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Pro Git 2nd Edition


Top Related Projects

The website. Note that this repository is only for the website; issues with git itself should go to


Most commonly used git tips and tricks.


A collection of useful .gitignore templates

Quick Overview

ProGit2 is the second edition of the Pro Git book, written by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub. It's an open-source, comprehensive guide to Git version control system, covering everything from basic concepts to advanced techniques. The repository contains the source files for the book in multiple languages.


  • Comprehensive and in-depth coverage of Git
  • Available in multiple languages, making it accessible to a global audience
  • Regularly updated to include new Git features and best practices
  • Free and open-source, allowing community contributions and improvements


  • May be overwhelming for absolute beginners due to its depth
  • Some translations might lag behind the English version in terms of updates
  • Requires familiarity with AsciiDoc format for contributors
  • Large repository size due to multiple language versions

Getting Started

To contribute to the ProGit2 book or build it locally:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install Asciidoctor:

    gem install asciidoctor
  3. Build the book:

    cd progit2
  4. Open the generated progit.html file in your browser to view the book.

To contribute translations or improvements, fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request following the guidelines in the file.

Competitor Comparisons

The website. Note that this repository is only for the website; issues with git itself should go to

Pros of

  • Serves as the official website for Git, providing comprehensive and up-to-date documentation
  • Offers a user-friendly interface for browsing Git documentation and resources
  • Includes an interactive "Try Git" feature for hands-on learning

Cons of

  • Limited to web-based content, not easily accessible offline
  • May not cover advanced topics as extensively as progit2
  • Updates may be less frequent compared to community-driven progit2

Code Comparison (Ruby on Rails):

def book
  @book ||= Book.includes(sections: :chapters).find_by(code: params[:lang])
  raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless @book

progit2 (AsciiDoc):

$ git clone
$ cd libgit2
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ make install

The code snippets highlight the different focus of each repository. contains Ruby code for managing the website, while progit2 includes AsciiDoc markup for creating the Pro Git book content.


Most commonly used git tips and tricks.

Pros of tips

  • Concise and focused on practical Git commands and tips
  • Easy to search and find specific solutions quickly
  • Regularly updated with community contributions

Cons of tips

  • Lacks in-depth explanations and context for Git concepts
  • May not cover advanced topics or Git internals comprehensively
  • Limited narrative structure, making it less suitable for beginners

Code comparison


git config --global alias.unstage 'reset HEAD --'
git config --global alias.last 'log -1 HEAD'
git config --global 'branch --format="%(HEAD) %(color:yellow)%(refname:short)%(color:reset) - %(contents:subject) %(color:green)(%(committerdate:relative)) [%(authorname)]" --sort=-committerdate'


$ git config --global "John Doe"
$ git config --global
$ git config --global core.editor emacs
$ git config --list


tips is a collection of practical Git commands and tips, ideal for quick reference and problem-solving. progit2 is a comprehensive book on Git, offering in-depth explanations and covering a wide range of topics. tips excels in providing concise solutions, while progit2 offers a more structured learning experience for Git users of all levels.


A collection of useful .gitignore templates

Pros of gitignore

  • Extensive collection of gitignore templates for various languages and frameworks
  • Regularly updated with community contributions
  • Simple and straightforward structure, easy to use and implement

Cons of gitignore

  • Limited to gitignore files, doesn't provide comprehensive Git documentation
  • Lacks explanations or context for the ignore patterns
  • May require additional research to understand specific ignore rules

Code comparison

gitignore (Python.gitignore):

# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files

# C extensions

progit2 (book/01-introduction/sections/first-time-setup.asc):

$ git config --global "John Doe"
$ git config --global

The gitignore repository focuses on providing ready-to-use .gitignore files, while progit2 offers comprehensive Git documentation in AsciiDoc format. gitignore is more practical for quick implementation, whereas progit2 is better suited for in-depth learning about Git. The code examples reflect their different purposes: gitignore contains ignore patterns, while progit2 includes Git command examples with explanations.

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= Pro Git, Second Edition

Welcome to the second edition of the Pro Git book.

You can find this book online at:

Like the first edition, the second edition of Pro Git is open source under a Creative Commons license.

A couple of things have changed since open sourcing the first edition. For one, we've moved from Markdown to the amazing AsciiDoc format for the text of the book; here's an[AsciiDoc quick reference].

We've also moved to keeping the translations in separate repositories rather than subdirectories of the English repository. See[the translating document] for more information.

== How To Generate the Book

You can generate the e-book files manually with Asciidoctor. If you run the following you may actually get HTML, Epub, Mobi and PDF output files:

$ bundle install $ bundle exec rake book:build Converting to HTML... -- HTML output at progit.html Converting to EPub... -- Epub output at progit.epub Converting to Mobi (kf8)... -- Mobi output at Converting to PDF... -- PDF output at progit.pdf

You can generate just one of the supported formats (HTML, EPUB, mobi, or PDF). Use one of the following commands:

To generate the HTML book:

$ bundle exec rake book:build_html

To generate the EPUB book:

$ bundle exec rake book:build_epub

To generate the mobi book:

$ bundle exec rake book:build_mobi

To generate the PDF book:

$ bundle exec rake book:build_pdf

== Signaling an Issue

Before signaling an issue, please check that there isn't already a similar one in the bug tracking system.

Also, if this issue has been spotted on the site, please cross-check that it is still present in this repo. The issue may have already been corrected, but the changes have not been deployed yet.

== Contributing

If you'd like to help out by making a change, take a look at the[contributor's guide].