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Quick Overview
The stripe-cli is a command-line interface tool developed by Stripe for interacting with the Stripe API. It provides developers with a convenient way to manage Stripe resources, test webhooks, and perform various Stripe-related tasks directly from the terminal.
- Simplifies local development and testing of Stripe integrations
- Offers real-time webhook event monitoring and forwarding
- Provides easy access to Stripe API functionality through command-line commands
- Supports multiple environments (test and live) with easy switching
- Limited to command-line interface, which may not be suitable for all users
- Requires separate installation and setup process
- May have a learning curve for developers new to CLI tools
- Some advanced features might require additional configuration
Getting Started
Install the Stripe CLI:
brew install stripe/stripe-cli/stripe
Log in to your Stripe account:
stripe login
Listen for webhook events:
stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/webhook
Create a customer:
stripe customers create --name="John Doe" --email=""
List recent payments:
stripe payments list --limit 5
These instructions provide a quick start for installing the Stripe CLI, logging in, and performing basic operations. For more detailed usage and advanced features, refer to the official Stripe CLI documentation.
Competitor Comparisons
GitHub’s official command line tool
Pros of cli/cli
- More comprehensive GitHub functionality, covering a wider range of GitHub features
- Larger community and more frequent updates, leading to better support and faster bug fixes
- Designed for general GitHub users, not limited to a specific service
Cons of cli/cli
- Steeper learning curve due to more complex functionality
- May include features unnecessary for users primarily focused on repository management
Code Comparison
stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/webhook
gh repo create my-project --public
gh issue create --title "Bug report" --body "Description of the issue"
The stripe-cli example shows how to listen for webhook events, while cli/cli demonstrates creating a repository and an issue. This highlights the difference in focus between the two CLIs, with stripe-cli being more specialized for Stripe-related tasks and cli/cli offering broader GitHub functionality.
Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services
Pros of AWS CLI
- More comprehensive feature set, covering a wider range of AWS services
- Larger community and more extensive documentation
- Supports multiple programming languages through SDKs
Cons of AWS CLI
- Steeper learning curve due to the vast number of commands and options
- Slower release cycle for new features compared to Stripe CLI
- More complex installation process, especially on Windows
Code Comparison
AWS CLI example:
aws s3 cp myfile.txt s3://my-bucket/
aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=instance-type,Values=t2.micro"
Stripe CLI example:
stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/webhook
stripe trigger payment_intent.succeeded
The AWS CLI typically requires more verbose commands with multiple options, while the Stripe CLI focuses on simpler, more specific actions related to Stripe's services.
Both CLIs offer powerful functionality for their respective platforms, but AWS CLI covers a broader range of services and has a more complex structure. Stripe CLI, on the other hand, provides a more streamlined experience focused on Stripe's payment processing and related features.
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Stripe CLI
The Stripe CLI helps you build, test, and manage your Stripe integration right from the terminal.
With the CLI, you can:
- Securely test webhooks without relying on 3rd party software
- Trigger webhook events or resend events for easy testing
- Tail your API request logs in real-time
- Create, retrieve, update, or delete API objects.
Stripe CLI is available for macOS, Windows, and Linux for distros like Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat and CentOS.
Stripe CLI is available on macOS via Homebrew:
brew install stripe/stripe-cli/stripe
Refer to the installation instructions for available Linux installation options.
Stripe CLI is available on Windows via the Scoop package manager:
scoop bucket add stripe
scoop install stripe
The CLI is also available as a Docker image: stripe/stripe-cli
docker run --rm -it stripe/stripe-cli version
stripe version x.y.z (beta)
Password Store Setup with Docker
While test mode doesnât require password store, you will need to set it up if you wish to perform live mode requests.
You can also make live mode requests on a per command basis by attaching the
- Create
if ! [ -f ~/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg ] ; then
chmod 700 ~/.gnupg/
gpg --quick-generate-key stripe-live # This will generate a gpg key called "stripe-live"
if ! [ -f ~/.password-store/.gpg-id ] ; then
pass init stripe-live # This will initialize a password store record named "stripe-live", using the gpg key above
pass insert stripe-live # This will insert value for the password store "stripe-live", which we will put Stripe Live Secret Key in
if [ -z "${string##*$liveflag*}" ] ;then
OPTS="--api-key $(pass show stripe-live)" # This will use the content of the password store "stripe-live" which was inserted in line 8
#pass insert stripe-live
/bin/stripe $@ $OPTS
- Create a docker file
FROM stripe/stripe-cli:vx.x.x
RUN apk add pass gpg-agent
COPY ./ /
- Build the docker image
docker build -t stripe-cli -f Dockerfile-cli .
- Run the docker image with password volumes, replacing
with the appropraite Stripe CLI command (i.ecustomers list
docker run --rm -it -v stripe-config://root/.config/stripe/ -v stripe-gpg://root/.gnupg/ -v stripe-pass://root/.password-store/ stripe-cli $command
For live mode requests append
Without package managers
Instructions are also available for installing and using the CLI without a package manager.
Installing the CLI provides access to the stripe
stripe [command]
# Run `--help` for detailed information about CLI commands
stripe [command] help
The Stripe CLI supports a broad range of commands. Below are some of the most used ones:
logs tail
events resend
For a full reference, see the CLI reference site
The Stripe CLI includes a telemetry feature that collects some usage data. See our telemetry reference for details.
Got feedback for us? Please don't hesitate to tell us on feedback.
See Developing the Stripe CLI for more info on how to make contributions to this project.
Copyright (c) Stripe. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 license.
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