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A web-based tool to view, edit, format, and validate JSON


Top Related Projects

JSON Schema Based Editor

A browser based code editor


Ace ( Cloud9 Editor)

In-browser code editor (version 5, legacy)


Quill is a modern WYSIWYG editor built for compatibility and extensibility

Quick Overview

JSONEditor is a web-based tool for viewing, editing, formatting, and validating JSON. It provides a tree editor for structured editing, a code editor for raw text editing, and a preview mode for a read-only representation. The library can be used to create JSON editors in web applications, offering a user-friendly interface for working with JSON data.


  • Versatile editing modes (tree, code, and preview)
  • Customizable appearance and functionality
  • Supports large JSON documents with good performance
  • Actively maintained with regular updates


  • Learning curve for advanced features and customization
  • Limited built-in validation options (though extensible)
  • May be overkill for simple JSON editing tasks
  • Requires additional setup for server-side integration

Code Examples

Creating a basic JSON editor:

const container = document.getElementById('jsoneditor');
const options = {};
const editor = new JSONEditor(container, options);

// Set JSON data
const initialJson = { "name": "John", "age": 30 };

Retrieving edited JSON data:

const updatedJson = editor.get();

Using a custom schema for validation:

const schema = {
  type: "object",
  properties: {
    name: { type: "string" },
    age: { type: "number", minimum: 0 }
  required: ["name", "age"]

const options = {
  schema: schema,
  schemaRefs: undefined

const editor = new JSONEditor(container, options);

Getting Started

  1. Install JSONEditor via npm:

    npm install jsoneditor
  2. Include the necessary files in your HTML:

    <link href="path/to/jsoneditor.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <script src="path/to/jsoneditor.min.js"></script>
  3. Create a container element in your HTML:

    <div id="jsoneditor" style="width: 400px; height: 400px;"></div>
  4. Initialize the editor in your JavaScript:

    const container = document.getElementById('jsoneditor');
    const options = {};
    const editor = new JSONEditor(container, options);
  5. Set initial JSON data:

    const initialJson = { "example": "data" };

Competitor Comparisons

JSON Schema Based Editor

Pros of json-editor

  • More customizable with a wider range of form controls and input types
  • Better support for complex JSON schemas with nested objects and arrays
  • Offers a more comprehensive set of validation options

Cons of json-editor

  • Less visually appealing out-of-the-box interface
  • Steeper learning curve for implementation and customization
  • Limited built-in support for viewing and editing raw JSON

Code Comparison


var container = document.getElementById('jsoneditor');
var options = {};
var editor = new JSONEditor(container, options);


var element = document.getElementById('editor_holder');
var editor = new JSONEditor(element, {
  schema: schema,
  theme: 'bootstrap4'

Both libraries provide JSON editing capabilities, but they have different focuses. jsoneditor is more oriented towards direct JSON manipulation with a clean interface, while json-editor is geared towards generating form-based editors from JSON schemas. The choice between them depends on the specific requirements of your project, such as the complexity of your JSON structure, the need for schema validation, and the desired user interface.

A browser based code editor

Pros of monaco-editor

  • More versatile, supporting multiple programming languages beyond JSON
  • Offers advanced features like IntelliSense, code folding, and multi-cursor editing
  • Highly customizable with a rich API for extending functionality

Cons of monaco-editor

  • Larger file size and potentially higher resource usage
  • Steeper learning curve for implementation and customization
  • May be overkill for simple JSON editing tasks

Code Comparison


require.config({ paths: { 'vs': '' }});
require(['vs/editor/editor.main'], function() {
    var editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('container'), {
        value: '{\n\t"key": "value"\n}',
        language: 'json'


var container = document.getElementById('jsoneditor');
var options = {};
var editor = new JSONEditor(container, options);
var json = { "key": "value" };


Monaco Editor is a powerful, full-featured code editor that supports multiple languages, while JSON Editor is specifically designed for JSON editing. Monaco Editor offers more advanced features and customization options but comes with a larger footprint and complexity. JSON Editor is simpler to implement and use for JSON-specific tasks but lacks the versatility of Monaco Editor.


Ace ( Cloud9 Editor)

Pros of Ace

  • More versatile, supporting multiple programming languages and file types
  • Highly customizable with a wide range of features and plugins
  • Better performance for large files due to its optimized rendering engine

Cons of Ace

  • Steeper learning curve for implementation and customization
  • Larger file size and potentially higher resource usage
  • Less specialized for JSON editing compared to JSONEditor

Code Comparison


var container = document.getElementById('jsoneditor');
var options = {};
var editor = new JSONEditor(container, options);


var editor = ace.edit("editor");


While Ace offers a more comprehensive editing experience for various languages, JSONEditor provides a specialized solution for JSON data. Ace excels in flexibility and performance for large files, but requires more setup and customization. JSONEditor, on the other hand, offers a simpler implementation specifically tailored for JSON editing tasks.

In-browser code editor (version 5, legacy)

Pros of CodeMirror 5

  • More versatile, supporting multiple programming languages and formats
  • Highly customizable with a rich set of extensions and themes
  • Better performance for large documents

Cons of CodeMirror 5

  • Steeper learning curve for implementation and customization
  • Less specialized for JSON editing compared to JSONEditor
  • Requires more setup for specific JSON-related features

Code Comparison


var container = document.getElementById('jsoneditor');
var options = {};
var editor = new JSONEditor(container, options);

CodeMirror 5:

var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById('code'), {
  mode: 'application/json',
  lineNumbers: true


JSONEditor is specifically designed for JSON editing, offering a user-friendly interface with built-in validation and formatting. It's easier to set up for JSON-specific tasks but less flexible for other languages.

CodeMirror 5 is a more general-purpose code editor that can handle various languages, including JSON. It provides greater customization options and better performance for large documents but requires more configuration for JSON-specific features.

The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of the project. If the focus is solely on JSON editing, JSONEditor might be more suitable. For projects requiring a versatile code editor with JSON support, CodeMirror 5 could be the better option.


Quill is a modern WYSIWYG editor built for compatibility and extensibility

Pros of Quill

  • Rich text editing capabilities with a wide range of formatting options
  • Customizable and extensible through modules and themes
  • Better suited for content creation and document editing

Cons of Quill

  • Not specifically designed for JSON editing or visualization
  • May require additional setup for handling structured data like JSON
  • Less focused on data validation and schema enforcement

Code Comparison


var quill = new Quill('#editor', {
  theme: 'snow'
quill.setText('Hello World!');


var container = document.getElementById('jsoneditor');
var options = {};
var editor = new JSONEditor(container, options);
editor.set({key: 'value'});

Key Differences

  • JSONEditor is specialized for JSON data editing and visualization
  • Quill focuses on rich text editing and content creation
  • JSONEditor provides built-in JSON validation and formatting
  • Quill offers more text styling and formatting options
  • JSONEditor is better suited for working with structured data
  • Quill excels in creating formatted documents and articles

Both libraries serve different purposes, with JSONEditor being more appropriate for JSON-specific tasks and data manipulation, while Quill is better for general content creation and rich text editing.

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JSON Editor

Version Downloads Maintenance License FOSSA Status

JSON Editor is a web-based tool to view, edit, format, and validate JSON. It has various modes such as a tree editor, a code editor, and a plain text editor. The editor can be used as a component in your own web application. It can be loaded as CommonJS module, AMD module, or as a regular javascript file.

The library was originally developed as core component of the popular web application and has been open sourced since then.

Supported browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge.

json editor   code editor

Cross browser testing for JSONEditor is generously provided by BrowserStack


Successor: svelte-jsoneditor

This library jsoneditor has a successor: svelte-jsoneditor. The new editor is not a one-to-one replacement, so there may be reasons to stick with jsoneditor. The main differences between the two are described here.


JSONEditor has various modes, with the following features.

Tree mode

  • Change, add, move, remove, and duplicate fields and values.
  • Sort arrays and objects.
  • Transform JSON using JMESPath queries.
  • Colorized code.
  • Color picker.
  • Search & highlight text in the tree view.
  • Undo and redo all actions.
  • JSON schema validation (powered by ajv).

Code mode

  • Colorized code (powered by Ace).
  • Inspect JSON (powered by Ace).
  • Format and compact JSON.
  • Repair JSON.
  • JSON schema validation (powered by ajv).

Text mode

  • Format and compact JSON.
  • Repair JSON.
  • JSON schema validation (powered by ajv).

Preview mode

  • Handle large JSON documents up to 500 MiB.
  • Transform JSON using JMESPath queries.
  • Format and compact JSON.
  • Repair JSON.
  • JSON schema validation (powered by ajv).



with npm (recommended):

npm install jsoneditor

Alternatively, you can use another JavaScript package manager like, or a CDN such as or


Note that in the following example, you'll have to change the urls jsoneditor/dist/jsoneditor.min.js and jsoneditor/dist/jsoneditor.min.css to match the place where you've downloaded the library, or fill in the URL of the CDN you're using.

<html lang="en">
    <!-- when using the mode "code", it's important to specify charset utf-8 -->
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <link href="jsoneditor/dist/jsoneditor.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <script src="jsoneditor/dist/jsoneditor.min.js"></script>
    <div id="jsoneditor" style="width: 400px; height: 400px;"></div>

        // create the editor
        const container = document.getElementById("jsoneditor")
        const options = {}
        const editor = new JSONEditor(container, options)

        // set json
        const initialJson = {
            "Array": [1, 2, 3],
            "Boolean": true,
            "Null": null,
            "Number": 123,
            "Object": {"a": "b", "c": "d"},
            "String": "Hello World"

        // get json
        const updatedJson = editor.get()


The code of the JSON Editor is located in the folder ./src. To build jsoneditor:

  • Install dependencies:

    npm install
  • Build JSON Editor:

    npm run build

    This will generate the files ./jsoneditor.js, ./jsoneditor.css, and
    minified versions in the dist of the project.

  • To automatically build when a source file has changed:

    npm start

    This will update ./jsoneditor.js and ./jsoneditor.css in the dist folder on every change, but it will NOT update the minified versions as that's an expensive operation.


Run unit tests:

npm test

Run code linting (JavaScript Standard Style):

npm run lint

Custom builds

The source code of JSONEditor consists of CommonJS modules. JSONEditor can be bundled in a customized way using a module bundler like browserify or webpack. First, install all dependencies of jsoneditor:

npm install

To create a custom bundle of the source code using browserify:

browserify ./index.js -o ./jsoneditor.custom.js -s JSONEditor

The Ace editor, used in mode code, accounts for about one third of the total size of the library. To exclude the Ace editor from the bundle:

browserify ./index.js -o ./jsoneditor.custom.js -s JSONEditor -x brace -x brace/mode/json -x brace/ext/searchbox

To minify the generated bundle, use uglifyjs:

uglifyjs ./jsoneditor.custom.js -o ./jsoneditor.custom.min.js -m -c


jsoneditor is released as open source under the permissive the Apache 2.0 license.

If you are using jsoneditor commercially, there is a social (but no legal) expectation that you help fund its maintenance. Start here.

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