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CREPE: A Convolutional REpresentation for Pitch Estimation -- pre-trained model (ICASSP 2018)


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Python library for audio and music analysis


a library for audio and music analysis

C++ library for audio and music analysis, description and synthesis, including Python bindings


Python audio and music signal processing library

A lightweight yet powerful audio-to-MIDI converter with pitch bend detection

Quick Overview

CREPE (Convolutional Representation for Pitch Estimation) is an open-source pitch tracking library implemented in Python. It uses a deep convolutional neural network to estimate the fundamental frequency (F0) of monophonic audio signals, providing accurate pitch detection for various musical and speech applications.


  • High accuracy in pitch estimation, especially for complex audio signals
  • Robust performance across different instruments and vocal styles
  • Easy to use with a simple Python API
  • Supports both real-time and offline processing


  • Requires significant computational resources, especially for real-time processing
  • Limited to monophonic audio signals (single pitch at a time)
  • Dependency on TensorFlow, which may be overkill for some applications
  • Potential latency issues in real-time scenarios due to the complexity of the model

Code Examples

  1. Basic pitch estimation from an audio file:
import crepe
from import wavfile

sr, audio ='audio.wav')
time, frequency, confidence, activation = crepe.predict(audio, sr, model_capacity='full')
  1. Real-time pitch estimation using PyAudio:
import crepe
import pyaudio
import numpy as np

p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
stream =, channels=1, rate=16000, input=True, frames_per_buffer=1024)

while True:
    data = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.float32)
    time, frequency, confidence, activation = crepe.predict(data, 16000, center=True, step_size=64)
    print(f"Pitch: {frequency[0]:.2f} Hz, Confidence: {confidence[0]:.2f}")
  1. Saving pitch estimation results to a CSV file:
import crepe
import numpy as np

sr, audio ='audio.wav')
time, frequency, confidence, activation = crepe.predict(audio, sr)

np.savetxt('pitch.csv', np.vstack((time, frequency, confidence)).T, delimiter=',', header='time,frequency,confidence')

Getting Started

To get started with CREPE, follow these steps:

  1. Install CREPE using pip:

    pip install crepe
  2. Import the library and use it to estimate pitch:

    import crepe
    from import wavfile
    sr, audio ='path/to/your/audio/file.wav')
    time, frequency, confidence, activation = crepe.predict(audio, sr)
  3. For more advanced usage and options, refer to the CREPE documentation.

Competitor Comparisons


Python library for audio and music analysis

Pros of librosa

  • Broader audio processing capabilities beyond pitch detection
  • More extensive documentation and community support
  • Wider range of audio analysis features (e.g., onset detection, beat tracking)

Cons of librosa

  • Less specialized for pitch detection compared to CREPE
  • May be slower for pitch estimation tasks
  • Requires more setup and dependencies for pitch-specific tasks

Code Comparison

librosa pitch detection:

import librosa

y, sr = librosa.load('audio.wav')
pitches, magnitudes = librosa.piptrack(y=y, sr=sr)

CREPE pitch detection:

import crepe

audio, sr = crepe.load('audio.wav')
time, frequency, confidence, _ = crepe.predict(audio, sr)

Both libraries offer pitch detection capabilities, but CREPE is more focused on this specific task, while librosa provides a broader range of audio processing functions. CREPE may offer more accurate pitch detection in some cases, especially for monophonic audio. However, librosa's versatility makes it a popular choice for various audio analysis tasks beyond pitch detection.


a library for audio and music analysis

Pros of aubio

  • Broader audio analysis capabilities beyond pitch detection
  • Supports multiple programming languages (C, Python, MATLAB)
  • Longer development history and more mature codebase

Cons of aubio

  • Less specialized for pitch detection compared to crepe
  • May require more setup and configuration for specific use cases
  • Potentially slower performance for pitch detection tasks

Code Comparison

aubio (Python):

import aubio
pitch_o = aubio.pitch("yin", 2048, 2048, 44100)
samples, read = source()
pitch = pitch_o(samples)[0]

crepe (Python):

import crepe
time, frequency, confidence, activation = crepe.predict(audio, sr)

Both libraries offer pitch detection functionality, but aubio provides a more flexible approach with various algorithms, while crepe focuses on a single, highly accurate neural network-based method. aubio's code requires more setup, whereas crepe's interface is more straightforward for pitch detection tasks.

C++ library for audio and music analysis, description and synthesis, including Python bindings

Pros of Essentia

  • Comprehensive audio analysis library with a wide range of features beyond pitch detection
  • Supports multiple programming languages (C++, Python, JavaScript)
  • Actively maintained with regular updates and a large community

Cons of Essentia

  • More complex setup and usage compared to CREPE
  • Larger codebase and dependencies, potentially slower for simple pitch detection tasks
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners

Code Comparison

Essentia (Python):

import essentia.standard as es

audio = es.MonoLoader(filename='audio.wav', sampleRate=44100)()
pitch, confidence = es.PredominantPitchMelodia()(audio)

CREPE (Python):

import crepe

audio, sr = librosa.load('audio.wav')
time, frequency, confidence, _ = crepe.predict(audio, sr)

Both libraries offer pitch detection functionality, but Essentia provides a more comprehensive set of audio analysis tools, while CREPE focuses specifically on pitch estimation using deep learning techniques. Essentia's setup is more involved, but it offers greater flexibility for various audio processing tasks. CREPE, on the other hand, provides a simpler interface for pitch detection with potentially higher accuracy in certain scenarios.


Python audio and music signal processing library

Pros of madmom

  • Broader range of audio analysis features (onset detection, beat tracking, chord recognition, etc.)
  • More comprehensive documentation and examples
  • Actively maintained with regular updates

Cons of madmom

  • Steeper learning curve due to more complex architecture
  • Heavier computational requirements for some features
  • Less specialized for pitch estimation compared to CREPE

Code Comparison

madmom example (beat tracking):

from import RNNBeatProcessor
from madmom.features.tempo import TempoEstimationProcessor

proc = RNNBeatProcessor()
beats = proc('audio_file.wav')
tempo = TempoEstimationProcessor()(beats)

CREPE example (pitch estimation):

import crepe
from import wavfile

sr, audio ='audio_file.wav')
time, frequency, confidence, _ = crepe.predict(audio, sr)

Both libraries offer Python-based audio analysis, but madmom provides a wider range of features while CREPE focuses specifically on pitch estimation. madmom's code structure is more complex, reflecting its broader functionality, while CREPE offers a simpler interface for its specialized task.

A lightweight yet powerful audio-to-MIDI converter with pitch bend detection

Pros of Basic-pitch

  • Supports multi-pitch detection, allowing for polyphonic analysis
  • Includes MIDI conversion capabilities out-of-the-box
  • Offers a command-line interface for easy integration into workflows

Cons of Basic-pitch

  • May have lower pitch accuracy for monophonic audio compared to CREPE
  • Requires more computational resources due to its multi-pitch capabilities
  • Has a larger model size, which can impact loading times and memory usage

Code Comparison


import crepe
from import wavfile

sr, audio ='audio.wav')
time, frequency, confidence, activation = crepe.predict(audio, sr)


from basic_pitch.inference import predict
from basic_pitch import ICASSP_2022_MODEL_PATH

model_output = predict(audio_path='audio.wav', model_path=ICASSP_2022_MODEL_PATH)

Both repositories provide Python interfaces for pitch detection, but Basic-pitch offers additional features like MIDI conversion and multi-pitch analysis. CREPE's implementation is more straightforward for single-pitch detection, while Basic-pitch requires specifying a model path and provides a more comprehensive output structure.

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CREPE Pitch Tracker

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CREPE is a monophonic pitch tracker based on a deep convolutional neural network operating directly on the time-domain waveform input. CREPE is state-of-the-art (as of 2018), outperfoming popular pitch trackers such as pYIN and SWIPE:

Further details are provided in the following paper:

CREPE: A Convolutional Representation for Pitch Estimation
Jong Wook Kim, Justin Salamon, Peter Li, Juan Pablo Bello.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2018.

We kindly request that academic publications making use of CREPE cite the aforementioned paper.

Installing CREPE

CREPE is hosted on PyPI. To install, run the following command in your Python environment:

$ pip install --upgrade tensorflow  # if you don't already have tensorflow >= 2.0.0
$ pip install crepe

To install the latest version from source clone the repository and from the top-level crepe folder call:

$ python install


Using CREPE from the command line

This package includes a command line utility crepe and a pre-trained version of the CREPE model for easy use. To estimate the pitch of audio_file.wav, run:

$ crepe audio_file.wav


$ python -m crepe audio_file.wav

The resulting audio_file.f0.csv contains 3 columns: the first with timestamps (a 10 ms hop size is used by default), the second contains the predicted fundamental frequency in Hz, and the third contains the voicing confidence, i.e. the confidence in the presence of a pitch:



CREPE uses 10-millisecond time steps by default, which can be adjusted using the --step-size option, which takes the size of the time step in millisecond. For example, --step-size 50 will calculate pitch for every 50 milliseconds.

Following the convention adopted by popular audio processing libraries such as Essentia and Librosa, from v0.0.5 onwards CREPE will pad the input signal such that the first frame is zero-centered (the center of the frame corresponds to time 0) and generally all frames are centered around their corresponding timestamp, i.e. frame D[:, t] is centered at audio[t * hop_length]. This behavior can be changed by specifying the optional --no-centering flag, in which case the first frame will start at time zero and generally frame D[:, t] will begin at audio[t * hop_length]. Sticking to the default behavior (centered frames) is strongly recommended to avoid misalignment with features and annotations produced by other common audio processing tools.

Model Capacity

CREPE uses the model size that was reported in the paper by default, but can optionally use a smaller model for computation speed, at the cost of slightly lower accuracy. You can specify --model-capacity {tiny|small|medium|large|full} as the command line option to select a model with desired capacity.

Temporal smoothing

By default CREPE does not apply temporal smoothing to the pitch curve, but Viterbi smoothing is supported via the optional --viterbi command line argument.

Saving the activation matrix

The script can also optionally save the output activation matrix of the model to an npy file (--save-activation), where the matrix dimensions are (n_frames, 360) using a hop size of 10 ms (there are 360 pitch bins covering 20 cents each).

The script can also output a plot of the activation matrix (--save-plot), saved to audio_file.activation.png including an optional visual representation of the model's voicing detection (--plot-voicing). Here's an example plot of the activation matrix (without the voicing overlay) for an excerpt of male singing voice:


Batch processing

For batch processing of files, you can provide a folder path instead of a file path:

$ python audio_folder

The script will process all WAV files found inside the folder.

Additional usage information

For more information on the usage, please refer to the help message:

$ python --help

Using CREPE inside Python

CREPE can be imported as module to be used directly in Python. Here's a minimal example:

import crepe
from import wavfile

sr, audio ='/path/to/audiofile.wav')
time, frequency, confidence, activation = crepe.predict(audio, sr, viterbi=True)

Argmax-local Weighted Averaging

This release of CREPE uses the following weighted averaging formula, which is slightly different from the paper. This only focuses on the neighborhood around the maximum activation, which is shown to further improve the pitch accuracy:

Please Note

  • The current version only supports WAV files as input.
  • The model is trained on 16 kHz audio, so if the input audio has a different sample rate, it will be first resampled to 16 kHz using resampy.
  • Due to the subtle numerical differences between frameworks, Keras should be configured to use the TensorFlow backend for the best performance. The model was trained using Keras 2.1.5 and TensorFlow 1.6.0, and the newer versions of TensorFlow seems to work as well.
  • Prediction is significantly faster if Keras (and the corresponding backend) is configured to run on GPU.
  • The provided model is trained using the following datasets, composed of vocal and instrumental audio, and is therefore expected to work best on this type of audio signals.
    • MIR-1K [1]
    • Bach10 [2]
    • RWC-Synth [3]
    • MedleyDB [4]
    • MDB-STEM-Synth [5]
    • NSynth [6]


[1] C.-L. Hsu et al. "On the Improvement of Singing Voice Separation for Monaural Recordings Using the MIR-1K Dataset", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 2009.

[2] Z. Duan et al. "Multiple Fundamental Frequency Estimation by Modeling Spectral Peaks and Non-Peak Regions", IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 2010.

[3] M. Mauch et al. "pYIN: A fundamental Frequency Estimator Using Probabilistic Threshold Distributions", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 2014.

[4] R. M. Bittner et al. "MedleyDB: A Multitrack Dataset for Annotation-Intensive MIR Research", Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference. 2014.

[5] J. Salamon et al. "An Analysis/Synthesis Framework for Automatic F0 Annotation of Multitrack Datasets", Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference. 2017.

[6] J. Engel et al. "Neural Audio Synthesis of Musical Notes with WaveNet Autoencoders", arXiv preprint: 1704.01279. 2017.