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sindresorhus logomeow

🐈 CLI app helper


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yargs the modern, pirate-themed successor to optimist.

node.js command-line interfaces made easy


Smooth (CLI) Operator 🎶

Quick Overview

Meow is a command-line interface (CLI) helper for Node.js. It simplifies the process of creating CLI applications by providing an easy-to-use API for parsing arguments, handling flags, and managing configuration. Meow is designed to be lightweight and straightforward, making it ideal for small to medium-sized CLI projects.


  • Simple and intuitive API for parsing command-line arguments
  • Supports both long and short option flags
  • Automatically generates help text based on the provided options
  • Lightweight with minimal dependencies


  • Limited advanced features compared to more comprehensive CLI frameworks
  • May require additional libraries for complex command structures
  • Not suitable for large-scale CLI applications with extensive subcommands
  • Limited built-in validation for command-line inputs

Code Examples

  1. Basic usage:
import meow from 'meow';

const cli = meow(`
      $ foo <input>

      --rainbow, -r  Include a rainbow

      $ foo unicorns --rainbow
      🌈 unicorns 🌈
`, {
    importMeta: import.meta,
    flags: {
        rainbow: {
            type: 'boolean',
            alias: 'r'

console.log(cli.input[0], cli.flags);
  1. Handling default values:
import meow from 'meow';

const cli = meow(`
      $ bar [options]

      --name, -n  Specify a name
      --age, -a   Specify an age

      $ bar --name John --age 30
`, {
    importMeta: import.meta,
    flags: {
        name: {
            type: 'string',
            alias: 'n',
            default: 'Anonymous'
        age: {
            type: 'number',
            alias: 'a',
            default: 0

console.log(`Name: ${}, Age: ${cli.flags.age}`);
  1. Using boolean flags:
import meow from 'meow';

const cli = meow(`
      $ baz [options]

      --verbose, -v  Enable verbose output
      --quiet, -q    Disable all output

      $ baz --verbose
`, {
    importMeta: import.meta,
    flags: {
        verbose: {
            type: 'boolean',
            alias: 'v'
        quiet: {
            type: 'boolean',
            alias: 'q'

if (cli.flags.verbose) console.log('Verbose mode enabled');
if (cli.flags.quiet) console.log('Quiet mode enabled');

Getting Started

To use Meow in your project, follow these steps:

  1. Install Meow:

    npm install meow
  2. Create a new JavaScript file (e.g., cli.js) and import Meow:

    import meow from 'meow';
  3. Define your CLI structure using the Meow API:

    const cli = meow(`
          $ your-cli-name [options]
          --option, -o  Description of the option
          $ your-cli-name --option value
    `, {
        importMeta: import.meta,
        flags: {
            option: {
                type: 'string',
                alias: 'o'
  4. Access parsed arguments and flags:


Competitor Comparisons


yargs the modern, pirate-themed successor to optimist.

Pros of yargs

  • More feature-rich with advanced options like command grouping and nested commands
  • Extensive documentation and examples for complex use cases
  • Larger community and ecosystem with plugins and extensions

Cons of yargs

  • Steeper learning curve due to more complex API
  • Potentially overkill for simple CLI applications
  • Larger package size and more dependencies

Code Comparison


import meow from 'meow';

const cli = meow(`
      $ foo <input>

      --rainbow, -r  Include a rainbow

      $ foo unicorns --rainbow
      🌈 unicorns 🌈
`, {
    importMeta: import.meta,
    flags: {
        rainbow: {
            type: 'boolean',
            alias: 'r'


import yargs from 'yargs';
import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers';

const argv = yargs(hideBin(process.argv))
  .command('$0 <input>', 'the default command', (yargs) => {
    yargs.positional('input', {
      describe: 'the input to process'
  .option('rainbow', {
    alias: 'r',
    type: 'boolean',
    description: 'Include a rainbow'
  .example('$0 unicorns --rainbow', '🌈 unicorns 🌈')

node.js command-line interfaces made easy

Pros of Commander.js

  • More feature-rich with built-in options for version, help, and custom commands
  • Supports both declarative and programmatic command-line interfaces
  • Extensive documentation and a large community for support

Cons of Commander.js

  • Steeper learning curve due to more complex API
  • Larger package size, which may impact performance in some scenarios
  • Less focused on simplicity compared to Meow

Code Comparison


import meow from 'meow';

const cli = meow(`
      $ foo <input>

      --rainbow, -r  Include a rainbow

      $ foo unicorns --rainbow
      🌈 unicorns 🌈
`, {
    importMeta: import.meta,
    flags: {
        rainbow: {
            type: 'boolean',
            alias: 'r'


import { program } from 'commander';

  .option('-r, --rainbow', 'Include a rainbow')
  .action((input, options) => {
    const message = options.rainbow ? `🌈 ${input} 🌈` : input;


Both libraries offer efficient ways to create command-line interfaces, with Meow focusing on simplicity and Commander.js providing more advanced features. The choice between them depends on the specific requirements of your project and your preferred coding style.


Smooth (CLI) Operator 🎶

Pros of sade

  • Lightweight and minimal dependencies, resulting in faster installation and smaller package size
  • Supports both synchronous and asynchronous command handlers
  • Built-in support for command aliases and default commands

Cons of sade

  • Less extensive documentation compared to meow
  • Fewer built-in features for advanced CLI options and configurations
  • Smaller community and ecosystem around the project

Code Comparison


const sade = require('sade');

  .option('-d, --debug', 'Enable debugging')
  .action((opts) => {
    console.log('Hello, world!');


const meow = require('meow');

const cli = meow(`
    $ my-cli [options]

    --debug  Enable debugging

    $ my-cli --debug
`, {
  flags: {
    debug: {
      type: 'boolean',
      alias: 'd'

console.log('Hello, world!');

Both sade and meow are popular CLI argument parsing libraries for Node.js. sade offers a more lightweight approach with a focus on simplicity, while meow provides a more feature-rich experience with extensive documentation and a larger ecosystem. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of your CLI application and personal preferences.

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CLI app helper

I would recommend reading this guide on how to make user-friendly command-line tools.


  • Parses arguments
  • Converts flags to camelCase
  • Negates flags when using the --no- prefix
  • Outputs version when --version
  • Outputs description and supplied help text when --help
  • Sets the process title to the binary name defined in package.json
  • No dependencies!


npm install meow


./foo-app.js unicorns --rainbow
#!/usr/bin/env node
import meow from 'meow';
import foo from './lib/index.js';

const cli = meow(`
	  $ foo <input>

	  --rainbow, -r  Include a rainbow

	  $ foo unicorns --rainbow
	  🌈 unicorns 🌈
`, {
	importMeta: import.meta, // This is required
	flags: {
		rainbow: {
			type: 'boolean',
			shortFlag: 'r'
	input: ['unicorns'],
	flags: {rainbow: true},

foo(, cli.flags);


meow(helpText, options)


Returns an object with:

  • input (Array) - Non-flag arguments
  • flags (Object) - Flags converted to camelCase excluding aliases
  • unnormalizedFlags (Object) - Flags converted to camelCase including aliases
  • pkg (Object) - The package.json object
  • help (string) - The help text used with --help
  • showHelp([exitCode=2]) (Function) - Show the help text and exit with exitCode
  • showVersion() (Function) - Show the version text and exit


Type: string

Shortcut for the help option.


Type: object


Type: object

Pass in import.meta. This is used to find the correct package.json file.


Type: object

Define argument flags.

The key is the flag name in camel-case and the value is an object with any of:

  • type: Type of value. (Possible values: string boolean number)
  • choices: Limit valid values to a predefined set of choices.
  • default: Default value when the flag is not specified.
  • shortFlag: A short flag alias.
  • aliases: Other names for the flag.
  • isMultiple: Indicates a flag can be set multiple times. Values are turned into an array. (Default: false)
    • Multiple values are provided by specifying the flag multiple times, for example, $ foo -u rainbow -u cat. Space- or comma-separated values are currently not supported.
  • isRequired: Determine if the flag is required. (Default: false)
    • If it's only known at runtime whether the flag is required or not, you can pass a Function instead of a boolean, which based on the given flags and other non-flag arguments, should decide if the flag is required. Two arguments are passed to the function:
    • The first argument is the flags object, which contains the flags converted to camel-case excluding aliases.
    • The second argument is the input string array, which contains the non-flag arguments.
    • The function should return a boolean, true if the flag is required, otherwise false.

Note that flags are always defined using a camel-case key (myKey), but will match arguments in kebab-case (--my-key).


flags: {
	unicorn: {
		type: 'string',
		choices: ['rainbow', 'cat', 'unicorn'],
		default: ['rainbow', 'cat'],
		shortFlag: 'u',
		aliases: ['unicorns'],
		isMultiple: true,
		isRequired: (flags, input) => {
			if (flags.otherFlag) {
				return true;

			return false;

Type: string | false
Default: The package.json "description" property

Description to show above the help text.

Set it to false to disable it altogether.


Type: string | false

The help text you want shown.

The input is reindented and starting/ending newlines are trimmed which means you can use a template literal without having to care about using the correct amount of indent.

The description will be shown above your help text automatically.

Set it to false to disable it altogether.


Type: string
Default: The package.json "version" property

Set a custom version output.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Automatically show the help text when the --help flag is present. Useful to set this value to false when a CLI manages child CLIs with their own help text.

This option is only considered when there is only one argument in process.argv.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Automatically show the version text when the --version flag is present. Useful to set this value to false when a CLI manages child CLIs with their own version text.

This option is only considered when there is only one argument in process.argv.


Type: object
Default: Closest package.json upwards

package.json as an object.

Note: Setting this stops meow from finding a package.json.

You most likely don't need this option.


Type: string[]
Default: process.argv.slice(2)

Custom arguments object.


Type: boolean
Default: false

Infer the argument type.

By default, the argument 5 in $ foo 5 becomes a string. Enabling this would infer it as a number.


Type: boolean | undefined
Default: false

Value of boolean flags not defined in argv.

If set to undefined, the flags not defined in argv will be excluded from the result. The default value set in boolean flags take precedence over booleanDefault.

Note: If used in conjunction with isMultiple, the default flag value is set to [].

Caution: Explicitly specifying undefined for booleanDefault has different meaning from omitting key itself.


import meow from 'meow';

const cli = meow(`
	  $ foo

	  --rainbow, -r  Include a rainbow
	  --unicorn, -u  Include a unicorn
	  --no-sparkles  Exclude sparkles

	  $ foo
	  🌈 unicorns✨🌈
`, {
	importMeta: import.meta,
	booleanDefault: undefined,
	flags: {
		rainbow: {
			type: 'boolean',
			default: true,
			shortFlag: 'r'
		unicorn: {
			type: 'boolean',
			default: false,
			shortFlag: 'u'
		cake: {
			type: 'boolean',
			shortFlag: 'c'
		sparkles: {
			type: 'boolean',
			default: true
	flags: {
		rainbow: true,
		unicorn: false,
		sparkles: true
	unnormalizedFlags: {
		rainbow: true,
		r: true,
		unicorn: false,
		u: false,
		sparkles: true

Type boolean
Default: true

Whether to allow unknown flags or not.


Type number
Default: 2

The number of spaces to use for indenting the help text.


See chalk if you want to colorize the terminal output.

See get-stdin if you want to accept input from stdin.

See conf if you need to persist some data.

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