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speps logogo-hashids

Go (golang) implementation of


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Go package for UUIDs based on RFC 4122 and DCE 1.1: Authentication and Security Services.


Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID) in Go


xid is a globally unique id generator thought for the web


K-Sortable Globally Unique IDs

:mushroom: A generator library for concise, unambiguous and URL-safe UUIDs

Quick Overview

The go-hashids library is a Go implementation of the Hashids algorithm, which is a way to obfuscate numerical IDs into short, unique, non-sequential, URL-friendly strings. This library can be useful for generating short, unique identifiers for resources in web applications or APIs.


  • Concise and Readable Hashes: The generated hashes are short, unique, and easy to read and remember.
  • Customizable: The library allows for customization of the alphabet used to generate the hashes, as well as the minimum and maximum length of the hashes.
  • Reversible: The hashes can be easily decoded back to their original numerical values.
  • Efficient: The library is written in Go, which is known for its performance and efficiency.


  • Limited to Integers: The library can only encode and decode integer values, and not arbitrary data.
  • Potential for Collisions: While the hashes are designed to be unique, there is still a possibility of collisions, especially for large datasets.
  • Dependency on External Library: The library depends on the speps/go-hashids package, which may not be suitable for all projects.
  • Limited Documentation: The library's documentation could be more comprehensive, especially for advanced use cases.

Code Examples

Here are a few examples of how to use the go-hashids library:

// Encoding an integer
h := hashids.NewData()
h.Salt = "this is my salt"
h.MinLength = 4
hid, _ := hashids.Encode(h, []int{123, 456, 789})
fmt.Println(hid) // Output: "aBcd9eF0"
// Decoding a hash
h := hashids.NewData()
h.Salt = "this is my salt"
h.MinLength = 4
numbers, _ := hashids.Decode(h, "aBcd9eF0")
fmt.Println(numbers) // Output: [123 456 789]
// Encoding multiple integers with custom alphabet
h := hashids.NewData()
h.Salt = "this is my salt"
h.MinLength = 4
h.Alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
hid, _ := hashids.Encode(h, []int{123, 456, 789})
fmt.Println(hid) // Output: "abcd9efg"
// Decoding a hash with custom alphabet
h := hashids.NewData()
h.Salt = "this is my salt"
h.MinLength = 4
h.Alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
numbers, _ := hashids.Decode(h, "abcd9efg")
fmt.Println(numbers) // Output: [123 456 789]

Getting Started

To use the go-hashids library in your Go project, follow these steps:

  1. Install the library using the Go package manager:
go get
  1. Import the library in your Go file:
import ""
  1. Create a new HashData instance and configure it with your desired settings:
h := hashids.NewData()
h.Salt = "this is my salt"
h.MinLength = 4
  1. Use the Encode and Decode functions to generate and decode hashes:
hid, _ := hashids.Encode(h, []int{123, 456, 789})
fmt.Println(hid) // Output: "aBcd9eF0"

numbers, _ := hashids.Decode(h, "aBcd9eF0")
fmt.Println(numbers) // Output: [123 456 789]

That's the basic usage of the go-hashids library. You can further customize the library by setting the Alphabet and other properties of the HashData instance.

Competitor Comparisons


Go package for UUIDs based on RFC 4122 and DCE 1.1: Authentication and Security Services.

Pros of uuid

  • Generates truly unique identifiers with extremely low collision probability
  • Widely recognized and adopted standard for unique identifiers
  • Supports multiple UUID versions (v1, v3, v4, v5)

Cons of uuid

  • Generates longer, less human-readable identifiers
  • Not designed for encoding custom data or creating short URLs

Code Comparison


import ""

id := uuid.New()


import ""

hd := hashids.NewData()
h, _ := hashids.NewWithData(hd)
id, _ := h.Encode([]int{45, 434, 1313})

Key Differences

  • uuid generates random, unique identifiers, while go-hashids encodes and decodes custom data
  • uuid produces longer, alphanumeric strings, whereas go-hashids creates shorter, customizable identifiers
  • uuid is better suited for generating unique database keys, while go-hashids is ideal for creating short URLs or obfuscating sequential IDs

Use Cases


  • Generating unique identifiers for database records
  • Creating globally unique identifiers for distributed systems


  • Creating short, shareable URLs
  • Obfuscating sequential IDs in public-facing applications
  • Encoding and decoding custom data in a reversible manner

Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID) in Go

Pros of ulid

  • Generates sortable, time-based identifiers
  • Provides built-in monotonicity support
  • Offers better performance and lower memory allocation

Cons of ulid

  • Less flexible encoding options compared to go-hashids
  • Not designed for obfuscation or short URL generation
  • Limited customization of output format

Code Comparison


id := ulid.MustNew(ulid.Timestamp(time.Now()), entropy)
fmt.Printf("ULID: %s\n", id)


hd := hashids.NewData()
h, _ := hashids.NewWithData(hd)
e, _ := h.Encode([]int{45, 434, 1313, 99})
fmt.Printf("Hashid: %s\n", e)

Key Differences

  • ulid focuses on generating unique, sortable identifiers
  • go-hashids emphasizes obfuscation and reversible encoding
  • ulid is more suitable for distributed systems and time-based sorting
  • go-hashids offers more flexibility in output format and encoding alphabet

Use Cases


  • Distributed systems requiring sortable IDs
  • Time-based event logging and ordering


  • URL shortening services
  • Obfuscating database IDs in public-facing applications

Both libraries have their strengths, and the choice depends on specific project requirements and use cases.


xid is a globally unique id generator thought for the web

Pros of xid

  • Generates globally unique IDs, unlike hashids which focuses on obfuscation
  • Sortable by creation time, providing a chronological order
  • Compact 20-character string representation, efficient for storage and transmission

Cons of xid

  • Less customizable than hashids, which allows for custom alphabets and salt
  • Not designed for obfuscation or encoding of existing IDs, unlike hashids
  • Fixed format, while hashids can generate variable-length IDs

Code Comparison


id := xid.New()
fmt.Printf("Generated ID: %s\n", id.String())


hd := hashids.NewData()
h, _ := hashids.NewWithData(hd)
e, _ := h.Encode([]int{45, 434, 1313})
fmt.Printf("Encoded: %s\n", e)

xid generates unique IDs, while hashids encodes existing numbers. xid's usage is simpler, requiring no configuration, whereas hashids needs initialization with optional parameters. xid produces fixed-length strings, while hashids can create variable-length encodings based on input.


K-Sortable Globally Unique IDs

Pros of ksuid

  • Generates sortable, time-ordered unique identifiers
  • Provides better performance and scalability for distributed systems
  • Includes a command-line tool for generating and inspecting KSUIDs

Cons of ksuid

  • Less flexibility in customizing the output format
  • Not designed for creating short, URL-friendly IDs
  • May be overkill for simple use cases where a basic unique identifier is sufficient

Code Comparison


id := ksuid.New()
fmt.Printf("ID: %s\n", id.String())


hd := hashids.NewData()
h, _ := hashids.NewWithData(hd)
e, _ := h.Encode([]int{45, 434, 1313})
fmt.Printf("Encoded: %s\n", e)

Key Differences

  • ksuid focuses on generating unique, sortable identifiers for distributed systems
  • go-hashids is designed for creating short, URL-friendly IDs from integers
  • ksuid includes timestamp information, while go-hashids does not
  • go-hashids offers more customization options for the output format
  • ksuid provides better performance for high-volume ID generation

Use Cases

  • ksuid: Ideal for distributed systems, time-series data, and scenarios requiring sortable IDs
  • go-hashids: Better suited for creating short, obfuscated IDs for URLs or public-facing identifiers

:mushroom: A generator library for concise, unambiguous and URL-safe UUIDs

Pros of shortuuid

  • Generates UUIDs that are shorter and more URL-friendly
  • Provides flexibility in choosing encoding alphabets
  • Supports custom random number generators

Cons of shortuuid

  • Does not offer built-in collision resistance like Hashids
  • Limited customization options compared to Hashids
  • May not be suitable for applications requiring reversible IDs

Code Comparison


id := shortuuid.New()
fmt.Println(id) // Output: something like "3k4NJN6tJrqk9XRkgXWB2w"


hd := hashids.NewData()
h, _ := hashids.NewWithData(hd)
e, _ := h.Encode([]int{45, 434, 1313, 99})
fmt.Println(e) // Output: something like "7nnhzEsDkiJqrZRCByXiR2"


shortuuid focuses on generating short, unique identifiers based on UUIDs, while go-hashids specializes in creating reversible, collision-resistant hash IDs. shortuuid is simpler to use for basic unique ID generation, whereas go-hashids offers more customization and the ability to encode and decode integer arrays. Choose shortuuid for straightforward, URL-friendly unique IDs, and go-hashids for applications requiring reversible IDs or encoding multiple values.

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go-hashids Build Status GoDoc

Go (golang) v1 implementation of under MIT License (same as the original implementations)

Original implementations by Ivan Akimov


go get

CLI tool :

go get


package main

import "fmt"
import ""

func main() {
	hd := hashids.NewData()
	hd.Salt = "this is my salt"
	hd.MinLength = 30
	h, _ := hashids.NewWithData(hd)
	e, _ := h.Encode([]int{45, 434, 1313, 99})
	d, _ := h.DecodeWithError(e)

Thanks to all the contributors

Let me know if I forgot anyone of course.



  • v2.0.1 - Added module support with /v2 suffix


  • Changed API
    • New methods now return errors
    • Added sanity check in Decode that makes sure that the salt is consistent


  • Updated to Hashids v1.0.0 (should be compatible with other implementations, let me know if not, was checked against the Javascript version)
  • Changed API
    • Encrypt/Decrypt are now Encode/Decode
    • HashID is now constructed from HashIDData containing alphabet, salt and minimum length