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This repository contains .NET Documentation.


Top Related Projects

Public documentation for Visual Studio Code

Open source documentation of Microsoft Azure

Documentation for ASP.NET Core

Technical documentation for Microsoft SQL Server, tools such as SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) , SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) etc.

Quick Overview

The dotnet/docs repository is the official documentation source for .NET, including C#, F#, and Visual Basic. It contains comprehensive guides, API references, and code examples for developers working with the .NET platform. This repository is maintained by Microsoft and the .NET community.


  • Comprehensive and up-to-date documentation for all aspects of .NET development
  • Open-source, allowing community contributions and improvements
  • Well-organized structure with clear navigation and search functionality
  • Includes interactive code samples and tutorials for hands-on learning


  • Large repository size can be overwhelming for newcomers
  • Some documentation may lag behind the latest .NET releases
  • Occasional inconsistencies in formatting or depth of coverage across different topics
  • Limited coverage of third-party libraries and tools in the .NET ecosystem

Code Examples

This repository is not a code library but a documentation resource. Therefore, code examples and getting started instructions are not applicable in the context of using the repository itself. However, the documentation within the repository contains numerous code examples for various .NET technologies and languages.

To access the documentation and explore the content:

  1. Visit the GitHub repository:
  2. Navigate to the docs folder to browse the documentation structure
  3. Use the GitHub search functionality to find specific topics
  4. For a more user-friendly experience, visit the rendered documentation at

Competitor Comparisons

Public documentation for Visual Studio Code

Pros of vscode-docs

  • More focused scope, specifically covering Visual Studio Code documentation
  • Cleaner repository structure with fewer top-level directories
  • Includes a dedicated "api" folder for API documentation

Cons of vscode-docs

  • Less comprehensive coverage of broader development topics
  • Fewer contributors and less frequent updates
  • Limited integration with other Microsoft developer tools and platforms

Code Comparison


  "name": "vscode-docs",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "build": "gulp build",
    "watch": "gulp watch"


  "name": "docs",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "Microsoft .NET documentation",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"

The vscode-docs repository uses Gulp for build and watch tasks, while the docs repository has a more basic package.json structure. This reflects the different approaches to documentation management and build processes between the two projects.

Open source documentation of Microsoft Azure

Pros of azure-docs

  • Broader scope, covering a wide range of Azure services and technologies
  • More frequent updates due to the rapidly evolving nature of cloud services
  • Extensive integration with Azure portal screenshots and interactive tutorials

Cons of azure-docs

  • Can be overwhelming for newcomers due to the vast amount of information
  • May contain more inconsistencies across different service documentations
  • Potentially steeper learning curve for contributors due to the diverse topics

Code comparison

azure-docs typically includes more cloud-specific code samples, such as:

  "name": "myFunctionApp",
  "type": "Microsoft.Web/sites",
  "apiVersion": "2021-02-01",
  "kind": "functionapp",
  "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
  "properties": {
    "serverFarmId": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/serverfarms', variables('hostingPlanName'))]"

docs often focuses on .NET-specific code:

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)

    public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
            .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>

Both repositories use Markdown for documentation, follow similar contribution guidelines, and leverage GitHub Actions for CI/CD processes. The main difference lies in their content focus and the specific technologies they cover.

Documentation for ASP.NET Core

Pros of AspNetCore.Docs

  • More focused and specialized content for ASP.NET Core developers
  • Easier navigation for ASP.NET Core-specific topics
  • Potentially more in-depth coverage of ASP.NET Core features

Cons of AspNetCore.Docs

  • Limited scope compared to the broader .NET documentation
  • May require referencing docs for cross-cutting concerns
  • Potentially slower updates for general .NET topics

Code Comparison


app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
        name: "default",
        pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");


using System;

class Program
    static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

The AspNetCore.Docs example shows ASP.NET Core-specific routing configuration, while the docs example demonstrates a basic console application, illustrating the difference in focus between the two repositories.

Technical documentation for Microsoft SQL Server, tools such as SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) , SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) etc.

Pros of sql-docs

  • More focused scope, specifically covering SQL Server and related technologies
  • Includes more detailed examples and tutorials for database-specific tasks
  • Better integration with Azure SQL documentation

Cons of sql-docs

  • Smaller community and fewer contributors compared to docs
  • Less frequent updates and potentially slower response to issues

Code Comparison

sql-docs example (T-SQL):

CREATE TABLE Employees (
    FirstName NVARCHAR(50),
    LastName NVARCHAR(50),
    HireDate DATE

docs example (C#):

public class Employee
    public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }

Both repositories provide comprehensive documentation for their respective technologies. docs covers a broader range of .NET-related topics, including languages, frameworks, and tools. It has a larger community and more frequent updates. sql-docs, while more focused, offers in-depth coverage of SQL Server and related database technologies.

The code examples demonstrate the difference in focus: sql-docs primarily deals with database-related code, while docs covers a wider range of programming concepts and languages within the .NET ecosystem.

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.NET Docs

GitHub contributors GitHub repo size GitHub issues-opened GitHub issues-closed GitHub pulls-opened GitHub pulls-merged GitHub pulls-unmerged OpenSSF Best Practices

This repository contains the conceptual documentation for .NET. The .NET documentation site is built from multiple repositories in addition to this one:

Our team's tasks are tracked in our project boards. You'll see monthly sprint projects, along with long-running projects for major documentation updates. The projects contain documentation issues across the repositories that build .NET docs. Issues are tracked in the relevant repositories. We have a large community using these resources. We make our best effort to respond to issues in a timely fashion. You can read more about our procedures for classifying and resolving issues in our Issues policy topic. To create a new issue, click the "Open a documentation issue" button at the bottom of any of our published docs, or choose one of the available templates. The control at the bottom of each article automatically routes you to the correct repo and fills in some relevant information based on the article.

:purple_heart: Contribute

We welcome contributions to help us improve and complete the .NET docs. This is a very large repo, covering a large area. If this is your first visit, see our labels and projects roadmap for help navigating the issues and projects in this repository. If your contribution includes third-party dependencies, see our guidance on using third-party dependencies.

To contribute, see:

:bookmark_tabs: Code of conduct

This project has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant to clarify expected behavior in our community. For more information, see the .NET Foundation: Code of Conduct.

:octocat: GitHub Action workflows

  • Live branch protection: Adds a comment to PRs that were not automated, but rather manually created that target the live branch.
  • Close stale issues: Closes stale issues that have not been updated in 180 days.
  • dependabot auto-approve and auto-merge: Automatically approves and auto-merges PRs originating from the dependabbot[bot].
  • Generate what's new article: Creates a PR to generate the "What's new" article on the first of every month.
  • Markdownlint: The current status for the entire repositories Markdown linter status.
  • MSDocs build verifier: Runs various Markdown verifications, beyond the linter, such as ensuring links and redirects are valid.
  • No response: If an issue is labeled with needs-more-info and the op doesn't respond within 14 days, the issue is closed.
  • OPS status checker: Builds the site for the PR in context, and verifies the build reporting either, success, warnings, or error.
  • Snippets 5000: Custom .NET build validation, locates code impacted by a PR, and builds.
  • Target supported version: Runs monthly, creating issues on projects that target .NET versions that are out of support.
  • Update dependabot.yml: Automatically updates the dependabot configuration weekly, but only if required.
  • quest import: Automatically synchronizes issues with Quest (Azure DevOps).
  • bulk quest import: Manual bulk import of issues into Quest (Azure DevOps).