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:warning: The Truffle Suite is being sunset. For information on ongoing support, migration options and FAQs, visit the Consensys blog. Thank you for all the support over the years.


Top Related Projects

OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development.


Collection of comprehensive TypeScript libraries for Interaction with the Ethereum JSON RPC API and utility functions.

Complete Ethereum library and wallet implementation in JavaScript.

Dapp, Seth, Hevm, and more

Quick Overview

Truffle is a popular development environment, testing framework, and asset pipeline for Ethereum blockchain development. It provides a suite of tools to streamline the process of building, testing, and deploying smart contracts, making it easier for developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum network.


  • Comprehensive toolset for Ethereum development, including contract compilation, deployment, and testing
  • Built-in smart contract testing framework with Mocha and Chai
  • Supports multiple networks and easy migration between them
  • Active community and extensive documentation


  • Learning curve for beginners in blockchain development
  • Limited support for non-Ethereum blockchains
  • Can be resource-intensive for large projects
  • Some users report occasional stability issues with newer versions

Code Examples

  1. Deploying a smart contract:
const MyContract = artifacts.require("MyContract");

module.exports = function(deployer) {
  1. Writing a simple test for a smart contract:
const MyContract = artifacts.require("MyContract");

contract("MyContract", (accounts) => {
  it("should set the correct initial value", async () => {
    const instance = await MyContract.deployed();
    const value = await instance.getValue();
    assert.equal(value, 0, "Initial value should be 0");
  1. Interacting with a deployed contract:
const MyContract = artifacts.require("MyContract");

module.exports = async function(callback) {
  try {
    const instance = await MyContract.deployed();
    await instance.setValue(42);
    const value = await instance.getValue();
    console.log("New value:", value.toString());
  } catch (error) {

Getting Started

  1. Install Truffle globally:

    npm install -g truffle
  2. Create a new Truffle project:

    mkdir my-project
    cd my-project
    truffle init
  3. Write your smart contracts in the contracts/ directory

  4. Configure your networks in truffle-config.js

  5. Compile and deploy your contracts:

    truffle compile
    truffle migrate
  6. Run tests:

    truffle test

Competitor Comparisons

OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development.

Pros of OpenZeppelin Contracts

  • Comprehensive library of secure, audited smart contract components
  • Regularly updated to address security vulnerabilities and follow best practices
  • Extensive documentation and community support

Cons of OpenZeppelin Contracts

  • More focused on contract components rather than full development workflow
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners compared to Truffle's all-in-one solution
  • May require additional tools for testing and deployment

Code Comparison

OpenZeppelin Contracts:

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

contract MyToken is ERC20 {
    constructor(uint256 initialSupply) ERC20("MyToken", "MTK") {
        _mint(msg.sender, initialSupply);


const MyToken = artifacts.require("MyToken");

module.exports = function(deployer) {
  deployer.deploy(MyToken, 1000000);

OpenZeppelin Contracts focuses on providing reusable smart contract components, while Truffle offers a complete development environment. OpenZeppelin's code snippet shows how to create an ERC20 token using their library, whereas Truffle's example demonstrates a deployment script for a custom token contract.


Collection of comprehensive TypeScript libraries for Interaction with the Ethereum JSON RPC API and utility functions.

Pros of web3.js

  • Lightweight and focused solely on Ethereum interactions
  • Extensive documentation and community support
  • Flexible for use in various JavaScript environments (browser, Node.js)

Cons of web3.js

  • Limited to Ethereum-specific functionality
  • Requires additional tools for full-stack dApp development
  • Less opinionated, potentially leading to inconsistent project structures

Code Comparison


const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3 = new Web3('http://localhost:8545');

const balance = await web3.eth.getBalance('0x1234...');
console.log('Balance:', web3.utils.fromWei(balance, 'ether'));


const MyContract = artifacts.require("MyContract");

module.exports = async function(deployer) {
  await deployer.deploy(MyContract);
  const instance = await MyContract.deployed();
  console.log('Contract address:', instance.address);

web3.js focuses on direct Ethereum interactions, while Truffle provides a more comprehensive development framework. web3.js is ideal for developers who need fine-grained control over Ethereum interactions and want to integrate with existing projects. Truffle, on the other hand, offers a complete suite of tools for smart contract development, testing, and deployment, making it more suitable for full-stack dApp development and larger projects requiring a structured approach.

Complete Ethereum library and wallet implementation in JavaScript.

Pros of ethers.js

  • Lightweight and modular, allowing for smaller bundle sizes
  • More comprehensive TypeScript support
  • Designed with security in mind, including built-in protection against common vulnerabilities

Cons of ethers.js

  • Less integrated development environment compared to Truffle's full suite
  • Steeper learning curve for beginners due to its lower-level approach
  • Lacks built-in testing framework and deployment tools

Code Comparison

Ethers.js example:

const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider();
const signer = provider.getSigner();
const contract = new ethers.Contract(address, abi, signer);
const result = await contract.someFunction();

Truffle example:

const MyContract = artifacts.require("MyContract");
const instance = await MyContract.deployed();
const result = await instance.someFunction();


Ethers.js is a lightweight, security-focused library for interacting with Ethereum, offering excellent TypeScript support. It's ideal for developers who prefer a modular approach and want fine-grained control over their Ethereum interactions.

Truffle, on the other hand, provides a more comprehensive development environment with built-in testing and deployment tools, making it easier for beginners to get started with Ethereum development. However, it may be less flexible for advanced use cases and has a larger footprint.

The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of the project and the developer's experience level with Ethereum development.

Dapp, Seth, Hevm, and more

Pros of Dapptools

  • More lightweight and modular approach, allowing for greater flexibility
  • Better support for formal verification and property-based testing
  • Faster compilation times due to optimized Solidity compiler

Cons of Dapptools

  • Steeper learning curve, especially for developers new to Ethereum
  • Smaller community and ecosystem compared to Truffle
  • Less comprehensive documentation and tutorials available

Code Comparison

Truffle (JavaScript-based testing):

contract('MyContract', (accounts) => {
  it('should do something', async () => {
    const instance = await MyContract.deployed();
    const result = await instance.someFunction();
    assert.equal(result, expectedValue);

Dapptools (Seth for testing):

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

# Deploy contract
CONTRACT=$(seth send --create out/MyContract.bin 'MyContract()')

# Call function and check result
result=$(seth call $CONTRACT 'someFunction()')
[[ $result == $expected_value ]] || error "Unexpected result"

Both tools offer robust development environments for Ethereum smart contracts, but Dapptools provides a more Unix-like, command-line-oriented approach compared to Truffle's JavaScript-based ecosystem. The choice between them often depends on the developer's preferences and project requirements.

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:warning: The Truffle Suite is being sunset. For information on ongoing support, migration options and FAQs, visit the Consensys blog. Thank you for all the support over the years.

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Truffle is a development environment, testing framework, and asset pipeline for Ethereum, aiming to make life as an Ethereum developer easier. With Truffle you get:

  • Built-in smart contract compilation, linking, deployment and binary management.
  • Automated contract testing with Mocha and Chai.
  • Configurable build pipeline with support for custom build processes.
  • Scriptable deployment & migrations framework.
  • Network management for deploying to many public & private networks.
  • Interactive console for direct contract communication.
  • Instant rebuilding of assets during development.
  • External script runner that executes scripts within a Truffle environment.
ℹ️ Contributors: Please see the Development section of this README.


$ npm install -g truffle

Note: To avoid any strange permissions errors, we recommend using nvm.

Quick Usage

For a default set of contracts and tests, run the following within an empty project directory:

$ truffle init

From there, you can run truffle compile, truffle migrate, and truffle test to compile your contracts, deploy those contracts to the network, and run their associated unit tests.

Truffle comes bundled with a local development blockchain server that launches automatically when you invoke the commands above. If you'd like to configure a more advanced development environment we recommend you install the blockchain server separately by running npm install -g ganache at the command line.

  • ganache: a command-line version of Truffle's blockchain server.
  • ganache-ui: A GUI for the server that displays your transaction history and chain state.


Please see the Official Truffle Documentation for guides, tips, and examples.


We welcome pull requests. To get started, just fork this repo, clone it locally, and run:

# Install
npm install -g yarn
yarn bootstrap

# Test
yarn test

# Adding dependencies to a package
cd packages/<truffle-package>
yarn add <npm-package> [--dev] # Use yarn

If you'd like to update a dependency to the same version across all packages, you might find this utility helpful.

Notes on project branches:

  • master: Stable, released version (v5)
  • beta: Released beta version
  • develop: Work targeting stable release (v5)
  • next: Not currently in use

Please make pull requests against develop.

There is a bit more information in the file.



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