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timdream logowordcloud2.js

Tag cloud/Wordle presentation on 2D canvas or HTML


Top Related Projects

Create word clouds in JavaScript.

A little word cloud generator in Python

Quick Overview

wordcloud2.js is a JavaScript library for creating word cloud visualizations in web browsers. It allows developers to generate visually appealing word clouds from text data, with customizable options for appearance and layout.


  • Easy to use and integrate into web projects
  • Highly customizable with various options for fonts, colors, and shapes
  • Supports responsive design and works well on different screen sizes
  • Lightweight and fast, with good performance even for large datasets


  • Limited documentation and examples compared to some other visualization libraries
  • Lack of advanced features like interactive tooltips or animations
  • May require additional preprocessing of text data for optimal results
  • Not actively maintained, with infrequent updates

Code Examples

Creating a basic word cloud:

WordCloud(document.getElementById('my_canvas'), { 
  list: [['foo', 12], ['bar', 6], ['baz', 3]],
  fontFamily: 'Arial',
  color: 'random-dark',
  backgroundColor: '#fff'

Customizing the shape of the word cloud:

WordCloud(document.getElementById('my_canvas'), { 
  list: [['foo', 12], ['bar', 6], ['baz', 3]],
  shape: 'circle',
  ellipticity: 1

Using a custom color function:

WordCloud(document.getElementById('my_canvas'), { 
  list: [['foo', 12], ['bar', 6], ['baz', 3]],
  color: function(word, weight) {
    return weight > 10 ? '#f00' : '#00f';

Getting Started

  1. Include the wordcloud2.js script in your HTML:

    <script src=""></script>
  2. Create a canvas element in your HTML:

    <canvas id="my_canvas" width="800" height="400"></canvas>
  3. Use JavaScript to create the word cloud:

    WordCloud(document.getElementById('my_canvas'), { 
      list: [['foo', 12], ['bar', 6], ['baz', 3]]
  4. Customize the word cloud by adding more options to the configuration object as needed.

Competitor Comparisons

Create word clouds in JavaScript.

Pros of d3-cloud

  • Built on D3.js, offering powerful data visualization capabilities and integration with other D3 components
  • Supports more advanced layout algorithms, including spiral and rectangular layouts
  • Better performance for larger datasets due to optimized algorithms

Cons of d3-cloud

  • Steeper learning curve, especially for those unfamiliar with D3.js
  • Less straightforward implementation for simple use cases
  • Requires more setup and configuration compared to wordcloud2.js

Code Comparison


WordCloud(document.getElementById('canvas'), { 
  list: [['foo', 12], ['bar', 6]],
  fontFamily: 'Arial',
  color: 'random-dark'

  .size([800, 300])
  .words([{text: "foo", size: 12}, {text: "bar", size: 6}])
  .rotate(function() { return ~~(Math.random() * 2) * 90; })
  .fontSize(function(d) { return d.size; })
  .on("end", draw)

The code comparison shows that wordcloud2.js has a simpler API for basic usage, while d3-cloud offers more granular control over layout and styling. d3-cloud requires more setup but provides greater flexibility for advanced visualizations.

A little word cloud generator in Python

Pros of word_cloud

  • Written in Python, offering better integration with data science workflows
  • Supports various image formats as masks for custom word cloud shapes
  • More advanced layout algorithms for handling complex arrangements

Cons of word_cloud

  • Requires Python environment and dependencies
  • Less suitable for web-based applications
  • Slower performance compared to JavaScript-based solutions

Code Comparison


WordCloud(document.getElementById('canvas'), { 
  list: [['foo', 12], ['bar', 6]],
  fontFamily: 'Arial',
  color: 'random-dark',
  rotateRatio: 0.5


from wordcloud import WordCloud
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

wordcloud = WordCloud(width=800, height=400, background_color='white').generate(text)
plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')

Key Differences

  • wordcloud2.js is JavaScript-based, making it ideal for web applications
  • word_cloud offers more customization options and integration with data analysis tools
  • wordcloud2.js has a simpler API and is easier to integrate into existing web projects
  • word_cloud provides better support for complex layouts and custom shapes

Both libraries have their strengths, with wordcloud2.js excelling in web environments and word_cloud offering more advanced features for data analysis and visualization tasks.

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wordcloud2.js npm version

Create a tag cloud/Wordle presentation on 2D canvas or HTML.

This library is a spin-off project from HTML5 Word Cloud.

Visit the demo page


npm install wordcloud

Simple usage

Download the latest wordcloud2.js file from the src folder in this repository.

Load wordcloud2.js script to the web page, and run:

WordCloud(document.getElementById('my_canvas'), { list: list } );

where list is an array that look like this: [['foo', 12], ['bar', 6]].

Options available, see API documentation for detail.

Contact & help

Please read through the API documentation and before filing an issue or contact me via e-mail.


Before putting each word on the canvas, it is drawn on a separate canvas to read back the pixels to record is drawn spaces. With the information, wordcloud.js will then try to find a place to fit the word that is closest to the start point.


Tests are available with QUnit and grunt. To setup environment for testing, run npm install and manually install SlimerJS of your platform.

Use grunt test to ensure all options can be set without JavaScript error.

Use grunt compare --base-commit=gh-pages to compare your proposed fix with gh-pages branch.


The developer would like to thank Chad Jensen for sponsoring the work on image masking on the demo page.

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