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uBlockOrigin logouAssets

Resources for uBlock Origin, uMatrix: static filter lists, ready-to-use rulesets, etc.


Top Related Projects


uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.

AdGuard Content Blocking Filters

EasyList filter subscription (EasyList, EasyPrivacy, EasyList Cookie, Fanboy's Social/Annoyances/Notifications Blocking List)

Automatically updated, moderated and optimized lists for blocking ads, trackers, malware and other garbage


🔒 Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources. Optionally pick extensions for porn, social media, and other categories.

Quick Overview

uBlockOrigin/uAssets is a repository containing filter lists and resources for the uBlock Origin ad blocker. It serves as the primary source of filter rules and other assets used by uBlock Origin to block ads, trackers, and other unwanted content across the web.


  • Regularly updated with new filter rules to combat evolving ad techniques
  • Community-driven project with contributions from many users
  • Highly effective at blocking a wide range of ads and trackers
  • Lightweight and efficient, with minimal impact on browsing performance


  • May occasionally cause false positives, blocking legitimate content
  • Requires ongoing maintenance to keep up with changes in web technologies
  • Some websites may detect ad blockers and restrict access to content
  • Can potentially impact revenue for content creators who rely on ad income

Competitor Comparisons


uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.

Pros of uBlock

  • More comprehensive codebase, including the core extension functionality
  • Includes both filter lists and the extension code in a single repository
  • Offers a wider range of customization options and features

Cons of uBlock

  • Larger repository size, potentially more complex to navigate
  • May require more frequent updates due to the inclusion of both filters and code
  • Higher maintenance overhead for contributors

Code Comparison




! Title: uBlock filters
! Description: Filters optimized for uBlock Origin
! Expires: 4 days
! Last modified: %timestamp%
! License:


uBlock is a comprehensive repository containing both the extension code and filter lists, offering more features and customization options. uAssets, on the other hand, focuses solely on filter lists and rules, making it more lightweight and easier to maintain. The choice between the two depends on whether you need the full extension functionality or just the filtering rules.

AdGuard Content Blocking Filters

Pros of AdguardFilters

  • More comprehensive filter lists, including specialized categories like annoyances and social media
  • Regular updates and maintenance by a dedicated team
  • Supports a wider range of ad-blocking applications beyond uBlock Origin

Cons of AdguardFilters

  • Larger file sizes due to more extensive filter lists, potentially impacting performance
  • May cause more website breakages due to aggressive filtering
  • Less focus on privacy-specific filters compared to uAssets

Code Comparison


! Title: uBlock filters – Privacy
! Description: Some of these filters make use of the network filtering...
! Homepage:
! Expires: 4 days


! Title: AdGuard Base filter
! Description: EasyList + AdGuard English filter
! Version:
! TimeUpdated: 2023-04-20T00:00:00+00:00
! Expires: 4 days (update frequency)

Both repositories contain filter lists for ad-blocking, but AdguardFilters offers a broader range of specialized filters. uAssets focuses more on privacy and performance, while AdguardFilters provides comprehensive coverage for various ad-blocking scenarios. The code snippets show similar structure in filter list headers, with AdguardFilters including additional metadata like version numbers.

EasyList filter subscription (EasyList, EasyPrivacy, EasyList Cookie, Fanboy's Social/Annoyances/Notifications Blocking List)

Pros of EasyList

  • Larger and more comprehensive filter list
  • Longer history and wider adoption across various ad-blocking tools
  • More frequent updates due to larger contributor base

Cons of EasyList

  • Can be overly aggressive, sometimes blocking non-ad content
  • May cause higher performance impact due to its size
  • Less focus on privacy-specific filters compared to uAssets

Code Comparison


! Title: uBlock filters
! Description: Filters optimized for uBlock Origin
! Homepage:


[Adblock Plus 2.0]
! Version: 202304271911
! Title: EasyList
! Last modified: 27 Apr 2023 19:11 UTC
! Expires: 4 days (update frequency)

Both repositories contain filter lists for ad-blocking, but they differ in structure and focus. uAssets is specifically tailored for uBlock Origin, while EasyList is more general-purpose and widely used across various ad-blocking tools.

uAssets tends to be more concise and performance-oriented, with a stronger emphasis on privacy protection. EasyList, being more comprehensive, offers broader coverage but may have a higher performance impact.

The code snippets show the different header formats used in their respective filter lists, reflecting their distinct approaches and target audiences.

Automatically updated, moderated and optimized lists for blocking ads, trackers, malware and other garbage

Pros of hosts-blocklists

  • Broader scope: Blocks a wide range of domains, including malware, ads, and tracking
  • System-wide blocking: Can be used at the DNS or hosts file level for all applications
  • Lightweight: Simple text-based format, easy to implement and modify

Cons of hosts-blocklists

  • Less granular control: Blocks entire domains rather than specific elements
  • Potential for false positives: May inadvertently block legitimate content
  • Limited customization: Lacks advanced features like cosmetic filtering

Code Comparison




The hosts-blocklists format is simpler, using IP redirection to block entire domains. uAssets uses more complex syntax, allowing for element hiding and more specific blocking rules.

Both repositories aim to enhance user privacy and security by blocking unwanted content, but they differ in their approach and level of customization. hosts-blocklists is more suitable for system-wide blocking, while uAssets is designed for use with the uBlock Origin browser extension, offering more fine-grained control over web content.


🔒 Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources. Optionally pick extensions for porn, social media, and other categories.

Pros of hosts

  • Simpler implementation, using system-level hosts file blocking
  • Works across all applications and browsers on the system
  • Can be used on devices without browser extension support

Cons of hosts

  • Less granular control over blocking rules
  • May require root/admin access to modify hosts file
  • Limited to domain-level blocking, cannot target specific page elements

Code Comparison




Key Differences

uAssets offers more flexible and powerful blocking capabilities, including element hiding and network request blocking. It's designed specifically for uBlock Origin and similar content blockers.

hosts provides a simpler, system-wide approach to blocking domains, but lacks the advanced features and fine-grained control of uAssets.

uAssets is more frequently updated and maintained by a larger community, while hosts relies on periodic updates from its maintainers and contributors.

uAssets is optimized for browser-based content blocking, while hosts can be applied to any network-connected device with a modifiable hosts file.

Overall, uAssets is better suited for advanced users seeking granular control over web content, while hosts offers a simpler, more universal approach to domain blocking.

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This repository is for the resources of uBlock Origin (uBO). It receives all reports for new filters or existing filters that cause web page breakage. Any contributors are welcome. Contributors who are proven valuable will get write permissions to the repository.

The rationale for including a specific filter in uBO's filter lists is the same as the EasyList/EasyPrivacy policies and also takes into account whether a filter requires uBO's extended filter syntax.

It is preferred to fix filter issues in EasyList. Any filters included in uBO's filter lists must use the extended syntax.

The EasyList-compatible fixes for high-traffic websites are added to uBO filters until they become added to EasyList.

uAssets will fix the following exceptions even if they do not require using the extended syntax:

  • Ad-Reinsertion
  • Anti-Blocker
  • Context Menu Blockage
  • Cut/Copy/Paste Blockage
  • Popups/Popunders
  • Website Breakage
  • Video Ads

uAssets will not address the following:

  • Paywalls
  • Porn Farms

How to correctly report an issue

  • Disable all other browser extensions and see if the problem still persists

  • How to provide troubleshooting information:

    If the problem persists, then please:

    • On the problematic website, click the uBlock Origin icon
    • Click the chat icon
    • Click "Troubleshooting Information" to expand, and copy that information into the appropriate github issue.

Support Forum

For support, questions, or help, visit /r/uBlockOrigin.

uBO Issues

Report issues with uBO in the uBO issue tracker.

uBO Lite (uBOL) Issues

Report issues specific to the Manifest Version 3 (MV3) variant in the uBOL issue tracker.

Similarly-Purposed Blockers

Do NOT use any other similarly-purposed blockers concurrently with uBO. It can result in website breakage or undefined results.