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symfony logodebug

Provides tools to ease debugging PHP code


Top Related Projects

Provides tools to manage errors and ease debugging PHP code


PHP errors for cool kids

Debug bar for PHP


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Quick Overview

Symfony Debug is a component of the Symfony PHP framework that provides tools for debugging and error handling in PHP applications. It offers enhanced error reporting, exception handling, and debugging features to help developers identify and fix issues more efficiently.


  • Improved error reporting with detailed stack traces and context information
  • Customizable error handlers and exception handlers
  • Integration with Symfony's VarDumper component for better variable inspection
  • Lightweight and can be used independently of the full Symfony framework


  • May have a slight performance impact when enabled in production environments
  • Some features require additional configuration or setup
  • Limited compatibility with older PHP versions (requires PHP 7.1+)
  • Might conflict with other debugging tools or error handling libraries

Code Examples

  1. Enabling the Debug component:
use Symfony\Component\Debug\Debug;


This code enables the Symfony Debug component, which enhances error reporting and exception handling.

  1. Custom exception handler:
use Symfony\Component\Debug\ExceptionHandler;

$handler = new ExceptionHandler();
$handler->setHandler(function (\Exception $exception) {
    // Custom exception handling logic

This example demonstrates how to set up a custom exception handler using the Debug component.

  1. Using the ErrorHandler:
use Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler;


// Trigger a warning
trigger_error('This is a warning', E_USER_WARNING);

This code registers the ErrorHandler and shows how it can be used to handle errors and warnings.

Getting Started

To use Symfony Debug in your project, follow these steps:

  1. Install the component using Composer:

    composer require symfony/debug
  2. Enable the Debug component in your PHP script:

    use Symfony\Component\Debug\Debug;
  3. Optionally, configure custom error or exception handlers:

    use Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler;
    use Symfony\Component\Debug\ExceptionHandler;

Now you can take advantage of the enhanced debugging and error handling features provided by Symfony Debug in your PHP application.

Competitor Comparisons

Provides tools to manage errors and ease debugging PHP code

Pros of error-handler

  • More comprehensive error handling capabilities, including improved exception handling and debugging features
  • Better integration with modern PHP practices and Symfony components
  • Actively maintained and receives regular updates

Cons of error-handler

  • May have a steeper learning curve for developers familiar with debug
  • Potentially higher resource usage due to more advanced features

Code Comparison


use Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Debug;



use Symfony\Component\Debug\Debug;



error-handler is the successor to debug, offering more advanced error handling and debugging capabilities. It's designed to work seamlessly with modern PHP applications and other Symfony components. While it may require some adjustment for developers used to debug, error-handler provides a more robust solution for error management in PHP applications.

The code usage is similar between the two libraries, with the main difference being the namespace. This allows for a relatively easy transition from debug to error-handler in most cases.

Overall, error-handler is recommended for new projects and those looking to upgrade their error handling capabilities, while debug may still be suitable for legacy applications or those with simpler error handling needs.


PHP errors for cool kids

Pros of Whoops

  • More visually appealing and interactive error pages
  • Supports multiple output formats (HTML, JSON, XML, etc.)
  • Easily extensible with custom handlers

Cons of Whoops

  • Larger footprint and potentially slower performance
  • Less integrated with Symfony ecosystem
  • May require additional configuration for optimal use

Code Comparison


$whoops = new \Whoops\Run;
$whoops->pushHandler(new \Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler);


use Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Debug;


Key Differences

  • Whoops focuses on providing a rich, interactive debugging experience, while Debug is more lightweight and integrated with Symfony components.
  • Whoops offers more customization options for error handling and display, whereas Debug provides a more standardized approach within the Symfony ecosystem.
  • Debug includes additional features like error logging and performance optimization, while Whoops primarily concentrates on error presentation.

Use Cases

  • Choose Whoops for standalone PHP projects or when you need highly customizable error pages.
  • Opt for Debug when working within the Symfony framework or when you require tight integration with other Symfony components.

Community and Maintenance

Both projects are actively maintained and have strong community support. Whoops has a broader user base across various PHP projects, while Debug is more focused on the Symfony ecosystem.

Debug bar for PHP

Pros of php-debugbar

  • Provides a visual debugging toolbar for PHP applications
  • Offers extensive data collectors for various aspects of the application
  • Supports multiple storage backends for collected data

Cons of php-debugbar

  • May have a higher performance impact due to its comprehensive data collection
  • Requires more setup and configuration compared to symfony/debug

Code Comparison


use DebugBar\StandardDebugBar;

$debugbar = new StandardDebugBar();
$debugbarRenderer = $debugbar->getJavascriptRenderer();

$debugbar["messages"]->addMessage("hello world!");


use Symfony\Component\Debug\Debug;


// Your application code here

Key Differences

  • php-debugbar focuses on providing a visual debugging interface, while symfony/debug is more oriented towards error handling and debugging tools
  • symfony/debug is part of the Symfony ecosystem, making it a natural choice for Symfony projects
  • php-debugbar offers more detailed insights into application performance and behavior
  • symfony/debug is generally lighter-weight and easier to integrate into existing projects

Use Cases

  • Choose php-debugbar for comprehensive debugging information in a visual format
  • Opt for symfony/debug for simpler error handling and integration with Symfony components

Guzzle, an extensible PHP HTTP client

Pros of Guzzle

  • More comprehensive HTTP client functionality
  • Extensive documentation and community support
  • Flexible and customizable request/response handling

Cons of Guzzle

  • Larger library size and potential overhead
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners
  • May be overkill for simple HTTP requests

Code Comparison

Guzzle (HTTP request):

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->request('GET', '');
$data = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);

Debug (error handling):

try {
    // Some code that might throw an exception
} catch (\Exception $e) {


Guzzle is a feature-rich HTTP client library for PHP, offering extensive functionality for making HTTP requests and handling responses. It provides a robust set of tools for working with APIs and web services.

Debug, on the other hand, is a component of the Symfony framework focused on error handling and debugging. It offers tools for managing exceptions, error reporting, and stack traces.

While Guzzle excels in HTTP communication, Debug specializes in error management. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of your project: Guzzle for comprehensive HTTP functionality, or Debug for enhanced error handling and debugging capabilities.

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Debug Component

CAUTION: this component is deprecated since Symfony 4.4. Instead, use the ErrorHandler component.

The Debug component provides tools to ease debugging PHP code.

Getting Started

$ composer require symfony/debug
use Symfony\Component\Debug\Debug;

