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pkg logoprofile

Simple profiling for Go


Top Related Projects


Simple error handling primitives


Blazing fast, structured, leveled logging in Go.


Structured, pluggable logging for Go.


Zero Allocation JSON Logger


The Go programming language

Quick Overview

pkg/profile is a simple profiling package for Go applications. It provides an easy way to add CPU, memory, and block profiling to your Go programs with minimal code changes. The package is designed to be lightweight and straightforward to use, making it an excellent tool for developers who want to quickly profile their Go applications.


  • Easy to use with minimal code changes required
  • Supports multiple profiling types (CPU, memory, block)
  • Automatically writes profile data to files for later analysis
  • Integrates well with Go's built-in pprof tools


  • Limited customization options compared to more advanced profiling tools
  • May introduce some overhead in production environments
  • Doesn't provide real-time profiling data visualization
  • Requires manual analysis of profile data using external tools

Code Examples

  1. Basic CPU profiling:
import ""

func main() {
    defer profile.Start().Stop()
    // Your application code here
  1. Memory profiling:
import ""

func main() {
    defer profile.Start(profile.MemProfile).Stop()
    // Your application code here
  1. Custom profile output directory:
import ""

func main() {
    defer profile.Start(profile.ProfilePath("/tmp/profile")).Stop()
    // Your application code here
  1. Multiple profile types:
import ""

func main() {
    defer profile.Start(profile.CPUProfile, profile.MemProfile, profile.BlockProfile).Stop()
    // Your application code here

Getting Started

To use pkg/profile in your Go project, follow these steps:

  1. Install the package:

    go get
  2. Import the package in your Go code:

    import ""
  3. Add profiling to your main function:

    func main() {
        defer profile.Start().Stop()
        // Your application code here
  4. Run your application. Profile data will be written to files in the current directory.

  5. Analyze the profile data using Go's pprof tool:

    go tool pprof cpu.pprof

Competitor Comparisons


Simple error handling primitives

Pros of errors

  • Provides more detailed error handling and stack traces
  • Allows wrapping errors with additional context
  • Widely adopted in the Go community for error management

Cons of errors

  • Focuses solely on error handling, lacking profiling capabilities
  • May introduce additional complexity for simple error scenarios
  • Requires explicit use of its functions to gain benefits

Code comparison


import ""

func example() error {
    err := someFunction()
    return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to execute someFunction")


import ""

func main() {
    defer profile.Start().Stop()
    // ... rest of the program

Key differences

  • errors is designed for enhanced error handling and reporting
  • profile is focused on runtime profiling and performance analysis
  • errors is used throughout application code, while profile is typically used in main() or test functions

Use cases

  • Use errors when you need improved error management and context
  • Use profile when you want to analyze performance and resource usage of your Go programs

Community and maintenance

Both projects are well-maintained and have significant community adoption, but errors has a larger user base due to its broader applicability in Go programming.


Blazing fast, structured, leveled logging in Go.

Pros of zap

  • High-performance, structured logging with minimal allocations
  • Flexible configuration options and log levels
  • Extensive ecosystem with integrations and extensions

Cons of zap

  • Steeper learning curve due to more complex API
  • Requires more setup and configuration compared to simpler logging solutions

Code Comparison


logger, _ := zap.NewProduction()
defer logger.Sync()
logger.Info("Failed to fetch URL",
    zap.String("url", url),
    zap.Int("attempt", attempt),
    zap.Duration("backoff", backoff),


defer profile.Start().Stop()
// Your code here

Key Differences

  • Purpose: zap is a logging library, while profile is a profiling tool
  • Functionality: zap focuses on structured logging, while profile helps with performance analysis
  • Complexity: zap offers more features but requires more setup, profile is simpler to use
  • Performance impact: zap is designed for minimal overhead in production, profile is meant for development and debugging

Use Cases

  • zap: Production-grade logging in high-performance applications
  • profile: Quick and easy profiling during development and optimization

Structured, pluggable logging for Go.

Pros of logrus

  • Comprehensive logging framework with structured logging support
  • Offers various output formats (JSON, text) and log levels
  • Extensible with hooks for custom logging behaviors

Cons of logrus

  • Heavier and more complex than simple profiling tools
  • May introduce overhead in performance-critical applications
  • Requires more setup and configuration compared to basic profiling

Code Comparison


package main

import (

func main() {
    log := logrus.New()
        "animal": "walrus",
    }).Info("A walrus appears")


package main

import (

func main() {
    defer profile.Start().Stop()
    // Your code here


While logrus is a feature-rich logging framework, profile is a lightweight profiling tool. logrus offers structured logging and extensive customization but may introduce more complexity. profile provides simple CPU and memory profiling with minimal setup, making it more suitable for quick performance analysis. The choice between them depends on whether you need comprehensive logging capabilities or straightforward profiling functionality.


Zero Allocation JSON Logger

Pros of zerolog

  • Designed specifically for structured logging, offering better performance and flexibility for log output
  • Provides a rich set of features including contextual logging, log levels, and customizable formatters
  • Supports multiple output formats including JSON, which is beneficial for log aggregation and analysis

Cons of zerolog

  • More complex to set up and use compared to profile's simple API
  • Focused solely on logging, while profile offers CPU, memory, and block profiling capabilities
  • May introduce additional dependencies to your project

Code Comparison


logger := zerolog.New(os.Stdout).With().Timestamp().Logger()
logger.Info().Str("key", "value").Msg("Hello, World!")


defer profile.Start().Stop()
// Your code here


zerolog is a powerful structured logging library, while profile is a simple profiling tool. zerolog offers more advanced logging features but requires more setup, whereas profile provides easy-to-use profiling capabilities with minimal code changes. The choice between them depends on whether you need comprehensive logging or code profiling functionality in your Go project.


The Go programming language

Pros of go

  • Comprehensive standard library and tooling ecosystem
  • Official Go language repository with extensive documentation
  • Larger community and more frequent updates

Cons of go

  • Larger codebase, potentially more complex for newcomers
  • May include unnecessary components for simple profiling tasks
  • Steeper learning curve for contributors

Code Comparison


import "runtime/pprof"

f, _ := os.Create("")
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()


import ""

defer profile.Start().Stop()


The go repository is the official Go language repository, offering a comprehensive suite of tools and libraries. It provides extensive functionality beyond profiling, making it suitable for a wide range of Go development tasks. However, its size and complexity may be overwhelming for users solely interested in profiling.

In contrast, profile is a focused library specifically designed for easy profiling in Go applications. It offers a simpler API and is more lightweight, making it ideal for quick profiling tasks. However, it may lack some advanced features found in the standard library's profiling tools.

Choose go for a full-featured Go development environment or profile for straightforward, easy-to-implement profiling in your Go projects.

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Simple profiling support package for Go

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go get


Enabling profiling in your application is as simple as one line at the top of your main function

import ""

func main() {
    defer profile.Start().Stop()


What to profile is controlled by config value passed to profile.Start. By default CPU profiling is enabled.

import ""

func main() {
    // p.Stop() must be called before the program exits to
    // ensure profiling information is written to disk.
    p := profile.Start(profile.MemProfile, profile.ProfilePath("."), profile.NoShutdownHook)
    // You can enable different kinds of memory profiling, either Heap or Allocs where Heap
    // profiling is the default with profile.MemProfile.
    p := profile.Start(profile.MemProfileAllocs, profile.ProfilePath("."), profile.NoShutdownHook)

Several convenience package level values are provided for cpu, memory, and block (contention) profiling.

For more complex options, consult the documentation.


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Before proposing a change, please discuss it first by raising an issue.