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ssllabs logossllabs-scan

A command-line reference-implementation client for SSL Labs APIs, designed for automated and/or bulk testing.


Top Related Projects

Testing TLS/SSL encryption anywhere on any port


Fast and powerful SSL/TLS scanning library.


sslscan tests SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suites

My simple Swiss Army knife for http/https troubleshooting and profiling.


Nmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository.

Quick Overview

SSLLabs-scan is a command-line tool for analyzing SSL/TLS configurations of web servers. It uses the SSL Labs API to perform comprehensive security assessments, providing detailed information about SSL/TLS implementation, certificate validity, and potential vulnerabilities.


  • Provides in-depth analysis of SSL/TLS configurations
  • Supports batch scanning of multiple hosts
  • Offers various output formats (text, JSON, CSV)
  • Regularly updated to include the latest security checks


  • Requires an active internet connection to perform scans
  • May be rate-limited by the SSL Labs API
  • Can be slow for scanning a large number of hosts
  • Limited customization options for scan parameters

Getting Started

  1. Install Go (if not already installed)
  2. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  3. Build the project:
    cd ssllabs-scan
    go build
  4. Run a scan:

For more options and advanced usage, refer to the project's README file.

Competitor Comparisons

Testing TLS/SSL encryption anywhere on any port

Pros of

  • Runs locally without relying on external services
  • More comprehensive tests, including cipher suites and protocol support
  • Highly customizable with numerous command-line options

Cons of

  • Requires local installation and dependencies
  • May be more complex for casual users
  • Results can be more technical and harder to interpret

Code Comparison

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# - Testing TLS/SSL encryption


package main

import (

func main() {
    // Main logic here

The code snippets show that is written in Bash, making it easily portable and modifiable, while ssllabs-scan is written in Go, potentially offering better performance but requiring compilation.


Fast and powerful SSL/TLS scanning library.

Pros of sslyze

  • Written in Python, making it more accessible for scripting and integration
  • Offers more detailed and customizable scanning options
  • Actively maintained with regular updates and new features

Cons of sslyze

  • May require more setup and configuration compared to ssllabs-scan
  • Can be slower for scanning multiple hosts due to its comprehensive approach
  • Lacks the cloud-based infrastructure and global perspective of SSL Labs

Code Comparison


from sslyze import ServerNetworkLocationViaDirectConnection, ServerConnectivityTester, Scanner
from sslyze.plugins.certificate_info.implementation import CertificateInfoScanResult

server_location = ServerNetworkLocationViaDirectConnection("", 443)
server_info = ServerConnectivityTester().perform(server_location)
scanner = Scanner()
scan_result = scanner.run_scan_command(server_info, CertificateInfoScanResult)


./ssllabs-scan -grade -usecache

The sslyze code snippet demonstrates its more programmatic approach, allowing for fine-grained control over the scanning process. In contrast, ssllabs-scan offers a simpler command-line interface, making it easier to use for quick assessments but less flexible for custom integrations.


sslscan tests SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suites

Pros of sslscan

  • Lightweight and fast, suitable for quick scans
  • Supports scanning multiple hosts simultaneously
  • Can be easily integrated into automated testing pipelines

Cons of sslscan

  • Less comprehensive analysis compared to ssllabs-scan
  • May not detect some advanced vulnerabilities or misconfigurations
  • Limited reporting options and customization

Code comparison


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct sslCheckOptions options;
    memset(&options, 0, sizeof(struct sslCheckOptions)); = NULL;
    options.port = 0;


func main() {
    var conf config
    flag.StringVar(&conf.apiURL, "api", "", "API entry point")
    flag.StringVar(&conf.grade, "grade", "", "Minimum grade")
    flag.BoolVar(&conf.usecache, "usecache", false, "Use cached results (if available)")

The code snippets show that sslscan is written in C, while ssllabs-scan is written in Go. sslscan's main function focuses on initializing options for the SSL check, while ssllabs-scan's main function sets up configuration flags for interacting with the SSL Labs API.

My simple Swiss Army knife for http/https troubleshooting and profiling.

Pros of

  • Lightweight and portable, written in Bash
  • Provides detailed HTTP/HTTPS analysis beyond SSL/TLS
  • Offers customizable output formats and verbosity levels

Cons of

  • Less comprehensive SSL/TLS analysis compared to ssllabs-scan
  • May require additional dependencies for full functionality
  • Limited to command-line interface, lacking GUI options

Code Comparison

_get_http_headers() {
  local _host="$1"
  local _port="$2"
  local _ssl="$3"
  local _cmd=""
  local _timeout="$_timeout"


func newCheck() *Check {
	c := &Check{
		Bundle:         &Bundle{},
		Certs:          []*x509.Certificate{},
		Chains:         [][]*x509.Certificate{},
		Protocols:      []*Protocol{},
		Suites:         []*Suite{},
		ServerName:     "",

Key Differences

  • focuses on HTTP/HTTPS analysis with some SSL/TLS capabilities
  • ssllabs-scan specializes in comprehensive SSL/TLS assessment
  • is written in Bash, while ssllabs-scan is written in Go
  • ssllabs-scan leverages Qualys SSL Labs API for in-depth SSL/TLS analysis
  • offers more flexibility for general web server diagnostics

Both tools serve different purposes, with being more versatile for general HTTP/HTTPS diagnostics and ssllabs-scan excelling in detailed SSL/TLS analysis.


Nmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository.

Pros of nmap

  • Broader functionality: Nmap is a comprehensive network scanning and discovery tool, offering a wide range of features beyond SSL/TLS analysis
  • Active community: Nmap has a large, active community contributing to its development and providing support
  • Extensibility: Supports scripting engine (NSE) for custom functionality

Cons of nmap

  • Steeper learning curve: Nmap's extensive features can be overwhelming for beginners
  • Less specialized: While capable of SSL/TLS scanning, it's not as focused or in-depth as ssllabs-scan for this specific task

Code comparison


func analyzeHost(host string, startNew bool, fromCache string, maxAge int, ignoreMismatch bool, insecure bool) (*HostData, error) {
    // SSL Labs-specific API calls and analysis


local shortport = require "shortport"
local sslcert = require "sslcert"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"

portrule = shortport.ssl

action = function(host, port)
    -- Nmap SSL/TLS scanning logic

The code snippets illustrate the different approaches:

  • ssllabs-scan uses Go and focuses on interacting with SSL Labs API
  • nmap uses Lua scripting for SSL/TLS scanning as part of its broader functionality

Both tools are valuable for security assessments, with ssllabs-scan specializing in SSL/TLS analysis and nmap offering a more comprehensive network scanning solution.

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This tool is a command-line client for the SSL Labs APIs, designed for automated and/or bulk testing.

If you'd like to contribute, please have a look at the TODO file. For larger work, please get in touch first. For smaller work (there are some TODO comments in the source code), feel free to submit pull requests.

To report a problem related to this tool, please create a new issue on GitHub: Please don't send bug reports to the community.

To discuss the API and the development of the reference client implementation and other questions not related to this command line tool, please join the SSL Labs community:

Before you use this tool please review the terms and conditions, which can be found here:

Deprecated clients are now available at deprecated-clients


  • Go >= 1.3



If you're using API v4 for the first time then please use the ssllabs-scan-v4-register

    ssllabs-scan-v4-register --firstName John --lastName Doe --organization Example --email
    ssllabs-scan-v4 [options] --email hostname
    ssllabs-scan-v4 [options] --email --hostfile file

OPTIONS ssllabs-scan-v4.go

OptionDefault valueDescription
--apiBUILTINAPI entry point, for example
--verbosityinfoConfigure log verbosity: error, info, debug, or trace
--quietfalseDisable status messages (logging)
--ignore-mismatchfalseProceed with assessments on certificate mismatch
--json-flatfalseOutput results in flattened JSON format
--hostfilenoneFile containing hosts to scan (one per line)
--usecachefalseIf true, accept cached results (if available), else force live scan
--gradefalseOutput only the hostname: grade
--hostcheckfalseIf true, host resolution failure will result in a fatal error
--email""Registered organization email for API v4 (required)


OptionDefault valueDescription
--firstName""First name of the user
--lastName""Last name of the user
--organization""Organization of the user
--email""Organization email of the user
--registerApiUrlBUILTINRegister API entry point, for example

Third-Party Tools and Libraries

A list of libraries and tools that rely on the SSL Labs APIs can be found on the SSL Labs web site:


Docker images for this project are available at: