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OSINT Tool: Generate username lists for companies on LinkedIn


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Quick Overview

linkedin2username is a Python tool designed to generate potential usernames from LinkedIn data. It scrapes public LinkedIn profiles and creates lists of possible usernames based on common username formats, which can be useful for security professionals during penetration testing or red team engagements.


  • Automates the process of generating potential usernames from LinkedIn data
  • Supports various username formats and customization options
  • Can be integrated into existing security workflows and tools
  • Helps identify potential user accounts in target organizations


  • May violate LinkedIn's terms of service if used improperly
  • Requires valid LinkedIn credentials to function
  • Limited by the availability and accuracy of public LinkedIn data
  • Could be detected and blocked by LinkedIn's anti-scraping measures

Code Examples

  1. Basic usage:
from linkedin2username import run
company = "example"
domain = ""
run(company, domain)
  1. Custom username format:
from linkedin2username import run
company = "example"
domain = ""
format_type = "flast"
run(company, domain, format_type=format_type)
  1. Saving results to a file:
from linkedin2username import run
company = "example"
domain = ""
outfile = "usernames.txt"
run(company, domain, outfile=outfile)

Getting Started

  1. Install the tool:
pip install linkedin2username
  1. Set up LinkedIn credentials:
export LINKEDIN_USERNAME=your_username
export LINKEDIN_PASSWORD=your_password
  1. Run the tool:
from linkedin2username import run
run("target_company", "")

Note: Use this tool responsibly and ensure you have proper authorization before conducting any security assessments.

Competitor Comparisons

A Tool for Domain Flyovers

Pros of Aquatone

  • Broader functionality: Performs domain flyovers, screenshots, and technology fingerprinting
  • More comprehensive tool for web-based reconnaissance
  • Actively maintained with regular updates

Cons of Aquatone

  • Requires more setup and dependencies
  • Not specifically focused on LinkedIn username generation
  • May be overkill for simple username enumeration tasks

Code Comparison

Aquatone (Go):

func takeScreenshot(url string, timeout time.Duration) (*[]byte, error) {
    ctx, cancel := chromedp.NewContext(context.Background())
    defer cancel()
    ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
    defer cancel()

LinkedIn2Username (Python):

def get_login_page():
    session = requests.session()
    login_page = session.get(login_url)
    return login_page, session


Aquatone is a more comprehensive web reconnaissance tool, offering domain flyovers, screenshots, and technology fingerprinting. It's actively maintained but requires more setup and may be excessive for simple tasks. LinkedIn2Username is specifically designed for generating usernames from LinkedIn profiles, making it more focused and easier to use for that particular task. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of the project and the depth of reconnaissance needed.

E-mails, subdomains and names Harvester - OSINT

Pros of theHarvester

  • Broader scope: Gathers information from multiple sources beyond LinkedIn
  • More versatile: Supports various search engines and APIs
  • Active development: Regularly updated with new features and improvements

Cons of theHarvester

  • Less focused: May provide less specific LinkedIn-related data
  • More complex setup: Requires additional dependencies and API keys
  • Potentially slower: Gathering data from multiple sources can take longer

Code Comparison


from theHarvester.discovery import *
from theHarvester.discovery.constants import *
search = googlesearch.search_google(word, limit, start)
emails = search.get_emails()


from linkedin2username import scrape
company_id = scrape.get_company_info(company)
employees = scrape.get_employees(company_id, cookie)
usernames = scrape.process_employees(employees, domain, verbose)


theHarvester is a more comprehensive tool for gathering information from various sources, while linkedin2username focuses specifically on extracting usernames from LinkedIn profiles. theHarvester offers broader functionality but may require more setup and potentially longer execution times. linkedin2username provides a more targeted approach for LinkedIn-specific data extraction, with a simpler setup and potentially faster results for this specific use case.

Open Source Intelligence gathering tool aimed at reducing the time spent harvesting information from open sources.

Pros of recon-ng

  • Comprehensive reconnaissance framework with multiple modules
  • Extensible architecture allowing for custom module development
  • Integrated reporting and data management capabilities

Cons of recon-ng

  • Steeper learning curve due to its complex structure
  • Requires more setup and configuration compared to simpler tools
  • May be overkill for focused LinkedIn username harvesting

Code Comparison


def get_company_employees(self, company_id):
    employees = []
    for page in range(100):
        results = self.search_people(company=company_id, page=page)
        if not results:
    return employees


def module_run(self):
    self.output('Harvesting profiles...')
    for domain in self.options['domain']:
        self.heading(domain, level=0)
        base_url = ''
        for page in range(0, 101):
            query = ' inurl:pub -inurl:dir "at %s"' % (domain)
            results = self.search_google_web(base_url, query, start=page)
            if not results:

linkedin2username is focused specifically on LinkedIn username harvesting, making it simpler and more targeted. recon-ng, on the other hand, offers a broader range of reconnaissance capabilities but requires more setup and understanding to use effectively for specific tasks like LinkedIn harvesting.

SpiderFoot automates OSINT for threat intelligence and mapping your attack surface.

Pros of SpiderFoot

  • Comprehensive OSINT tool with a wide range of modules and data sources
  • User-friendly web interface for easy operation and result visualization
  • Supports automation and integration with other tools via API

Cons of SpiderFoot

  • More complex setup and configuration compared to linkedin2username
  • Requires more system resources due to its extensive functionality
  • Steeper learning curve for users new to OSINT tools

Code Comparison

SpiderFoot (Python):

class sfp_example(SpiderFootPlugin):
    def handleEvent(self, event):
        eventName = event.eventType
        srcModuleName = event.module
        eventData =
        # Plugin logic here

linkedin2username (Python):

def get_company_employees(company):
    employees = []
    # Scraping logic here
    return employees

def generate_usernames(employees):
    usernames = []
    # Username generation logic here
    return usernames


SpiderFoot is a more comprehensive OSINT tool with a broader scope, while linkedin2username is focused specifically on generating usernames from LinkedIn data. SpiderFoot offers a wider range of features and data sources but requires more setup and resources. linkedin2username is simpler and more targeted, making it easier to use for its specific purpose but lacking the versatility of SpiderFoot.

Scripts to make password spraying attacks against Lync/S4B, OWA & O365 a lot quicker, less painful and more efficient

Pros of SprayingToolkit

  • Supports multiple protocols and services (OWA, Lync, O365, etc.)
  • Includes password spraying and user enumeration capabilities
  • Offers more advanced features like custom wordlists and CAPTCHA bypassing

Cons of SprayingToolkit

  • More complex setup and usage
  • Requires additional dependencies
  • May trigger more security alerts due to its broader functionality

Code Comparison


def parse_employees(self):
    for employee in self.employees:


def spray(self, username, password):
    for target in self.targets:
        self.attempt_login(target, username, password)

linkedin2username focuses on parsing LinkedIn data to generate usernames, while SprayingToolkit is designed for actual password spraying attacks across various services. The code snippets reflect their different purposes, with linkedin2username processing employee data and SprayingToolkit attempting logins on multiple targets.

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OSINT Tool: Generate username lists from companies on LinkedIn.

This is a pure web-scraper, no API key required. You use your valid LinkedIn username and password to login, it will create several lists of possible username formats for all employees of a company you point it at.

Here's what you get:

  • first.last.txt: Usernames like Joe.Schmoe
  • f.last.txt: Usernames like J.Schmoe
  • flast.txt: Usernames like JSchmoe
  • firstl.txt: Usernames like JoeS
  • first.txt Usernames like Joe
  • lastf.txt Usernames like SchmoeJ
  • rawnames.txt: Full name like Joe Schmoe
  • metadata.txt CSV file which is full_name,occupation

Optionally, the tool will append to the usernames.


Do not blame me if your LinkedIn account gets rate limited, or even banned. This is a security research tool - use it only after reading the code and fully understanding what it is doing.

I have not heard of any account bans since the tool was written, but rate limiting does occasionally kick in when the "commercial search limit" is hit. That has been temporary so far (measured monthly).

Using the tool


Install the Python dependencies with pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt.

You'll also need Chrome, Chromium, or Firefox installed in typical paths that can be discovered by Selenium. A web browser will be spawned temporarily to handle the login.

Full usage

usage: [-h] -c COMPANY [-n DOMAIN] [-d DEPTH]
  [-s SLEEP] [-x PROXY] [-k KEYWORDS] [-g] [-o OUTPUT]

OSINT tool to generate lists of probable usernames from a given company's LinkedIn page.
This tool may break when LinkedIn changes their site.
Please open issues on GitHub to report any inconsistencies.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c COMPANY, --company COMPANY
                        Company name exactly as typed in the company linkedin profile page URL.
  -n DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        Append a domain name to username output.
                        [example: "-n" would output]
  -d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH
                        Search depth (how many loops of 25). If unset, will try to grab them
  -s SLEEP, --sleep SLEEP
                        Seconds to sleep between search loops. Defaults to 0.
  -x PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        Proxy server to use. WARNING: WILL DISABLE SSL VERIFICATION.
                        [example: "-p https://localhost:8080"]
  -k KEYWORDS, --keywords KEYWORDS
                        Filter results by a a list of command separated keywords.
                        Will do a separate loop for each keyword,
                        potentially bypassing the 1,000 record limit. 
                        [example: "-k 'sales,human resources,information technology']
  -g, --geoblast        Attempts to bypass the 1,000 record search limit by running
                        multiple searches split across geographic regions.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output Directory, defaults to li2u-output


You'll need to provide the tool with LinkedIn's company name. You can find that by looking at the URL for the company's page. It should look something like It may or may not be as simple as the exact name of the company.

Here's an example to pull all employees of targetco:

$ python -c targetco

Here's an example to pull a shorter list and append the domain name to them:

$ python -c targetco -d 5 -n ''


Use an account with a lot of connections, otherwise you'll get crappy results. Adding a couple connections at the target company should help - this tool will work up to third degree connections. Note that LinkedIn will cap search results to 1000 employees max. You can use the features '--geoblast' or '--keywords' to bypass this limit. Look at help below for more details.


When LinkedIn changes things, the tool may break. The API used here is not documented, and it may take some fiddling around to get it working again. Please open issues if you notice something weird.

You can verify Selenium works on your machine like this:

$ python3

from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Firefox() # or webdriver.Chrome()

You can try the --proxy flag to inspect traffic with Burp. Right now, it is not inspecting the logins from the Selenium browser as you can see pretty clearly what is happening there.

This is a security research tool. Use only where granted explicit permission from the network owner.