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prometheus logoclient_python

Prometheus instrumentation library for Python applications


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Quick Overview

prometheus/client_python is the official Python client library for Prometheus, a popular open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit. It provides a way to instrument Python applications with Prometheus metrics, allowing developers to collect and expose application-specific metrics for monitoring and analysis.


  • Easy integration with Python applications
  • Supports various metric types (Counter, Gauge, Histogram, Summary)
  • Includes built-in exporters for common Python frameworks (e.g., Flask, Django)
  • Actively maintained and part of the official Prometheus ecosystem


  • Limited documentation for advanced use cases
  • Some users report performance issues with high cardinality metrics
  • Learning curve for those new to Prometheus concepts
  • Lack of built-in support for some specific Python frameworks

Code Examples

  1. Creating and incrementing a Counter:
from prometheus_client import Counter

requests_total = Counter('requests_total', 'Total number of requests')  # Increment the counter
  1. Using a Gauge to track a variable value:
from prometheus_client import Gauge

cpu_usage = Gauge('cpu_usage_percent', 'CPU usage percentage')
cpu_usage.set(42.5)  # Set the current CPU usage
  1. Creating a Histogram to measure request duration:
from prometheus_client import Histogram

request_duration = Histogram('request_duration_seconds', 'Request duration in seconds')

with request_duration.time():
    # Code to measure goes here
  1. Exposing metrics via HTTP:
from prometheus_client import start_http_server

if __name__ == '__main__':
    start_http_server(8000)  # Start metrics server on port 8000
    # Your application code goes here

Getting Started

To get started with prometheus/client_python:

  1. Install the library:

    pip install prometheus_client
  2. Import and use the desired metric types in your code:

    from prometheus_client import Counter, Gauge, Histogram, start_http_server
    # Create and use metrics
    requests_total = Counter('requests_total', 'Total number of requests')
    cpu_usage = Gauge('cpu_usage_percent', 'CPU usage percentage')
    request_duration = Histogram('request_duration_seconds', 'Request duration in seconds')
    # Start the metrics server
    # Your application code goes here
  3. Run your application and access metrics at http://localhost:8000/metrics

Competitor Comparisons

Prometheus instrumentation library for Go applications

Pros of client_golang

  • Better performance and lower memory footprint due to Go's efficiency
  • Stronger type safety and compile-time checks
  • More mature and feature-rich, with a larger community and ecosystem

Cons of client_golang

  • Steeper learning curve for developers not familiar with Go
  • Less flexibility in dynamic environments compared to Python
  • Potentially more verbose code for simple use cases

Code Comparison


gauge := promauto.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
    Name: "example_gauge",
    Help: "An example gauge",


gauge = Gauge('example_gauge', 'An example gauge')

Both libraries provide similar functionality for creating and updating metrics. The Go version is more explicit in its type declarations and uses a builder pattern, while the Python version is more concise and relies on dynamic typing.

client_golang is generally preferred for high-performance, production-grade systems where type safety and efficiency are crucial. client_python is often chosen for its ease of use, rapid prototyping, and integration with Python-based applications and services.

Prometheus instrumentation library for JVM applications

Pros of client_java

  • More mature and feature-rich, with a larger community and more frequent updates
  • Better performance in high-throughput scenarios due to Java's efficiency
  • Stronger typing and compile-time checks, reducing runtime errors

Cons of client_java

  • More verbose syntax compared to Python's simplicity
  • Steeper learning curve for developers new to Java
  • Requires more boilerplate code for setup and configuration

Code Comparison


Counter requests =
    .help("Total requests.")


requests = Counter('requests_total', 'Total requests')

Both libraries provide similar functionality for creating and incrementing metrics. However, client_java requires more explicit setup and configuration, while client_python offers a more concise syntax. The Java version benefits from stronger typing and potential performance advantages, while the Python version is more accessible for rapid development and prototyping.

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Prometheus Python Client

The official Python client for Prometheus.


pip install prometheus-client

This package can be found on PyPI.


Documentation is available on


  • Releases: The releases page shows the history of the project and acts as a changelog.
  • PyPI