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feimosi logobaguetteBox.js

:zap: Simple and easy to use lightbox script written in pure JavaScript


Top Related Projects

JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent

A touchable jQuery lightbox

Full featured JavaScript image & video gallery. No dependencies

THE original Lightbox script (v2).

jQuery lightbox script for displaying images, videos and more. Touch enabled, responsive and fully customizable.

JavaScript image viewer.

Quick Overview

BaguetteBox.js is a lightweight and simple-to-use JavaScript lightbox library. It's designed to display images and galleries in a responsive, mobile-friendly overlay without any dependencies. The library is pure JavaScript, making it easy to integrate into various projects without the need for jQuery or other frameworks.


  • Lightweight and fast, with no dependencies
  • Responsive and mobile-friendly design
  • Easy to set up and use with minimal configuration
  • Supports touch gestures and keyboard navigation


  • Limited advanced features compared to some larger lightbox libraries
  • No built-in support for video content
  • Customization options are somewhat limited
  • Not actively maintained (last update was in 2021)

Code Examples

  1. Basic initialization:'.gallery');

This code initializes BaguetteBox on all elements with the class 'gallery'.

  1. Custom options:'.gallery', {
    animation: 'fadeIn',
    noScrollbars: true,
    buttons: false

This example shows how to initialize BaguetteBox with custom options, such as animation type and hiding buttons.

  1. Programmatically show a specific image:, '.gallery');

This code opens the lightbox and displays the third image (index 2) from the gallery.

Getting Started

  1. Include the BaguetteBox CSS and JS files in your HTML:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src="" async></script>
  1. Create a gallery in your HTML:
<div class="gallery">
    <a href="img/large-1.jpg"><img src="img/thumbs-1.jpg" alt="Image 1"></a>
    <a href="img/large-2.jpg"><img src="img/thumbs-2.jpg" alt="Image 2"></a>
    <a href="img/large-3.jpg"><img src="img/thumbs-3.jpg" alt="Image 3"></a>
  1. Initialize BaguetteBox in your JavaScript:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {'.gallery');

That's it! Your gallery is now set up with BaguetteBox.js.

Competitor Comparisons

JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent

Pros of PhotoSwipe

  • More feature-rich, offering advanced functionality like pinch-to-zoom and swipe gestures
  • Highly customizable with extensive options and API
  • Better performance for large galleries and high-resolution images

Cons of PhotoSwipe

  • Larger file size and more complex setup compared to BaguetteBox.js
  • Steeper learning curve due to its extensive features and options
  • Requires more configuration for basic usage

Code Comparison

BaguetteBox.js (simple setup):'.gallery');

PhotoSwipe (basic setup):

var pswpElement = document.querySelectorAll('.pswp')[0];
var items = [
    { src: 'image1.jpg', w: 1024, h: 768 },
    { src: 'image2.jpg', w: 1024, h: 768 }
var gallery = new PhotoSwipe(pswpElement, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, items, options);

PhotoSwipe requires more initial setup and configuration, while BaguetteBox.js offers a simpler, more straightforward implementation for basic gallery needs. PhotoSwipe provides greater flexibility and features at the cost of complexity, making it suitable for more advanced use cases. BaguetteBox.js is ideal for simpler gallery requirements with minimal setup.

A touchable jQuery lightbox

Pros of Swipebox

  • Supports touch gestures for mobile devices, allowing users to swipe between images
  • Includes video support for YouTube and Vimeo
  • Offers more customization options through its API

Cons of Swipebox

  • Larger file size compared to BaguetteBox.js
  • Less frequently updated, with the last commit being several years old
  • Requires jQuery as a dependency, which may increase overhead

Code Comparison

BaguetteBox.js:'.gallery', {
    animation: 'fadeIn',
    noScrollbars: true


    useCSS: true,
    hideBarsDelay: 0

Both libraries offer simple initialization, but Swipebox requires jQuery. BaguetteBox.js provides a more modern, standalone approach without dependencies. While Swipebox offers more features like video support and touch gestures, BaguetteBox.js focuses on simplicity and performance. The choice between the two depends on specific project requirements, such as the need for video support or touch gestures versus a lightweight, dependency-free solution.

Full featured JavaScript image & video gallery. No dependencies

Pros of lightgallery.js

  • More feature-rich, including video support, thumbnails, and social sharing options
  • Highly customizable with numerous options and API methods
  • Better mobile touch support and responsive design

Cons of lightgallery.js

  • Larger file size and potentially heavier on resources
  • Steeper learning curve due to more complex configuration options
  • May be overkill for simple image gallery needs

Code Comparison

baguetteBox.js:'.gallery', {
    animation: 'fadeIn',
    noScrollbars: true


lightGallery(document.getElementById('lightgallery'), {
    mode: 'lg-fade',
    cssEasing: 'cubic-bezier(0.25, 0, 0.25, 1)',
    thumbnail: true,
    animateThumb: false,
    showThumbByDefault: false

The code comparison shows that lightgallery.js offers more configuration options out of the box, allowing for greater customization. However, this also means it requires more setup compared to the simpler baguetteBox.js implementation.

Both libraries serve the purpose of creating image galleries, but lightgallery.js is more suited for complex, feature-rich galleries, while baguetteBox.js is ideal for simpler, lightweight implementations.

THE original Lightbox script (v2).

Pros of Lightbox2

  • More feature-rich, including support for image sets, captions, and keyboard navigation
  • Highly customizable with extensive options and API
  • Larger community and longer development history, potentially leading to better stability

Cons of Lightbox2

  • Larger file size and potentially heavier performance impact
  • Requires jQuery, which may not be ideal for all projects
  • More complex setup and configuration compared to BaguetteBox.js

Code Comparison



  'resizeDuration': 200,
  'wrapAround': true

BaguetteBox.js offers a simpler setup with a single line of code, while Lightbox2 provides more customization options but requires additional configuration.

Both libraries serve similar purposes, but BaguetteBox.js focuses on simplicity and lightweight performance, while Lightbox2 offers more features and customization at the cost of increased complexity and file size. The choice between them depends on project requirements, with BaguetteBox.js being ideal for simpler implementations and Lightbox2 better suited for more complex use cases or projects already using jQuery.

jQuery lightbox script for displaying images, videos and more. Touch enabled, responsive and fully customizable.

Pros of Fancybox

  • More feature-rich with advanced options like touch support, zooming, and thumbnails
  • Responsive design with mobile-friendly controls
  • Regular updates and active community support

Cons of Fancybox

  • Larger file size due to more features, potentially impacting page load times
  • Steeper learning curve for advanced customizations
  • Requires jQuery, adding an additional dependency

Code Comparison

BaguetteBox.js:'.gallery', {
    animation: 'fadeIn',
    noScrollbars: true


    toolbar: false,
    smallBtn: true,
    iframe: {
        preload: false


BaguetteBox.js is a lightweight, vanilla JavaScript lightbox with basic functionality, ideal for simple image galleries. Fancybox offers more advanced features and customization options but comes with a larger footprint and jQuery dependency. Choose BaguetteBox.js for simplicity and performance, or Fancybox for a feature-rich, highly customizable lightbox experience.

JavaScript image viewer.

Pros of Viewer.js

  • More feature-rich, offering advanced image manipulation tools like zooming, rotating, and flipping
  • Supports a wider range of image formats, including SVG
  • Provides a more customizable UI with various display modes and toolbar options

Cons of Viewer.js

  • Larger file size, which may impact page load times
  • Steeper learning curve due to its more complex API and configuration options
  • May be considered overkill for simple image gallery needs

Code Comparison

BaguetteBox.js (simple implementation):'.gallery');

Viewer.js (basic setup):

const viewer = new Viewer(document.getElementById('images'), {
  inline: true,
  viewed() {

BaguetteBox.js focuses on simplicity and ease of use, making it ideal for quick implementation of lightweight image galleries. Viewer.js, on the other hand, offers a more comprehensive set of features for advanced image viewing and manipulation, suitable for projects requiring extensive image interaction capabilities.

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Simple and easy to use lightbox script written in pure JavaScript.

Demo page

Demo Page screenshot

Table of contents


  • Written in pure JavaScript, no dependencies required
  • Multiple-gallery support allows custom options for each
  • Supports swipe gestures on touch-screen devices
  • Full-screen mode available
  • Modern and minimal look
  • Image captions support
  • Responsive images
  • CSS3 transitions
  • SVG buttons, no extra files to download
  • Around 3.2KB gzipped
  • With Accessibility in mind


You can use one of the following methods:


npm install baguettebox.js --save


yarn add baguettebox.js


bower install baguettebox.js --save


  1. Use one of the following CDN providers:
  1. Copy URLs of the latest version (both .js and .css files)

  2. Paste the URLs in your HTML file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<CSS URL>">
<script src="<JS URL>" async></script>


  1. Download baguetteBox.min.css and baguetteBox.min.js files from the dist folder.
  2. Include them somewhere in your document:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/baguetteBox.min.css">
<script src="js/baguetteBox.min.js" async></script>


Traditional approach

If you don't use JavaScript modules and include the file with a <script> tag, you don't have to import anything explicitly. baguetteBox will be available in the global scope.


const baguetteBox = require('baguettebox.js');

ES2015 modules

import baguetteBox from 'baguettebox.js';


@import 'baguettebox.js/dist/baguetteBox.min.css';


Initialize the script by running:'.gallery');

where the first argument is a selector to a gallery (or galleries) containing a tags. The HTML code may look like this:

<div class="gallery">
    <a href="img/2-1.jpg" data-caption="Image caption">
        <img src="img/thumbnails/2-1.jpg" alt="First image">
    <a href="img/2-2.jpg">
        <img src="img/thumbnails/2-2.jpg" alt="Second image">

To use captions put a title or data-caption attribute on the a tag.

Note: if you import baguetteBox using the <script> tag, remember to run it after the document has loaded:

window.addEventListener('load', function() {'.gallery');


You can pass an object with custom options as the second parameter.'.gallery', {
    // Custom options

The following options are available:

captionsBoolean | function(element)trueDisplay image captions. Passing a function will use a string returned by this callback. The only argument is a element containing the image. Invoked in the context of the current gallery array
buttonsBoolean | 'auto''auto'Display buttons. 'auto' hides buttons on touch-enabled devices or when only one image is available
leftArrow | rightArrow | closeXstringdefault iconsThis allows to customize buttons with own icons
fullScreenBooleanfalseEnable full screen mode
noScrollbarsBooleanfalseHide scrollbars when gallery is displayed
bodyClassString'baguetteBox-open'Class name that will be appended to the body when lightbox is visible (works in IE 10+)
ignoreClassStringnullIt will ignore images with given class put on a tag
titleTagBooleanfalseUse caption value also in the gallery img.title attribute
asyncBooleanfalseLoad files asynchronously
preloadNumber2How many files should be preloaded
animation'slideIn' | 'fadeIn' | false'slideIn'Animation type
afterShowfunctionnullCallback to be run after showing the overlay
afterHidefunctionnullCallback to be run after hiding the overlay
onChangefunction(currentIndex, imagesCount)nullCallback to be run when image changes
Background color for the lightbox overlay
filterRegExp/.+\.(gif|jpe?g|png|webp)/iPattern to match image files. Applied to the a.href attribute


run(selector, userOptions)

Initialize baguetteBox.js

  • @param selector {string} - valid CSS selector used by querySelectorAll
  • @param userOptions {object} - custom options (see #Customization)
  • @return {array} - an array of gallery objects (reflects elements found by the selector)

show(index, gallery)

Show (if hidden) and move the gallery to a specific index

  • @param index {number} - the position of the image
  • @param gallery {array} - gallery which should be opened, if omitted assumes the currently opened one
  • @return {boolean} - true on success or false if the index is invalid


const gallery ='.gallery');, gallery[0]);


Switch to the next image

  • @return {boolean} - true on success or false if there are no more images to be loaded


Switch to the previous image

  • @return {boolean} - true on success or false if there are no more images to be loaded


Hide the gallery


Remove the plugin with any event bindings

Responsive images

To use this feature, simply put data-at-{width} attributes on a tags with a value being the path to the desired image. {width} should be the maximum screen width the image can be displayed at. The script chooses the first image with {width} greater than or equal to the current screen width for best user experience. That last data-at-X image is also used in the case of a screen larger than X.

Here's an example of what the HTML code can look like:

<a href="img/2-1.jpg"
    <img src="img/thumbs/2-1.jpg">

If you have 1366x768 resolution baguetteBox.js will choose "img/medium/2-1.jpg". If, however, it's 1440x900 it'll choose "img/big/2-1.jpg". Keep the href attribute as a fallback (link to a bigger image e.g. of HD size) for older browsers.



  • IE 8+
  • Chrome
  • Firefox 3.6+
  • Opera 12+
  • Safari 5+


  • Safari on iOS
  • Chrome on Android


Feel free to report any issues! If you wish to contribute by fixing a bug or implementing a new feature, please first read the CONTRIBUTING guide.


If you find this project useful and want to say thanks, you can buy me a cup of coffee :)


Creation of baguetteBox.js was inspired by a great jQuery plugin touchTouch.

Huge thanks for providing a testing platform go to BrowserStack


Copyright (c) 2018 feimosi

This content is released under the MIT License.

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