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Git with a cup of tea! Painless self-hosted all-in-one software development service, including Git hosting, code review, team collaboration, package registry and CI/CD


Git to Go; bindings for libgit2. Like McDonald's but tastier.


Go library for accessing the GitHub v3 API


A command-line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub.

Quick Overview

go-git is a highly extensible, pure Go implementation of Git. It provides a comprehensive set of features for working with Git repositories, including reading, writing, and manipulating Git objects, without requiring external Git binaries.


  • Pure Go implementation, making it easy to embed in Go applications
  • Extensive feature set covering most Git operations
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Active development and community support


  • Performance may be slower compared to native Git in some scenarios
  • Some advanced Git features might not be fully implemented
  • Learning curve for developers used to command-line Git

Code Examples

  1. Cloning a repository:
import ""

r, err := git.PlainClone("/path/to/repo", false, &git.CloneOptions{
    URL: "",
  1. Adding and committing changes:
w, err := r.Worktree()
_, err = w.Add(".")
commit, err := w.Commit("Add new files", &git.CommitOptions{
    Author: &object.Signature{
        Name:  "John Doe",
        Email: "",
        When:  time.Now(),
  1. Listing branches:
branches, err := r.Branches()
err = branches.ForEach(func(b *plumbing.Reference) error {
    return nil

Getting Started

To start using go-git in your Go project:

  1. Install the package:

    go get
  2. Import the package in your Go code:

    import ""
  3. Use go-git functions to interact with Git repositories:

    r, err := git.PlainOpen("/path/to/repo")
    if err != nil {
    // Perform Git operations using the repository object

For more detailed usage and examples, refer to the official documentation and examples in the repository.

Competitor Comparisons


Git with a cup of tea! Painless self-hosted all-in-one software development service, including Git hosting, code review, team collaboration, package registry and CI/CD

Pros of Gitea

  • Full-featured Git hosting solution with web interface, user management, and more
  • Supports multiple databases (SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL)
  • Lightweight and easy to deploy, suitable for self-hosting

Cons of Gitea

  • Larger codebase and more complex setup compared to go-git
  • Requires more system resources to run
  • May be overkill for projects that only need Git operations without a web interface

Code Comparison

go-git (basic cloning):

r, err := git.PlainClone("/path/to/repo", false, &git.CloneOptions{
    URL: "",

Gitea (creating a repository):

repo, err := models.CreateRepository(user, models.CreateRepoOptions{
    Name:        "my-repo",
    Description: "A new repository",
    Private:     true,


go-git is a pure Go implementation of Git, focusing on providing Git functionality as a library. Gitea, on the other hand, is a complete Git hosting solution with a web interface and additional features. Choose go-git for embedding Git operations in Go applications, and Gitea for setting up a full-featured Git server with a web interface.


Git to Go; bindings for libgit2. Like McDonald's but tastier.

Pros of git2go

  • Higher performance due to C bindings to libgit2
  • More comprehensive Git functionality coverage
  • Better support for low-level Git operations

Cons of git2go

  • Requires CGo, which can complicate cross-compilation
  • Steeper learning curve due to lower-level API
  • Less idiomatic Go code compared to go-git

Code Comparison

git2go example:

repo, err := git.OpenRepository("path/to/repo")
if err != nil {
defer repo.Free()

go-git example:

repo, err := git.PlainOpen("path/to/repo")
if err != nil {

Both git2go and go-git are popular Git libraries for Go, but they have different approaches. git2go provides bindings to libgit2, offering high performance and extensive Git functionality. However, it requires CGo and has a steeper learning curve. go-git is a pure Go implementation, making it easier to use and cross-compile, but it may not cover all Git features and could be slower for some operations. The choice between them depends on specific project requirements, performance needs, and developer preferences.


Go library for accessing the GitHub v3 API

Pros of go-github

  • Comprehensive coverage of GitHub API endpoints
  • Well-maintained with frequent updates and active community support
  • Extensive documentation and examples

Cons of go-github

  • Limited to GitHub-specific functionality
  • Requires authentication for most operations

Code comparison


client := github.NewClient(nil)
repo, _, err := client.Repositories.Get(context.Background(), "google", "go-github")


r, err := git.PlainClone("/path/to/repo", false, &git.CloneOptions{
    URL: "",

Key differences

  • go-github focuses on interacting with GitHub's API, while go-git is a Git implementation
  • go-git allows local Git operations without network access, whereas go-github requires internet connectivity
  • go-github is specific to GitHub, while go-git can work with any Git repository

Use cases

  • Use go-github for GitHub-specific tasks like managing issues, pull requests, and repository settings
  • Choose go-git for Git operations like cloning, committing, and branching, regardless of the hosting platform

A command-line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub.

Pros of hub

  • Provides a command-line interface for GitHub, extending git functionality
  • Offers features like creating pull requests and managing issues directly from the terminal
  • Simplifies common GitHub workflows, improving developer productivity

Cons of hub

  • Limited to GitHub-specific operations, not a general-purpose git library
  • Requires separate installation and may not integrate as seamlessly with existing git workflows
  • Less flexibility for custom git operations or non-GitHub remote repositories

Code comparison


def create_pull_request(base = nil, head = nil)
  base ||= master_branch
  head ||= current_branch
  title, body = pulls_message(base)
  # ... (additional code to create PR)


func (r *Repository) CreateRemote(config *config.RemoteConfig) (*Remote, error) {
    if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return newRemote(r, config), nil

The hub code snippet shows a method for creating pull requests, highlighting its GitHub-specific functionality. In contrast, the go-git code demonstrates a more general-purpose git operation for creating remotes, showcasing its flexibility as a git library.

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WE CONTINUE THE DEVELOPMENT AT go-git/go-git. This repository is abandoned, and no further updates will be done on the code base, nor issue/prs will be answered or attended.

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go-git is a highly extensible git implementation library written in pure Go.

It can be used to manipulate git repositories at low level (plumbing) or high level (porcelain), through an idiomatic Go API. It also supports several types of storage, such as in-memory filesystems, or custom implementations thanks to the Storer interface.

It's being actively developed since 2015 and is being used extensively by source{d} and Keybase, and by many other libraries and tools.

Comparison with git

go-git aims to be fully compatible with git, all the porcelain operations are implemented to work exactly as git does.

git is a humongous project with years of development by thousands of contributors, making it challenging for go-git to implement all the features. You can find a comparison of go-git vs git in the compatibility documentation.


The recommended way to install go-git is:

go get -u

We use to version the API, this means that when go get clones the package, it's the latest tag matching v4.* that is cloned and not the master branch.


Please note that the CheckIfError and Info functions used in the examples are from the examples package just to be used in the examples.

Basic example

A basic example that mimics the standard git clone command

// Clone the given repository to the given directory
Info("git clone")

_, err := git.PlainClone("/tmp/foo", false, &git.CloneOptions{
    URL:      "",
    Progress: os.Stdout,



Counting objects: 4924, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (1333/1333), done.
Total 4924 (delta 530), reused 6 (delta 6), pack-reused 3533

In-memory example

Cloning a repository into memory and printing the history of HEAD, just like git log does

// Clones the given repository in memory, creating the remote, the local
// branches and fetching the objects, exactly as:
Info("git clone")

r, err := git.Clone(memory.NewStorage(), nil, &git.CloneOptions{
    URL: "",


// Gets the HEAD history from HEAD, just like this command:
Info("git log")

// ... retrieves the branch pointed by HEAD
ref, err := r.Head()

// ... retrieves the commit history
cIter, err := r.Log(&git.LogOptions{From: ref.Hash()})

// ... just iterates over the commits, printing it
err = cIter.ForEach(func(c *object.Commit) error {
	return nil


commit ded8054fd0c3994453e9c8aacaf48d118d42991e
Author: Santiago M. Mola <>
Date:   Sat Nov 12 21:18:41 2016 +0100

    index: ReadFrom/WriteTo returns IndexReadError/IndexWriteError. (#9)

commit df707095626f384ce2dc1a83b30f9a21d69b9dfc
Author: Santiago M. Mola <>
Date:   Fri Nov 11 13:23:22 2016 +0100

    readwriter: fix bug when writing index. (#10)

    When using ReadWriter on an existing siva file, absolute offset for
    index entries was not being calculated correctly.

You can find this example and many others in the examples folder.


Contributions are more than welcome, if you are interested please take a look to our Contributing Guidelines.


Apache License Version 2.0, see LICENSE