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A JS-independent, tree-shakeable CSS framework for building faithful recreations of the Windows 7 UI.


Top Related Projects


A design system for building faithful recreations of old UIs


A CSS framework for building faithful recreations of operating system GUIs.

A design system for building retro Apple interfaces


🌈🕹 Windows 95 style UI component library for React

Quick Overview

7.css is a CSS framework that replicates the look and feel of Windows 7 GUI elements. It allows developers to create web interfaces that mimic the classic Windows 7 style, providing a nostalgic and familiar user experience for those who fondly remember this operating system.


  • Accurately recreates the Windows 7 aesthetic, including buttons, windows, and form elements
  • Easy to implement with minimal setup required
  • Customizable through CSS variables
  • Lightweight and doesn't require JavaScript


  • Limited to a specific design style, which may not be suitable for modern web applications
  • May look outdated to users unfamiliar with Windows 7
  • Lacks responsiveness for mobile devices out of the box
  • Maintenance and updates may be infrequent due to the niche nature of the project

Code Examples

  1. Basic button styling:
<button class="win7-btn">Click me</button>
  1. Creating a window:
<div class="win7-window">
  <div class="win7-window-titlebar">Window Title</div>
  <div class="win7-window-content">
    <p>Window content goes here.</p>
  1. Styling a progress bar:
<progress class="win7-progress" value="70" max="100"></progress>

Getting Started

To use 7.css in your project, follow these steps:

  1. Include the CSS file in your HTML:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  1. Add the appropriate classes to your HTML elements:
<div class="win7-desktop">
  <div class="win7-window">
    <div class="win7-window-titlebar">My Window</div>
    <div class="win7-window-content">
      <button class="win7-btn">Click me</button>
      <input type="text" class="win7-input" placeholder="Enter text">
  1. Customize the appearance using CSS variables if needed:
:root {
  --win7-accent-color: #0078d7;

Competitor Comparisons


A design system for building faithful recreations of old UIs

Pros of 98.css

  • More comprehensive, covering a wider range of UI elements
  • Better documentation and examples on the project's website
  • Larger community and more frequent updates

Cons of 98.css

  • Larger file size, potentially impacting page load times
  • Less focused on a specific Windows version, mixing elements from different eras

Code Comparison


.window {
  box-shadow: inset -1px -1px #0a0a0a, inset 1px 1px #dfdfdf, inset -2px -2px grey, inset 2px 2px #fff;
  background: silver;
  padding: 3px;


.window {
  border: 1px solid #707070;
  box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #f0f0f0 inset;
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #f0f0f0, #ffffff);
  padding: 2px;

Both projects aim to recreate classic Windows UI styles in CSS, but they focus on different versions. 98.css emulates Windows 98, while 7.css targets Windows 7. 98.css offers a more extensive set of UI components and has a larger community, making it potentially more suitable for larger projects. However, 7.css provides a more modern look and may be preferable for applications seeking a Windows 7-specific aesthetic. The code comparison shows how each library approaches styling window elements, with 98.css using more complex box-shadow properties to achieve the classic look, while 7.css employs a simpler border and gradient approach for a sleeker appearance.


A CSS framework for building faithful recreations of operating system GUIs.

Pros of XP.css

  • More comprehensive set of UI components, including form elements and icons
  • Includes JavaScript for functional components like windows and menus
  • Offers a wider range of customization options through CSS variables

Cons of XP.css

  • Larger file size due to more extensive features
  • May require more setup and configuration for complex layouts
  • Less focused on a specific Windows version, potentially less authentic for XP purists

Code Comparison


.window {
  background: #fff;
  border: 1px solid #000;
  box-shadow: inset -1px -1px #dfdfdf, inset 1px 1px #fff;


.xp_window {
  background: linear-gradient(180deg, #0997ff, #0053ee 8%, #0050ee 40%, #06f);
  border: 1px solid #0831d9;
  box-shadow: inset -1px -1px #00138c, inset 1px 1px #0831d9, inset -2px -2px #001ea0, inset 2px 2px #166aee, inset -3px -3px #003bda, inset 3px 3px #0855dd;

Both projects aim to recreate classic Windows UI styles in CSS, with 7.css focusing specifically on Windows 7 and XP.css offering a more general Windows XP-inspired look. XP.css provides more features and customization options, while 7.css offers a more streamlined and focused approach for Windows 7 styling.

A design system for building retro Apple interfaces

Pros of system.css

  • Lighter and more minimalistic approach to Windows-style UI
  • Focuses on core UI elements without extensive theming
  • Easier to integrate into existing projects due to simplicity

Cons of system.css

  • Less comprehensive coverage of Windows UI elements
  • Lacks some advanced features and customization options
  • May not provide as authentic a Windows experience as 7.css

Code Comparison


.window {
  background: #c0c0c0;
  border: 1px solid #000000;
  box-shadow: inset -1px -1px #0a0a0a, inset 1px 1px #dfdfdf, inset -2px -2px grey, inset 2px 2px #fff;


.window {
  background: linear-gradient(180deg, #fff 0%, #ece9d8 100%);
  border: 1px solid #0a0a0a;
  box-shadow: inset 1px 0 #fff, inset 0 1px #fff, inset -1px 0 #a9a9a9, inset 0 -1px #a9a9a9;

Both projects aim to recreate Windows UI styles in CSS, but 7.css offers a more detailed and authentic Windows 7 look, while system.css provides a simpler, more generic Windows-inspired style. 7.css includes more UI components and customization options, making it better suited for projects requiring a complete Windows 7 aesthetic. system.css, on the other hand, is more lightweight and easier to implement in projects that only need basic Windows-style elements.


🌈🕹 Windows 95 style UI component library for React

Pros of React95

  • Built with React, offering component-based architecture and easier integration with React applications
  • More extensive set of UI components, including buttons, windows, and form elements
  • Active development with regular updates and a larger community

Cons of React95

  • Heavier dependency footprint due to React ecosystem
  • Steeper learning curve for developers not familiar with React
  • May require additional configuration for non-React projects

Code Comparison

7.css (CSS-only approach):

.window {
  background: #c0c0c0;
  border: 1px solid #000000;
  box-shadow: inset -1px -1px #0a0a0a, inset 1px 1px #dfdfdf, inset -2px -2px grey, inset 2px 2px #fff;

React95 (React component):

import { Window } from 'react95';

const MyWindow = () => (
    <Window.Content>Window content goes here</Window.Content>

Both projects aim to recreate the Windows 95 UI, but they take different approaches. 7.css focuses on providing a lightweight, CSS-only solution that can be easily integrated into any project. React95, on the other hand, offers a more comprehensive set of React components with additional functionality and interactivity. The choice between the two depends on the specific project requirements, development stack, and desired level of customization.

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A screenshot of a window with the title 'My First Program' and two buttons OK and Cancel, styled like a Windows 7 dialog

7.css is a CSS framework that takes semantic HTML and styles them to the Windows 7 design. It is built on top of XP.css, which is an extension of 98.CSS.

It does not ship with any JavaScript, so it is compatible with your frontend framework of choice.

📦 Installation / Usage

Directly via unpkg:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>7.css example</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

    <div class="window" style="margin: 32px; width: 250px">
      <div class="title-bar">
        <div class="title-bar-text">My First Program</div>
      <div class="window-body">
        <p>Hello, world!</p>

Via npm:

npm install 7.css

Then import it as below:

import "7.css/dist/7.css";

📚 Documentation / Demo

Refer to the documentation page for specific instructions on this framework's components.

🛠 Developing

Clone the repo and run npm install.

The core styles are managed in gui.

You can use npm start to start a development environment that will watch for file changes and rebuild the files, reloading your browser in the process.

You can run a build manually with npm run build. This will write to the dist/ directory.

📝 Issues, Contributing, etc.

You are so welcome to report issues, help out with contributions or whatever you could think of to improve this lovely UI framework.

⚙ Integrations

7.css has been seen adopted in the following JS framework projects by the community:

📜 Changelog

Refer to Releases.

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