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Extract prominent colors from an image. JS port of Android's Palette.


Top Related Projects

Grab the color palette from an image using just Javascript. Works in the browser and in Node.

A JavaScript library for binding keyboard combos without the pain of key codes and key combo conflicts.

Fast, small color manipulation and conversion for JavaScript


JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations

A curated list of awesome resources to choose your next color scheme


:rainbow: Javascript color conversion and manipulation library

Quick Overview

Vibrant.js is a JavaScript library that extracts prominent colors from images. It's a port of the Android Palette class to JavaScript, allowing developers to create color palettes from images in web applications.


  • Easy to use with a simple API
  • Works in both browser and Node.js environments
  • Supports various image formats (PNG, JPEG, GIF)
  • Provides multiple color extraction strategies


  • May have performance issues with large images
  • Limited customization options for color extraction algorithms
  • Dependency on external libraries for some functionality
  • Not actively maintained (last update was several years ago)

Code Examples

Extracting colors from an image:

Vibrant.from('path/to/image.jpg').getPalette((err, palette) => {
  if (err) {

Using a specific color extraction strategy:

  .getPalette((err, palette) => {
    if (err) {

Accessing specific color swatches:

Vibrant.from('path/to/image.jpg').getPalette((err, palette) => {
  if (err) {

Getting Started

  1. Install Vibrant.js using npm:
npm install node-vibrant
  1. Import and use Vibrant.js in your project:
import * as Vibrant from 'node-vibrant';

Vibrant.from('path/to/image.jpg').getPalette((err, palette) => {
  if (err) {
  // Use the extracted colors = palette.Vibrant.getHex();
  document.getElementById('header').style.color = palette.DarkVibrant.getHex();

Competitor Comparisons

Grab the color palette from an image using just Javascript. Works in the browser and in Node.

Pros of Color Thief

  • Simpler API with fewer configuration options, making it easier to use for basic color extraction tasks
  • Faster processing time for large images due to its simpler algorithm
  • Smaller file size, resulting in quicker load times for web applications

Cons of Color Thief

  • Less accurate color palette generation compared to Vibrant.js
  • Limited to extracting dominant colors without additional color information (e.g., vibrant, muted)
  • Lacks built-in TypeScript support, which Vibrant.js provides

Code Comparison

Color Thief:

const colorThief = new ColorThief();
const dominantColor = colorThief.getColor(imageElement);
const palette = colorThief.getPalette(imageElement, 5);


Vibrant.from(imageElement).getPalette((err, palette) => {
  const vibrantColor = palette.Vibrant.hex;
  const mutedColor = palette.Muted.hex;

Both libraries aim to extract color information from images, but they differ in their approach and capabilities. Color Thief focuses on simplicity and speed, making it ideal for projects that require basic color extraction. Vibrant.js offers more advanced color analysis, including vibrant and muted color variations, at the cost of slightly increased complexity and processing time. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of your project and the level of color analysis needed.

A JavaScript library for binding keyboard combos without the pain of key codes and key combo conflicts.

Pros of KeyboardJS

  • Focused on keyboard event handling and key binding
  • Supports complex key combinations and sequences
  • Provides cross-browser compatibility for keyboard events

Cons of KeyboardJS

  • Limited to keyboard interactions, unlike Vibrant.js which focuses on color extraction
  • May have a steeper learning curve for simple key press detection
  • Larger file size compared to Vibrant.js due to its more extensive functionality

Code Comparison


KeyboardJS.bind('ctrl + shift + a', function(e) {
    console.log('Ctrl+Shift+A was pressed');


Vibrant.from('path/to/image.jpg').getPalette((err, palette) => {


KeyboardJS and Vibrant.js serve entirely different purposes. KeyboardJS is a library for handling keyboard events and creating complex key bindings, while Vibrant.js is used for extracting color palettes from images. The choice between these libraries depends on the specific needs of your project - keyboard interaction or color analysis.

Fast, small color manipulation and conversion for JavaScript

Pros of TinyColor

  • Lightweight and focused on color manipulation and conversion
  • Extensive color parsing capabilities, supporting various formats
  • Provides color modification methods (lighten, darken, saturate, etc.)

Cons of TinyColor

  • Lacks image analysis functionality
  • Does not extract color palettes from images
  • No built-in functionality for identifying dominant colors

Code Comparison


var color = tinycolor("red");
var lighterColor = color.lighten(20);
var complementaryColor = color.complement();


Vibrant.from('path/to/image.jpg').getPalette((err, palette) => {


TinyColor is a lightweight color manipulation library, while Vibrant.js focuses on extracting color palettes from images. TinyColor excels in color parsing and modification, offering a wide range of color-related operations. However, it lacks image analysis capabilities. Vibrant.js, on the other hand, specializes in identifying dominant colors and generating color palettes from images but doesn't provide extensive color manipulation functions like TinyColor does.

The choice between these libraries depends on the specific needs of your project. If you require image color analysis, Vibrant.js is the better option. For general color manipulation and conversion tasks, TinyColor offers a more comprehensive set of tools.


JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations

Pros of chroma.js

  • More comprehensive color manipulation library with a wider range of features
  • Better documentation and examples
  • Actively maintained with regular updates

Cons of chroma.js

  • Larger file size, which may impact page load times
  • Steeper learning curve due to more complex API
  • May be overkill for simple color extraction tasks

Code Comparison


Vibrant.from('path/to/image.jpg').getPalette((err, palette) => {


const color = chroma('#FF0000');


While vibrant.js focuses specifically on extracting color palettes from images, chroma.js is a more comprehensive color manipulation library. chroma.js offers a wider range of features for working with colors, including color scales, color space conversions, and color mixing. However, this comes at the cost of a larger file size and potentially more complex usage.

vibrant.js is simpler and more focused, making it easier to use for its specific purpose of extracting dominant colors from images. chroma.js, on the other hand, provides more flexibility and power for general color manipulation tasks but may be excessive for simple color extraction needs.

Choose vibrant.js for quick and easy color palette extraction from images, or opt for chroma.js if you need a full-featured color manipulation library for more complex color-related tasks in your project.

A curated list of awesome resources to choose your next color scheme

Pros of Colorful

  • Supports a wider range of color extraction methods, including k-means clustering and median cut
  • Provides more customization options for color extraction algorithms
  • Offers additional color-related utilities, such as color conversion and manipulation functions

Cons of Colorful

  • Less actively maintained, with fewer recent updates compared to Vibrant.js
  • May have a steeper learning curve due to more complex API and options
  • Potentially slower performance for large images or datasets

Code Comparison


Vibrant.from('path/to/image.jpg').getPalette((err, palette) => {


const colorful = new Colorful();
colorful.extractColors('path/to/image.jpg', {
  method: 'kmeans',
  colorCount: 5
}).then(colors => {

Both libraries aim to extract dominant colors from images, but Colorful offers more flexibility in terms of extraction methods and customization. Vibrant.js focuses on a specific palette extraction technique, while Colorful provides multiple algorithms and additional color-related utilities. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of your project and the level of control you need over the color extraction process.


:rainbow: Javascript color conversion and manipulation library

Pros of color

  • More comprehensive color manipulation library with a wider range of features
  • Supports color spaces beyond RGB, including HSL, HSV, and CMYK
  • Actively maintained with regular updates and improvements

Cons of color

  • Larger library size, which may impact load times for web applications
  • Steeper learning curve due to more extensive API and features
  • May be overkill for simple color extraction tasks

Code Comparison


Vibrant.from('path/to/image').getPalette((err, palette) => {


const Color = require('color');
const red = Color('rgb(255, 0, 0)');


vibrant.js is specifically designed for extracting color palettes from images, making it ideal for tasks like generating color schemes based on user-uploaded images. It's simpler to use for this specific purpose but has limited functionality beyond palette extraction.

color, on the other hand, is a more versatile color manipulation library. It offers a wide range of color-related operations and supports multiple color spaces. While it's not specifically designed for palette extraction, it provides more flexibility for complex color-related tasks in web development and design applications.

Choose vibrant.js for quick and easy palette extraction, or color for more comprehensive color manipulation needs in your projects.

Convert Figma logo designs to code with AI

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Extract prominent colors from an image. Vibrant.js is a javascript port of the awesome Palette class in the Android support library.


Please file issues over on the node-vibrant repo, this repo is kept solely for historical reasons, but ongoing development will happen over there. Despite node-vibrant's name, it works with both node and the browser (with and without UMD support). It is highly recommended you use that project over this one.

Link to node-vibrant

Demo & usage docs

See the website:



bower install vibrant


See our releases


npm install node-vibrant
This is a node compatible version made by AKFish, more info & docs.


  1. npm install
  2. bower install
  3. Compile gulpfile: coffee -c
  4. gulp
  5. Done. Optionally run gulp watch for automatic compiling.

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