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A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.


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A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.


Guice (pronounced 'juice') is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 11 and above, brought to you by Google.

A scope tree based Dependency Injection (DI) library for Java / Kotlin / Android.

Quick Overview

Dagger is a fast dependency injection framework for Java, Kotlin, and Android. It generates fully static, compile-time dependency injection code, eliminating reflection and improving performance. Dagger is maintained by Google and is widely used in Android development.


  • Compile-time dependency injection, resulting in faster runtime performance
  • Generates human-readable code, making it easier to debug and understand
  • Supports both Java and Kotlin, with excellent Android integration
  • Provides compile-time error checking for dependency graphs


  • Steep learning curve, especially for developers new to dependency injection
  • Can lead to verbose code and boilerplate in some cases
  • Configuration can be complex for large projects
  • Limited runtime flexibility compared to dynamic dependency injection frameworks

Code Examples

  1. Defining a component:
interface MyComponent {
    MyService getMyService();
  1. Providing dependencies:
class MyModule {
    static MyDependency provideMyDependency() {
        return new MyDependency();
  1. Injecting dependencies:
class MyClass {
    MyDependency myDependency;

    MyClass() {}
  1. Using the component:
MyComponent component = DaggerMyComponent.create();
MyService service = component.getMyService();

Getting Started

  1. Add Dagger dependencies to your project's build.gradle:
dependencies {
    implementation ''
    annotationProcessor ''
  1. Create a module to provide dependencies:
class AppModule {
    static SomeService provideSomeService() {
        return new SomeServiceImpl();
  1. Define a component interface:
@Component(modules = AppModule.class)
interface AppComponent {
    SomeService getSomeService();
  1. Build and use the component:
AppComponent component = DaggerAppComponent.create();
SomeService service = component.getSomeService();

Competitor Comparisons


A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.

Pros of Dagger (Square)

  • More mature and stable, with a longer history of development and community support
  • Offers a simpler API and easier learning curve for beginners
  • Provides better documentation and more extensive examples

Cons of Dagger (Square)

  • Less frequent updates and slower adoption of new features
  • Limited support for newer Android development paradigms like Jetpack Compose
  • Larger generated code size compared to Google's version

Code Comparison

Dagger (Square):

public class CoffeeModule {
    Heater provideHeater() {
        return new ElectricHeater();

Dagger (Google):

interface CoffeeModule {
    Heater bindHeater(ElectricHeater impl);

The Square version uses the @Provides annotation with a method implementation, while the Google version uses @Binds with an abstract method, resulting in more concise code and potentially better performance.

Both Dagger implementations aim to provide dependency injection for Java and Android, but they differ in their approach and feature set. The Square version is more established and easier to learn, while the Google version offers more modern features and better integration with newer Android development practices.


Guice (pronounced 'juice') is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Java 11 and above, brought to you by Google.

Pros of Guice

  • Simpler setup and configuration, especially for smaller projects
  • More flexible and dynamic dependency injection at runtime
  • Better support for method injection and optional bindings

Cons of Guice

  • Slower performance due to runtime reflection
  • Larger runtime footprint and increased memory usage
  • Less compile-time safety and error checking

Code Comparison


public class RealBillingService implements BillingService {
  public RealBillingService(CreditCardProcessor processor,
      TransactionLog transactionLog) {
    // ...


public class BillingModule {
  static BillingService provideBillingService(
      CreditCardProcessor processor,
      TransactionLog transactionLog) {
    return new RealBillingService(processor, transactionLog);


Guice offers simplicity and flexibility, making it suitable for smaller projects and rapid development. It excels in runtime adaptability but sacrifices performance and compile-time safety. Dagger, on the other hand, provides better performance and compile-time verification at the cost of a steeper learning curve and more verbose configuration. The choice between the two depends on project requirements, team expertise, and performance considerations.

A scope tree based Dependency Injection (DI) library for Java / Kotlin / Android.

Pros of Toothpick

  • Simpler API and easier to learn, especially for beginners
  • Faster compilation times due to its runtime-based approach
  • More flexible and allows for easier runtime modifications

Cons of Toothpick

  • Less mature and less widely adopted compared to Dagger
  • May have slightly lower performance at runtime
  • Fewer advanced features and integrations with other libraries

Code Comparison


public MyClass(Dependency dependency) {
    // Constructor injection

Toothpick.inject(this, Toothpick.openScope(this));


public MyClass(Dependency dependency) {
    // Constructor injection

interface MyComponent {
    void inject(MyClass myClass);


Both Toothpick and Dagger are dependency injection frameworks for Java and Android, but they have different approaches. Toothpick focuses on simplicity and runtime flexibility, while Dagger emphasizes compile-time safety and performance. Toothpick may be easier for beginners to grasp, but Dagger's widespread adoption and robust feature set make it a popular choice for larger projects. The choice between the two depends on project requirements, team expertise, and performance considerations.

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Maven Central

A fast dependency injector for Java and Android.

Dagger is a compile-time framework for dependency injection. It uses no reflection or runtime bytecode generation, does all its analysis at compile-time, and generates plain Java source code.

Dagger is actively maintained by Google. Snapshot releases are auto-deployed to Sonatype's central Maven repository on every clean build with the version HEAD-SNAPSHOT. The current version builds upon previous work done at Square.


You can find the dagger documentation here which has extended usage instructions and other useful information. More detailed information can be found in the API documentation.

You can also learn more from the original proposal, this talk by Greg Kick, and on the mailing list.



First, import the Dagger repository into your WORKSPACE file using http_archive.

Note: The http_archive must point to a tagged release of Dagger, not just any commit. The version of the Dagger artifacts will match the version of the tagged release.

# Top-level WORKSPACE file

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

DAGGER_TAG = "2.53.1"
DAGGER_SHA = "b82f1133b623892617f9e64fd14ba9203647e470a32048ba8aa26075bbb8a9e5"
    name = "dagger",
    strip_prefix = "dagger-dagger-%s" % DAGGER_TAG,
    sha256 = DAGGER_SHA,
    urls = ["" % DAGGER_TAG],

Next you will need to setup targets that export the proper dependencies and plugins. Follow the sections below to setup the dependencies you need.

Dagger Setup

First, load the Dagger artifacts and repositories, and add them to your list of maven_install artifacts.

# Top-level WORKSPACE file

load("@dagger//:workspace_defs.bzl", "DAGGER_ARTIFACTS", "DAGGER_REPOSITORIES")

    artifacts = DAGGER_ARTIFACTS + [...],
    repositories = DAGGER_REPOSITORIES + [...],

Next, load and call dagger_rules in your top-level BUILD file:

# Top-level BUILD file

load("@dagger//:workspace_defs.bzl", "dagger_rules")


This will add the following Dagger build targets: (Note that these targets already export all of the dependencies and processors they need).

deps = [
    ":dagger",                  # For Dagger
    ":dagger-spi",              # For Dagger SPI
    ":dagger-producers",        # For Dagger Producers

Dagger Android Setup

First, load the Dagger Android artifacts and repositories, and add them to your list of maven_install artifacts.

# Top-level WORKSPACE file


    artifacts = DAGGER_ANDROID_ARTIFACTS + [...],
    repositories = DAGGER_ANDROID_REPOSITORIES + [...],

Next, load and call dagger_android_rules in your top-level BUILD file:

# Top-level BUILD file

load("@dagger//:workspace_defs.bzl", "dagger_android_rules")


This will add the following Dagger Android build targets: (Note that these targets already export all of the dependencies and processors they need).

deps = [
    ":dagger-android",          # For Dagger Android
    ":dagger-android-support",  # For Dagger Android (Support)

Hilt Android Setup

First, load the Hilt Android artifacts and repositories, and add them to your list of maven_install artifacts.

# Top-level WORKSPACE file


    artifacts = HILT_ANDROID_ARTIFACTS + [...],
    repositories = HILT_ANDROID_REPOSITORIES + [...],

Next, load and call hilt_android_rules in your top-level BUILD file:

# Top-level BUILD file

load("@dagger//:workspace_defs.bzl", "hilt_android_rules")


This will add the following Hilt Android build targets: (Note that these targets already export all of the dependencies and processors they need).

deps = [
    ":hilt-android",            # For Hilt Android
    ":hilt-android-testing",    # For Hilt Android Testing

Other build systems

You will need to include the dagger-2.x.jar in your application's runtime. In order to activate code generation and generate implementations to manage your graph you will need to include dagger-compiler-2.x.jar in your build at compile time.


In a Maven project, include the dagger artifact in the dependencies section of your pom.xml and the dagger-compiler artifact as an annotationProcessorPaths value of the maven-compiler-plugin:


If you are using a version of the maven-compiler-plugin lower than 3.5, add the dagger-compiler artifact with the provided scope:


If you use the beta dagger-producers extension (which supplies parallelizable execution graphs), then add this to your maven configuration:



// Add Dagger dependencies
dependencies {
  implementation ''
  annotationProcessor ''

If you're using classes in you'll also want to include:

implementation ''
implementation '' // if you use the support libraries
annotationProcessor ''


If you're using the Android Databinding library, you may want to increase the number of errors that javac will print. When Dagger prints an error, databinding compilation will halt and sometimes print more than 100 errors, which is the default amount for javac. For more information, see Issue 306.

gradle.projectsEvaluated {
  tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
    options.compilerArgs << "-Xmaxerrs" << "500" // or whatever number you want


If you do not use maven, gradle, ivy, or other build systems that consume maven-style binary artifacts, they can be downloaded directly via the Maven Central Repository.

Developer snapshots are available from Sonatype's snapshot repository, and are built on a clean build of the GitHub project's master branch.

Building Dagger

See the docs.


Copyright 2012 The Dagger Authors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.