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Quick Overview
WMRouter is an Android routing framework developed by Meituan. It provides a flexible and efficient way to handle navigation between different components in Android applications, supporting both URI-based and method-based routing.
- Supports both URI-based and method-based routing, offering flexibility in implementation
- Provides automatic route registration through annotations, reducing boilerplate code
- Offers advanced features like interceptors, filters, and page stack management
- Integrates well with existing Android development practices and frameworks
- Limited documentation in English, which may be challenging for non-Chinese speaking developers
- Steep learning curve for developers unfamiliar with advanced routing concepts
- May introduce additional complexity to smaller projects that don't require extensive routing capabilities
- Requires careful management of dependencies and configurations in larger projects
Code Examples
- Defining a route using annotations:
public class SampleActivity extends Activity {
// Activity implementation
- Navigating to a route:
Router.startUri(context, "scheme://host/path");
- Using method-based routing:
public static void sampleMethod(Context context, @Param("key") String value) {
// Method implementation
- Invoking a method-based route:
Router.callMethod("methodName", context, "paramValue");
Getting Started
- Add WMRouter to your project's
dependencies {
implementation ''
- Initialize WMRouter in your Application class:
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
- Define routes using annotations and start using WMRouter in your activities and fragments.
Competitor Comparisons
💪 A framework for assisting in the renovation of Android componentization (帮助 Android App 进行组件化改造的路由框架)
Pros of ARouter
- More extensive documentation and examples
- Supports multiple modules and component-based architecture
- Offers advanced features like interceptors and service discovery
Cons of ARouter
- Steeper learning curve due to more complex API
- Heavier dependency and potentially larger APK size
- May require more configuration for simple routing scenarios
Code Comparison
public class DetailActivity extends Activity {
// Activity implementation
Router.startActivity(context, "");
@Route(path = "/test/activity")
public class DetailActivity extends Activity {
// Activity implementation
Key Differences
- WMRouter uses URL-like syntax for routing, while ARouter uses path-based routing
- ARouter provides more flexibility in route configuration and parameter passing
- WMRouter has a simpler API for basic routing scenarios
- ARouter offers more advanced features for complex navigation requirements
Use Cases
- WMRouter: Suitable for projects with simpler routing needs or those preferring URL-like syntax
- ARouter: Ideal for large-scale, multi-module projects requiring advanced routing capabilities
Both libraries aim to simplify Android app navigation, but ARouter offers more features at the cost of increased complexity, while WMRouter provides a more straightforward approach for basic routing needs.
Pros of Router
- Simpler setup and configuration process
- Supports custom URL schemes for deep linking
- Lightweight and easy to integrate into existing projects
Cons of Router
- Less comprehensive documentation compared to WMRouter
- Fewer advanced features for complex routing scenarios
- Smaller community and less frequent updates
Code Comparison
public class UserActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String id = getIntent().getStringExtra("id");
@RouterUri(path = "/user/{id}")
public class UserActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String id = getIntent().getStringExtra("id");
Both libraries use annotations for route definitions, but Router uses a simpler syntax with :
for parameters, while WMRouter uses curly braces {}
. WMRouter offers more advanced features and flexibility, but Router provides a more straightforward approach for basic routing needs. The choice between the two depends on the project's complexity and specific requirements.
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