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Docker CLI plugin for extended build capabilities with BuildKit


Top Related Projects

concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit


Build Container Images In Kubernetes


Standalone, daemon-less, unprivileged Dockerfile and OCI compatible container image builder.


A tool that facilitates building OCI images.

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Quick Overview

Docker Buildx is an official Docker CLI plugin that extends the Docker build capabilities. It provides support for new features like multi-platform builds, enhanced build cache, and advanced output options. Buildx is designed to improve the Docker build experience and offer more flexibility for developers.


  • Multi-platform build support, allowing creation of images for different architectures and operating systems
  • Enhanced caching mechanisms for faster and more efficient builds
  • Integration with Docker CLI, providing a seamless experience for existing Docker users
  • Support for advanced features like BuildKit and Dockerfile syntax enhancements


  • May require additional setup and configuration compared to standard Docker builds
  • Some advanced features might have a learning curve for new users
  • Potential compatibility issues with older Docker versions or certain build environments
  • Limited documentation for some of the more advanced features

Getting Started

To get started with Docker Buildx:

  1. Ensure you have Docker installed (version 19.03 or later)
  2. Install Buildx:
    docker buildx create --use
  3. Build a multi-platform image:
    docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 -t username/demo:latest .
  4. Push the image to a registry:
    docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 -t username/demo:latest . --push

These commands create a Buildx builder instance, build a multi-platform image, and push it to a registry. Adjust the platforms and image name as needed for your project.

Competitor Comparisons

concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit

Pros of Buildkit

  • More flexible and extensible architecture
  • Better support for advanced caching strategies
  • Can be used independently of Docker

Cons of Buildkit

  • Steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Less integrated with Docker CLI out-of-the-box
  • Requires additional setup for some features

Code Comparison

Buildkit (using buildctl):

buildctl build \
    --frontend=dockerfile.v0 \
    --local context=. \
    --local dockerfile=. \
    --output type=image,name=myimage:latest,push=true


docker buildx build \
    --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
    -t myimage:latest \
    --push .

Buildkit provides a lower-level interface, offering more control but requiring more verbose commands. Buildx, built on top of Buildkit, provides a more user-friendly interface integrated with the Docker CLI, simplifying multi-platform builds and push operations.

Both projects aim to improve the container build process, with Buildkit focusing on flexibility and performance, while Buildx emphasizes ease of use and integration with existing Docker workflows. The choice between them depends on specific use cases and user preferences.


Build Container Images In Kubernetes

Pros of kaniko

  • Runs without Docker daemon, making it suitable for containerized environments
  • Built-in support for caching layers in remote registries
  • Designed for security, running as non-root by default

Cons of kaniko

  • Slower build times compared to Buildx
  • Limited support for advanced Dockerfile features
  • Requires more setup and configuration for local development

Code Comparison


- name: ''
  - --dockerfile=Dockerfile


- name: Build and push
  uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
    context: .
    file: ./Dockerfile
    push: true
    tags: user/app:latest

Both kaniko and Buildx are tools for building Docker images, but they serve different use cases. kaniko excels in containerized environments and offers enhanced security features, while Buildx provides faster builds and better integration with the Docker ecosystem. The choice between them depends on specific project requirements, build environment, and security considerations.


Standalone, daemon-less, unprivileged Dockerfile and OCI compatible container image builder.

Pros of img

  • Standalone tool, doesn't require Docker daemon
  • Supports unprivileged builds without root access
  • Faster builds due to efficient caching and parallelization

Cons of img

  • Less integrated with Docker ecosystem
  • May lack some advanced features of Buildx
  • Smaller community and fewer updates

Code Comparison


img build -t myimage:latest .
img push myimage:latest


docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t myimage:latest .
docker buildx push myimage:latest


img is a lightweight, standalone tool for building Docker images without requiring the Docker daemon. It offers unprivileged builds and potentially faster performance. However, it may lack some advanced features and ecosystem integration compared to Buildx.

Buildx is more tightly integrated with the Docker ecosystem and offers advanced features like multi-platform builds. It has a larger community and more frequent updates but requires the Docker daemon to run.

Both tools aim to improve the Docker image building process, with img focusing on simplicity and independence, while Buildx emphasizes advanced features and ecosystem integration.


A tool that facilitates building OCI images.

Pros of Buildah

  • Rootless container builds without requiring a daemon
  • More flexible and granular control over image creation process
  • Can create images without a Dockerfile, allowing for more customization

Cons of Buildah

  • Steeper learning curve compared to Buildx
  • Less integrated with Docker ecosystem
  • May require additional tools for full container management

Code Comparison


buildah from fedora
buildah run fedora-working-container dnf install -y httpd
buildah commit fedora-working-container fedora-httpd
buildah push fedora-httpd docker://


FROM fedora
RUN dnf install -y httpd
docker buildx build -t .
docker push

Buildah offers a more script-like approach to image creation, allowing for greater flexibility and control over the build process. Buildx, on the other hand, relies on Dockerfiles and provides a more streamlined, integrated experience within the Docker ecosystem. While Buildah excels in customization and rootless builds, Buildx offers easier adoption for those already familiar with Docker.

Utility for emulating Heroku build and runtime tasks in containers

Pros of Herokuish

  • Simulates Heroku build environment, making it easier to test and debug Heroku-style applications locally
  • Supports multiple buildpacks out of the box, allowing for greater flexibility in application deployment
  • Provides a consistent environment for running apps across different platforms

Cons of Herokuish

  • Limited to Heroku-style applications, less versatile for general-purpose Docker builds
  • May introduce overhead due to the Heroku-like layer, potentially impacting performance
  • Less actively maintained compared to Buildx, with fewer recent updates and contributions

Code Comparison

Herokuish example:

docker run --rm -v /path/to/app:/tmp/app gliderlabs/herokuish /bin/herokuish buildpack build

Buildx example:

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t myapp:latest .

Key Differences

Herokuish focuses on replicating the Heroku environment for local development and testing, while Buildx is a more general-purpose tool for building and managing Docker images across multiple platforms. Buildx offers advanced features like multi-platform builds and build caching, making it more suitable for complex Docker workflows. Herokuish, on the other hand, excels in providing a familiar environment for Heroku developers working locally or in CI/CD pipelines.


CLI tool for spawning and running containers according to the OCI specification

Pros of runc

  • Industry-standard low-level container runtime
  • Lightweight and focused on container execution
  • Widely adopted and supported across container ecosystems

Cons of runc

  • Limited to container runtime functionality
  • Requires additional tools for image building and management
  • Less user-friendly for developers new to containerization

Code Comparison


spec, err := loadSpec(context.Background(), specConfig)
if err != nil {
    return err
status, err := startContainer(context.Background(), spec, opts)


b, err := builder.New(dockerCli, options...)
if err != nil {
    return err
response, err := b.Build(ctx, targets, options...)

Key Differences

  • runc focuses on container runtime execution
  • buildx specializes in multi-platform image building
  • runc is lower-level, while buildx offers higher-level abstractions
  • buildx integrates closely with Docker, while runc is more independent

Use Cases

  • Use runc for low-level container management and execution
  • Choose buildx for advanced Docker image building, especially for multi-architecture support

Community and Ecosystem

  • runc: Part of the Open Container Initiative (OCI)
  • buildx: Tightly integrated with the Docker ecosystem

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buildx is a Docker CLI plugin for extended build capabilities with BuildKit.

Key features:

  • Familiar UI from docker build
  • Full BuildKit capabilities with container driver
  • Multiple builder instance support
  • Multi-node builds for cross-platform images
  • Compose build support
  • High-level build constructs (bake)
  • In-container driver support (both Docker and Kubernetes)

Table of Contents

For more information on how to use Buildx, see Docker Build docs.


Using buildx with Docker requires Docker engine 19.03 or newer.

[!WARNING] Using an incompatible version of Docker may result in unexpected behavior, and will likely cause issues, especially when using Buildx builders with more recent versions of BuildKit.

Windows and macOS

Docker Buildx is included in Docker Desktop for Windows and macOS.

Linux packages

Docker Engine package repositories contain Docker Buildx packages when installed according to the Docker Engine install documentation. Install the docker-buildx-plugin package to install the Buildx plugin.

Manual download

[!IMPORTANT] This section is for unattended installation of the buildx component. These instructions are mostly suitable for testing purposes. We do not recommend installing buildx using manual download in production environments as they will not be updated automatically with security updates.

On Windows and macOS, we recommend that you install Docker Desktop instead. For Linux, we recommend that you follow the instructions specific for your distribution.

You can also download the latest binary from the GitHub releases page.

Rename the relevant binary and copy it to the destination matching your OS:

OSBinary nameDestination folder

Or copy it into one of these folders for installing it system-wide.

On Unix environments:

  • /usr/local/lib/docker/cli-plugins OR /usr/local/libexec/docker/cli-plugins
  • /usr/lib/docker/cli-plugins OR /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins

On Windows:

  • C:\ProgramData\Docker\cli-plugins
  • C:\Program Files\Docker\cli-plugins

[!NOTE] On Unix environments, it may also be necessary to make it executable with chmod +x:

$ chmod +x ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx


Here is how to install and use Buildx inside a Dockerfile through the docker/buildx-bin image:

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM docker
COPY --from=docker/buildx-bin /buildx /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx
RUN docker buildx version

Set buildx as the default builder

Running the command docker buildx install sets up docker builder command as an alias to docker buildx build. This results in the ability to have docker build use the current buildx builder.

To remove this alias, run docker buildx uninstall.


# Buildx 0.6+
$ docker buildx bake ""
$ mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins
$ mv ./bin/build/buildx ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx

# Docker 19.03+
$ DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --platform=local -o . ""
$ mkdir -p ~/.docker/cli-plugins
$ mv buildx ~/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx

# Local
$ git clone && cd buildx
$ make install

Getting started

Building with buildx

Buildx is a Docker CLI plugin that extends the docker build command with the full support of the features provided by Moby BuildKit builder toolkit. It provides the same user experience as docker build with many new features like creating scoped builder instances and building against multiple nodes concurrently.

After installation, buildx can be accessed through the docker buildx command with Docker 19.03. docker buildx build is the command for starting a new build. With Docker versions older than 19.03 buildx binary can be called directly to access the docker buildx subcommands.

$ docker buildx build .
[+] Building 8.4s (23/32)
 => ...

Buildx will always build using the BuildKit engine and does not require DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 environment variable for starting builds.

The docker buildx build command supports features available for docker build, including features such as outputs configuration, inline build caching, and specifying target platform. In addition, Buildx also supports new features that are not yet available for regular docker build like building manifest lists, distributed caching, and exporting build results to OCI image tarballs.

Buildx is flexible and can be run in different configurations that are exposed through various "drivers". Each driver defines how and where a build should run, and have different feature sets.

We currently support the following drivers:

For more information on drivers, see the drivers guide.

Working with builder instances

By default, buildx will initially use the docker driver if it is supported, providing a very similar user experience to the native docker build. Note that you must use a local shared daemon to build your applications.

Buildx allows you to create new instances of isolated builders. This can be used for getting a scoped environment for your CI builds that does not change the state of the shared daemon or for isolating the builds for different projects. You can create a new instance for a set of remote nodes, forming a build farm, and quickly switch between them.

You can create new instances using the docker buildx create command. This creates a new builder instance with a single node based on your current configuration.

To use a remote node you can specify the DOCKER_HOST or the remote context name while creating the new builder. After creating a new instance, you can manage its lifecycle using the docker buildx inspect, docker buildx stop, and docker buildx rm commands. To list all available builders, use buildx ls. After creating a new builder you can also append new nodes to it.

To switch between different builders, use docker buildx use <name>. After running this command, the build commands will automatically use this builder.

Docker also features a docker context command that can be used for giving names for remote Docker API endpoints. Buildx integrates with docker context so that all of your contexts automatically get a default builder instance. While creating a new builder instance or when adding a node to it you can also set the context name as the target.

Building multi-platform images

BuildKit is designed to work well for building for multiple platforms and not only for the architecture and operating system that the user invoking the build happens to run.

When you invoke a build, you can set the --platform flag to specify the target platform for the build output, (for example, linux/amd64, linux/arm64, or darwin/amd64).

When the current builder instance is backed by the docker-container or kubernetes driver, you can specify multiple platforms together. In this case, it builds a manifest list which contains images for all specified architectures. When you use this image in docker run or docker service, Docker picks the correct image based on the node's platform.

You can build multi-platform images using three different strategies that are supported by Buildx and Dockerfiles:

  1. Using the QEMU emulation support in the kernel
  2. Building on multiple native nodes using the same builder instance
  3. Using a stage in Dockerfile to cross-compile to different architectures

QEMU is the easiest way to get started if your node already supports it (for example. if you are using Docker Desktop). It requires no changes to your Dockerfile and BuildKit automatically detects the secondary architectures that are available. When BuildKit needs to run a binary for a different architecture, it automatically loads it through a binary registered in the binfmt_misc handler.

For QEMU binaries registered with binfmt_misc on the host OS to work transparently inside containers they must be registered with the fix_binary flag. This requires a kernel >= 4.8 and binfmt-support >= 2.1.7. You can check for proper registration by checking if F is among the flags in /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/qemu-*. While Docker Desktop comes preconfigured with binfmt_misc support for additional platforms, for other installations it likely needs to be installed using tonistiigi/binfmt image.

$ docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all

Using multiple native nodes provide better support for more complicated cases that are not handled by QEMU and generally have better performance. You can add additional nodes to the builder instance using the --append flag.

Assuming contexts node-amd64 and node-arm64 exist in docker context ls;

$ docker buildx create --use --name mybuild node-amd64
$ docker buildx create --append --name mybuild node-arm64
$ docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 .

Finally, depending on your project, the language that you use may have good support for cross-compilation. In that case, multi-stage builds in Dockerfiles can be effectively used to build binaries for the platform specified with --platform using the native architecture of the build node. A list of build arguments like BUILDPLATFORM and TARGETPLATFORM is available automatically inside your Dockerfile and can be leveraged by the processes running as part of your build.

# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM golang:alpine AS build
RUN echo "I am running on $BUILDPLATFORM, building for $TARGETPLATFORM" > /log
FROM alpine
COPY --from=build /log /log

You can also use tonistiigi/xx Dockerfile cross-compilation helpers for more advanced use-cases.

High-level build options

See High-level builds with Bake for more details.


Want to contribute to Buildx? Awesome! You can find information about contributing to this project in the