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paulirish logodotfiles

paul's fish, bash, git, etc config files. good stuff.


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My dotfiles. Buyer beware ;)

A curated list of dotfiles resources.

Quick Overview

Paul Irish's dotfiles repository is a collection of configuration files and scripts for setting up and customizing a development environment on macOS. It includes various tools, aliases, and settings for bash, zsh, git, and other common developer tools, reflecting Paul's personal preferences and optimizations.


  • Comprehensive set of configurations for a wide range of developer tools
  • Well-organized and documented, making it easy to understand and customize
  • Includes useful scripts and functions for productivity enhancement
  • Regularly updated and maintained by a respected web developer


  • Heavily tailored to Paul Irish's personal preferences, which may not suit everyone
  • Primarily focused on macOS, limiting its usefulness for users of other operating systems
  • May require significant time to understand and adapt to one's own needs
  • Some configurations might conflict with existing user setups

Getting Started

To get started with Paul Irish's dotfiles:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd dotfiles
  2. Review the contents and customize as needed:

    ls -la
  3. Run the setup script:

  4. Restart your terminal or run source ~/.bash_profile to apply changes.

Note: It's recommended to review and understand the configurations before applying them to your system. You may want to back up your existing dotfiles before proceeding.

Competitor Comparisons

My dotfiles. Buyer beware ;)

Pros of dotfiles (jessfraz)

  • More comprehensive set of configurations, including Docker and Kubernetes setups
  • Includes custom scripts for system setup and maintenance
  • Better organized with separate directories for different types of configurations

Cons of dotfiles (jessfraz)

  • May be overwhelming for users not familiar with advanced Linux configurations
  • Less focus on web development tools compared to paulirish's repository
  • Some configurations are specific to jessfraz's workflow and may require modifications

Code Comparison

dotfiles (paulirish):

# Load the shell dotfiles, and then some:
# * ~/.path can be used to extend `$PATH`.
# * ~/.extra can be used for other settings you don't want to commit.
for file in ~/.{path,bash_prompt,exports,aliases,functions,extra}; do
  [ -r "$file" ] && [ -f "$file" ] && source "$file"

dotfiles (jessfraz):

# Add all scripts in ~/.bin to PATH
if [ -d "$HOME/.bin" ]; then
    export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.bin"

# Source all files in ~/.bash_profile.d
for file in ~/.bash_profile.d/*.sh; do
    source "$file"

Both repositories provide extensive dotfile configurations, but jessfraz's repository offers a more comprehensive set of tools and configurations for system administration and containerization. paulirish's repository focuses more on web development tools and has a simpler structure. The code comparison shows different approaches to loading additional configuration files and extending the PATH.

A curated list of dotfiles resources.

Pros of awesome-dotfiles

  • Comprehensive collection of dotfiles resources and tools
  • Regularly updated with community contributions
  • Provides a curated list of dotfiles from various developers

Cons of awesome-dotfiles

  • Lacks personal configuration files
  • No direct implementation or setup scripts
  • May be overwhelming for beginners due to the large number of options

Code comparison

awesome-dotfiles doesn't contain actual dotfiles, but rather links to other repositories. In contrast, dotfiles contains personal configuration files. Here's a sample from dotfiles:

# Load the shell dotfiles, and then some:
# * ~/.path can be used to extend `$PATH`.
# * ~/.extra can be used for other settings you don't want to commit.
for file in ~/.{path,bash_prompt,exports,aliases,functions,extra}; do
    [ -r "$file" ] && [ -f "$file" ] && source "$file"
unset file


awesome-dotfiles serves as a comprehensive resource for dotfiles, while dotfiles provides a personal set of configuration files. The former is excellent for exploration and discovery, while the latter offers a ready-to-use setup for those who prefer Paul Irish's configurations.

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Paul's dotfiles

  • I maintain this repo as my dotfiles, but I'm keenly aware people are using it for theirs.
  • You're quite welcome to make suggestions, however I may decline if it's not of personal value to me.
  • If you're starting off anew, consider forking mathias or alrra. paulmillr and gf3 also have great setups


I would not suggest you just wholesale use my dotfiles. But there's a few files where there's great goodies you can steal.


This repo contains config for fish and bash. As of 2016, I primarily use fish shell, but fall back to bash once in a while. The bash and fish stuff are both well maintained. If you're using fish you'll want to do a git submodule update --init.

my favorite parts.

aliases and functions

So many goodies.

The "readline config" (.inputrc)

Basically it makes typing into the prompt amazing.

  • tab like crazy for autocompletion that doesnt suck. tab all the things. srsly.
  • no more that says "Display all 1745 possibilities? (y or n)" YAY
  • type cat <uparrow> to see your previous cats and use them.
  • case insensitivity.
  • tab all the livelong day.


  • err'body gotta have their aliases. I'm no different.

Moving around in folders (z, ..., cdf)

z helps you jump around to whatever folder. It uses actual real magic to determine where you should jump to. Seperately there's some ... aliases to shorten cd ../.. and .., .... etc. Then, if you have a folder open in Finder, cdf will bring you to it.

z dotfiles
z blog
....      # drop back equivalent to cd ../../..
z public
cdf       # cd to whatever's up in Finder

z learns only once its installed so you'll have to cd around for a bit to get it taught. Lastly, I use open . to open Finder from this path. (That's just available normally.)

overview of files

shell environment

  • .aliases, .bash_profile, .bash_prompt, .bashrc, .exports, .functions

manual run

  • - random apps i need installed
  • - sets up symlinks for all dotfiles and vim config.
  • .macos - run on a fresh mac os setup
  • & - homebrew initialization

git, brah

  • .gitconfig
  • .gitignore

.extra for your private configuration

There will be items that don't belong to be committed to a git repo, because either 1) it shoudn't be the same across your machines or 2) it shouldn't be in a git repo. Kick it off like this:

touch ~/.extra && $EDITOR $_

I have some EXPORTS, my PATH construction, and a few aliases for ssh'ing into my servers in there.

Sensible OS X defaults in .macos

Mathias's repo is the canonical for this, but you should probably run his or mine after reviewing it.


One-off binaries that aren't via an npm global or homebrew. git open, subl for Sublime Text, and some other git utilities.

2020 update

Rust folks have made a few things that are changing things.

Dotfiles mgmt todo

Also I'd like to migrate to using one of these:

also interested in

SSH authenticate with security key

(presumably you've already upgraded from passwords to using ssh public key authentication.. but this is an alternative if you want the security key challenge)

Been doing this for a while.. forgot how i learned it and nobody has it documented that I can find...

Run on client machine:

ssh-add -L | grep publickey

This outputs a ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 key for me. I know it's registered for my hardware security key. (I don't know how it got registered with the SSH agent but w/e.)

Put that in whatever authorized_keys of your remote host. That's it.