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Microsoft REST API Guidelines


Top Related Projects

The OpenAPI Specification Repository

A model set of guidelines for RESTful APIs and Events, created by Zalando

GraphQL is a query language and execution engine tied to any backend service.

Quick Overview

The Microsoft API Guidelines repository is a comprehensive resource that provides best practices and recommendations for designing and developing RESTful APIs. It offers guidance on API design principles, versioning, error handling, and other crucial aspects of API development, aimed at helping developers create consistent and user-friendly APIs across Microsoft's ecosystem and beyond.


  • Provides a standardized approach to API design, promoting consistency across different projects and teams
  • Offers detailed explanations and rationales for each guideline, helping developers understand the reasoning behind best practices
  • Regularly updated to reflect current industry standards and evolving best practices
  • Applicable to a wide range of API development projects, not limited to Microsoft-specific technologies


  • May be overwhelming for beginners due to the extensive amount of information provided
  • Some guidelines may not be suitable for all use cases or may conflict with specific project requirements
  • Primarily focused on RESTful APIs, with limited coverage of other API styles (e.g., GraphQL)
  • Requires careful interpretation and adaptation to specific project needs, as not all guidelines may be universally applicable

Note: As this is not a code library, the code examples and getting started instructions sections have been omitted.

Competitor Comparisons

The OpenAPI Specification Repository

Pros of OpenAPI-Specification

  • Widely adopted industry standard for API documentation
  • Supports multiple programming languages and frameworks
  • Machine-readable format enables automatic code generation and tooling

Cons of OpenAPI-Specification

  • More complex and verbose than simple guidelines
  • Requires additional tooling and knowledge to implement effectively
  • May not cover all aspects of API design and best practices

Code Comparison


openapi: 3.0.0
  title: Sample API
  version: 1.0.0
      summary: List users
          description: Successful response


# List Users

GET /users

## Response

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "id": 1,
    "name": "John Doe"

The OpenAPI-Specification provides a more structured and machine-readable format, while the api-guidelines offer a simpler, human-readable approach to API documentation. OpenAPI-Specification is better suited for complex APIs and automated tooling, whereas api-guidelines may be more accessible for smaller projects or quick reference.

A model set of guidelines for RESTful APIs and Events, created by Zalando

Pros of restful-api-guidelines

  • More comprehensive coverage of API design topics, including security, compatibility, and common data types
  • Regularly updated with contributions from the community
  • Includes practical examples and real-world scenarios

Cons of restful-api-guidelines

  • May be overly prescriptive for some organizations
  • Focuses primarily on REST APIs, with less coverage of other API styles
  • Some guidelines may be specific to Zalando's ecosystem

Code Comparison





Both repositories provide valuable guidance for API design, but they differ in scope and focus. api-guidelines offers a concise set of best practices for Microsoft-style APIs, while restful-api-guidelines provides a more extensive collection of guidelines with a broader range of topics.

api-guidelines may be more suitable for organizations looking for a streamlined approach to API design, particularly those working with Microsoft technologies. restful-api-guidelines, on the other hand, offers a more comprehensive resource that can be adapted to various API development scenarios.

Ultimately, the choice between these guidelines depends on the specific needs of the organization and the type of APIs being developed.

GraphQL is a query language and execution engine tied to any backend service.

Pros of GraphQL Spec

  • Provides a flexible query language for APIs, allowing clients to request exactly the data they need
  • Offers a strong type system, enabling better tooling and developer experiences
  • Supports real-time updates through subscriptions

Cons of GraphQL Spec

  • Can be more complex to implement and maintain compared to REST APIs
  • May require additional server-side processing to resolve nested queries
  • Potential for over-fetching data if queries are not properly optimized

Code Comparison

API Guidelines (REST-style):

GET /api/users/123
GET /api/users/123/posts

GraphQL Spec:

query {
  user(id: "123") {
    posts {

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Microsoft REST API Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in the Microsoft REST API Guidelines. If you have landed here, you're probably interested in learning about APIs. If so, you are in the right place! We publish these guidelines here with the aim of fostering dialogue and learning in the API community at large. We further hope that these guidelines might encourage other organizations to create guidelines that are appropriate for them and in turn, if they're able, to publish theirs.

Guidance for Azure service teams

Azure service teams should reference the companion documents, Azure REST API Guidelines and Considerations for Service Design, when building or modifying their services. These documents provide a refined set of guidance targeted specifically for Azure services. For more information, please refer to the README in the Azure folder.

Guidance for Microsoft Graph service teams

Graph service teams should reference the companion document, Microsoft Graph REST API Guidelines when building or modifying their services. This document and the associated pattern catalog provide a refined set of guidance targeted specifically for Microsoft Graph services.

License: CC BY 4.0

Code of Conduct

This project adopts the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information, see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.

This repository

This repository contains a collection of documents and related materials supporting the overall Microsoft REST API Guidelines initiative. To contribute to this repository, see the contribution guidelines.