
tasks.withType(Detekt).configureEach {
    jvmTarget = "1.8"
tasks.withType(DetektCreateBaselineTask).configureEach {
    jvmTarget = "1.8"

// or

// Kotlin DSL
tasks.withType<Detekt>().configureEach {
    jvmTarget = "1.8"
tasks.withType<DetektCreateBaselineTask>().configureEach {
    jvmTarget = "1.8"

See maven central for releases and sonatype for snapshots.

If you want to use a SNAPSHOT version, you can find more info on this documentation page.


Gradle 6.8.3+ is the minimum requirement. However, the recommended versions together with the other tools recommended versions are:

Detekt VersionGradleKotlinAGPJava Target LevelJDK Max Version

The list of recommended versions for previous detekt version is listed here.

Adding more rule sets

detekt itself provides a wrapper over ktlint as the formatting rule set which can be easily added to the Gradle configuration:

dependencies {

Similarly, there are extra rule sets available for detekt from detekt:

dependencies {

For more info visit the Detekt Marketplace.

Likewise custom extensions can be added to detekt.



Thanks to all the people who contributed to detekt!

Profile images of all the contributors


androidweekly androidweekly

As mentioned in...


Custom rules and reports from 3rd parties can be found on our Detekt Marketplace.
