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neutraltone logoawesome-stock-resources

:city_sunrise: A collection of links for free stock photography, video and Illustration websites


Top Related Projects

Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more


😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics

The best design tools and plugins for everything 👉

A curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub

Quick Overview

The "awesome-stock-resources" repository is a curated list of stock photography, video, illustration, and music resources. It provides a comprehensive collection of free and paid stock content websites, making it easier for creators to find high-quality assets for their projects. The repository is maintained by the community and regularly updated with new resources.


  • Extensive collection of stock resources across various media types
  • Well-organized and categorized for easy navigation
  • Includes both free and paid options to suit different budgets
  • Regularly updated with new resources and community contributions


  • May become overwhelming due to the large number of resources listed
  • Quality of individual resources may vary and require personal vetting
  • Some listed resources may become outdated or change their terms of use over time
  • Lacks detailed reviews or ratings for each resource

Note: As this is not a code library, the code example and quick start sections have been omitted.

Competitor Comparisons

Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more

Pros of design-resources-for-developers

  • Broader scope, covering various design aspects beyond stock resources
  • More comprehensive, with a larger number of resources listed
  • Includes tools and resources for UI/UX design, CSS frameworks, and more

Cons of design-resources-for-developers

  • Less focused on stock resources specifically
  • May be overwhelming for users looking for a curated list of stock resources only
  • Potentially harder to navigate due to its extensive content

Code comparison

While both repositories are primarily markdown-based resource lists, there's no significant code to compare. However, here's a snippet of how they structure their markdown:


## UI Graphics
>Websites and resources with modern UI components in PNG, SVG, Figma, etc.

| Website                            | Description |
| ----------------------- | ------------------ |
| [UI Design Daily]( | Awesome UI Components of all types |


## Photography

### CC0-license

All the resources below have specifically specified that their content is [:copyright: CC0-licensed](

* [Altphotos]( - Handpicked free high-resolution photos added daily.

Both repositories use markdown to organize their content, but design-resources-for-developers uses tables for better visual structure, while awesome-stock-resources uses nested lists.


😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics

Pros of awesome

  • Much broader scope, covering a wide range of topics and technologies
  • Significantly larger community with more contributors and stars
  • More frequently updated with new content and categories

Cons of awesome

  • Can be overwhelming due to its vast size and breadth of content
  • Less focused, making it harder to find specific resources quickly
  • May include some outdated or less relevant links due to its size

Code comparison

Not applicable for these repositories, as they are curated lists of resources rather than code-based projects.

Key differences


  • Focused specifically on stock resources (images, audio, video, etc.)
  • Easier to navigate for users looking for media assets
  • More manageable size for contributors and maintainers


  • Covers a wide range of topics in technology and development
  • Serves as a central hub for numerous "awesome" lists
  • Requires more time to explore and find specific resources

Use cases


  • Ideal for designers, content creators, and developers needing media assets
  • Useful for quickly finding free or affordable stock resources


  • Better for developers and tech enthusiasts seeking knowledge across various domains
  • Valuable for discovering new tools, frameworks, and learning resources in multiple fields

The best design tools and plugins for everything 👉

Pros of Awesome-Design-Tools

  • Broader scope, covering a wide range of design tools and resources
  • More frequently updated, with recent commits and active maintenance
  • Better organized with clear categories and subcategories

Cons of Awesome-Design-Tools

  • Less focused on stock resources specifically
  • May be overwhelming for users looking for a concise list of stock assets
  • Includes some paid tools, which might not be suitable for all users

Code Comparison

While both repositories are primarily curated lists without significant code, Awesome-Design-Tools includes a contributing guide with more detailed instructions:

# Awesome-Design-Tools
<!-- Name of the tool -->
* [Tool Name](link) — Description. ![Pricing](

# awesome-stock-resources
* [Resource Name](link) - Description.

Awesome-Design-Tools uses badges to indicate pricing and other features, making it easier for users to quickly identify free resources.

A curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub

Pros of awesome-actions

  • Focuses on GitHub Actions, providing a curated list of useful actions for CI/CD and automation
  • Regularly updated with new actions and categories
  • Includes official actions from GitHub and popular third-party providers

Cons of awesome-actions

  • Limited to GitHub Actions ecosystem, not covering other stock resources
  • May require more technical knowledge to understand and implement
  • Less diverse in terms of content types (e.g., no images, fonts, or design resources)

Code comparison


name: CI
on: [push]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: actions/setup-node@v2


<img src="" alt="Free stock image">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">


awesome-actions is a specialized repository focusing on GitHub Actions for automation and CI/CD, while awesome-stock-resources provides a broader range of free stock resources for various creative projects. The former is more technical and development-oriented, while the latter caters to designers and content creators. Both repositories serve different purposes and target different audiences within the developer and creative communities.

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Awesome Stock Resources Awesome Build Status Support

Introductory images

A curated list of awesome stock photography, video and illustration websites.

I try my best to maintain this repository and keep it up-to-date but if you spot a broken link or a resource which isn't listed, please, feel free to make a pull request.

Table of Contents



All the resources below have specifically specified that their content is :copyright: CC0-licensed.

  • Altphotos - Handpicked free high-resolution photos added daily.
  • Barn Images - Barn Images offers you a collection of free high-resolution non-stock photography.
  • CC0.Photo - is a project initiated by Raffael Herrmann, which serves you with free photos.
  • Crow the Stone - Free photos to use any way you want.
  • Cupcake - Free do what ever you want photos by Jonas Nilsson Lee.
  • FindA.Photo - search through thousands of CC0 photos by keyword and color.
  • Free Nature Stock - Royalty-free, use them however you want, Nature Stock Photos.
  • Freely Photos - Totally free high quality Christian stock photography.
  • Gratisography - Free high-resolution pictures you can use on your personal and commercial projects. New pictures added weekly.
  • Jay Mantri - Free pics. Do anything. Make magic.
  • Jéshoots - Photos for business or personal use in high resolution for free.
  • LibreShot - A collection of hundreds of high quality free stock images for personal or commercial use.
  • Life of Pix - Free high-resolution photos, no copyright restrictions. Photographs added weekly.
  • Little Visuals - Hi-res images zipped up in your inbox. Use them anyway you want.
  • Magdeleine - A selection of free photos curated by Magdeleine.
  • MMT - New photos by Jeffrey Betts added every week.
  • Moveast - This is a journey of a Portuguese guy moving.
  • Negative Space - Stock photos added every week.
  • Openverse - A meta search across several libraries to find adaptable / editable images and audio files.
  • Pexels - 20 new high-quality photos daily.
  • Photo Crops - Five high resolution photos added every week, sometimes more.
  • Pickle Jar - High-resolution images of everyday india. One new image every day.
  • Pickupimage - Free download high quality premium free stock images, public domain photos.
  • Pixabay - Stock photos, illustrations, vectors and videos.
  • Realgraphy - Authentic Non-Stock Photos for Free. Forever.
  • Realistic Shots - 7 new photos added every week.
  • Skitter Photo - Public domain pictures and stock photos for commercial use.
  • Skuawk - Skuawk public domain photos, free, beautiful and artistically loud.
  • Snappy Goat - Over 12 million public domain & CC0 licensed images.
  • Snapwire Snaps - Commissioned photos from 170,000 of the world's most talented photographers.
  • SpaceX Photos - Promotional SpaceX stock photography.
  • Splashbase - Search & discover free, hi-resolution photos & videos.
  • Stockified - Free pictures taken in India by Kiran BV and Aditya G Bharadwaj.
  • Stocksnap - Hundreds of high resolution images added weekly.
  • Stokpic - Free Stock Photos For Commercial Use.
  • Streetwill - Free hi-resolution vintage photos to use any way you want.
  • The Pic Pac - New pacs on Monday, free pics Tuesday - Sunday.
  • Travel Coffee Book - Travel photography.
  • Wesaturate - A collection of completely free CC0 images in RAW and JPG formats.

Custom License / Usage

These following photography resources are those who have declared their own usage and restriction terms. These can be found by clicking the (license) link next to the resource.

Public Domain

A collection of links to public domain photography resources.

Attribution Required licenses

The photographs on the following resources require Attribution unless otherwise stated on the website itself. These use a mixture of license, all of which have been linked to next to them.

Unspecified License

These resources haven't specified any formal terms of use or licenses.


A collection of illustration resources which contain a mixture of historical archive, contemporary and public domain assets.

Vector Graphics

A collection of resources which contain stock graphical elements which don't fit in the other sections.


A selection of websites offering high quality video stock.


A mixture of CSS and image based pattern resources.


Websites offering images suitable for texturing objects for 3D graphics.


A mixture of free and open source font resources.


Icon Fonts

A collection for icon font resources, most of which also include SVGs, which can be used in your interface and website designs.

Icons Packages and Collections

A collection for SVG icon resources which can be used in your interface and website designs.


A selection of websites offering color schemes.

  • Bootflat - Bootflat Flat UI color picker is a project digging the Flat Color Picker which gives you the perfect colors for flat designs.
  • Brand Colors - Official color codes for the world's biggest brands.
  • Branition Colors - Hand-curated collection of color pallets best fitted for branding.
  • Color Hunt - A place to discover, create, and share color palettes.
  • Colorful Gradients - Gradients automatically created by a computer. 48 times daily.
  • Colour Lovers - A creative community where people from around the world create and share colors, palettes and patterns.
  • Coolhue 2.0 - Coolest handpicked Gradient Palette and Swatch for your next super amazing stuff.
  • Coolors - The super fast color schemes generator for cool designers.
  • Flat UI Colors - Flat color picker which gives you the perfect colors for flat designs.
  • Material Design Colors - Material ui color palette for Android, Web & iOS.
  • Material Palette - Generate & export your Material Design color palette.

Aggregated Content

A liberal mixture of content aggregated from other free resources and made available at one central point.

  • All The Free Stock - One stop resource for free stock images, videos, sounds and more.
  • Avopix - More than 15 000 absolutely free stock photos and vectors.
  • Libre Stock - Search engine for stock photo websites.
  • Stock Up - Searching 9,301 (and counting) free stock photos across 25 websites.
  • The Stocks - The best royalty free stock photos in one place.

HTML Templates

Various different websites offering free HTML templates and themes.

Sounds & Music

Free resources for stock sound and music to be used on creative projects

Paid Resources

And last, but not least, a selection of the best paid resources.

  • Adobe Stock - Photos, Illustrations, Vectors.
  • Fotolia - Photos, Illustrations, Vectors, Videos.
  • Inky Deals - Premium resources at insane discounts.
  • Shutterstock - Photos, Vectors, Editorial, Footages, Music.
  • Stocksy - "Cliché-free" Photos.
  • Graphic River - Hand-reviewed graphic assets from a community of designers. .

How to Contribute


How to Share

Donate :heart:

And finally, if you appreciate this list and find it useful, please consider helping to support the ongoing maintenance by donating:




To the extent possible under law, Tony Phipps has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.