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overtrue logosocialite

Socialite is an OAuth2 Authentication tool. It is inspired by laravel/socialite, you can easily use it without Laravel.


Top Related Projects

Laravel wrapper around OAuth 1 & OAuth 2 libraries.

Open source social sign on PHP Library. HybridAuth goal is to act as an abstract api between your application and various social apis and identities providers such as Facebook, Twitter and Google.

Easy integration with OAuth 2.0 service providers.

Quick Overview

Socialite is a PHP library that provides an easy-to-use interface for OAuth authentication with various social platforms. It simplifies the process of integrating social login functionality into web applications, supporting multiple providers such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, and more.


  • Easy to use and integrate with existing PHP projects
  • Supports a wide range of social media platforms and OAuth providers
  • Extensible architecture allows for adding custom providers
  • Well-documented and actively maintained


  • Requires PHP 7.0 or higher, which may not be suitable for older projects
  • Some providers may require additional configuration or API keys
  • Limited to OAuth-based authentication methods

Code Examples

  1. Basic usage with GitHub provider:
use Overtrue\Socialite\SocialiteManager;

$config = [
    'github' => [
        'client_id' => 'your-github-app-id',
        'client_secret' => 'your-github-app-secret',
        'redirect' => 'http://localhost/socialite/callback.php',

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);

$url = $socialite->create('github')->redirect();
  1. Handling the callback:
$user = $socialite->create('github')->user();

echo $user->getId();
echo $user->getName();
echo $user->getEmail();
  1. Using a custom provider:
$socialite->extend('myProvider', function($config) {
    return new MyCustomProvider($config);

$user = $socialite->create('myProvider')->user();

Getting Started

  1. Install Socialite using Composer:
composer require overtrue/socialite
  1. Set up your configuration:
$config = [
    'github' => [
        'client_id' => 'your-github-app-id',
        'client_secret' => 'your-github-app-secret',
        'redirect' => 'http://localhost/socialite/callback.php',

$socialite = new Overtrue\Socialite\SocialiteManager($config);
  1. Implement the authentication flow in your application:
// Redirect to provider
$url = $socialite->create('github')->redirect();

// Handle callback
$user = $socialite->create('github')->user();

Competitor Comparisons

Laravel wrapper around OAuth 1 & OAuth 2 libraries.

Pros of Socialite

  • Tightly integrated with Laravel framework, offering seamless authentication
  • Extensive documentation and community support within Laravel ecosystem
  • Built-in support for popular OAuth providers like Facebook, Twitter, Google

Cons of Socialite

  • Limited to Laravel applications, not suitable for other PHP frameworks
  • Fewer supported providers out-of-the-box compared to Socialite
  • Less flexibility for customization outside Laravel's conventions

Code Comparison


return Socialite::driver('github')->redirect();


$user = Socialite::driver('github')
    ->scopes(['read:user', 'public_repo'])

Both libraries provide a similar API for OAuth authentication, but Socialite is more tightly coupled with Laravel's ecosystem, while Socialite offers greater flexibility across different PHP projects.

Socialite is ideal for Laravel developers seeking a seamless social authentication solution within their framework. On the other hand, Socialite is better suited for developers working with various PHP frameworks or seeking more customization options and a wider range of supported providers.

Open source social sign on PHP Library. HybridAuth goal is to act as an abstract api between your application and various social apis and identities providers such as Facebook, Twitter and Google.

Pros of Hybridauth

  • Supports a wider range of social networks and identity providers (60+)
  • More mature project with a longer history and larger community
  • Offers more detailed documentation and examples

Cons of Hybridauth

  • Slightly more complex setup and configuration
  • Less frequent updates and releases compared to Socialite
  • Heavier codebase, which may impact performance for simpler use cases

Code Comparison


$user = Socialite::driver('github')->user();


$hybridauth = new Hybridauth($config);
$adapter = $hybridauth->authenticate('GitHub');
$user = $adapter->getUserProfile();

Both libraries aim to simplify social authentication in PHP applications, but they differ in their approach and scope. Socialite focuses on Laravel integration and offers a more streamlined API for common social providers. Hybridauth, on the other hand, provides a more comprehensive solution with support for a broader range of providers and more flexibility in configuration.

Socialite is generally easier to set up and use, especially for Laravel developers, while Hybridauth offers more advanced features and customization options. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of your project, such as the number of social providers needed and the level of integration with your existing framework.

Easy integration with OAuth 2.0 service providers.

Pros of oauth2-client

  • More extensive provider support, including many niche providers
  • Highly modular and extensible architecture
  • Detailed documentation and examples for custom provider implementation

Cons of oauth2-client

  • Steeper learning curve due to its more complex structure
  • Requires more setup and configuration for each provider
  • Less opinionated, which may lead to inconsistent implementations across projects

Code Comparison


$provider = new \League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\GenericProvider([
    'clientId'     => 'your-client-id',
    'clientSecret' => 'your-client-secret',
    'redirectUri'  => '',
    'urlAuthorize' => '',
    'urlAccessToken' => '',
    'urlResourceOwnerDetails' => ''


$user = Socialite::driver('github')->user();


oauth2-client offers more flexibility and provider support but requires more setup and has a steeper learning curve. Socialite provides a simpler, more opinionated approach with easier implementation for common providers. Choose based on your project's specific needs and complexity requirements.

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Socialite 是一个 OAuth2 认证工具。 它的灵感来源于 laravel/socialite , 你可以很轻易的在任何 PHP 项目中使用它。英文文档

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PHP >= 8.0.2


composer require "overtrue/socialite" -vvv


用户只需要创建相应配置变量,然后通过工具为各个平台创建认证应用,并轻松获取该平台的 access_token 和用户相关信息。工具实现逻辑详见参照各大平台 OAuth2 文档。


  1. 配置平台设置
  2. 创建对应平台应用
  3. 让用户跳转至平台认证
  4. 服务器收到平台回调 Code,使用 Code 换取平台处用户信息(包括 access_token)

为 Laravel 用户创建的更方便的整合的包: overtrue/laravel-socialite

authorize.php: 让用户跳转至平台认证


use Overtrue\Socialite\SocialiteManager;

$config = [
    'github' => [
        'client_id'     => 'your-app-id',
        'client_secret' => 'your-app-secret',
        'redirect'      => 'http://localhost/socialite/callback.php',

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);

$url = $socialite->create('github')->redirect();

return redirect($url);



use Overtrue\Socialite\SocialiteManager;

$config = [
    'github' => [
        'client_id' => 'your-app-id',
        'client_secret' => 'your-app-secret',
        'redirect' => 'http://localhost/socialite/callback.php',

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);

$code = request()->query('code');

$user = $socialite->create('github')->userFromCode($code);

$user->getId();        // 1472352
$user->getNickname();  // "overtrue"
$user->getUsername();  // "overtrue"
$user->getName();      // "安正超"
$user->getEmail();     // ""


为每个平台设置相同的键值对后就能开箱即用:client_id, client_secret, redirect.


$config = [
  'weibo' => [
    'client_id'     => 'your-app-id',
    'client_secret' => 'your-app-secret',
    'redirect'      => 'http://localhost/socialite/callback.php',
  'facebook' => [
    'client_id'     => 'your-app-id',
    'client_secret' => 'your-app-secret',
    'redirect'      => 'http://localhost/socialite/callback.php',


你可以使用任意你喜欢的名字对每个平台进行命名,比如说 foo, 采用别名的方法后需要在配置中多设置一个 provider 键,这样才能告诉工具包如何正确找到你想要的程序:

$config = [
  // 为 github 应用起别名为 foo
    'foo' => [
        'provider'    => 'github',  // <-- provider name
        'client_id'   => 'your-app-id',
        'client_secret' => 'your-app-secret',
        'redirect'    => 'http://localhost/socialite/callback.php',

    // 另外一个名字叫做 bar 的 github 应用
    'bar' => [
        'provider'    => 'github',  // <-- provider name
        'client_id'   => 'your-app-id',
        'client_secret' => 'your-app-secret',
        'redirect'    => 'http://localhost/socialite/callback.php',


$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);

$appFoo = $socialite->create('foo');
$appBar = $socialite->create('bar');



  1. 使用自定义创建器

    如下代码所示,为 foo 应用定义了服务提供名,但是工具本身还未支持,所以使用创建器 extend(),以闭包函数的形式为该服务提供创建一个实例。

$config = [
    'foo' => [
        'provider' => 'myprovider',  // <-- 一个工具还未支持的服务提供程序
        'client_id' => 'your-app-id',
        'client_secret' => 'your-app-secret',
        'redirect' => 'http://localhost/socialite/callback.php',

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);

$socialite->extend('myprovider', function(array $config) {
    return new MyCustomProvider($config);

$app = $socialite->create('foo');
  1. 使用服务提供类


👋🏻 你的自定义服务提供类必须实现 Overtrue\Socialite\Contracts\ProviderInterface 接口

class MyCustomProvider implements \Overtrue\Socialite\Contracts\ProviderInterface

接下来为 provider 设置该类名让工具可以找到该类并实例化:

$config = [
    'foo' => [
        'provider'    => MyCustomProvider::class,  // <-- 类名
        'client_id'   => 'your-app-id',
        'client_secret' => 'your-app-secret',
        'redirect'    => 'http://localhost/socialite/callback.php',

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);
$app = $socialite->create('foo');





$config = [
  'alipay' => [
    // 这个键名还能像官方文档那样叫做 'app_id'
    'client_id' => 'your-app-id',

    // 请根据官方文档,在官方管理后台配置 RSA2
    // 注意: 这是你自己的私钥
    // 注意: 不允许私钥内容有其他字符
    // 建议: 为了保证安全,你可以将文本信息从磁盘文件中读取,而不是在这里明文
    'rsa_private_key' => 'your-rsa-private-key',

    // 确保这里的值与你在服务后台绑定的地址值一致
    // 这个键名还能像官方文档那样叫做 'redirect_url'
    'redirect' => 'http://localhost/socialite/callback.php',

    // 沙箱模式接入地址见
    'sandbox' => false,

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);

$user = $socialite->create('alipay')->userFromCode('here is auth code');

// 详见文档后面 "User interface"
$user->getId();        // 1472352
$user->getNickname();  // "overtrue"
$user->getUsername();  // "overtrue"
$user->getName();      // "安正超"

本工具暂时只支持 RSA2 个人私钥认证方式。



注意:该工具仅支持 QR code 连接到第三方网站,用来获取用户信息(opeid, unionid 和 nickname)

$config = [
  'dingtalk' => [
      // or 'app_id'
      'client_id' => 'your app id',

      // or 'app_secret'
      'client_secret' => 'your app secret',

      // or 'redirect_url'
      'redirect' => 'redirect URL'

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);

$user = $socialite->create('dingtalk')->userFromCode('here is auth code');

// 详见文档后面 "User interface"
$user->getId();        // 1472352
$user->getNickname();  // "overtrue"
$user->getUsername();  // "overtrue"
$user->getName();      // "安正超"


注意: 使用抖音服务提供的时候,如果你想直接使用 access_token 获取用户信息时,请先设置 openid。 先调用 withOpenId() 再调用 userFromToken()

$config = [
  'douyin' => [
      'client_id' => 'your app id',

      'client_secret' => 'your app secret',

      'redirect' => 'redirect URL'

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);

$user = $socialite->create('douyin')->userFromCode('here is auth code');

$user = $socialite->create('douyin')->withOpenId('openId')->userFromToken('here is the access token');


注意: 使用头条服务提供的时候,如果你想直接使用 access_token 获取用户信息时,请先设置 openid。 先调用 withOpenId() 再调用 userFromToken()

$config = [
  'toutiao' => [
    'client_id' => 'your app id',
    'client_secret' => 'your app secret',
    'redirect' => 'redirect URL'

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);

$user = $socialite->create('toutiao')->userFromCode('here is auth code');
$user = $socialite->create('toutiao')->withOpenId('openId')->userFromToken('here is the access token');


注意: 使用西瓜服务提供的时候,如果你想直接使用 access_token 获取用户信息时,请先设置 openid。 先调用 withOpenId() 再调用 userFromToken()

$config = [
  'xigua' => [
    'client_id' => 'your app id',
    'client_secret' => 'your app secret',
    'redirect' => 'redirect URL'

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);

$user = $socialite->create('xigua')->userFromCode('here is auth code');
$user = $socialite->create('xigua')->withOpenId('openId')->userFromToken('here is the access token');


其他配置没啥区别,在用法上,可以很轻易的选择重定向登录页面的模式,通过 withDisplay()

  • page:全屏形式的授权页面 (默认),适用于 web 应用。
  • popup: 弹框形式的授权页面,适用于桌面软件应用和 web 应用。
  • dialog: 浮层形式的授权页面,只能用于站内 web 应用。
  • mobile: Iphone/Android 等智能移动终端上用的授权页面,适用于 Iphone/Android 等智能移动终端上的应用。
  • tv: 电视等超大显示屏使用的授权页面。
  • pad: IPad/Android 等智能平板电脑使用的授权页面。
$authUrl = $socialite->create('baidu')->withDisplay('mobile')->redirect();

popup 模式是工具内默认的使用模式。basic 是默认使用的 scopes 值。


通过一些简单的方法配置 app_ticket 就能使用内部应用模式

$config = [
    'feishu' => [
        // or 'app_id'
        'client_id' => 'your app id',

        // or 'app_secret'
        'client_secret' => 'your app secret',

        // or 'redirect_url'
        'redirect' => 'redirect URL',

        // 如果你想使用使用内部应用的方式获取 app_access_token
        // 对这个键设置了 'internal' 值那么你已经开启了内部应用模式
        'app_mode' => 'internal'

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);

$feishuDriver = $socialite->create('feishu');

$feishuDriver->withInternalAppMode()->userFromCode('here is code');
$feishuDriver->withDefaultMode()->withAppTicket('app_ticket')->userFromCode('here is code');


通过一些简单的方法配置 app_ticket 就能使用内部应用模式

$config = [
    'lark' => [
        // or 'app_id'
        'client_id' => 'your app id',

        // or 'app_secret'
        'client_secret' => 'your app secret',

        // or 'redirect_url'
        'redirect' => 'redirect URL',

        // 如果你想使用使用内部应用的方式获取 app_access_token
        // 对这个键设置了 'internal' 值那么你已经开启了内部应用模式
        'app_mode' => 'internal'

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);

$larkDriver = $socialite->create('lark');

$larkDriver->withInternalAppMode()->userFromCode('here is code');
$larkDriver->withDefaultMode()->withAppTicket('app_ticket')->userFromCode('here is code');


其他配置与其他平台的一样,你能选择你想要展示的重定向页面类型通过使用 withView()

$authUrl = $socialite->create('taobao')->withView('wap')->redirect();

web 模式是工具默认使用的展示方式, user_info 是默认使用的 scopes 范围值。




    'wechat' =>
            'client_id'   => 'client_id',
            'client_secret' => 'client_secret',
            'redirect'    => 'redirect-url',

            // 开放平台 - 第三方平台所需
            'component' => [
                // or 'app_id', 'component_app_id' as key
                'id' => 'component-app-id',
                // or 'app_token', 'access_token', 'component_access_token' as key
                'token' => 'component-access-token',


您需要额外配置 team_url 为您的团队域名,例如:

$config = [
    'coding' => [
        'team_url' => 'https://{your-team}',
        'client_id' => 'your app id',
        'client_secret' => 'your app secret',
        'redirect' => 'redirect URL',


您可能需要设置responseType,可以使用withResponseType函数进行设置,默认是code 还可以设置为id_token 或code & id_token

$config = [
    'paypal' => [
        'client_id'     => 'AT******************',
        'client_secret' => 'EK**************',
        'sandbox'      => false,



在重定向用户之前,您还可以使用 scopes() 方法在请求上设置 “范围”。此方法将覆盖所有现有的作用域:

$response = $socialite->create('github')
                ->scopes(['scope1', 'scope2'])->redirect();

Redirect URL

你也可以动态设置' redirect_uri ',你可以使用以下方法来改变 redirect_uri URL:

$url = 'your callback url.';

// or


你的应用程序可以使用一个状态参数来确保响应属于同一个用户发起的请求,从而防止跨站请求伪造 (CSFR) 攻击。当恶意攻击者欺骗用户执行不需要的操作 (只有用户有权在受信任的 web 应用程序上执行) 时,就会发生 CSFR 攻击,所有操作都将在不涉及或警告用户的情况下完成。

这里有一个最简单的例子,说明了如何提供状态可以让你的应用程序更安全。在本例中,我们使用会话 ID 作为状态参数,但是您可以使用您想要为状态创建值的任何逻辑。

带着 state 参数的重定向


$config = [

// Assign to state the hashing of the session ID
$state = hash('sha256', session_id());

$socialite = new SocialiteManager($config);

$url = $socialite->create('github')->withState($state)->redirect();

return redirect($url);

检验回调的 state

一旦用户授权你的应用程序,用户将被重定向回你的应用程序的 redirect_uri。OAuth 服务器将不加修改地返回状态参数。检查 redirect_uri 中提供的状态是否与应用程序生成的状态相匹配:


$state = request()->query('state');
$code = request()->query('code');

// Check the state received with current session id
if ($state != hash('sha256', session_id())) {
    exit('State does not match!');
$user = $socialite->create('github')->userFromCode($code);

// authorized

查看更多关于 state 参数的文档


要在请求中包含任何可选参数,调用 with() 方法传入一个你想要设置的关联数组:

$response = $socialite->create('google')
                    ->with(['hd' => ''])->redirect();

User interface

标准的 user api

$user = $socialite->create('github')->userFromCode($code);
  "id": 1472352,
  "nickname": "overtrue",
  "name": "安正超",
  "email": "",
  "avatar": "",
  "raw": {
    "login": "overtrue",
    "id": 1472352,
    "avatar_url": "",
    "gravatar_id": "",
    "url": "",
    "html_url": "",
  "token_response": {
    "access_token": "5b1dc56d64fffbd052359f032716cc4e0a1cb9a0",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "scope": "user:email"

你可以像这样以数组键的形式获取 user 属性:

$user['id'];        // 1472352
$user['nickname'];  // "overtrue"
$user['name'];      // "安正超"
$user['email'];     // ""

或者使用该 User 对象的方法:

mixed   $user->getId();
?string $user->getNickname();
?string $user->getName();
?string $user->getEmail();
?string $user->getAvatar();
?string $user->getRaw();
?string $user->getAccessToken();
?string $user->getRefreshToken();
?int    $user->getExpiresIn();
?array  $user->getTokenResponse();

从 OAuth API 响应中取得原始数据

$user->getRaw() 方法会返回一个 array。

当你使用 userFromCode() 想要获取 token 响应的原始数据

$user->getTokenResponse() 方法会返回一个 array 里面是响应从获取 token 时候 API 返回的响应。

注意:当你使用 userFromCode() 时,这个方法只返回一个 有效的数组,否则将返回 null,因为 userFromToken() 没有 token 的 HTTP 响应。

通过 access token 获取用户信息

$accessToken = 'xxxxxxxxxxx';
$user = $socialite->userFromToken($accessToken);

Enjoy it! :heart:


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