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The open LMS by Instructure, Inc.


Top Related Projects


Apereo CAS - Identity & Single Sign On for all earthlings and beyond.


Moodle - the world's open source learning platform


A free, online learning platform to make quality education accessible for all.

Quick Overview

Canvas LMS is an open-source learning management system (LMS) developed by Instructure. It provides a robust platform for educational institutions to manage courses, assignments, and student interactions. Canvas LMS is widely used in K-12 schools, colleges, and universities worldwide.


  • Highly customizable and extensible through plugins and API integrations
  • Active community and regular updates from Instructure
  • Mobile-friendly design with dedicated apps for iOS and Android
  • Comprehensive feature set including gradebooks, quizzes, and discussion forums


  • Complex codebase can be challenging for new contributors
  • Requires significant server resources for large-scale deployments
  • Some features may require additional configuration or plugins
  • Learning curve for administrators and instructors unfamiliar with LMS platforms

Code Examples

  1. Creating a new course (Ruby on Rails):
course = Course.create!(
  name: "Introduction to Computer Science",
  account: Account.default,
  course_code: "CS101",
  end_at: 4.months.from_now
  1. Adding an assignment to a course (Ruby on Rails):
assignment = course.assignments.create!(
  title: "Final Project",
  description: "Build a web application using Ruby on Rails",
  points_possible: 100,
  due_at: 3.months.from_now
  1. Enrolling a user in a course (Ruby on Rails):
user = User.create!(name: "John Doe", email: "")
enrollment = course.enroll_user(user, "StudentEnrollment", enrollment_state: "active")

Getting Started

To set up Canvas LMS locally for development:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd canvas-lms
  2. Install dependencies:

    bundle install
    yarn install
  3. Set up the database:

    cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
    cp config/domain.yml.example config/domain.yml
    cp config/dynamic_settings.yml.example config/dynamic_settings.yml
    bundle exec rake db:initial_setup
  4. Start the development server:

    bundle exec rails server

Visit http://localhost:3000 to access your local Canvas LMS instance.

Competitor Comparisons


Apereo CAS - Identity & Single Sign On for all earthlings and beyond.

Pros of CAS

  • Focused on authentication and single sign-on, providing a specialized solution
  • Highly extensible and customizable with a plugin architecture
  • Supports a wide range of authentication protocols and integrations

Cons of CAS

  • Limited in scope compared to Canvas LMS's full learning management system
  • May require additional components for a complete educational platform
  • Steeper learning curve for non-authentication-focused developers

Code Comparison

CAS (Java):

public AuthenticationHandler myAuthenticationHandler() {
    return new MyCustomAuthenticationHandler();

Canvas LMS (Ruby):

class MyAuthenticationProvider < Canvas::Authentication::Provider
  def authenticate(username, password)
    # Custom authentication logic

Both projects allow for custom authentication handlers, but CAS uses Java annotations and Spring framework, while Canvas LMS uses Ruby classes and inheritance.

CAS focuses on providing a robust authentication framework with extensive customization options, whereas Canvas LMS offers a complete learning management system with built-in authentication as part of its broader feature set. CAS is ideal for organizations needing a dedicated SSO solution, while Canvas LMS is better suited for educational institutions requiring a full-featured LMS platform.


Moodle - the world's open source learning platform

Pros of Moodle

  • More extensive plugin ecosystem with thousands of community-contributed extensions
  • Highly customizable and flexible for diverse educational needs
  • Stronger support for multilingual environments and localization

Cons of Moodle

  • Steeper learning curve for administrators and instructors
  • User interface can be less intuitive and modern compared to Canvas
  • Performance may suffer with heavy customizations or large-scale deployments

Code Comparison

Moodle (PHP):

function get_course_module_from_cmid($cmid) {
    global $DB;
    return $DB->get_record_sql("
        SELECT cm.*, AS modname
          FROM {course_modules} cm
          JOIN {modules} m ON = cm.module
         WHERE = ?", array($cmid));

Canvas LMS (Ruby):

def get_course_module(module_id)
  ContentTag.find_by(id: module_id)
    .try(:preload, :content)

Both repositories showcase different approaches to retrieving course module information, reflecting their respective programming languages and database structures. Moodle's code demonstrates a more direct SQL query approach, while Canvas LMS utilizes ActiveRecord methods for object-relational mapping.


A free, online learning platform to make quality education accessible for all.

Pros of Oppia

  • Open-source and community-driven, allowing for greater customization and contributions
  • Focuses on interactive, exploratory learning experiences
  • Designed for creating engaging educational content with a user-friendly interface

Cons of Oppia

  • Smaller user base and community compared to Canvas LMS
  • More limited in scope, primarily focused on creating interactive lessons rather than full course management
  • Less extensive documentation and support resources

Code Comparison

Canvas LMS (Ruby):

def update
  @context = api_find(Course, params[:course_id])
  @assignment = @context.assignments.find(params[:id])

Oppia (Python):

def update_exploration(exploration_id, change_list):
    exploration = get_exploration_by_id(exploration_id)
    except Exception as e:
        raise self.InvalidInputException(e)

Both repositories use different programming languages and have distinct architectures. Canvas LMS is built with Ruby on Rails, while Oppia uses Python. The code snippets show different approaches to updating content, with Canvas focusing on assignment updates and Oppia handling exploration updates through changelists.

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Canvas LMS

Canvas is a modern, open-source LMS developed and maintained by Instructure Inc. It is released under the AGPLv3 license for use by anyone interested in learning more about or using learning management systems.

Please see our main wiki page for more information


Detailed instructions for installation and configuration of Canvas are provided on our wiki.