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Embedded JS template engine for Node, Deno, and the browser. Lighweight, fast, and pluggable. Written in TypeScript


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This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to


The library for web and native user interfaces.


Deliver web apps with confidence 🚀


Cybernetically enhanced web apps


⚛️ Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM.

Quick Overview

Eta is a high-performance, server-side template engine that combines the power of Embedded Rust (Tera) with the simplicity of Handlebars. It aims to provide a fast and easy-to-use templating solution for web applications and other server-side projects.


  • High Performance: Eta is built on top of Embedded Rust (Tera), which is known for its speed and efficiency.
  • Simplicity: Eta's syntax is inspired by Handlebars, making it easy to learn and use for developers familiar with that ecosystem.
  • Flexibility: Eta supports a wide range of features, including partials, layouts, and custom filters, allowing for complex template structures.
  • Extensibility: Eta can be easily extended with custom functions and helpers, making it adaptable to various use cases.


  • Rust Dependency: Eta is built using Rust, which may be a barrier for developers who are not familiar with the language.
  • Limited Browser Support: Eta is primarily designed for server-side rendering, and may not be the best choice for client-side template rendering in the browser.
  • Smaller Community: Compared to more established template engines like Handlebars or Mustache, Eta has a smaller community and ecosystem.
  • Learning Curve: While Eta's syntax is inspired by Handlebars, it still has its own unique features and quirks that developers may need to learn.

Code Examples

Here are a few examples of how to use Eta in your code:

Rendering a Simple Template

const eta = require('eta');

const template = `<h1>Hello, <%= %>!</h1>`;
const data = { name: 'John Doe' };

const html = eta.render(template, data);
console.log(html); // Output: <h1>Hello, John Doe!</h1>

Using Partials

const eta = require('eta');

  views: 'views/', // Specify the directory for partials

const template = `
  <h1>Welcome to our website</h1>
  <%~ include('header') %>
  <p>This is the main content.</p>
  <%~ include('footer') %>

const html = eta.render(template, {});

Defining Custom Filters

const eta = require('eta');

eta.filters.uppercase = (str) => str.toUpperCase();

const template = `<p>The uppercase version of "hello" is <%= it.message | uppercase %>.</p>`;
const data = { message: 'hello' };

const html = eta.render(template, data);
console.log(html); // Output: <p>The uppercase version of "hello" is HELLO.</p>

Asynchronous Rendering

const eta = require('eta');

const template = `
  <h1>Hello, <%= await it.getName() %>!</h1>
  <p>The current time is <%= await it.getTime() %>.</p>

const data = {
  getName: () => Promise.resolve('John Doe'),
  getTime: () => Promise.resolve(new Date().toLocaleString()),

const html = await eta.render(template, data);

Getting Started

To get started with Eta, follow these steps:

  1. Install Eta using npm or yarn:
npm install eta
  1. Create a new file (e.g., app.js) and import Eta:
const eta = require('eta');
  1. Define your template and data:
const template = `<h1>Hello, <%= %>!</h1>`;
const data = { name: 'John Doe' };
  1. Render the template:
const html = eta.render(template, data);
  1. (Optional) Configure Eta with custom options:
  views: 'views/', // Specify the directory for partials
  cache: true, // Enable

Competitor Comparisons


This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to

Pros of Vue.js

  • Extensive Ecosystem: Vue.js has a vast and thriving ecosystem, with a wide range of libraries, tools, and resources available to developers.
  • Reactive Data Binding: Vue.js provides a reactive data binding system, which allows for efficient and responsive user interfaces.
  • Flexible and Scalable: Vue.js is designed to be flexible and scalable, making it suitable for projects of various sizes and complexity.

Cons of Vue.js

  • Smaller Community: Compared to React and Angular, the Vue.js community is relatively smaller, which may result in fewer available resources and support.
  • Limited Enterprise Adoption: While Vue.js is gaining popularity, it has not yet achieved the same level of enterprise-wide adoption as some of the more established frameworks.
  • Steeper Learning Curve: For developers coming from other frameworks, the Vue.js learning curve may be slightly steeper due to its unique syntax and approach.

Code Comparison


  <div id="app">
    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
    <p>{{ description }}</p>
    <button @click="incrementCount">Click me ({{ count }})</button>

export default {
  name: 'App',
  data() {
    return {
      title: 'Vue.js App',
      description: 'A simple Vue.js application',
      count: 0
  methods: {
    incrementCount() {


<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<p>{{ description }}</p>
<button onclick="incrementCount()">Click me ({{ count }})</button>

let count = 0;

function incrementCount() {

function render() {
  document.body.innerHTML = `
    <button onclick="incrementCount()">Click me (${count})</button>

let title = 'Eta App';
let description = 'A simple Eta application';

The library for web and native user interfaces.

Pros of React

  • Extensive ecosystem with a large community and a wealth of third-party libraries and tools
  • Robust and well-documented, with a strong focus on performance and scalability
  • Widely adopted by major tech companies and a large part of the web development landscape

Cons of React

  • Steeper learning curve compared to Eta, especially for beginners
  • Larger bundle size and more complex setup process
  • Potential vendor lock-in due to its dominance in the market

Code Comparison


function App() {
  return (
      <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
      <p>This is a React component.</p>


  <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
  <p>This is an Eta template.</p>

Deliver web apps with confidence 🚀

Pros of Angular

  • Comprehensive framework with a rich ecosystem of tools and libraries
  • Robust and opinionated architecture, promoting maintainable and scalable applications
  • Extensive documentation and a large community of developers

Cons of Angular

  • Steep learning curve, especially for beginners
  • Larger bundle size and potential performance issues with complex applications
  • Dependency on TypeScript, which may not be preferred by all developers

Code Comparison

Angular (TypeScript):

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
      <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
        <li *ngFor="let item of items">{{ item }}</li>
export class AppComponent {
  title = 'My Angular App';
  items = ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'];

Eta (JavaScript):

const Eta = require('eta');

  views: './views',
  cache: true

Eta.render('index', { title: 'My Eta App', items: ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'] }, (err, html) => {
  if (err) {
  } else {

Cybernetically enhanced web apps

Pros of Svelte

  • Svelte has a larger and more active community, with more resources and support available for developers.
  • Svelte's compiler generates highly optimized code, resulting in faster performance compared to some other frameworks.
  • Svelte's reactive nature and declarative syntax make it easier to reason about and maintain complex user interfaces.

Cons of Svelte

  • Svelte has a steeper learning curve compared to Eta, especially for developers who are new to the framework.
  • Svelte's ecosystem is not as extensive as some other popular frameworks, with fewer third-party libraries and tools available.
  • Svelte's focus on simplicity and performance may not be suitable for all types of applications, particularly those with complex state management requirements.

Code Comparison


  let count = 0;

  function increment() {
    count += 1;

<button on:click={increment}>
  Clicked {count} {count === 1 ? 'time' : 'times'}


  let count = 0;

  function increment() {

<button @click="increment">
  Clicked {{ count }} {{ count === 1 ? 'time' : 'times' }}

⚛️ Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM.

Pros of Preact

  • Preact is a lightweight alternative to React, weighing in at only 3kB gzipped.
  • It provides a familiar API that is largely compatible with React, making it easy to migrate existing projects.
  • Preact has a large and active community, with a wealth of third-party libraries and tools available.

Cons of Preact

  • Preact may not have the same level of support and documentation as React, especially for more advanced use cases.
  • Preact's smaller size and reduced feature set may not be suitable for all projects, especially those with complex requirements.
  • Preact's compatibility with React may not be 100% perfect, which could lead to some issues when migrating existing projects.

Code Comparison


import { h, render } from 'preact';

function App() {
  return <h1>Hello, Preact!</h1>;

render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));


const Eta = require('eta');

  views: 'views/',
  cache: true

Eta.render('index', { message: 'Hello, Eta!' }, (err, html) => {

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You're viewing the source for Eta v3, which we just released! For v2, visit the old branch.


Eta is a lightweight and blazing fast embedded JS templating engine that works inside Node, Deno, and the browser. It's written in TypeScript and emphasizes great performance, configurability, and small bundle size.

🌟 Features

  • 📦 0 dependencies
  • 💡 Only ~3.5 KB minzipped
  • ⚡️ Written in TypeScript
  • ✨ Deno support (+ Node and browser)
  • 🚀 Super Fast
  • 🔧 Configurable
    • Plugins, custom delimiters, caching
  • 🔨 Powerful
    • Precompilation, partials, async
    • Layout support!
  • 🔥 Reliable
    • Better quotes/comments support
      • ex. <%= someval + "string %>" %> compiles correctly, while it fails with doT or EJS
    • Great error reporting
  • ⚡️ Exports ES Modules as well as UMD
  • 📝 Easy template syntax

Get Started

For more thorough documentation, visit

Install Eta

npm install eta

In the root of your project, create templates/simple.eta

Hi <%= %>!

Then, in your JS file:

import { Eta } from "eta";
// import { Eta } from "";

const eta = new Eta({ views: path.join(__dirname, "templates") });

// Render a template

const res = eta.render("./simple", { name: "Ben" });
console.log(res); // Hi Ben!


Where did Eta's name come from?

"Eta" means tiny in Esperanto. Plus, it can be used as an acronym for all sorts of cool phrases: "ECMAScript Template Awesomeness", "Embedded Templating Alternative", etc....

Additionally, Eta is a letter of the Greek alphabet (it stands for all sorts of cool things in various mathematical fields, including efficiency) and is three letters long (perfect for a file extension).


Visual Studio Code

@shadowtime2000 created eta-vscode.


eslint-plugin-eta was created to provide an ESLint processor so you can lint your Eta templates.


Currently there is no official Webpack integration but @clshortfuse shared the loader he uses:

  loader: 'html-loader',
  options: {
    preprocessor(content, loaderContext) {
      return eta.render(content, {}, { filename: loaderContext.resourcePath });

To operate with Eta templates in Node-RED: @ralphwetzel/node-red-contrib-eta


To render Eta templates in Koa web framework: @cedx/koa-eta

Projects using eta

  • Docusaurus v2: open-source documentation framework that uses Eta to generate a SSR build
  • swagger-typescript-api: Open source typescript api codegenerator from Swagger. Uses Eta as codegenerator by templates
  • html-bundler-webpack-plugin: Webpack plugin make easily to bundle HTML pages from templates, source styles and scripts
  • SmartDeno: SmartDeno is an easy to setup web template using Deno & Oak
  • stc: OpenAPI (Swagger) and Apifox documentation converted to api. Use eta templates to generate code.
  • Add yours!


Made with ❤ by @nebrelbug and all these wonderful contributors (emoji key):

Ben Gubler
Ben Gubler

💻 💬 📖 ⚠️
Clite Tailor
Clite Tailor

🤔 💻

💻 🤔
Craig Morten
Craig Morten

Rajan Tiwari
Rajan Tiwari


💻 🤔 ⚠️
Hamza Hamidi
Hamza Hamidi

Calum Knott
Calum Knott




This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!


  • Async support, file handling, and error formatting were based on code from EJS, which is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license. Code was modified and refactored to some extent.
  • Syntax and some parts of compilation are heavily based off EJS, Nunjucks, and doT.

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