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OSINT Framework


Top Related Projects

Various public documents, whitepapers and articles about APT campaigns

:scream: A curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT

A collection of several hundred online tools for OSINT


Incredibly fast crawler designed for OSINT.

Quick Overview

The OSINT-Framework is a comprehensive collection of open-source intelligence (OSINT) tools and resources, designed to assist researchers, investigators, and security professionals in gathering and analyzing publicly available information.


  • Extensive Collection of Tools: The repository provides a vast array of OSINT tools covering various domains, including web search, social media, dark web, and more, making it a one-stop-shop for OSINT practitioners.
  • Organized and Categorized: The tools are neatly organized and categorized, making it easy for users to navigate and find the appropriate tools for their specific needs.
  • Regularly Updated: The project is actively maintained, with new tools and resources being added regularly, ensuring that users have access to the latest and most relevant OSINT tools.
  • Community-Driven: The project benefits from contributions and feedback from a large and engaged community of OSINT enthusiasts, ensuring that the framework remains relevant and useful.


  • Overwhelming for Beginners: The sheer number of tools and resources available in the framework can be overwhelming for users new to OSINT, making it challenging to determine the best tools to start with.
  • Varying Quality and Maintenance: While the framework includes many high-quality tools, some of the tools may be outdated, unmaintained, or of varying quality, which can be a concern for users.
  • Potential Legal and Ethical Concerns: Some of the tools and techniques used in OSINT can raise legal and ethical concerns, and users should be aware of the potential implications of their actions.
  • Limited Guidance and Documentation: While the framework provides a comprehensive list of tools, it may lack detailed guidance and documentation on how to effectively use and integrate these tools into an OSINT workflow.

Code Examples

This project is not a code library, so there are no code examples to provide.

Getting Started

This project is not a code library, so there are no getting started instructions to provide.

Competitor Comparisons

Various public documents, whitepapers and articles about APT campaigns

Pros of APTnotes

  • APTnotes provides a comprehensive collection of publicly available reports and notes on Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) groups, which can be valuable for security researchers and analysts.
  • The repository is well-organized, with reports categorized by APT group, making it easier to find relevant information.
  • The project is actively maintained, with regular updates and contributions from the community.

Cons of APTnotes

  • The scope of APTnotes is narrower than OSINT-Framework, as it focuses solely on APT-related information, while OSINT-Framework covers a broader range of open-source intelligence resources.
  • The search functionality in APTnotes is limited, making it more challenging to find specific information compared to the more comprehensive search options in OSINT-Framework.

Code Comparison


def search_google(query, num_results=10):
    Search Google for a given query and return the top results.
    from googlesearch import search
    results = []
    for url in search(query, num_results=num_results):
    return results


def get_apt_notes(apt_group=None, year=None):
    Retrieve APT notes for a given group and/or year.
    import os
    import json

    apt_notes = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk("data"):
        for file in files:
            if file.endswith(".json"):
                with open(os.path.join(root, file), "r") as f:
                    note = json.load(f)
                    if apt_group is None or note["group"] == apt_group:
                        if year is None or note["year"] == year:
    return apt_notes

:scream: A curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT

Pros of jivoi/awesome-osint

  • Comprehensive list of OSINT tools and resources, covering a wide range of categories and use cases.
  • Regularly updated with new tools and resources, ensuring the list remains relevant and up-to-date.
  • Provides a concise description for each tool, making it easier to quickly assess its purpose and functionality.

Cons of jivoi/awesome-osint

  • Less detailed information on each tool compared to lockfale/OSINT-Framework, which provides more in-depth descriptions and use cases.
  • Lacks the visual organization and categorization of lockfale/OSINT-Framework, making it less intuitive to navigate.
  • May not be as actively maintained as lockfale/OSINT-Framework, with some outdated or broken links.

Code Comparison

Here's a brief code comparison between the two repositories:


# Social Media
- [Namechk]( - Username Check
- [Namechk Lookup]( - Username Availability Checker
- [Snapshat ID Lookup](


## Social Media
- [Namechk]( - Username and domain name checking tool.
- [Namechk Lookup]( - Username availability checker across 100+ social networks.
- [Snapchat ID Lookup]( - Lookup Snapchat usernames.

As you can see, the jivoi/awesome-osint repository provides a more concise and structured format, while the lockfale/OSINT-Framework offers more detailed descriptions for each tool.

A collection of several hundred online tools for OSINT

Pros of OSINT-Stuff-Tool-Collection

  • Comprehensive collection of OSINT tools and resources
  • Organized into various categories for easy navigation
  • Regularly updated with new tools and resources

Cons of OSINT-Stuff-Tool-Collection

  • Less detailed descriptions and instructions for each tool
  • May not be as actively maintained as OSINT-Framework
  • Fewer community contributions and discussions

Code Comparison


def search_twitter(self, query, max_tweets=100, lang=None, geocode=None):
    Search for tweets based on a given query.

        query (str): The search query.
        max_tweets (int): The maximum number of tweets to retrieve.
        lang (str): The language of the tweets.
        geocode (str): The geographic location to search within.

        list: A list of tweet objects.
    tweets = []
    for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(, q=query, lang=lang, geocode=geocode).items(max_tweets):
    return tweets


def search_twitter(self, query, max_tweets=100, lang=None, geocode=None):
    Search for tweets based on a given query.

        query (str): The search query.
        max_tweets (int): The maximum number of tweets to retrieve.
        lang (str): The language of the tweets.
        geocode (str): The geographic location to search within.

        list: A list of tweet objects.
    tweets = []
    for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(, q=query, lang=lang, geocode=geocode).items(max_tweets):
    return tweets

As you can see, the code for the search_twitter function is nearly identical between the two repositories, indicating that they may share some common code or functionality.


Incredibly fast crawler designed for OSINT.

Pros of Photon

  • Photon is a fast and efficient web crawler that can quickly gather information about a target website, including links, scripts, images, and other assets.
  • Photon has a modular design, allowing users to easily add new functionality through plugins.
  • Photon provides a user-friendly command-line interface, making it easy to use and integrate into other tools.

Cons of Photon

  • Photon is primarily focused on web crawling and may not provide the same breadth of OSINT capabilities as OSINT-Framework.
  • Photon's documentation is not as comprehensive as OSINT-Framework, which may make it more difficult for new users to get started.
  • Photon may not be as actively maintained as OSINT-Framework, which could lead to potential issues or compatibility problems over time.

Code Comparison


def search_google(self, query, num_results=10):
    Search Google for a given query and return the top results.
        search_results =, num_results=num_results)
        return search_results
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error searching Google: {e}")
        return []


def crawl(self, url, level=2):
    Crawl a website and extract information.
        response = requests.get(url)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
        self.extract_links(soup, url)
        if level > 0:
            for link in self.links:
                self.crawl(link, level-1)
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error crawling website: {e}")

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OSINT Framework


OSINT framework focused on gathering information from free tools or resources. The intention is to help people find free OSINT resources. Some of the sites included might require registration or offer more data for $$$, but you should be able to get at least a portion of the available information for no cost.

I originally created this framework with an information security point of view. Since then, the response from other fields and disciplines has been incredible. I would love to be able to include any other OSINT resources, especially from fields outside of infosec. Please let me know about anything that might be missing!

Please visit the framework at the link below and good hunting!


(T) - Indicates a link to a tool that must be installed and run locally
(D) - Google Dork, for more information: Google Hacking
(R) - Requires registration
(M) - Indicates a URL that contains the search term and the URL itself must be edited manually

For Update Notifications

Follow me on Twitter: @jnordine -
Watch or star the project on Github:

Suggestions, Comments, Feedback

Feedback or new tool suggestions are extremely welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on github or reach out on Twitter.

Contribute with a GitHub Pull Request

For new resources, please ensure that the site is available for public and free use.

  1. Update the arf.json file in the format shown below. If this isn't the first entry for a folder, add a comma to the last closing brace of the previous entry.
  "name": "Example Name",
  "type": "url",
  "url": ""
  1. Submit pull request!

Thank you!

OSINT Framework Website

Happy Hunting!